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- /*
- argonv.c - (c) 1999 by Till Harbaum
- ArgonV, the ultimate space blaster
- T.Harbaum@tu-bs.de - http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/~harbaum/pilot
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- */
- #include <Pilot.h>
- #include <KeyMgr.h>
- #include <System/DLServer.h>
- #include "video.h"
- #include "argonv.h"
- #include "argonvRsc.h"
- static Boolean StartApplication(void);
- static Boolean MainFormHandleEvent(EventPtr event);
- static void EventLoop(void);
- #define noFORCE_PREFS // force regeneration of preferences
- #define MAX_Y 176 // sprites max y postition
- /* preference stuff */
- #define MAX_SCORES 6 /* save and display the six top scores */
- #define MAX_NAMELEN 10
- unsigned long score;
- struct score {
- char name[MAX_NAMELEN+1];
- unsigned long value;
- };
- struct {
- struct score score[MAX_SCORES];
- int last_name_index;
- Boolean sound;
- } prefs;
- /* some globals for overall control */
- int game_state = STATE_TITLE;
- int sub_state = 0;
- /* save hard key state */
- DWord last_state=0;
- /************************************************************/
- /* players ship position handling */
- #define SHIP_START_Y 155
- unsigned int scroll_y;
- int ship_x_pos, ship_y_pos;
- unsigned int ship_save_scroll;
- int ship_save_x, ship_save_y;
- /* save position for restore */
- void ship_save_position(void) {
- ship_save_x = ship_x_pos;
- ship_save_y = ship_y_pos;
- ship_save_scroll = scroll_y;
- }
- /* save position for restore */
- void ship_restore_position(void) {
- ship_x_pos = ship_save_x;
- ship_y_pos = ship_save_y;
- scroll_y = ship_save_scroll;
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /* player name input */
- char current_name[MAX_NAMELEN+1];
- Boolean name_init;
- int name_pos;
- /* get hotsync user name */
- void set_default_name(void) {
- char name[dlkUserNameBufSize];
- int i;
- DlkGetSyncInfo(0, 0, 0, name, 0, 0);
- /* remove weird characters */
- for(name_pos=0,i=0;(name[i]!=0)&&
- (name_pos<MAX_NAMELEN)&&(name[i]!=' ');i++) {
- /* convert lowercase to uppercase */
- if((name[i]>='a')&&(name[i]<='z'))
- current_name[name_pos++] = name[i] - 'a' + 'A';
- else if((name[i]>='A')&&(name[i]<='Z'))
- current_name[name_pos++] = name[i];
- }
- /* last char */
- current_name[name_pos]=0;
- if(name_pos>=MAX_NAMELEN) name_pos--;
- }
- void init_name_input(void) {
- name_init = true;
- }
- /* compare function to sort hiscores */
- Int name_compare(VoidPtr a, VoidPtr b, Long nix) {
- return ((struct score*)b)->value - ((struct score*)a)->value;
- }
- void name_add_char(char chr) {
- int i;
- switch(chr) {
- /* END */
- case 3:
- /* switch to title display */
- game_state = STATE_TITLE;
- sub_state = 0;
- /* add hi score to prefs */
- StrCopy(prefs.score[MAX_SCORES-1].name, current_name);
- prefs.score[MAX_SCORES-1].value = score;
- SysQSort(prefs.score, MAX_SCORES, sizeof(struct score), name_compare, 0);
- /* remember that this was the last name entered */
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SCORES;i++)
- if(StrCompare(prefs.score[i].name, current_name) == 0)
- prefs.last_name_index = i;
- break;
- /* RUB */
- case 2:
- if(name_pos>0) current_name[--name_pos] = '\0';
- break;
- /* CLR */
- case 1:
