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- #include "moontool.h"
- /* KEPLER -- Solve the equation of Kepler. */
- double kepler(double m, double ecc)
- {
- double e, delta;
- #define EPSILON 1E-6
- e = m = torad(m);
- do {
- delta = e - ecc * sin(e) - m;
- e -= delta / (1 - ecc * cos(e));
- } while (abs(delta) > EPSILON);
- return e;
- }
- /* PHASE -- Calculate phase of moon as a fraction:
- The argument is the time for which the phase is requested,
- expressed as a Julian date and fraction. Returns the terminator
- phase angle as a percentage of a full circle (i.e., 0 to 1),
- and stores into pointer arguments the illuminated fraction of
- the Moon's disc, the Moon's age in days and fraction, the
- distance of the Moon from the centre of the Earth, and the
- angular diameter subtended by the Moon as seen by an observer
- at the centre of the Earth.
- */
- double phase(
- double pdate, /* Date for which to calculate phase */
- double *pphase, /* Illuminated fraction */
- double *mage, /* Age of moon in days */
- double *dist, /* Distance in kilometres */
- double *angdia, /* Angular diameter in degrees */
- double *sudist, /* Distance to Sun */
- double *suangdia) /* Sun's angular diameter */
- {
- double Day, N, M, Ec, Lambdasun, ml, MM, MN, Ev, Ae, A3, MmP,
- mEc, A4, lP, V, lPP, NP, y, x, Lambdamoon, BetaM,
- MoonAge, MoonPhase,
- MoonDist, MoonDFrac, MoonAng, MoonPar,
- F, SunDist, SunAng;
- /* Calculation of the Sun's position */
- Day = pdate - epoch; /* Date within epoch */
- N = fixangle((360 / 365.2422) * Day); /* Mean anomaly of the Sun */
- M = fixangle(N + elonge - elongp); /* Convert from perigee
- co-ordinates to epoch 1980.0 */
- Ec = kepler(M, eccent); /* Solve equation of Kepler */
- Ec = sqrt((1 + eccent) / (1 - eccent)) * tan(Ec / 2);
- Ec = 2 * todeg(atan(Ec)); /* True anomaly */
- Lambdasun = fixangle(Ec + elongp); /* Sun's geocentric ecliptic
- longitude */
- /* Orbital distance factor */
- F = ((1 + eccent * cos(torad(Ec))) / (1 - eccent * eccent));
- SunDist = sunsmax / F; /* Distance to Sun in km */
- SunAng = F * sunangsiz; /* Sun's angular size in degrees */
- /* Calculation of the Moon's position */
- /* Moon's mean longitude */
- ml = fixangle(13.1763966 * Day + mmlong);
- /* Moon's mean anomaly */
- MM = fixangle(ml - 0.1114041 * Day - mmlongp);
- /* Moon's ascending node mean longitude */
- MN = fixangle(mlnode - 0.0529539 * Day);
- /* Evection */
- Ev = 1.2739 * sin(torad(2 * (ml - Lambdasun) - MM));
- /* Annual equation */
- Ae = 0.1858 * sin(torad(M));
- /* Correction term */
- A3 = 0.37 * sin(torad(M));
- /* Corrected anomaly */
- MmP = MM + Ev - Ae - A3;
- /* Correction for the equation of the centre */
- mEc = 6.2886 * sin(torad(MmP));
- /* Another correction term */
- A4 = 0.214 * sin(torad(2 * MmP));
- /* Corrected longitude */
- lP = ml + Ev + mEc - Ae + A4;
- /* Variation */
- V = 0.6583 * sin(torad(2 * (lP - Lambdasun)));
- /* True longitude */
- lPP = lP + V;
- /* Corrected longitude of the node */
- NP = MN - 0.16 * sin(torad(M));
- /* Y inclination coordinate */
- y = sin(torad(lPP - NP)) * cos(torad(minc));
- /* X inclination coordinate */
- x = cos(torad(lPP - NP));
- /* Ecliptic longitude */
- Lambdamoon = todeg(atan2(y, x));
- Lambdamoon += NP;
- /* Ecliptic latitude */
