This is my first attempt to create a game for the excelent PalmPilot. I bought a PalmPilot Professional about two years ago and I'm still happy with it.
I developed this game using PilotGcc 0.5.0 and PalmDevStudio. If you have a pilot give'em both a try they are excelent tools (compiler and IDE).
It took me about 3 weeks to program this game, the idea was inspired by a rather old game of the Atari called "Caverns of Mars" I love the idea of dive into a cavern blow things up and then try to escape.
This program is totally FREEWARE, you may distribute it freely within the following restrictions: you can't charge for it and you must distribute with all the files in the original zip.
If you like this game you can send to me a nice e-mail, a postcard or just sugestions.
[II. Game Information]---------------------------------------------
Your mission is to dive into the caverns of kalisto and destroy the nuclear bombs located at the bottom of each cavern, then escape as fast as you can.
You must use the buttons in your Pilot to control the ship Left, Right, Thrust and Fire.
In the Title screen you can also use the Page Down/Up buttons to decrease/increase the level.
When you are playing at the top/right is located the high score to beat, at the very left the depth you currently are, at the right the score, at the bottom the fuel and shield gauges and below the current level/cavern.
The levels are generated randomically every time you play the game so in theory are infinite level to play, but practically there are only 100 levels of dificulty to play with.