- name_pos = 0;
- current_name[name_pos] = '\0';
- break;
- /* SPC */
- case 0:
- chr = ' ';
- default:
- current_name[name_pos++] = chr;
- current_name[name_pos] = '\0';
- }
- if(name_pos>=MAX_NAMELEN) name_pos--;
- }
- void main_name_input(void) {
- DWord hardKeyState;
- static int cur_x, cur_y;
- hardKeyState = KeyCurrentState();
- if(name_init) {
- name_init = false;
- /* default cursor position is 'END' */
- cur_x = 6;
- cur_y = 3;
- }
- /* draw scrolling background */
- VideoDrawTitleBg();
- VideoDrawSprite(53 + 8*name_pos, 57, SPR_CURSOR);
- if(cur_x <= 5) {
- /* cursor on characters */
- VideoDrawSprite(29 + 16*cur_x, 77 + 12*cur_y, SPR_CURSOR);
- } else {
- /* cursor on special entries */
- VideoDrawSprite(29 + 120, 77 + 12*cur_y, SPR_CURSOR);
- VideoDrawSprite(29 + 112, 77 + 12*cur_y, SPR_CUREXT);
- VideoDrawSprite(29 + 104, 77 + 12*cur_y, SPR_CUREXT);
- }
- VideoDrawText(2, 30, "New High Score!");
- VideoDrawText(2, 40, "Enter your name:");
- VideoDrawText(5, 60, current_name);
- VideoDrawText(5, 65, "----------");
- VideoDrawText(2, 80, "A B C D E F SPC");
- VideoDrawText(2, 92, "G H I J K L CLR");
- VideoDrawText(2, 104, "M N O P Q R RUB");
- VideoDrawText(2, 116, "S T U V W X END");
- VideoDrawText(2, 128, "Y Z");
- /* is currently a key pressed? */
- if((hardKeyState != 0) &&
- ((hardKeyState & last_state) != hardKeyState)) {
- /* cursor movement key */
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitPageUp) != 0) cur_y -= 1;
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitPageDown) != 0) cur_y += 1;
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitHard3) != 0) cur_x -= 1;
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitHard4) != 0) cur_x += 1;
- /* 'enter' key */
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitHard1) != 0) {
- if(cur_x<6) name_add_char('A'+cur_x+cur_y*6);
- else name_add_char(cur_y);
- }
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitHard2) != 0) {
- /* switch to title display */
- game_state = STATE_TITLE;
- sub_state = 0;
- }
- /* check limits */
- if(cur_x<0) cur_x=0;
- if(cur_x>6) cur_x=6;
- if(cur_y<0) cur_y=0;
- if(cur_y>4) cur_y=4;
- if((cur_y==4)&&(cur_x>1)) cur_y=3;
- }
- /* save last keystate */
- last_state = hardKeyState;
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /** preference stuff */
- void get_preferences(void) {
- Word size, result;
- int i;
- SystemPreferencesType sysPrefs;
- size = sizeof(prefs);
- result = PrefGetAppPreferences( CREATOR, 0, &prefs, &size, true);
- /* initialize default settings */
- #ifndef FORCE_PREFS
- if(result == noPreferenceFound)
- #endif
- {
- prefs.sound = true;
- prefs.last_name_index = -1;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SCORES;i++) {
- StrCopy(prefs.score[i].name, "- empty -");
- prefs.score[i].value=0;
- }
- }
- /* preference is fine, get last entered name */
- if(prefs.last_name_index>=0) {
- StrCopy(current_name, prefs.score[prefs.last_name_index].name);
- name_pos = StrLen(current_name);
- if(name_pos>=MAX_NAMELEN) name_pos--;
- } else
- set_default_name();
- /* get system preferences for sound */
- PrefGetPreferences(&sysPrefs);
- if(sysPrefs.gameSoundLevelV20 == slOff)
- prefs.sound = false;
- }
- void save_preferences(void) {
- PrefSetAppPreferences( CREATOR, 0, 1, &prefs, sizeof(prefs), true);
