In the distribution zip file I made the following changes:
Explanation of change:
The above files are needed when you install SuperList2 for the first time. They contain the supermarket list and indexes for SuperList2. I renamed the files in order to make their names different from the files that get created in your Palm \Backup folder when you perform a Hotsync. SuperList2 backup data is named "Allitems.pdb" and "AllLists.pdb" on your PC. I wanted to help users to avoid confusing the basic sample data with their backup data files.
If you are an existing user of SuperList2 and you want to UPGRADE your version, please remember the following two rules:
1. Don't remove the previous version from your handheld.
2. Only install the file whose name ends with ".prc". If you made changes to the supermarket list or added new SuperList2 lists of your own on your handheld and you install the SAMPLE "pdb" files, you will lose all the changes you made.
Bug fixes:
1. Sometimes the last item could not be reached when scrolling to the bottom of a list. That has been fixed.
2. Sometimes lists other than the supermarket list could not be scrolled using the Palm's up and down keys. That has been fixed.
3. Sometimes items from the supermarket list would appear in other lists that you created. That has been fixed.
Improved feature:
1. It used to be that if you selected a master item and added it to your selected items list and then tried to use the "zoom" feature, you would zoom on the selected items list. If you wanted to zoom on the master list you had to tap on to make it "active".
I changed the program so that you no longer need to make the tap on the master list before doing your next zoom. I made this program change in response to a request from several customers. Who felt the old way was less intuitive.
What's New in SuperList2 version 2.2 (3/17/00)
Added two new Menu > Options > Preference settings:
1. Check-Box
2. No global find
Read ReadMe.doc for full details.
Bug fixes:
1. Fixed a bug that allowed two selected items to become highlighted at the same time.
2. It fixes a bug that required a reset of your handheld if you attemted to Delete or Spawn a master list in certain circumstances.