home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish8.0 "$0" "$@"
- #
- # argoned - Argon V level editor, (c) 2000 by Till Harbaum, GPL'd
- #
- # V1.0 jan 2000 quick and dirty
- #
- # T.Harbaum@tu-bs.de - http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/~harbaum/pilot
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- set llength 50; # level length in screens
- proc disp_level { } {
- global llength buffer fileshort
- set of $fileshort
- for {set y 0} {$y<$llength} {incr y} {
- for {set x 0} {$x<10} {incr x} {
- set a [.main.canvas.c itemcget id($x,$y) -image];
- if { $buffer($y,$x) != 0 } {
- if { $a != "tile[expr $buffer($y,$x) -1]" } {
- .main.canvas.c itemconfigure id($x,$y)\
- -image tile[expr $buffer($y,$x) -1]
- }
- } else {
- if { $a != "none" } {
- .main.canvas.c itemconfigure id($x,$y) -image none
- }
- }
- }
- # draw progess line in filename area
- if { [expr $y%10] == 0 } {
- set fileshort [format "processed %d%%" [expr 100*$y/$llength]]
- update idletasks
- }
- }
- set fileshort $of
- }
- proc clear_buffer { } {
- global llength buffer filename fileshort
- for {set y 0} {$y<$llength} {incr y} {
- for {set x 0} {$x<10} {incr x} {
- set buffer($y,$x) 0;
- }
- }
- set filename "new level.lev";
- set fileshort "new level.lev";
- disp_level
- }
- proc fileio {operation} {
- global filename fileshort llength buffer
- set ok false
- set types { {"Level files" {.lev}} {"All files" *}}
- if { (($operation != 1) && ($operation != 3)) || ([string compare $filename "new level.lev"]) == 0 } {
- if {$operation == 0} {
- set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -parent .]
- } else {
- set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -parent . \
- -initialfile $filename -defaultextension .lev]
- }
- if [string compare $file ""] {
- set ok true
- set filename $file
- set fileshort [file tail $file]
- }
- } else {
- set ok true
- }
- if { $ok } {
- # really load/save file
- if { ($operation == 0)||($operation == 3) } {
- # read
- if { [file size $filename] != [expr $llength*10] } {
- tk_messageBox -message "File size does not match!" -icon error -type ok
- clear_buffer
- } else {
- set dat [open $filename r]
- fconfigure $dat -translation binary
- for {set y 0} {$y<$llength} {incr y} {
- set a [read $dat 10]
- binary scan $a cccccccccc \
- buffer($y,0) buffer($y,1) buffer($y,2) buffer($y,3) buffer($y,4) \
- buffer($y,5) buffer($y,6) buffer($y,7) buffer($y,8) buffer($y,9)
- }
- close $dat
- # update view
- disp_level
- }
- } else {
- # write
- set dat [open $filename w]
- fconfigure $dat -translation binary
- for {set y 0} {$y<$llength} {incr y} {
- puts -nonewline $dat [binary format cccccccccc \
- $buffer($y,0) $buffer($y,1) $buffer($y,2) $buffer($y,3) $buffer($y,4) \
- $buffer($y,5) $buffer($y,6) $buffer($y,7) $buffer($y,8) $buffer($y,9) ]
- }
- close $dat
- }
- }
- }
- proc select { n } {
- global last_button windows
- # windows obviously doesn't use the 'highlightbackground', but bg is visible
- # even with full size icons, so using bg instead
- if { $windows } {
- .main.buttons.code$last_button configure -bg [.main.buttons.code$n cget -bg]
- .main.buttons.code$n configure -bg red
- } else {
- .main.buttons.code$last_button configure -highlightbackground [.main.buttons.code$n cget -highlightbackground]
- .main.buttons.code$n configure -highlightbackground red
- }
- set last_button $n;
- }
- proc click { n } {
- global last_button buffer
- set id [.main.canvas.c find withtag current]
- if {[lsearch [.main.canvas.c gettags current] tile] >= 0} {
- set x [expr int([lindex [.main.canvas.c coords $id] 0]/16)]
- set y [expr int([lindex [.main.canvas.c coords $id] 1]/16)]
- if { $n == 0 } {
- set buffer($y,$x) [expr $last_button + 1]
- .main.canvas.c itemconfigure id($x,$y) -image tile[expr $buffer($y,$x) -1]
- } else {
- set buffer($y,$x) 0
- .main.canvas.c itemconfigure id($x,$y) -image none
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Create all windows, and pack them
- #
- proc createwindows { } {
- global columns
- global llength last_button windows