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /* routie to handle messages during the game */
- unsigned char message_buffer[21]; /* at most 20 chars */
- int msg_state, msg_offset,msg_len;
- #define MSG_RELOAD 50
- void init_message(void) {
- msg_state=0; /* no message */
- }
- void new_message(char *str) {
- int i=0;
- msg_state = MSG_RELOAD;
- /* copy string */
- while(message_buffer[i++] = *str++);
- /* center message horizontally */
- msg_offset = (21-i)/2;
- msg_len = i-1;
- }
- void handle_message(void) {
- int i;
- if(msg_state>0) {
- if(msg_state>(MSG_RELOAD-8)) {
- i = MSG_RELOAD-msg_state;
- VideoDrawPartialText(msg_offset, 32, message_buffer,
- 0, 20, (7-i)/2, (8+i)/2);
- } else if(msg_state<msg_len) {
- i = (msg_len-msg_state)/2;
- VideoDrawPartialText(msg_offset, 32, message_buffer,
- i, msg_len-i-1, 0, 7);
- } else
- VideoDrawText(msg_offset, 32, message_buffer);
- msg_state--;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /* routines to update status line */
- char score_str[21]="00000 \002\010\010\010\010\003 \001\001\001\001\001";
- void score_inc(int amount) {
- unsigned int s;
- int i;
- score += amount;
- s = score;
- i=4;
- while(i>=0) {
- score_str[i--] = '0' + s%10;
- s/=10;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /* shield and damage stuff */
- #define SHIELD_MUL (8) /* shield muliplier */
- #define MAX_SHIELDS (SHIELD_MUL*4*4)
- #define MAX_LIFES (5)
- int shields, lifes;
- void damage(int amount) {
- int i,k,p;
- /* game currently running */
- if(sub_state == 0) {
- /* total destruction */
- if(amount == DAMAGE_DESTROY) {
- shields = -1;
- amount = 0;
- }
- /* reload/init shields */
- if(amount == DAMAGE_RELOAD) {
- shields = MAX_SHIELDS;
- amount = 0;
- }
- /* shields are down -> explode ship */
- shields -= amount;
- /* shields just got below warning level */
- if((shields<(4*SHIELD_MUL))&&(shields+amount>=(4*SHIELD_MUL)))
- new_message("SHIELDS LOW!");
- if(shields < 0) {
- lifes--;
- shields = 0;
- sub_state = SHIP_EXPLODE_TIMER + 2*(SPR_EXP_L - SPR_EXP_F + 1);
- }
- /* draw shield bar */
- for(p = shields/SHIELD_MUL, k=11;k!=7;k--, p-=4) {
- if(p>4) score_str[k] = 8; /* 100% */
- else if(p<0) score_str[k] = 4; /* 0% */
- else score_str[k] = 4+p; /* 25%-75% */
- }
- /* draw lifes */
- for(p = lifes, k=19; k!=19-MAX_LIFES; k--, p--)
- if(p>0) score_str[k]=1;
- else score_str[k]=' ';
- }
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /** explosion */
- #define MAX_EXP 8
- struct explosion {
- int x, y; /* position */
- int state; /* timer */
- };
- struct explosion explosion[MAX_EXP]; /* current explosion position/state */
- void init_exp(void) {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_EXP;i++) explosion[i].y = -1;
- }
- void new_exp(int x, int y) {
- int i;
- /* find an empty explosion slot and use it */
- for(i=0;i<MAX_EXP;i++) {
- if(explosion[i].y < 0) {
- explosion[i].state = SPR_EXP_F; /* first explosion sprite */
- explosion[i].x = x;
- explosion[i].y = y;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void handle_exp(void) {
- static reload=0;
- Boolean f;
- int i;
- /* draw explosions */
- for(i=0;i<MAX_EXP;i++) {
- if(explosion[i].y >= 0) {
- VideoDrawSprite(explosion[i].x, explosion[i].y, explosion[i].state);
