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- Thank you for downloading Pocket Palate. We're sure that you'll enjoy this
- wonderful product.
- Pocket Palate 1.1 is Copyright (c) 2000, Extended Technology Systems
- All rights reserved.
- Designed and distributed by:
- Extended Technology Systems
- 2551 State St., Suite 111
- Carlsbad, CA. 92008
- 760-729-3396
- http://www.exts.com
- info@exts.com
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pocket Palate is a program designed for the PalmOS which keeps track of all
- of your wines, wineries, and taste ratings on diffrent wines. This version
- of Pocket Palate has a 30 day expiration date and will not be usable after
- this time.
- INSTALLATION: Just install the enclosed PPalate.prc file onto your Palm OS
- device.
- REGISTRATION: Pocket Palate can be registered via http://www.palmgear.com at a
- reasonable cost of $19.95. Registration will not only entitle you to use
- Pocket Palate past 30 days but will also entitle you to free "in-version"
- upgrades. The "in-version" upgrades will be announced and made available via
- our web site at http://www.exts.com
- Be sure to keep checking our web site for new information and future versions
- of Pocket Palate. We're actively continuing the design and develop of
- enhancements and add-on modules for Pocket Palate. Keep an eye out for the
- following:
- - PC based version of Pocket Palate. Will allow you to copy your Wines,
- Wineries, and Tastings between your Palm OS device and your PC. You'll be
- able to print reports and import/export your data files.
- - Web based sharing of Pocket Palate wine tastings. You'll be able to share
- your Pocket Palate wine tastings by uploading and downloading from our web
- site.
- - And much more...
- ----- How to use Pocket Palate ------------------------------------------------
- The Main Form
- "Tastings" Button: Takes you to the Tastings form that shows a list
- of all the Tastings entered.
- "Wines" Button: Takes you to the Wines form which shows a list of
- all the Wines entered.
- "Wineries" Button: Takes you to the Wineries form which shows a list
- of all the Wineries entered.
- The Tastings Form
- "New Tasting..." Button: Takes you to the Tasting Details form
- where you can change the information on a new tasting.
- To view the details of a tasting click on the row that the tasting
- you wish to view is in.
- The Wines Form
- "New Wine..." Button: Takes you to the Tasting Details form where
- you can change the information on a new wine.
- To view the details of a wine click on the row that the wine you
- wish to view is in.
- The Wineries Form
- "New Winery..." Button: Takes you to the Tasting Details form
- where you can change the information on a new winery.
- To view the details of a winery click on the row that the winery
- you wish to view is in.
- The Wine Types Form
- "New Wine Type..." Button: Pops up a box allowing you to edit the
- information on a new Wine Type. To view/edit the name of a
- Wine Type click on the row that the wine type you wish to view
- is in.
- The Tasting Details Form
- "Cancel" Button: Takes you back to the Tastings form w/out making
- any changes.
- "Save" Button: Saves any changes you made to the Tasting and
- returns to the Tastings form.
- "Delete" Button: Deletes the tasting and takes you back to the
- Tastings form.
- "Edit Notes" Button: Lets you add/change your notes on the tasting.
- "SelectDate" Button: Lets you select the date of the wine tasting.
- The little down arrows popup a box of choices for you to
- pick from for each of the items and adjusts the rating score
- accordingly.
- The "Up" and "Dn" buttons adjust the rating score by ones to what
- you think it deserves.
- The Wine Details Form
- "Cancel" Button: Takes you back to the Wines form w/out making any
- changes.
- "Save" Button: Saves any changes you made to the Wine and returns
- to the Wines form.
- "Delete" Button: Deletes the wine and takes you back to the Wines
- form.
- "SelectDate" Button: Lets you select the date of when you aquired
- the wine.
- TasteRating Field: The rating you give the wine.
- Volume Field: The volume of the wine container.
- Cost Field: What the wine cost you.
- Value Field: What the wine is worth.
- Year Field: What year the wine is.
- Alcohol% Field: The % of alcohol in the wine.
- Bottles Owned Field: The # of Bottles you own.
- Notes Field: Any notes that you have on the wine.
- The Winery Details Form
- "Cancel" Button: Takes you back to the Wineries form w/out making
- any changes.
- "Save" Button: Saves any changes you made to the winery and
- returns to the Wineries form.
- "Delete" Button: Deletes the winery and takes you back to the
- Wineries form.
