Ancient Red is a RPG (Role Playing Game) based on mythological story. Basylonia is a world full of magic and monsters. You will have exciting experiences and adventure which you cannot have in real word. You will enjoy the fact that you have the capability to create your own character. The character is an incarnation of yourself and is supposed to save the world from evils. At each stage along the game, you will find your character improve its strength. The character will encounter many monsters in the magic world and have challenges to fight with them to recover peace in Basylonia. Also you will get precious items as the character defeats monsters. Ancient Red enables you to trade precious items with your friends through infrared port, which further enhances your excitement.
Basylonia has more than 20,000 screens and each has numerous monsters. The character should defeat the monsters using his equipment and magic. You need to win against monsters by strategically optimizing the character's physical strength, magic, dexterity, and charisma. Your character can manage various magic such as Lighting bolt, Fire ball, Tornardo, and others. As the character successfully defeats all monsters, Basylonia eventually recovers its peace.
* Palm III / IIIc / IIIe / IIIx / IIIxe / V / Vx / VII /
HandSpring Visor series or PalmOS 3.x compatible device
* 710KB memory capacity (Grey version)
* 1.6MB memory capacity (Color version)
2. Key characteristics of Ancient Red
* Real time action RPG
* Use of PDA stylus to attack monsters
* full screen, excellent graphics with 4 Grey/256 Color
* wide scale of 20,480 screens
* automatic geography generation
* automatic save function
* automatic mapping system
* numerous items
* monsters with AI (artificial intelligence)
* 8-direction movement with high-quality animation
* multiple magic with high impact
* breath taking combat with monsters
* convenient interface
* capability to trade items using infrared port
3. Install into your PDA
Before start the game, you need to install the game into your PDA. The installation requires two steps as described below:
(1) Transfer following file to your PDA
[Color Palm]
* AR_color.prc
* AR_color.pdb
* AR_grey.prc
* AR_grey.pdb
- If you have PDA with color support (e.g., Palm IIIc), you need to install the file in 'Color' folder. Otherwise you have to use the other file in 'Grey' folder.
- As you play Ancient Red, AR-REF.PDB is automatically generated and to save up-to-date status of your play. When you do HOTSYNC, a back-up file is generated in PC.
(AncientRed.pdb contains the geometry data of the current world. Be aware of this is not be save in your PC when you do HOTSYNC.)
(2) You need the Reg-Key to play Ancient Red in full scale.
You can get the Reg-Key by sending following information to the order number, Reg-Code provided in the menu, License. We will send the Reg-Key within 24 hours.
4. Start game
Tap AncientRed icon and you can see the title screen after a while. Get to Main Menu by tapping the screen. Main menu consists of following submenu
[ About ]
: Game version, homepage and email of producer, copyright
[ New Character ]
: Create new character, You should name the character. Notice that previous character will be erased
[ New World ]
: Create new world. Notice that previous world will be erased
[ Continue ]
: Continue the game at the world created before
[ Option ]
: Option to disable sound and [License] button
[ License ]
: Reg-Code appears. You should input a given Reg-Key to play the game
[ Quit ]
: Quit the game
1) Firstly, you must create your own character and name it. You can choose your character's statistics by tapping the [DICE]. The statistics screen shows the following character attributes:
* LV(level): Character's level
* HP(Hit Point): character's current / maximum hit points. Capability to endure the damage by attack.
* MP( Mana Point): The amount of Mana enabling magic
* STR (Strength): Fundamental power, STR change depends on HP
* DEX (Dexterity): Dex determines how quickly your character can dodge opponent's attack
* CHA (Charisma): As a value expressing popularity, character with high CHA can take help from town people and can take more expensive items. CHA gradually decrease but can be recharged by solving the given problem at Guild or Tatoo store.
* INT (Intelligent): The character with higher INT can use more various spells
* EXP (Experience): EXP is added when your character gets to some level.
* GOLD: Gold is needed to buy some product
2) Tapping [New World] will create a world for new adventure. Pls., wait for a moment with expectation until a New world is created.
3)Now, you come to strange town. Begin your adventure. Good luck!
* Although some food and weapons are given, it is very important to buy weapons at the BlackSmith and buy more foods at the Tatoo store for continuous adventures. Weapon is the tool to kill monster and food help you not to be starved. Your character can buy products by selecting and tapping 'Buy' button. Tap Exit button to exit store
* To equip the weapon, double-tap the item on the lower panel. In other way, tap [FIND] on silk screen and get to Weapon mode. Tapping the left of item determine whether the item is equipped or unequipped. You can neither equip "Unknown item" nor unequip item under spell, that looks gray rather than black
5. Interface
| |-----------------------| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | [G] | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |.......................| |
| | [P] | |
| | | |
| |-----------------------| |
| | [A]: :[C] | |
| | : : | |
| | [B]: :[D] | |
| ------------------------- |
| [5] |
| [1] [2] | | [3] [4] |
| [6] |
* Move, To move the character located in the center of the screen, tap the screen to the direction you want to go. Because the character stops when he meets obstacles, you must lead your character to the right direction.