- explosion[i].state += 1;
- if(explosion[i].state == (SPR_EXP_L+1))
- explosion[i].y = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /** players shot */
- int shot_sprite[]={SPR_SHOT1, SPR_SHOT2, SPR_SHOT3 };
- #define MAX_SHOTS 8
- #define SHOT_STEP 3
- const shot_reload_time[]={12,8,6};
- int shot_mode, shot_reload;
- struct shot {
- int x,y; /* current shot position */
- int spr; /* type of shot (single, double, tripple) */
- };
- struct shot shot[MAX_SHOTS];
- void init_shot(void) {
- int i;
- shot_mode = SHOT_SINGLE;
- shot_reload = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SHOTS;i++) shot[i].y = -1;
- }
- void handle_shot(Boolean fire, int mode, int x, int y) {
- static reload=0;
- Boolean f;
- int i;
- /* it's time for a new shot */
- if((fire)&&(reload==0)) {
- /* find an empty shot slot and use it */
- for(f=false,i=0;(i<MAX_SHOTS)&&(!f);i++) {
- if(shot[i].y < 0) {
- shot[i].x = x;
- shot[i].y = y;
- shot[i].spr = shot_sprite[mode];
- f = true;
- }
- }
- if(f) reload = shot_reload_time[shot_reload];
- }
- if(reload>0) reload--;
- /* draw shots */
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SHOTS;i++) {
- if(shot[i].y >= 0) {
- VideoDrawSprite(shot[i].x, shot[i].y, shot[i].spr);
- shot[i].y -= SHOT_STEP;
- /* shot automatically disappears at pos < 0 */
- }
- }
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /** enemies bomb */
- #define MAX_BOMBS 8
- #define BOMB_STEP 2
- /* all things we need to know about one bomb */
- struct bomb {
- int x,y; /* bomb position */
- };
- struct bomb bomb[MAX_BOMBS]; /* current bomb position */
- int bomb_freq;
- void init_bomb(void) {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_BOMBS;i++) bomb[i].y=-1;
- bomb_freq = 10;
- }
- void new_bomb(int x, int y) {
- Boolean f;
- int i;
- /* find an empty bomb slot and use it */
- for(f=false,i=0;(i<MAX_BOMBS)&&(!f);i++) {
- if(bomb[i].y < 0) {
- bomb[i].x = x;
- bomb[i].y = y;
- f = true;
- }
- }
- }
- void handle_bomb(int x, int y) {
- int i;
- /* draw bombs */
- for(i=0;i<MAX_BOMBS;i++) {
- if(bomb[i].y >= 0) {
- VideoDrawSprite(bomb[i].x, bomb[i].y, SPR_EBOMB);
- bomb[i].y += BOMB_STEP;
- /* game still running? */
- if(sub_state == 0) {
- /* is our ship hit? */
- if(VideoSpriteCollide(x, y, SPR_SHIP,
- bomb[i].x, bomb[i].y, SPR_EBOMB)) {
- damage(DAMAGE_BOMB); /* cause damage to ship */
- bomb[i].y = -1; /* remove bomb */
- }
- }
- /* bomb disappears at pos > 176 (160+16) */
- if(bomb[i].y >= MAX_Y) bomb[i].y = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /** extra (bonus score etc) stuff */
- #define EXTRA_DURATION 20
- #define MAX_EXTRA 8
- #define EXTRA_STEP 1
- struct extra {
- int x,y; /* screen position */
- int spr; /* sprite type */
- int ttl; /* time to live */
- };
- struct extra extra[MAX_EXTRA]; /* current extra position/time/sprite */
- void init_extra(void) {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_EXTRA;i++) extra[i].y=-1;
- }
- void new_extra(int x, int y, int sprite) {
- int i, max=0;
- /* do score handling */
- if(sprite == SPR_SCORE10) score_inc(SCORE_10);
- else if(sprite == SPR_SCORE100) score_inc(SCORE_100);
- /* find an empty extra slot and use it */
- for(i=0;i<MAX_EXTRA;i++) {
- if(extra[i].y < 0) {
- extra[i].x = x;
- extra[i].y = y;
- extra[i].spr = sprite;
