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------------------------- RGPS Presents ---------------------------- AutoSync 1.5 Copyright 1999-2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: AutoSync works as a stand alone app for the Palm Devices that have a power cradle for charging such as the PalmV or the PalmIIIc however for all other models AutoSyncHelper is required. AutoSync requires a minimum of PalmOS 2.0 (So it does not work on Pilot 1000 and 5000, All other models are supported) AutoSyncHelper is recommended for all devices as it provides additional featuresto AutoSync. See AutoSyncHelper.txt for details. Files: AutoSync.prc AutoSync Program AutoSyncHelper.prc Hackmaster extention to AutoSync (optional for powered cradle Devices such as PalmV and PalmIIIc, required for other models) AutoSync Helper Version 1.2 required for AutoSync 1.5 HackMstr.prc HackMaster program needed for AutoSyncHelper.prc ReadMe.txt This file, instructions for AutoSync AutoSyncHelper.txt Instructions for AutoSync Helper What is AutoSync ? -------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoSync is a program that automatically syncs your Palm Computing device to your desktop while it is in the Cradle. Just drop your Palm Device in the cradle. Enter data into you PC's desktop throughout the day and when you leave with your pilot your desktop data will be up to date on the Palm Device. For Palm Devices with a Powered Cradle (PalmV,PalmIIIc) Without AutoSync Helper Disable Powered Cradle check feature ------------------------------------------------------------------ AutoSync wakes up according to a user defined schedule and looks for the cradle. If the cradle is detected then AutoSync will issue sync request, if it is not detected autosync will wait for another opportunity. For other Models (Or when AutoSync Helper Disable Powered Cradle check feature is active) ------------------------------------------------------------------ AutoSync wakes up according to a user defined schedule and if the Palm Device was off prior to the alarm then AutoSync issues a hotsync request. If the Palm Device is in the cradle the sync will succeed if it is not in the cradle it will fail. You will hear your prefered alert sound (AutoSync Preferences) and the there will be a 30 second count down before the sync is issued. So if you know the Palm Device is not in the cradle simply cancle the AutoSync when you hear the alert. How does auto Sync Work ? -------------------------------------------------------------------- You set a schedule for when AutoSync should attempt to sync your Palm Device. When AutoSync decides it's time to sync it first checks to see if your Palm Device is in a Powered cradle. This cradle check can be disabled using AutoSync Helper for other Palm Devices. In which case the sync will occure if the unit is off prior to AutoSync reaching it's scheduled sync time. The Powered Cradle check is done by verifying that the Palm Device is receiving power from the charger. If you have a cradle that is not plugged in or your are using a travel kit then you too can use AutoSyncHelper to disable the Powered Cradle check. AutoSync will not be able to launch a HotSync if an Alarm Dialog is displayed. AutoSync will play the alert you select in the AutoSync Preferences screen and display a window offering you the opportunity to cancle the pending AutoSync. This window displays for a period of time defined in AutoSync preferences (30, 20, 10 or 5 seconds) and then a sync will be performed. NOTE: if you remove you PalmV from the cradle during the countdown and do not have the cradle check disabled then when the countdown is finished AutoSync will notice that the Cradle is no longer there and will not perform the sync. You may also launch any app to cancel this countdown. AutoSync has a simple to use interface that I hope is fairly intuitive. So if this description seems confusing give AutoSync a try and you will see how it works. ------------ Instructions ------------ The main screen has one checkbox, two buttons and some information -------------------------------------------------------------------- The "AutoSync Active" check box let's you easily acitivate and deactivate AutoSync without having to change your schedule data. This is useful when you know you are away from your cradle for and extended period like when you are on vacation. "Next Scheduled AutoSync" informs you when your next sync will be attempted. If this says No AutoSync Pending then you either have no schedules active, AutoSyncActive is not checked or your schedules have no days sellected. "Last Successful Sync" informs you when your last sync was performed this information can also be found in the HotSync App. The "Set Schedule One" and "Set Schedule Two" buttons allow you to specify the days, times and how often AutoSync should attempt to sync your pilot with the desktop. The Schedule screen ------------------------------------------------------------------- The title bar of the Schedule screen indicates which schedule you are editing. This screen has the following settings. "Active" : allows you to deactivate an individual schedule. NOTE: When Active is unchecked the other options are not availble and are hidden from display. "AutoSync on" : Select the days you would like auto sync to be active. "AutoSync Active between : select the hours autosync should be active. selecting "No Time" will make