- "SelectDate" Button: Lets you select the date of when you were
- last at that winery.
- Contact Name Field: The name of the person you contacted at the
- winery.
- Web Site Field: The web site of the winery.
- E-mail Field: The e-mail address of the person you contacted at
- the winery.
- The Tasting Notes Form
- "Done" Button: Saves all changes made to your notes on this tasting.
- "Delete" Button: Removes all notes on this tasting.
- Menu Commands
- View-
- Tastings: Takes you to the Tastings form.
- Wines: Takes you to the Wines form.
- Wineries: Takes you to the Wineries form.
- WineTypes: Takes you to the WineTypes form.
- Main: Takes you to the Main form.
- Options-
- Enter Serial# : Takes you to the Enter Serial form where you
- can register this program.
- Help-
- About: Takes you to the About form.
- License Agreement
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Installation or use of this software package, or part of, constitutes
- acceptance and full agreement to the terms and conditions of this warranty
- and licensing agreement, in so doing the Licensee agrees to be bound by said
- provisions. Usage of the Pocket Palate software indicates acceptance of the
- terms and conditions.
- Evaluation Restrictions:
- The Shareware evaluation license provides the holder to use Pocket Palate for
- an evaluation time period of 30 days. Any usage beyond 30 days requires the
- purchase of a User License. Reinstallation and usage beyond 30 days is a
- violation of this license agreement and is punishable via U.S. and
- International copyright laws.
- License:
- The Licensee is obtaining limited rights to use the Pocket Palate software.
- The Licensee is licensed to use the Pocket Palate software on a single
- hand-held computer.
- Alteration or reverse-engineering of the program is not authorized, and
- such attempts terminate the license agreement.
- Pocket Palate is provideed "as is". The Licensee assumes all responsibility
- for the determination of the suitability of this software for Licensee's
- configuration and the results and performance of this software program
- package. The distributor, and suppliers do not warrant, guarantee, or make
- any representations regarding the use of, or the results obtained with, the
- program in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, legality, or otherwise.
- Disclaimer: In no event, shall the distributor, nor its Agents, nor anyone
- else involved in the creation, production, or delivery, of this product be
- held liable for any damages, loss of profit, consequential, or other damages,
- that may arise out of the Licensee's use or inability to use the Pocket
- Palate software. Some States do not allow excluding or limiting implied
- warranties or limiting liability for incidential or consequential damages, so
- the above limitation may not apply to the Licensee.
- Change History
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 081000 Production Release 1.1
- - Dropdown lists for tastings to select wine name/wine type/winery.
- - AutoFill fields for tastings (when you select the wine name it fills in the
- type and winery for you)
- - Year field for tastings.
- - Dropdown list for Wines to select your winery/wine type
- - Full support for adding/editing/deleting wine types
- - Fixed a execute bug on Palm Vx and Palm IIIe devices
- - Spin buttons added to Tastings for Rating adjustments
- - Fixed screen refresh bug during scrolling
- - Tastings, Wines, and Wineries databases are now linked. Entered Wines and
- Wineries can be selected from Tastings. Wineries can be selected from
- Wines.
- - Can now add new Wines/Wineries from Tastings screen.
- 053000 Production Release 1.0
- - Ready for the real world!
- 052500 Beta 5
- - Automaticly makes sure fields aren't left blank when saving record....
- - You can now edit/delete, not just add, WineTypes....
- - Now automaticly gets the focus on the first field on the form...
- - Graffiti Shift implemented on all forms...
- - Now able to Add wine types...
- 052200 Beta 4
- - Version and Beta info added to About Box.
- - Wine icon in lower right corner brings up the About box.
- - Notes field for Wines has been added.
- - Fixed the Alcohol field bug. Now accepts '.'
- - More misspellings fixed.
- 051700 Beta 3
- - Date bug in Tastings fixed.
- - Memory leak when exiting fixed.
- - Menu crash in New Wine Form fixed.
- - Misspelling of Burgundy fixed.
- - Notes field added to Tastings.
- - Notes editor added to Tastings.
- - Fixed record bug when adding a Winery from Tastings.
- - Fixed Up/Down score adjustments when returning to Tastings.
- - Added Value field to Wine Details.
- 051500 Beta 2
- - Color support added.
- - Registration code module added.
- - Fixed various crash bugs from build 042500.
- - Some cosmetic changes.