- extra[i].ttl = EXTRA_DURATION;
- return;
- }
- }
- /* no empty slot? empty one! */
- /* ... */
- }
- void handle_extra(void) {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_EXTRA;i++) {
- if(extra[i].y >= 0) {
- VideoDrawSprite(extra[i].x, extra[i].y, extra[i].spr);
- extra[i].y += EXTRA_STEP;
- /* timeout? */
- if((--extra[i].ttl==0)||(extra[i].y>=MAX_Y)) {
- /* remove sprite */
- extra[i].y = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /** enemy wave */
- #define PI2 6 /* this is precise enough */
- /* horiz. center of display area */
- #define CENTER 88
- #define CENTER2 (2*CENTER)
- /* wave states */
- struct wave {
- char mode; /* type of wave */
- char len; /* number of enemies */
- unsigned char y; /* wave parameter (y-pos) */
- char rad; /* wave parameter (radius) */
- char flip; /* vertical flip */
- char rev; /* reverse wave */
- char dist; /* distance between enemies */
- char sprite; /* enemy sprite */
- char speed; /* speed of sprites */
- };
- #define WTYPE_PAUSE 0
- #define WTYPE_LOOP 1
- #define WTYPE_SLOOP 2
- /* all waves ... */
- struct wave wave[]={
- { WTYPE_LOOP, 5, 120, 50, -1, -1, 30, SPR_BALL, 3 },
- { WTYPE_SLOOP, 5, 30, 25, -1, -1, 30, SPR_BALL, 3 },
- { -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
- };
- int wave_state; /* state of current wave */
- int wave_wait, wave_type;
- int wave_bits;
- int wave_rad2;
- struct wave wave_cur;
- void init_wave(int type, int wait) {
- int r;
- if(wave[type].mode == -1) type = 0;
- /* waiting for next wave */
- wave_type = type;
- wave_wait = wait;
- wave_state = 0;
- MemMove(&wave_cur, &wave[type], sizeof(struct wave));
- wave_bits = 0xffff>>(16-wave_cur.len); // all enemies alive
- /* init some constants */
- switch(wave_cur.mode) {
- case WTYPE_LOOP:
- r = SysRandom(0);
- if(wave_cur.rev == -1) wave_cur.rev = r&1;
- if(wave_cur.flip == -1) wave_cur.flip = r&2;
- wave_rad2 = PI2 * wave_cur.rad;
- break;
- }
- }
- void handle_wave(int sx, int sy) {
- int x, y, l, enemy, epos, i, bomb_r, bomb_e;
- if(wave_wait == 0) {
- /* bomb randomizer */
- bomb_r = SysRandom(0);
- bomb_e = bomb_r%wave_cur.len; // enemy to drop bomb
- bomb_r >>= 4; // remaining random value
- /* draw all enemies */
- for(enemy=0;enemy<wave_cur.len;enemy++) {
- /* enemy still alive?? */
- if(wave_bits & (1<<enemy)) {
- epos = wave_state - (enemy * wave_cur.dist);
- x = y = 0; /* default position (invisible) */
- switch(wave_cur.mode) {
- /* here is the quite ugly wave form calculation stuff */
- /* loop wave */
- case WTYPE_LOOP:
- /* reverse flight */
- if(wave_cur.rev) epos = (CENTER2 + wave_rad2) - epos;
- if((epos>0)&&(epos<CENTER)) {
- /* flight to the center */
- x = epos;
- y = wave_cur.y;
- } else if((epos >= CENTER)&&(epos < (CENTER + wave_rad2))) {
- /* full circle */
- l = (((long)epos - CENTER) * 256)/(wave_rad2);
- x = CENTER + (VideoSin[l] * wave_cur.rad) / 128;
- y = wave_cur.y - wave_cur.rad +
- (VideoCos[l] * wave_cur.rad) / 128;
- } else if((epos >= (CENTER + wave_rad2))&&
- (epos < (CENTER2 + wave_rad2))) {
- /* leave from center */
- x = epos - wave_rad2;
- y = wave_cur.y;
- }
- /* flip */
- if((x!=0)&&(wave_cur.flip)) x = 176 - x;
- // if((y!=0)&&(wave_cur.flip)) y = ((wave_cur.y - wave_cur.rad)<<1) - y;
- break;
- /* s wave */
- /* reverse flight */
