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- Poker Logic 1.1
- Copyright(c) 1998, RGPS
- All Rights Reserved
- Thank you for trying Poker Logic. Poker Logic is a Poker Game that combines
- Poker with some Logical Analysis of your hand. It will make you a better
- player and may help you win at the Casinos ;-)
- By Playing the game on your Palm Pilot(TM) perhaps you can learn to play
- better and win a few bucks next time you go to the casino. If you do please
- remember who provided this learning aid for you ;-)
- Poker Logic also has a TeachMe Mode that will warn you when you are not
- playing according to an optimal playing strategy. This feature will help
- you learn the "Right" way to play Poker Logic.
- How to Play
- ------------
- Place your initial bet by selecting the BET button after INCREASING or
- DECREASING the bet value displayed on the chip in the lower left corner
- of the screen. After you have placed your bet three cards will be dealt
- face up and two cards will be dealt face down. After examining the three
- cards you may elect to Increase Your Bet or Stand, which ever seems LOGICAL.
- After this first decision is made one of the face down cards will be
- revealed and you will be given the choice to Increase Your Bet or Stand,
- again you should do what is LOGICAL. After making this decision the last
- face down card will be revealed and the hand will be evaluated using
- normal Poker hand rules. Your minimum bet will be one chip assuming
- logic determines the hand is not worth more. Your maximum bet will be
- three chips assuming logic indicates that you have either a 'Sure Win'
- or a good chance of winning. Each Poker hand will pay out a different
- amount.
- The payouts are as follows
- Pair of 10s or better 1:1
- Two Pair 2:1
- Three of a kind 3:1
- Straight 5:1
- Flush 8:1
- Full House 11:1
- Four of a Kind 50:1
- Straight Flush 200:1
- ROYAL FLUSH 1000:1
- The key to Winning
- ------------------
- Your only real chance to win is through Money Management. You need to
- increase your bet when you are on a winning streak and decrease your bet when
- you are on a loosing streak. Obviously the odds are with the house, that's
- why they call it gambling. Your strategy should be to Increase you bet on
- hands you know you will win or when you feel lucky ;-)
- When the shuffle every hand option is off the game deals from a single
- deck so a little card counting won't hurt. Remember...not registering
- your shareware will bring you bad luck ;-)
- The evaluation period is 30 days. If you continue to use it after 30 days, you
- are required to register.
- If you have already registered, thank you for your support.
- For the latest version of this and other Palm Pilot(TM) apps, visit the
- RGPS web page at: http://www.rgps.com
- ------------
- Registration
- ------------
- The registration fee for Poker Logic $11.95(US). Registration entitles you
- to all future versions of Poker Logic and my gratitude.
- There are two ways to register.
- 1)Secure Credit Card Payment
- -----------------------------------------
- You can register by Credit Card at http://www.rgps.com or at PilotGear.
- 2)US Mail:
- ---------
- To register by mail, send a check or money order for $11.95(US funds)
- Make check payable to RGPS. Indicate your email address and write
- "Poker Logic" on the check.
- Mail to:
- P.O. Box 4006
- Middletown, NJ 07748-4006
- NOTE: If you register via mail, you MUST include an email address or
- an additional $2 to cover the cost of the diskette and postage. Delivery
- by diskette is for one version only.
- Installation
- -------------
- Install Poker Logic.prc using instapp.exe.
- instapp.exe can be found in your pilot directory. (ex.c:\pilot\instapp.exe)
- ----------------
- Revision History
- ----------------
- 1.1 - Release
- - Added small Icon for Palm(TM) OS 3.0 Launcher List view
- - Changed references to RGPS to our new website and email address
- http://www.rgps.com and info@rgps.com
- - Changed references to Pilot to comply with 3Com restrictions
- - Fixed bug that caused failure on OS 2.0 if the applications
- button was selected while a TeachMe rule was displayed.
- 1.0 - Initial Release Features
- -Teach Me Feature (Teaches the player the optimal betting strategy)
- -preferences added
- -Teach Me Switch
- -shuffle every hand
- -fast shuffle
- -auto pop-up when money drops below $15 ask to buy more money
- -add a cash in chips feature
- - Adjustable Bet
- - Money Statistics
- - Hands Won Statistics
- - Game state maintained when you switch apps
- - Online Instructions
- ----------------
- Legal Stuff
- ----------------
- RGPS is not responsible for lost data. We have tested the apps thoroughly;
- however, you are responsible for assuring that your pilot system has been
- properly backed up in case any software causes your pilot to fail.
- Copyright(c) 1998, RGPS
- All Rights Reserved