autosync active 24 hours a day indicated by "All Day" "AutoSync Every" : Tells autosync how often it should attempt a sync. "Sync Type" : Select the type of sync you would like launched. Modem Sync requires AutoSync Helper since the Modem can not can to be detected by AutoSync since it does not supply power like the cradle. You do not need to disable the cradle check for the modem. AutoSync is smart enough to know that the modem can not be detected. This allow you to use the cradle check for the local sync without having to change the setting in AutoSync Helper. Preferences Screen ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Auto Sync Alert Sound" Select the sound you would like to be played prior to the AutoSync cancle countdown. This allows you to know that a Countdown is occuring. "Obey Palm OS Sound Preferences" Indicate if AutoSync should obey your Alarm Sound Volume or your System Sound Volume level setting. "Launch App after AutoSync" Select the application you would like AutoSync to Launch after an AutoSync Attempt. "Cancel Countdown" Select the time you would like to be given after the AutoSync Alert before the AutoSync is issued. Durning this time you may press the Cancel button to cancel the AutoSync or you may press the AutoSync now button to skip the countdown. --------------- Known Problems --------------- 1) AutoSync works with third Party IR Sync software unfortunately it can not issue the IR Sync contained in the HotSync app included with PalmOS 3.3 Due to a limitation in the way Palm implemented the IR HotSync in PalmOS 3.3 AutoSync can not issue an IR Sync. The HotSync app only checks it's IR Sync preference if the HotSync button is pressed on the screen from within the HotSync App. Unfortunately, this makes it impossible to programmatically launch a IR HotSync. I am seeking a solution however Palm Support says it can't be done right now and they will consider correcting this in a future release of the OS. --------------- Registration --------------- AutoSync registration fee is $10.00. If you find AutoSync helpful and you want to encourage RGPS to develope more Applications for the Palm Computing Platform please Register. Online registration is available at http://www.rgps.com through PalmGear http://www.palmgear.com If registering by Mail is prefered please provide the following Your Name: Email Address: Software you are registering: Phone (optional if email is provided): Mail to : Ron Gouldner RGPS Development P.O. Box 4006 Middletown NJ 07748 Please report any problems or suggestions to AutoSync@rgps.com. Thanks..........RGPS Development More information will follow at the RGPS website........ Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.5 ----------- - Colorization of Icons for Color Palm Devices - Close forms on exit. - Converted to new version of Metrowerks Compiler. - Converted datatypes to new naming conventions for 3.5 development environment. Version 1.4 ----------- - Added "Obey Palm OS sound preference" feature - Added a selectable range of countdown times - Added a "AutoSync Now" button to the Cancel countdown screen. Version 1.3 ----------- - Added an option to launch a prefered app after each AutoSync attempt - increased autosync timing check tolerance so AutoSync is more compatable with other hacks that slow down the performance of the Palm Device. This increase is tunable in AutoSyncHelper. - Added AutoOff Feature after a AutoSync attempt is completed this option requires AutoSync Helper and is set in the AutoSync Helper Preferences screen. - Added Sync type to the Cancel opportunity window Version 1.2 ----------- - fixed some typos - better algorithm for next sync calculation. - Modem Sync selection automatically disables the cradle check. However AutoSync Helper is still required since AutoSync needs to be able to detect the Power on of the Palm Device. Version 1.1 ----------- - AutoSyncHelper addon features added - Go right back to sleep when cradle is not detected and unit was off - allow user to disable PalmV cradle check - countdown goes to 1 before issuing sync now (it was only displaying down to2 before) - sound preferences added - more time interval selections added - sync type selection added to allow autosync to be used with the modem. Version 1.0 ----------- - first public release Also Available at RGPS ====================== AutoSync : Automatically Sync your Palm Device according to a schedule you define. PalmVHack : Fix the Alarm Display/Application Buttons problem on the PalmV. MindMeld : Logic Game for your Palm Device. PokerLogic : Poker Game for your Palm Device. PilotEyes : Freeware fun for your Palm Device. StayOffHack : Conserve your Palm Device's Batteries. Visit http://www.rgps.com for details or to download your trial copy today..... Now the leagal stuff........ ========================================================================================= NO WARRANTIES. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RGPS expressly disclaims any warranty for this product. This product and information and any related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of this product and information remains with you. NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In no event shall RGPS be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, system crashes, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if RGPS has been advised of the possibility of such damages.