The board has 9 x 9 fields. The pieces are already there: 8 pieces and a king for white, and 16 pieces for black.
Above the board are two text lines, the 2nd one gives you status information, including the overall won:lost game statistics.
The black and white roles switch ervery game.
The New button starts a new game.When a piece is moved a small arrow shows from where and in which direction, and a small cross shows where a piece got killed.
When you play white your king has to reach the board edge.
When you play black you have to kill the king.
When either party cannot move then it is a draw..
Tap on the piece to be moved, and then on the destination field.
The pieces may move vertically and horizontally, the destination field has to be empty, and you can jump over any empty fields in between.
To kill a piece you have to enclose it from opposite sides.
To kill the king you have to enclose it with black from all 4 sides.
When a piece moves in between two enemies it is not killed.
Tablut is an old scandinavian game. The vikings called it Hnefatafl, i.e. hand game. I've simplified the rules a bit: the field in the midst of the board here has no special meaning.
Yes, the game is free. If you like it I would appreciate a postcard to:
Juergen Bermann
Siemensstr. 52
76327 Pfinztal
V1.0 Basic version
V1.1 fixes a NULL form error appearing with the emulator and debug ROM