- BetaM = todeg(asin(sin(torad(lPP - NP)) * sin(torad(minc))));
- /* Calculation of the phase of the Moon */
- /* Age of the Moon in degrees */
- MoonAge = lPP - Lambdasun;
- /* Phase of the Moon */
- MoonPhase = (1 - cos(torad(MoonAge))) / 2;
- /* Calculate distance of moon from the centre of the Earth */
- MoonDist = (msmax * (1 - mecc * mecc)) /
- (1 + mecc * cos(torad(MmP + mEc)));
- /* Calculate Moon's angular diameter */
- MoonDFrac = MoonDist / msmax;
- MoonAng = mangsiz / MoonDFrac;
- /* Calculate Moon's parallax */
- MoonPar = mparallax / MoonDFrac;
- *pphase = MoonPhase;
- *mage = synmonth * (fixangle(MoonAge) / 360.0);
- *dist = MoonDist;
- *angdia = MoonAng;
- *sudist = SunDist;
- *suangdia = SunAng;
- return fixangle(MoonAge) / 360.0;
- }
- /* JTIME -- Convert internal GMT date and time to astronomical Julian
- time (i.e. Julian date plus day fraction, expressed as
- a double). */
- /* Algorithm as given in Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, Chapter 7, page 61 */
- FlpCompDouble *jtime(const DateTimeType *t, FlpCompDouble *j)
- {
- Int32 year;
- Int16 mon, mday, hour, min, sec;
- Int16 a, b, m;
- Int32 y;
- year = t->year;
- mon = t->month;
- mday = t->day;
- hour = t->hour;
- min = t->minute;
- sec = t->second;
- m = mon;
- y = year;
- if (m <= 2) {
- y--;
- m += 12;
- }
- /* Determine whether date is in Julian or Gregorian calendar based on
- canonical date of calendar reform. */
- if ((year < 1582) || ((year == 1582) && ((mon < 9) ||
- (mon == 9 && mday < 5)))) {
- b = 0;
- } else {
- a = ((Int32) (y / 100));
- b = 2 - a + (a / 4);
- }
- j->d = (((UInt32) (365.25 * (y + 4716))) + ((UInt16) (30.6001 * (m + 1))) +
- mday + b - 1524.5) +
- ((sec + 60L * (min + 60L * hour)) / 86400.0);
- return j;
- }
- /* JYEAR -- Convert Julian date to year, month, day, which are
- returned via integer pointers to integers. */
- void jyear(double td, Int32 *yy, Int16 *mm, Int16 *dd)
- {
- double z, f, a, alpha, b, c, d, e;
- td += 0.5;
- z = floor(td);
- f = td - z;
- if (z < 2299161.0) {
- a = z;
- } else {
- alpha = floor((z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
- a = z + 1 + alpha - floor(alpha / 4);
- }
- b = a + 1524;
- c = floor((b - 122.1) / 365.25);
- d = floor(365.25 * c);
- e = floor((b - d) / 30.6001);
- *dd = (Int16) (b - d - floor(30.6001 * e) + f);
- *mm = (Int16) ((e < 14) ? (e - 1) : (e - 13));
- *yy = (Int32) ((*mm > 2) ? (c - 4716) : (c - 4715));
- }
- /* JHMS -- Convert Julian time to hour, minutes, and seconds. */
- void jhms(double j, Int16 *h, Int16 *m, Int16 *s)
- {
- Int32 ij;
- j += 0.5; /* Astronomical to civil */
- ij = (Int32) (((j - floor(j)) * 86400.0) + 0.5); // Round to nearest second
- *h = (Int16) (ij / 3600L);
- *m = (Int16) ((ij / 60L) % 60L);
- *s = (Int16) (ij % 60L);
- }
- /* MEANPHASE -- Calculates time of the mean new Moon for a given
- base date. This argument K to this function is the
- precomputed synodic month index, given by:
- K = (year - 1900) * 12.3685
- where year is expressed as a year and fractional year. */
- double meanphase(double sdate, double k)
- {
- double t, t2, t3, nt1;
- /* Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5 */
- t = (sdate - 2415020.0) / 36525;
- t2 = t * t; /* Square for frequent use */
- t3 = t2 * t; /* Cube for frequent use */