- # determine number of button rows (8 buttons per row)
- set n 0;
- while { [file exist [format button%04x.gif $n]] } {
- incr n;
- }
- set columns [expr ($n+7)/8]
- frame .main -borderwidth 0
- frame .main.canvas -borderwidth 0
- canvas .main.canvas.c -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken -width 160 -height 160 \
- -scrollregion "0 0 160 [expr $llength*16]" -yscrollcommand ".scroll set"
- scrollbar .scroll -command ".main.canvas.c yview"
- .main.canvas.c yview moveto 1.0
- # show canvas
- pack .main.canvas.c
- grid .main.canvas.c -padx 1 -in .main.canvas -pady 1 \
- -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
- grid .scroll -in .main.canvas -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -row 0 -column 1 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
- frame .main.buttons -width [expr $columns*22]
- # draw object buttons
- set n 0;
- while { [file exist [format button%04x.gif $n]] } {
- image create photo tile$n -file [format button%04x.gif $n]
- button .main.buttons.code$n -image tile$n -command "select $n"
- place .main.buttons.code$n -x [expr ($n/8)*20+1] -y [expr ($n%8)*20+1] -width 20 -height 20
- incr n;
- }
- # highlight default button
- if { $windows } {
- .main.buttons.code0 configure -bg red
- } else {
- .main.buttons.code0 configure -highlightbackground red
- }
- # create background image
- image create photo background -file buttonback.gif
- for {set y 0} {$y<[expr $llength/10]} {incr y} {
- .main.canvas.c create image 0 [expr $y*160] -anchor nw -image background
- }
- # display all columns/rows
- for {set y 0} {$y<$llength} {incr y} {
- for {set x 0} {$x<10} {incr x} {
- .main.canvas.c create image [expr 16*$x] [expr 16*$y] -anchor nw -tags "id($x,$y) tile"
- }
- }
- # create empty image
- image create photo none -width 16 -height 16
- # and draw a nice blue box on it
- none put blue -to 6 6 8 8
- pack .main.canvas .main.buttons -side left -fill both -expand yes
- # filename box
- frame .fname
- label .fname.label -textvariable fileshort -relief sunken -bd 1 -font "Helvetica 12" -anchor c
- pack .fname.label -side left -padx 2 -expand yes -fill both
- set menustatus " "
- frame .statusBar
- label .statusBar.label -textvariable menustatus -relief sunken -bd 1 -font "Helvetica 10" -anchor w
- pack .statusBar.label -side left -padx 2 -expand yes -fill both
- menu .menu -tearoff 0
- set m .menu.file
- menu $m -tearoff 0
- .menu add cascade -label "File" -menu $m -underline 0
- $m add command -label "About..." -command { tk_messageBox -icon info \
- -message "ArgonED V1.0\nArgon V level editor\n(c) 2000 by Till Harbaum" -type ok\
- -parent . }
- $m add separator
- $m add command -label "Open..." -command { fileio 0 }
- $m add command -label "New" -command { clear_buffer }
- $m add command -label "Save" -command { fileio 1 }
- $m add command -label "Save As..." -command { fileio 2 }
- $m add separator
- $m add command -label "Quit" -command "destroy .; exit"
- pack .fname .main .statusBar -side top -fill x -pady 2
- . configure -menu .menu
- bind Menu <<MenuSelect>> {
- global $menustatus
- if {[catch {%W entrycget active -label} label]} {
- set label " "
- }
- set menustatus $label
- update idletasks
- }
- # left button sets, middle and right button erase
- .main.canvas.c bind all <1> "click 0"
- .main.canvas.c bind all <2> "click 1"
- .main.canvas.c bind all <3> "click 1"
- # some hints for the window manager
- wm resizable . 0 0
- wm title . "ArgonED V1.0"
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Main program
- set last_button 0;
- # determine if we are running under bills os
- if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } {
- set windows true
- } else {
- set windows false
- }
- set llength [expr $llength*10]
- set filename ""
- # get filename from command line
- if { $argc > 0 } {
- if { [file exists [lindex $argv 0]] } {
- set filename [lindex $argv 0]
- set fileshort [file tail $filename]
- }
- }
- createwindows
- # initialize buffer
- if { $filename != "" } {
- fileio 3
- } else {
- clear_buffer
- }
- #
- # Now, wait for user actions...
- #