Your use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions below. Before downloading or installing the software, you will need to indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement. The accompanying software is either shareware or freeware and comes without warranty. You must back up your data before installing this software. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, then do not download, install, or register this software.
Terms and Conditions
Use: This is a legal agreement between you (the entity to whom this software is provided) and the author of this software, Michael Baker (Licensor). This agreement permits you to use this software for 15 days. If you continue to use this software beyond the 15 day trial period, this software must be registered for a fee unless it is clearly marked "freeware". After registration, you will be entitled to use this software for an unlimited time period. The term "use" means copying any portion of the software or using the software on any computer that you own. The term "copy" refers to any reproduction of this software in whole or in part by any means whatsoever including electronic or mechanical methods.
Restrictions: You have non-transferable and non-exclusive rights to use the software and distribute this software according to terms of this agreement. You agree to reproduce and include any and all copyright notices, software user agreements and notices (including this notice), terms and conditions, and files in every copy of the software. If this software is included in any compliations or collections of software, a copy of the compilation or collection should be sent to the author so the author can examine the appropriateness of the compilation or collection for inclusion of the software. The author reserves the right to revoke the permission to include the software in any compilation or collection at any time. If you are provided with source files, you will not modify or distribute them without permission of the licensor. You agree to distribute only the shareware or freeware version of this software. You agree not to distribute any registered version.
Warranty: The licensor warrants that a copy of the software has been run on at least one Palm OS system or simulator. There is no other warranty expressed or implied for this product. The licensor's liability shall be limited to the greater of the registration fee or $5.00. The licensor assumes no reponsibility for damages or losses associated with the use of this software. In no event will the licensor or its agents or suppliers or distributors be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for negligence, strict liability, breach of contract, loss of busines profits, business interruption, loss of information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use or failure to deliver the software even if the licensor has been advised of the possiblity of such damages.