- if(wave_cur.rev) epos = (CENTER2 + wave_rad2) - epos;
- if((epos>0)&&(epos<CENTER)) {
- /* enter screen and fly to the middle */
- x = epos;
- y = wave_cur.y;
- } else if((epos >= CENTER)&&(epos < (CENTER + (wave_rad2/2)))) {
- /* half circle */
- l = (((long)epos - CENTER) * 256)/(wave_rad2);
- x = CENTER + (VideoSin[l] * wave_cur.rad) / 128;
- y = wave_cur.y + wave_cur.rad -
- (VideoCos[l] * wave_cur.rad) / 128;
- } else if((epos >= CENTER+(wave_rad2/2))&&
- (epos < (CENTER + wave_rad2))) {
- /* another half circle */
- l = (((long)epos - CENTER - (wave_rad2/2)) * 256)/(wave_rad2);
- x = CENTER - (VideoSin[l] * wave_cur.rad) / 128;
- y = wave_cur.y + 3*wave_cur.rad -
- (VideoCos[l] * wave_cur.rad) / 128;
- } else if((epos >= (CENTER + wave_rad2))&&
- (epos < (CENTER2 + wave_rad2))) {
- /* leave screen */
- x = epos - wave_rad2;
- y = wave_cur.y + 4*wave_cur.rad;
- }
- /* flip */
- if((x!=0)&&(wave_cur.flip)) x = 176 - x;
- break;
- }
- /* draw alien */
- VideoDrawSprite(x, y, wave_cur.sprite);
- if(sub_state == 0) {
- /* did alien collide with our ship? */
- if(VideoSpriteCollide(x, y, wave_cur.sprite,
- sx, sy, SPR_SHIP)) {
- /* get score, anyway */
- score_inc(SCORE_ALIEN);
- /* draw explosion */
- new_exp(x, y);
- /* remove alien */
- wave_bits &= ~(1<<enemy);
- /* add damage to ship */
- damage(DAMAGE_ALIEN);
- /* whole wave removed? */
- if(wave_bits == 0)
- new_extra(x, y, SPR_SCORE10);
- }
- }
- /* is this enemy to drop a bomb? */
- if((bomb_e == enemy)&&((bomb_r % bomb_freq) == 1))
- new_bomb(x, y);
- /* check if enemy is hit */
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SHOTS;i++) {
- if(shot[i].y >= 0) {
- if(VideoSpriteCollide(x, y, wave_cur.sprite,
- shot[i].x, shot[i].y, shot[i].spr)) {
- /* yupp, we got em */
- score_inc(SCORE_ALIEN);
- new_exp(x, y);
- shot[i].y = -1; /* remove shot */
- wave_bits &= ~(1<<enemy);
- /* whole wave removed */
- if(wave_bits == 0)
- new_extra(x, y, SPR_SCORE10);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(wave_state >= (CENTER2 + wave_rad2 + (wave_cur.len-1) * wave_cur.dist))
- wave_wait = WAVE_PAUSE;
- wave_state += wave_cur.speed;
- } else {
- /* still in wait state */
- wave_wait--;
- /* next wave is coming ... */
- if(wave_wait == 0) {
- init_wave(wave_type+1, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- #define OFFSET 65
- void draw_Argon(int y) {
- VideoDrawSprite(OFFSET+0, y, SPR_A);
- VideoDrawSprite(OFFSET+13, y, SPR_r);
- VideoDrawSprite(OFFSET+21, y+4, SPR_g);
- VideoDrawSprite(OFFSET+33, y, SPR_o);
- VideoDrawSprite(OFFSET+45, y, SPR_n);
- VideoDrawSprite(OFFSET+60, y, SPR_V);
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /* main title animation routine */
- void main_title(void) {
- unsigned int i;
- DWord hardKeyState;
- char str[6];
- /* draw scrolling background */
- VideoDrawTitleBg();
- /* draw messages */
- switch(game_state) {
- /* first title page */
- if(sub_state<28)
- draw_Argon(sub_state);
- else {
- draw_Argon(28);
- /* ------------------ */
- if(sub_state>40) VideoDrawText(5,50, "Version 1.0");
- if(sub_state>60) { VideoDrawText(5,70, "\011 1999-2000");
- VideoDrawText(3,80, "by Till Harbaum"); }
- if(sub_state>80) { VideoDrawText(2,100, "www.cs.tu-bs.de/");
- VideoDrawText(3,110, "~harbaum/pilot"); }
