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- 13-Nov-2000 3.64
- * Display now the icons (small and normal) in gray levels if users
- uses an application that changes the gray scale (as Silverscreen or
- dephhack for instance).
- 8-Nov-2000 3.63
- * Now display a ">4k" label at the bottom right on the screen
- when the text field length of the non-encrypted memo is over
- 4096 char. Thus, user knows that he must encrypt the memo not
- to loose some information at the next hotsync (memo over 'k are
- truncated while an hotsync occur so the only way to preserve all
- the text is to encrypt the memo). This label only displays on
- non-encrypted memo.
- * changed the popup trigger on the edit form to a selector trigger
- as in PalmOS 3.5.
- 20-Oct-2000 3.62 & 3.23
- * Fixed a bug that did not display the last visible memo on the main
- form in a encrypted category.
- * Fixed a bug that did not scroll the first time when trying to scroll
- down of one line when in a new category (when you switch of category,
- you had to scroll down twice the first time to effectively scroll down
- of one line).
- For the v. 2.23 : Change the display update when entering and exiting
- a memo (cf v. 3.54 explanation), and the changes above.
- 15-Oct-2000 3.61
- * Fixed a bug that, when using the "move record on top" feature and
- exiting CryptoPad from the edit form, did not return in the correct
- memo when starting again CryptoPad.
- 7-Oct-2000 3.6
- * Added a choice for the categories rotation (while using the hard
- key) in the Preferences. It allows the rotation to go also in
- "Unfiled" or to skip the "All" category.
- * Added an option that move each last consulted memo on top.
- Thus, the more often read memos are placed on top of the list.
- * Now, the sort order in CryptoPad is automatically applied to
- MemoPad so an hotsync does not cause the memos to be alphabetically
- sorted when MemoPad uses an alphabetic sorting and CryptoPad a
- manual one. Plus, if the sort order is alphabetic, the CryptoPad
- database is (at each start) sorted because the CryptoPad desktop
- does not use a sort order.
- * Fixed the upshift bug (explain in the v. 3.54) for OS below 3.5.
- The correction made for the previous version was only working
- with PalmOS 3.5 user.
- 2-Oct-2000 3.54
- * Now, entering in a memo and exiting it does not force anymore the
- main view to display the list beginning from this one.
- Before : memos 1-11 was visible, enter in memo 3, exit -> memos 3-14
- visible ; now, memos still 1-11 visible. The top record only change if
- user changes of memos using the hardkey in the edit form and exits a
- memo that is not anymore visible.
- * Fixed a bug that let the upshift char set when entering text from
- the main view to create a memo (causing the text to appear like
- this "THis is an example..." instead of "This an ...".
- 25-Sep-2000 3.53
- * Fixed a bug that did not display a record in the category "All"
- while using the separate font feature when it was in
- LargeBold Font and the last one of the list and the record after
- was in a Normal or Bold Font. For example, the record 21 in Normal
- Font was visible at bottom of the list but not the 20 in LargeBold
- Font that only reappeared when scrolling down.
- * Fixed a bug that displayed the message "Synchronise Font" (when using
- the separate font feature) in Bold or Large Bold font when unchecking
- the "Use Single Font" checkbox (in Preferences) and using a Bold or
- Large Bold font for the main list.
- 20-Sep-2000 3.52 & 2.22
- * Fixed a bug that did not update the main form when having
- chosen "Forgotten password" and that crashed the pilot
- when trying to enter in a deleted record. This bug was also
- solved in v. 3.32 but reappear after a change I made in the code.
- 20-Sep-2000 3.51 & 2.21
- * Speed up the display in the categories (except all") when
- using the separate font feature.
- * Speed up the lauch when using the separate font feature.
- Now, it just take a little time to launch when a memo has
- been added/deleted outside CryptoPad (in MemoPad or on PC)
- but if there was no change, the start is as quick as without
- the use of the feature.
- * Readjust the position of scrollbar and table in the main form.
- * Fixed a bug that crashed the Palm when scrolling a whole page
- (with the hard keys) in a category where all the memos were
- crypted. The message was "err getting position".
- 18-Sep-2000 3.5 & 2.2
- * Code have been reduced and improved.
- * For 3.51 : Now support the new function of the PalmOS 3.5 (command bar,
- security command, mask on private record...).
- * Fixed a bug that truncated a memo in the main form a
- little to much when not crypted.
- * Fixed to fix a bug that did not unhighlight correctly
- the crypted memo when hiting Cancel on password form.
- * Fixed to fix a bug that, when exiting of the application
- from the edit form, making a hotsync with a change on
- this record and returning into CryptoPad, did not display
- the good record.
- 6-Sep-2000 2.16 & 3.32
- * Now, CryptoPad automatically exits from the edition of a
- CRYPTED memo when switching to another application
- (using SwitchHack for example or hiting Application) or
- powering off the Palm (automatically or not).
- * Fixed a bug that did not update the main form when having
- chosen "Forgotten password" and that crashed the pilot when
- trying to enter in a deleted record.
- * Fixed a bug that did not unhighlight the line of a crypted
- selected memo when tapping Cancel in the password popuform.
- * Minor changes in the preferences reading that maybe could
- make the pilot crash when starting the application after
- an upgrade from a previous release.
- * Fixed a bug that displayed the last records in the main
- form when switching from a category to 'All' instead
- of showing the first record.
- * For v. 3.32 : Fixed a bug in the beam function that truncated
- the first letter of each line in the beamed memo.
- 2-Sep-2000 2.15
- * Minor changes about preferences and global password storage.
