Please support my efforts by registering this program. Thank you!
Changes From Last Version
Note: You MUST delete any version of Crazy 8's prior to 2.1.
Failure to do so is not dangerous, just that Crazy 8's will show up double it's
size in the Palm Info screen, and you won't really be playing the latest version.
- Added color. (But still runs/displays fine on black/white PalmOS units)
- Special cards can now be selectively enabled.
- Added changable background color.
- Internal code cleanup for PalmOS 3.5.
NOTE: In the UNREGISTERED version, the game starts over everytime you play it. Statistics are not saved, and there is a shareware notice. Please consider registering.
Crazy 8's is a game for two to four players, in which the object is to get rid of the cards in your hand onto a discard pile by matching the number or suit of the previous discard.
For two player games, each player starts out with 7 cards. For three and four player games, each player starts out with 5 cards.
The top of the screen shows who's turn it is. When "You" is highlighted, then you must either play a legal card, or draw a card (and pass your turn).
A legal card is:
* Any card that matches either number, suit, or type (ie. Draw 2) of the current top discard.
* An eight (or Wild), in which case you get to pick a suit (which will then be displayed along with the 8/Wild as the top discard).
If a computer plays a Draw 2, Draw 4, or Skip card on you (if special cards are enabled), then your turn is skipped.
When a computer player plays an 8/Wild, then they will select a new suit, and this will be shown as the top discard. If Verbose Play is enabled, then a dialog box will appear informing you of the suit change (this also includes the playing of Special cards).
If there are no cards left to draw, the discard pile will be "recycled".
The first player to get rid of all their cards wins that round, and the other players score penalty points for the cards remaining in their hand as follows:
50 for an eight/Wild 50 for a Draw 2, Draw 4, Reverse (if enabled)
10 for a face card
Face value for number cards (Aces are 1 point)
A game is over when a player's score exceeds the number points set in the Settings, with the lowest score winning that game.
If special cards are enabled, 3 arrows appear at the top of the game to indicate what direction game play is occurring in (Reverse cards change this direction).
#: Number of Cards in that hand
S: Score for that player
Undo Button: Undo's your last move.
The Bottom Buttons:
* The 'S' button sorts all special cards (8's/wild, draws, reverses) to the left of your hand.
* The number/suit button sorts your hand by number, then by suit.
*The numbered sort button sorts your hand according to number.
*The suit sort button sorts your hand according to suit.
*The dashed arrows shifts your cards left or right by 6 places.
*The solid arrows shifts your cards left or right by 1 place.
See the Settings "i" for information about the different settings.
Even though I have tried my best to make a quality program that does no harm, sometimes sneaky little bugs rear their ugly heads. Thus, I can not be held accountable for data loss or harm done to you or your PalmPilot. I also can not be held accountable if your boss catches you playing this game at work ;-)
Crazy 8's, the PalmOS(tm) game, is Copyright 2000 by James Lee.
--> This program may NOT be redistributed on any type of media without the express consent of the author <--