- if(sub_state>100) VideoDrawText(1,130, "T.Harbaum@tu-bs.de");
- /* ------------------ */
- }
- break;
- /* ------------------ */
- VideoDrawText(5,40, "High Scores");
- VideoDrawText(5,42, "___________");
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SCORES;i++) {
- if(sub_state>(20+20*i)) {
- StrIToA(str, (long)prefs.score[i].value);
- VideoDrawText(2,60+12*i, prefs.score[i].name);
- VideoDrawText(18-StrLen(str),60+12*i, str);
- }
- /* ------------------ */
- }
- break;
- case STATE_HELP:
- /* ------------------ */
- VideoDrawText(4,40, "We Want You!");
- VideoDrawText(3,42, "______________");
- if(sub_state>20) VideoDrawText(2,60, "ArgonV is a work");
- if(sub_state>40) VideoDrawText(2,70, "in progress. If");
- if(sub_state>60) VideoDrawText(2,80, "you want to par-");
- if(sub_state>80) VideoDrawText(2,90, "ticipate in this");
- if(sub_state>100) VideoDrawText(2,100, "project, read the");
- if(sub_state>120) VideoDrawText(2,110, "file 'readme.txt'");
- if(sub_state>140) VideoDrawText(2,120, "that came with");
- if(sub_state>160) VideoDrawText(2,130, "this archive.");
- /* ------------------ */
- break;
- }
- /* message printed on all pages */
- VideoDrawText(1,160, "Press key to start");
- /* animate titles */
- if(++sub_state == 300) {
- sub_state = 0;
- if(++game_state == STATE_WRAP)
- game_state = STATE_TITLE;
- }
- hardKeyState = KeyCurrentState() &
- (keyBitPageUp | keyBitPageDown |
- keyBitHard1 | keyBitHard2 |
- keyBitHard3 | keyBitHard4);
- /* is currently a key pressed? */
- if((hardKeyState != 0) &&
- ((hardKeyState & last_state) != hardKeyState)) {
- /* initialize level */
- VideoInitLevel();
- /* start game engine */
- game_state = STATE_RUNNING;
- sub_state = 0;
- /* init game parameteters */
- ship_x_pos = CENTER;
- ship_y_pos = SHIP_START_Y;
- scroll_y = 0;
- ship_save_position();
- /* clear score */
- score = 0;
- /* re-init game elements */
- init_shot();
- init_exp();
- init_bomb();
- init_wave(0, WAVE_INIT);
- init_extra();
- init_message();
- /* recharge shields/lifes */
- lifes = MAX_LIFES;
- damage(DAMAGE_RELOAD);
- }
- /* save last keystate */
- last_state = hardKeyState;
- }
- /////////////////////////
- // EventLoop
- /////////////////////////
- static void EventLoop(void) {
- EventType event;
- Word error;
- DWord hardKeyState;
- int new_x, new_y, i;
- do {
- EvtGetEvent(&event, 1);
- if (SysHandleEvent(&event))
- continue;
- FrmDispatchEvent(&event);
- /* currently running a game? */
- if(game_state == STATE_RUNNING) {
- hardKeyState = KeyCurrentState();
- /* draw background (both layers) */
- VideoDrawBackground(scroll_y++);
- /* ship isn't exploding */
- if(sub_state == 0) {
- /* push ship if hit by background */
- if(VideoSpriteBgCollide(scroll_y, ship_x_pos, ship_y_pos, SPR_SHIP)) {
- damage(DAMAGE_WALL); /* some little damage to the ship */
- /* push it */
- ship_y_pos += 2;
- /* ship pushed out of the screen */
- if(ship_y_pos > 160) {
- damage(DAMAGE_DESTROY); /* destroy ship */
- /* xxxx */
- ship_y_pos = SHIP_START_Y; /* restore demo position */
- }
- }
- new_x = ship_x_pos;
- new_y = ship_y_pos;
- /* hard keys */
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitPageUp) != 0) new_y -= 2;
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitPageDown) != 0) new_y += 2;
