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102 Private Records Hidden\nPrivate Records Hidden 103 AlarmOn 104 AlarmTime 105 AlarmUnit 106 Hotsync Manager is currently editing the users.dat file and PalmPilot Desktop cannot gain access to the file. 107 Export failed: %1 is an invalid filename. 108 \nThis file already exists.\nDo you want to replace it? 175 Please enter a user name. 176 Rename User 177 Delete User 178 Delete the %1 name and ALL ASSOCIATED DATA of '%2'? 179 New User 180 Delete %1 Category 181 All records from category %1 will be added to Unfiled. Delete category %1? 182 New Category 183 Please enter a category name. 184 Please enter a category name. 185 Rename Category 186 MS Word 187 MS Excel 188 MS Access 189 MS Mail 190 Clipboard 191 CSV 192 Last Name 193 First Name 194 Title 195 Company 196 Work 197 Home 198 Fax 199 E-Mail 200 Category 201 Address 202 City 203 State 204 Zip 205 Country 206 Note 207 Custom 1 208 Custom 2 209 Custom 3 210 Custom 4 211 Private 212 Phone 1 213 Phone 2 214 Phone 3 215 Phone 4 216 Unfiled 217 Memo 218 WinWord 219 Excel 220 System 221 Topics 222 [New] 223 [FileNew] 224 Document%1 225 [Book%1]Sheet1 226 \StartOfDoc 227 \EndOfDoc 228 [AppRestore] 229 [APP.RESTORE] 230 [COLUMN.WIDTH(,"%1",,3,%2)] 231 R%1C%2 232 %1:%2 233 C%1 234 Address Book 235 Name 236 Title 237 Company 238 Phone 1 239 Phone 2 240 Phone 3 241 Phone 4 242 Phone 5 243 Address 244 City 245 State 246 Zip Code 247 Country 248 Custom 1 249 Custom 2 250 Custom 3 251 Custom 4 252 R%1 253 [COLUMN.WIDTH(,,,,%1)] 254 [COLUMN.WIDTH(%1,"%2",,,#)] 255 Priority 256 Priority: %1 257 Completed 258 Completed: %1 259 Yes 260 No 261 Note: 262 To Do List 263 Item Description 264 Due Date 265 [SELECT("%1")] 266 [ALIGNMENT(%1)] 267 [SELECT("%1","%2")] 268 [COLUMN.WIDTH(,"%1",,1,1)] 269 [COLUMN.WIDTH(,"%1",,2,1)] 270 Core 271 Path 272 WorkDayBegins 273 WorkWeekBegins 274 Preferences 275 Private 276 Invalid date entered. 277 Edit Categories... 278 All 279 Unfiled 280 '%1' was not found. 281 Find 282 No more occurrences of '%1' were encountered. 283 Invalid date entered. 284 Archive 285 Edit %1 Categories 286 Toolbar 287 ColorToolbar 288 LargeToolbar 289 Your request resulted in no items to be printed. 290 Print 291 [TextToTable .ConvertFrom=1, .NumColumns=%1, .NumRows=%2] 292 [EditSelectAll] 293 Last Name 294 Note 295 [TogglePortrait] 296 [FontSize %1] 297 [FilePageSetup .LeftMargin=18, .RightMargin=18, .TopMargin=54, .BottomMargin=54] 298 [FormatFont .Bold=1] 299 [FormatFont .Bold=0] 300 All changes since the last save will be lost. Revert to the previously saved %1 file? 301 File Import/Export is not available in %1 302 Phone 5 303 Mobile 304 [PalmAppAddress] 305 [PalmAppMemo] 306 [PalmAppTodo] 307 [Run("PALMAPP.XLS!PalmAppAddress")] 308 [Run("PALMAPP.XLS!PalmAppTodo")] 309 is already in use as a user or profile name. 310 User Name Exists 311 EventFont 312 No more than 15 categories are allowed. 313 The category named %1 already exists. All items from %2 will be added to %1. Continue? 314 Record 315 is already a category. 316 Category Exists 317 The text pasted from the clipboard will be truncated to fit this field. This operation cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue? 318 Delete Profile 319 Rename Profile 320 Enter a new user name: 321 Enter a new profile name: 322 Setup 323 DirectComPort 324 DirectBaudRate 325 ModemComPort 326 ModemBaudRate 327 Direct 328 COM1 329 Select a user: 330 Select a profile: 331 ATS0=1M1L0 332 ATS0=1M1L0 333 ModemInitString 334 ModemType 335 HotSync Setup options have changed. The new setup will take effect the next time you start the HotSync Manager. 336 Please select a category before deleting. 337 Please select a category before renaming. 338 Print 339 Cut 340 Copy 341 Paste 342 Undo 343 Find 344 Unable to import '%1' in the selected format. 345 Please enter a profile name. 346 New Profile 348 You must enter at least one user name. 350 Tooltips 351 clipbrd.exe 352 No clipboard viewer available. 353 The selected data has been transferred to the Clipboard. 354 Import 355 Province 356 Postal Code 357 Town 358 County 359 Post Code 360 Reading file... 362 Another data transfer is still in progress. Complete that session before initiating another transfer. 363 ModemInitCustom 364 Custom 365 Please select a user name. 366 %1 is not a %2 archive file, or the file is corrupt. 367 Updating Address Book...\n\n%1 Record(s) Imported. 368 Updating Memo Pad...\n\n%1 Record(s) Imported. 369 PalmPilot Desktop could not paste all records from the clipboard because the maximum number of records has been reached. You should delete or archive some records, HotSync, and then add new records. 370 Could not access clipboard data. 372 Please select a profile name. 373 Add User Error 374 Could not add user '%1'. '%1' is an illegal user name, or the user directory could not be created. 377 ATS0=1M1L0+H0 378 ConfirmDelete 380 Profiles 381 Users 382 &Profiles... 383 &Users... 384 Could not add profile '%1'. '%1' is an illegal profile name, or the profile directory could not be created. 385 Add Profile Error 386 Cannot create more than 255 profiles. 387 Updating To Do...\n\n%1 Record(s) Imported.\n\nNote: Not all imported records may be displayed on the current view. 388 Updating Date Book...\n\n%1 Record(s) Imported.\n\nNote: Not all imported records may be displayed on the current view. 412 HotSync Action for %1 413 startup\palmapp.dot 414 xlstart\palmapp.xls 415 New Profile 416 Enter a new profile name: 417 New User 418 Enter a new user name: 419 profile 420 user 421 start\palmapp.dot