* Combat : You can attack opponent by tapping the objective. For physical attacks, the opponent should be located in the range of weapon. Spells can be cast if the opponent is on the screen.
[5] button; Switch between weapon and mana. Your character will not move when you use Mana.
[6] button; Switch between stop and move. This button can be useful in combat
[1] IR TRADE; Switch to trade items with other palm users. At first, tap the left to select item and then show to other palm user by tapping the SHOW in the bottom left portion of [P]. If agreed on trading, tap TRADE at one side and tap ACCEPT at the other side.
[2] : MAPSwitch to overhead map. Also, you can see a great distance mat by tapping [G]
[3] : Switch between item list and Mara list on [P]. This button is very comfortable to quickly change two modes
[4] : QUIT, Exit the game
[A] Exit to Main manu
[B] : Check the current status of your character
[C] : MAGIC Switch to Magic mode
The % value in the right portion of magic means your character's current Mana point. It is possible to increase this value by reading magic books or scroll sold at 'Old Mages' House'. This magic that you can't use with your current INT looks gray
[D] : EQUIPMENT, Switch to weapon mode
To scroll up and down, tap [5] or[6] button. Tapping the left of item determines whether the item is equipped or unequipped. You can neither equip "Unknown item" nor unequip item under spell,that looks gray rather than black. The value in the right portion of weapon means current and maximum endurance of it. Current value decreases by using in combat. So you must repair the weapon at the BlackSmith. There are two small icons in the top right portion of [G] screen. The first icon, diamond shape, make your character use ?. The second one, trash can shape, get to drop item. If you tap [D] during conversation, the second icon is changed into hand shape. You can give your item to the other person by tapping this icon.
[P] ; BASE PANEL, This includes basic information for playing
- TEXT BAR : This bar is located in the top portion. Through this bar, you can see the name of item, Mara and Monster and also show the conversation as the expanded shape.
- Tool bar : This bar show items your character has. Check the name by scrolling. Double tap to equip new item. You can switch to Mara by tapping[3]
- HP/MP/FD : This bar express the HP/MP/FD of your character. Your character will die when HP decrease to 0 and cannot use Mara when MP level is low. As times go by, FD gradually decrease and decrease even faster during combat. Notice that HP starts to be reduced when FD is 0.
6. Buildings
In the Continent of Basylonia, There are so many towns and ancient buildings, They sometimes provide secret information and can be the strategic base camp. A small light from remote towns is enough to ease your mind after a fierce battle.
Guild provide your character with various jobs proper to your skills and you can increase your charisma by working for those jobs. You'd better to be careful when you take a job because the reward does not always depend on the difficulty of job
The owner of Inn welcomes weary travelers. He, at cheap price, provides warm bedroom and serves good quality food bought at Tatoo's store.
Rogol's warehouse
It is exhausting to carry all items obtained during adventures. This concern can be solved by renting a warehouse at the Rogol's warehouse. Although the rental fee is not so reasonable, you need not to worry about theft, because everybody know that the owner of items are mostly brave warriors,
Blacksmith trade and repair weapons or shields. Also, they have lots of experience enough to explain the history of suspicious items in detail. For some period, they used to make or repair farming appliances but recently gathered, a lot of adventures have made them busy. They welcome any guest even while working covered with sweat.
Born as a wizard, Redsmith carve Roon character on weapons or shields. This carving with Roon character can increase the endurance of items to the maximum limit but items unfortunately can be broken during carving. Although there is a rumor that he is a son of old Mage, it's hard to check the truth because of his grave attitude on working. Since that he ask high price, you should prepare sufficient money for carving weapons
Old Mage's House
He seems to be insane because he walks around a dark room all day with browsing through a magic book. However, don't look down on his ability. Nobody can't exceed his knowledge in magic. He has all kinds of items needed for magic, such as magic book, magic scroll, staff, and potion re-charging Mara.
Witch's House
If you feel something wrong in your body, go to Witch's House. They can provide any kinds of healing for all injuries or unknown condition of a patient and also clear the spell in the shield or weapon.
Tatoo's Store
Tatoo, son of a farmer, became a skillful trader. He always not only sells fresh fruits and good meats but also buys the carcasses of Monsters with good price. It's a good idea to walk into this store when you are not busy, because he sometimes give a job. Do not forget to stop by this store before leaving town.
Witch Megaela's Nest
Witch Megaela, a descendant of Labim who was a disciple of Great Ueuekoyotl, is living alone in a remote swamp area. She is the only person who know the secret of the continent of Basylonia. If you get mysterious rings, go to her.
Resident's house
The buildings in each towns have different shapes. Aleinas do trading, Raplan agriculture, Mozibif collecting and hunting for a living respectively. So, the character of one town is very different from that of another town. You can get to know various interesting facts while talking with them. If you present something, you might be paid back by good luck
7. Monster description
There is not much information available on monsters since travelers who encountered used to lose their life. The monsters described below are only subset of the entire monsters. If your characters defeat monsters, edible ones are good food to gain energy or he can sell at Tatoo's store to earn money. Some monsters are very vehemous(???) and even have strong magic power. There may be a way to tame them as a subordinator...