- 1-Sep-2000 3.31
- * Compatible with the new CryptoPad desktop released
- (previously, you were not able to see the correct names
- of the categories on the desktop). This program is available
- separately and is wonderful (it has been made by my brother
- Maxime Labelle who did a wonderful job).
- * Now, when the Palm is turned off while editing
- a crypted memo, the application returns automatically
- in the main form.
- * Fix some bugs with the Preferences (when users upgrade
- from a previous release) and with the global password
- storage.
- 27-Aug-2000 3.3
- * Added the beam feature for decrypted record
- or a whole category (notice that the receiver must
- be out of CryptoPad to be able to receive a
- memo/category).
- Now, this version includes all the MemoPad feature
- + a lot of new ones.
- 28-Jul-2000 3.21
- * Added a separate font feature in the Preferences
- that allows user to choose a separate font for each
- memo and each category.
- 18-Aug-2000 2.14
- * Minor changes and size reduced.
- 28-Jul-2000 2.13 & 3.13
- * Now, choosing "Forgotten password..." will not force
- anymore user to return in the main form but stay in
- the Preferences.
- * Fixed a bug that crashed the Palm when trying
- encrypt/decrypt a category already encrypted/decrypted
- after having used the paste function in a crypted memo
- (this bug is hard to reproduce but one reported me it !).
- 24-Jul-2000 2.12 & 3.12
- * Improvment of the category encryption/decryption speed.
- * Fixed a bug that crashed the Palm when trying
- the scroll after encryption of a category.
- 21-Jul-2000 2.11 & 3.11
- * Added a encrypt/decrypt category feature.
- * Added support to find for crypted record
- while in a session where the global password
- has been entered.
- * Added the position of the title and the number
- of records in the current category in the edit
- form title.
- * Added a bunch of code to remove the global
- password entered in the session when user
- presses the power hard key or when auto-off
- occurs.
- * Fixed a bug that did not sort correctly when
- using alphabetic sort order and decrypting a
- crypted record.
- 16-Jul-2000 2.1 & 3.1
- * Added support to find.
- * Added a global password feature in the Preferences.
- This allows user to define a global password that will be
- asked the first time a user when to encrypt/decrypt a record.
- All previously crypted records with an other password will
- be decrypted the first time only with their current password
- (when user exits the memo, it will be automatically reencrypt
- with the global password).
- * Fixed a bug with the PC synchronisation application.
- When user crypted a memo, the memo was removed from
- MemoPad and created in the CryptoPad database. But when
- synchronising, the memo was still present on the PC (on
- Oulook, Palm Desktop or other). Now, the record is correctly
- deleted on PC when user synchronises.
- * Fixed a bug that did not update the scrollbar when there are
- blank lines at the bottom of the edit field because of
- characters that were removed.
- * Fixed a bug that did not scroll properly in the main form
- when there were more than 10 records crypted.
- * Fixed a bug that crashed the Palm when drawing a non-alphanumeric
- character in the main form to create a new memo (as a white space
- for instance).
- * Fixed a bug that crashed the Palm when user removes all the
- characters of the edit form and swithes to another application
- and back to CryptoPad.
- * Fixed a bug that did not display the correct menu in the edit
- form ("Remove password" instead of "Encrypt record") when
- deleting a record with the menu command or in removing all
- the characters of the field and tapping done.
- * Fixed a bug that did not exactly map the Unfiled category for
- foreigner versions. For example, in the french version, a memo
- in the "Unfiled" category became in "Non classΘ" when crypted.
- 27-Jun-2000 2.00 (for OS 2.0 or above) & 3.00 (for OS 3.0 or above)
- * Added synchronisation with MemoPad. The non crypted
- records use the MemoPad database while the crypted ones
- still use the CryptoPad database. The categories are the
- same ones with both applications.
- * Added Phone Lookup.
- * Added backup on PC of the archived deleted memos.
- * Added font management in both main and edit form. (only for v. 3.00)
- * Added scrolling from one memo to the next/previous
- one if the scrolling with hard keys in the edit form
- reaches the boundaries of the memo.
- * Added an option in the Preferences that allow users
- to display/hide the lines of the edit form.
- * Added several features that moves CryptoPad closer
- to the original version of MemoPad.
- * Fixed a bug that did not display the correct menu
- when a crypted memo was deleted and a new memo was
- created (the menu still displayed 'Remove Password').
- * Fixed a bug that crashed the Pilot when exited of the
- application from another form as main or edit form and
- go back in the application.
- * Fixed a bug that displayed different menu shortcuts
- if the memo was crypted or not on foreigner versions.
- * Fixed a bug that did not set the upshit when creating a
- new memo with the menu item 'new memo' from the edit form.
- * Fixed a bug that did not save the current scrolling
- position in a memo when exiting from the edit form.
- 16-May-2000 1.21
- * Fixed an uninitialized variable bug that may cause the application
- to crash with 'DataMgr Error'.
- 01-Jan-2000 1.2
- * Added automatic backup of the PDB file during Hotsync.
- * Added a small icon for list-view display in PalmOS 3.x.
- * Added a Preferences form and alphabetic sorting of the memos.
- * Fixed the Edit menu shortcuts of the english version.
- 29-Nov-1999: 1.1
- * Fixed a bug that crashed the Pilot when deleting an encrypted memo.
- 27-Nov-1999: 1.0
- * Added automatic re-encryption of memo.
- Fixed positions of UI elements to make CryptoPad compliant with Left Hack.
- Fixed a bug that truncates memo during encryption.
- 09-Nov-1999: 0.99b
- Pre-version.