BugMe! Messenger lets mobile people send handwritten, text and graphic notes to and from a wireless Palm handheld and any internet email address - without any fuss!
BugMe! Messenger is the perfect way to keep in touch on the move. BugMe!'s friendly user interface lets you jot notes as you go and send them effortlessly to your friends and co-workers. They'll get your notes as 'yellow stickies' in their email!
You can get notes sent to your handheld as well using your free bugme.net address. Share this address with those you want to 'bug you' on the move - and we'll turn their messages into BugMe! yellow-stickies!
More information on BugMe! Messenger is available at http://bugme.net
To run BugMe! Messenger you should install it onto your Palm OS handheld.
To install BugMe! Messenger please use the install Tool provided with your handheld,
select the BugMe!Messenger.prc file and click Add and then Done.
This will install BugMe! Messenger on to your handheld the next time you HotSync.
For further info on installing software to your handheld, please consult your handbook.
SnapShot is a free tool that lets you grab any screen on your Palm and turn it into a BugMe!
Messenger note. Its a great way to send pictures, web pages and phone numbers or notes from
your handheld to your email. To install SnapShot, install the snapshot.prc file onto your handheld.
Please note, this version of BugMe! Messenger will run on all Palm OS devices running
Palm OS 3.0 and above - color, grey-scale and black and white.
Full instructions for using BugMe! Messenger are given in the accompanying file, BugMeMessenger.pdf
To download a free reader for the PDF file, please visit http://www.adobe.com
V1.0.5 - Added JogDial support and sundry bug fixes
V1.0.4 - Added quick jump to embedded htperlinks when AvantGo is available
V1.0.3 - Gets messages before showing send status, so send/get can be done unattended.
Fixed crash when editing note title.
Added support in SnapShot 1.0.1 for devices without contrast buttons.
V1.0.2 - Added support SnapShot, which lets you grab any screen and turn it into a note.
V1.0.1 - Added configurable timeouts and the ability to send messages in a simpler format.