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- Thank you for trying Heli Rescue, Below are some details about the software.
- Software Title : Heli Rescue (TrialWare)
- Copyright information : This software is Copyright of Paul Ellams.
- This trial version may be distributed by/to anyone.
- Required Operating system : Palm OS 2.0 or above including Palm IIIc
- ____________________________
- Game Description:
- Fly your helicopter over enemy terrain to rescue your imprisoned comrades.
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- How do I play?
- Your friends have all been imprisoned inside 3 enemy bases.
- Each one of these bases holds 4 of your comrades.
- You must hit these bases with your rockets to let them escape.
- If you make a direct hit on a base, The men will run out,
- You must then pick them up by landing near to them.
- Don't stay on the ground for too long or a tank will find you.
- When you have picked up some men fly them back to your helicopter pad,
- Where they will be safe.
- *Warning* You can only carry a maximum of 4 passengers at any one time.
- The enemy are not going to make it easy though.
- They know you are coming and have positioned artillery to stop you.
- Their range of equipment is detailed below :-
- * Guns
- These are manned gun posts which will aim towards your helicopter
- and fire. You can take out these guns with your Helicopter rockets.
- * Rockets
- These fire out of the ground straight up, They are armour plated
- so you can not destroy them with your rockets, Avoid these at all costs.
- * Jeeps
- These will follow you along the ground and will fire rockets they have
- loaded on the back. Hit them with your rockets.
- * Tanks
- These are deadly, But will only find you if you are low to the ground
- or your position has been given away by the Radar Posts
- Hit them before they hit you.
- * Fighter Planes
- These planes will drop bombs on your helicopter if you are below them.
- When a bomb is dropped take evasive action to avoid being hit.
- If you are good enough you can hit these with your rockets.
- * Radar Posts
- These are static and easy to take out, But if you don't they will
- give your position away to any nearby Tanks or Fighter Planes.
- To Fly your helicopter use the Hardware Up and Down keys to make to make
- yourself rise or fall.
- The Date Book and Address Book keys to fly left and right, And the Memo key
- to Fire your rockets.
- To Turn your helicopter to face the required direction push either the left
- or right key and then push the Turn button (This is the To Do List key by
- default).
- If you tap the Turn key without pushing a direction the helicopter will face
- forward, This is handy for firing straight down.
- If you don't like the default key arrangement you can choose a different set
- of keys from the Options screen.
- When you are coming into land make sure your helicopter is landing flat,
- Otherwise you will crash.
- There are 20 missions for you to fly in total, At the start of the mission
- you will be told how many men you must rescue to be successful,
- Be Warned if you are carrying Men when you get blown up these will not
- count as rescued men.
- While you are playing at the top right of the screen is displayed
- the number of Helicopters(Lives) you have left.
- Good luck with your missions.........
- ____________________________
- Install instructions:
- This zip package contains 1 Palm Pilot file called named 'heli.prc'.
- This file should be installed using the Palm install tool supplied
- with every palm pilot.
- When this is done an icon will appear on the Palm pilot shaped like a
- Helicopter, Click this icon to run the game.
- ____________________________
- Registration instructions:
- This game is a demo version which will let you try 1 level of the game
- to see if you like it. The full version costs only 8 dollars.
- Registration can be done securely and safely online at
- http://www2.viaweb.com/pilotgearsw/paulellams.html
- or for other ways of registering please go to my web site at
- http://www.ellams.force9.co.uk
- ____________________________
- Legal information/Terms and Conditions:
- Copyright ⌐ 2000 Ellams Software. All rights reserved.
- Ellams Software and Paul Ellams make no warranty, either express or implied,
- with respect to this software, its performance, merchantability or suitability
- for a particular purpose.
- The software, manuals and all associated items are supplied to the user 'as is'.
- We can accept no responsibility for any problems or damages arising
- directly, indirectly or consequentially from the use or misuse of the software
- and/or associated items.
- Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement
- or a refund of the purchase price.
- Contact information:
- To contact myself Paul Ellams (The Author) you can email paul@ellams.f9.co.uk
- Please feel free to email me with any problems or suggestions about the
- software.
- Also don't forget to keep visiting my web site at
- http://www.ellams.force9.co.uk for all my latest software.
- Thanks,
- And I hope you enjoy my software
- Paul Ellams