It can be a good hunting for travelers, however they might be meal for them.
Giant Beatle (???)
Be careful this Giant Beatle (???), if you are not familiar with travelling in the woods. It has very hard crust (???) around its body on which you may not even crack.
Naive travelers are the best looted targets to the Goblin whose main areas are dark forest.
Corp revived by magician who runs after apostle.
Unpleasant incantation recited by Lich aims at somebody's haert incessantly.
Red Knight
One of the enemies who decorate ominous darkness. You should keep in mind his sword may thrust through your heart I the twinkle of an eye.
There are many other monsters besides ones described above chasing you.
8. Item description
* Dagger, Sword, Axe, Hammer, Bow, Staff, etc.
Several weapons are available in this world.
In several places are hided common weaponry and very precious ones which should be accompanied by the will of Heaven and life.
It must be fascinating to jump into a battlefield of monsters with only one axe which keep destructive power, otherwise it is also interesting to keep sword. Of course you cannot use shield if you want to brandish both hands weapon.
Iron dagger
I know it is the right solution to put an end to your enemy's life approaching behind him/her. But, we urge you to reconsider if it is an all-out war.
Diamond dagger
A short sword worthy of the name.
Although its distinguishing feature is durability, it will cause you to have a light purse.
Long sword
This is the most favorite sword by a large number of adventurers and it is very inexpensive and competitive in terms of performance.
Bastard sword
Very strong and sharp for its original purpose but lack of design quality.
Crystal sword
Item belonging to Crystal is said to have an effect to enhance intelligence.
Nouada's sword
It's the sword by Nouada, legendary blacksmith, who made a lot of masterpiece like armor, shield and so on except sword, all of which are not available even with thousands of gold.
Gammadion sword
It is said that God used it, which appears in the legend of Basilonia. There is no clue whether it has some special power.
Battle axe
It has more destructive power than others which has similar price structure. But, you must keep in mind you cannot put on shield with this kind of both hands weapon.
Golden axe
Items like series of Golden always dignifies the users.
Black hammer
This is the right weapon for the people against monsters in school.
Long bow
It will be the best option of reasonable price if you shoot arrow vert well.
Elven bow
Once you master how to sue this bow, you will be in strong position against monsters to some extent.
Flame bow
It has outstanding destructive power, but the price is rather expensive.
Ivory staff
There are number of peoples who do not recognize its power, misunderstanding most magic sticks are only for magician, not for warriors.
* Armor, Shield, Helm & Shoes
Strong defensive weapons are necessary for you to guard yourself from the sharp teeth and flaws of monsters. Drop by blacksmith's shop and it will keep the life of them much longer than what they are expected originally.
Studded leather armor
Steels embedded in the armor. It will make you much safer from the sharp teeth of monsters.
Clock of obsidian
Cloak with the decoration of obsidian. It makes you light and speedy.
Awesome full plate
It give grand appearance to the warriors who are crude and tough.
Organic full plate
It is alive organization itself.
Shield of sun
A decoration which stands for the sun in the center of shield is engraved. It has strong defensive power.
Yanan's full helm
Helmer used by the great brave man, Yanan.
Demon's horn
It is made by the horn of evil, appearing in the legend of Barsilonia.
Iron shoes
You don't have to worry about the heel any more in the battle with monsters.
Hezenon's boots
It endows mysterious power on the users.
* Amulet & Ring
Ancient Amulet & Ring have been handed down and most of them are in the possession of monsters so that you cannot buy them even with money. It will be helpful to solve the mystery.
* Usable Item
It will be helpful to distinguish various items of fruits and meats which help you restore the physical strength and encourage magic power
For restoration of the physical strength.
Mana potion
For charging of magic energy.
Haoma juice
Mysterious liquid makes you restore both the physical power and magic energy.
You can store magical energy with this natural mushroom.
Magic book
The magic that you have will greatly increase by it, which requires relevant intelligence to get it. Also, this item will be faint if the intelligence is lack.
Magic scroll
The level of dexterity that you possess will increase.
Sycamore furit
Fruit which will be helpful to restore the physical strength.
Town Wing
You can fly swiftly back to the place you start your trip or the guild you visited recently.
Wonderful honey can cure poison
Mysterious meal which can support both physical strength and hunger.
Delicious fruit helpful to appease the hunger
Fresh meat which can energize you quickly
It is precious jewel. The price is same for both buying and selling.
9. Customer support
We'd like to express our heartfelt thanks to you for purchasing Ancient Red by SkeNext. SkeNext will realize the vision, which gives our customers dreamlike experience through games. As of now, we are focusing on the games which operate on the small devices like Ancient Red, PDA based game and others based on mobile phone.
It you find any problems and need any support, please contact us with this number. Thank you.