- nt1 = 2415020.75933 + synmonth * k
- + 0.0001178 * t2
- - 0.000000155 * t3
- + 0.00033 * dsin(166.56 + 132.87 * t - 0.009173 * t2);
- return nt1;
- }
- /* TRUEPHASE -- Given a K value used to determine the
- mean phase of the new moon, and a phase
- selector (0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75), obtain
- the true, corrected phase time. */
- double truephase(double k, double phase)
- {
- double t, t2, t3, pt, m, mprime, f;
- Int16 apcor = 0;
- k += phase; /* Add phase to new moon time */
- t = k / 1236.85; /* Time in Julian centuries from
- 1900 January 0.5 */
- t2 = t * t; /* Square for frequent use */
- t3 = t2 * t; /* Cube for frequent use */
- pt = 2415020.75933 /* Mean time of phase */
- + synmonth * k
- + 0.0001178 * t2
- - 0.000000155 * t3
- + 0.00033 * dsin(166.56 + 132.87 * t - 0.009173 * t2);
- m = 359.2242 /* Sun's mean anomaly */
- + 29.10535608 * k
- - 0.0000333 * t2
- - 0.00000347 * t3;
- mprime = 306.0253 /* Moon's mean anomaly */
- + 385.81691806 * k
- + 0.0107306 * t2
- + 0.00001236 * t3;
- f = 21.2964 /* Moon's argument of latitude */
- + 390.67050646 * k
- - 0.0016528 * t2
- - 0.00000239 * t3;
- if ((phase < 0.01) || (abs(phase - 0.5) < 0.01)) {
- /* Corrections for New and Full Moon */
- pt += (0.1734 - 0.000393 * t) * dsin(m)
- + 0.0021 * dsin(2 * m)
- - 0.4068 * dsin(mprime)
- + 0.0161 * dsin(2 * mprime)
- - 0.0004 * dsin(3 * mprime)
- + 0.0104 * dsin(2 * f)
- - 0.0051 * dsin(m + mprime)
- - 0.0074 * dsin(m - mprime)
- + 0.0004 * dsin(2 * f + m)
- - 0.0004 * dsin(2 * f - m)
- - 0.0006 * dsin(2 * f + mprime)
- + 0.0010 * dsin(2 * f - mprime)
- + 0.0005 * dsin(m + 2 * mprime);
- apcor = 1;
- } else if ((abs(phase - 0.25) < 0.01 || (abs(phase - 0.75) < 0.01))) {
- pt += (0.1721 - 0.0004 * t) * dsin(m)
- + 0.0021 * dsin(2 * m)
- - 0.6280 * dsin(mprime)
- + 0.0089 * dsin(2 * mprime)
- - 0.0004 * dsin(3 * mprime)
- + 0.0079 * dsin(2 * f)
- - 0.0119 * dsin(m + mprime)
- - 0.0047 * dsin(m - mprime)
- + 0.0003 * dsin(2 * f + m)
- - 0.0004 * dsin(2 * f - m)
- - 0.0006 * dsin(2 * f + mprime)
- + 0.0021 * dsin(2 * f - mprime)
- + 0.0003 * dsin(m + 2 * mprime)
- + 0.0004 * dsin(m - 2 * mprime)
- - 0.0003 * dsin(2 * m + mprime);
- if (phase < 0.5)
- /* First quarter correction */
- pt += 0.0028 - 0.0004 * dcos(m) + 0.0003 * dcos(mprime);
- else
- /* Last quarter correction */
- pt += -0.0028 + 0.0004 * dcos(m) - 0.0003 * dcos(mprime);
- apcor = 1;
- }
- ErrFatalDisplayIf((!apcor),
- "TRUEPHASE called with invalid phase selector");
- return pt;
- }
- /* PHASEHUNT -- Find time of phases of the moon which surround
- the current date. Five phases are found, starting
- and ending with the new moons which bound the
- current lunation. */
- void phasehunt(double sdate, double phases[5])
- {
- double adate, k1, k2, nt1, nt2;
- Int32 yy;
- Int16 mm, dd;
- adate = sdate - 45;
- jyear(adate, &yy, &mm, &dd);
- k1 = floor((yy + ((mm - 1) * (1.0 / 12.0)) - 1900) * 12.3685);
- adate = nt1 = meanphase(adate, k1);
- while (1) {
- adate += synmonth;
- k2 = k1 + 1;
- nt2 = meanphase(adate, k2);
- if (nt1 <= sdate && nt2 > sdate)
- break;
- nt1 = nt2;
- k1 = k2;
- }
- phases[0] = truephase(k1, 0.0);
- phases[1] = truephase(k1, 0.25);
- phases[2] = truephase(k1, 0.5);
- phases[3] = truephase(k1, 0.75);
- phases[4] = truephase(k2, 0.0);
- }