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitHard3) != 0) new_x -= 2;
- if((hardKeyState & keyBitHard4) != 0) new_x += 2;
- /* limit movement to screen area */
- if(new_x < 16) new_x = 16;
- if(new_x > 160) new_x = 160;
- if(new_y < 16) new_y = 16;
- if(new_y > 160) new_y = 160;
- if((new_x != ship_x_pos)||(new_y != ship_y_pos)) {
- if(VideoSpriteBgCollide(scroll_y, new_x, new_y, SPR_SHIP)) {
- /* we hit the wall */
- damage(DAMAGE_WALL);
- /* let's try a small step */
- new_x = (new_x + ship_x_pos)/2;
- new_y = (new_y + ship_y_pos)/2;
- if(!VideoSpriteBgCollide(scroll_y, new_x, new_y, SPR_SHIP)) {
- /* accept new ship position */
- ship_x_pos = new_x;
- ship_y_pos = new_y;
- }
- } else {
- /* ok, accept new ship position */
- ship_x_pos = new_x;
- ship_y_pos = new_y;
- }
- }
- /* finally draw ship */
- VideoDrawSprite(ship_x_pos, ship_y_pos, SPR_SHIP);
- } else {
- /* ship is currently exploding */
- if(sub_state>1) {
- if(sub_state>SHIP_EXPLODE_TIMER) {
- /* ship is currently exploding */
- VideoDrawSprite(ship_x_pos, ship_y_pos,
- SPR_EXP_L - (sub_state - SHIP_EXPLODE_TIMER)/2);
- } else {
- #define MSG_Y 140
- if(sub_state>SHIP_EXPLODE_TIMER-(MAX_Y-MSG_Y))
- i = MSG_Y+(sub_state-(SHIP_EXPLODE_TIMER-(MAX_Y-MSG_Y)));
- else
- i = MSG_Y;
- if(lifes==0) VideoDrawText(5,i,"GAME OVER!");
- }
- sub_state--;
- } else
- {
- /* ship explosion finished, show title */
- /* still lifes left? */
- if(lifes==0) {
- /* new hi score? */
- if(score > prefs.score[MAX_SCORES-1].value) {
- init_name_input();
- game_state = STATE_NAME;
- } else
- game_state = STATE_TITLE;
- sub_state = 0;
- } else {
- /* explosion finished and still lifes left */
- /* reinitialize ship */
- init_shot();
- init_exp();
- init_bomb();
- init_wave(0, WAVE_INIT);
- init_extra();
- /* restart ... */
- new_message("GET READY");
- sub_state = 0;
- /* reload damage indicator */
- damage(DAMAGE_RELOAD);
- /* restore last saved ship position */
- ship_restore_position();
- }
- }
- }
- /* process different game objects */
- handle_shot(hardKeyState & keyBitHard1,
- shot_mode, ship_x_pos, ship_y_pos);
- handle_exp();
- handle_bomb(ship_x_pos, ship_y_pos);
- handle_wave(ship_x_pos, ship_y_pos);
- handle_extra();
- handle_message();
- /* finally update screen */
- VideoDrawText(0, 16, score_str);
- } else if(game_state == STATE_NAME) {
- /* user is currently entering a name */
- main_name_input();
- } else {
- /* title/hiscore etc are currently shown */
- main_title();
- }
- VideoFlip();
- }
- while (event.eType != appStopEvent);
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /** global init and cleanup */
- static Boolean StartApplication(void) {
- if(!VideoGreyscaleOn()) return false;
- /* Mask hardware keys */
- KeySetMask(~(keyBitPageUp | keyBitPageDown |
- keyBitHard1 | keyBitHard2 |
- keyBitHard3 | keyBitHard4 ));
- SysRandom(TimGetTicks());
- get_preferences();
- return true;
- }
- static void StopApplication(void) {
- save_preferences();
- VideoGreyscaleOff();
- }
- /////////////////////////
- // PilotMain
- /////////////////////////
- DWord PilotMain(Word cmd, Ptr cmdBPB, Word launchFlags) {
- if (cmd == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch) {
- if(StartApplication()) {
- EventLoop();
- StopApplication();
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }