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- /* MathLib: Pilot shared library of IEEE-754 double math functions
- *
- * Library function prototypes for the calling application. This is
- * the file that the calling application should include in order to
- * get access to the routines in the library; it serves the same
- * function as the file "math.h" normally used on systems with
- * standard math libraries. Each function in the library has two
- * prototypes listed; the first is for the programmer-friendly
- * wrapper function in MathLib.c, the second is for the raw SYS_TRAP()
- * invocation that actually calls the library routine.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997 Rick Huebner
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- * along with this program; see file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
- *
- * Version 1.01, 23 August 1997, Rick Huebner
- */
- #ifndef __MATHLIB_H__
- #define __MATHLIB_H__
- // Library name for use with SysLibFind()
- #define MathLibName "MathLib"
- // Values for use with SysLibLoad()
- #define LibType 'libr'
- #define MathLibCreator 'MthL'
- // This is the major version number of the library. If new functions
- // are added to this library, this version number must be incremented
- // to protect programs which are compiled with this header from trying
- // to invoke the new functions in an old version of MathLib.prc,
- // which would be fatal. Do NOT delete any functions from this list,
- // or any older programs which try to use them will die. Any changes
- // other than adding new functions should be reflected in the minor
- // part of the version number, e.g. 1.1 if a bug fix, 2.0 if new
- // functions added.
- #define MathLibVersion 1
- // Possible Err values from MathLib functions
- typedef enum MathLibErrorCode {
- mlErrNone = 0,
- mlErrOldVersion, // library is older than version passed to open()
- mlErrNotOpen, // close() without having called open() first
- mlErrNoMemory // can't allocate global data block
- } MathLibErrorCode;
- // Library reference returned by SysLibFind() or SysLibLoad()
- extern UInt16 MathLibRef;
- /*****************************
- * Library control functions *
- *****************************/
- Err MathLibOpen(UInt16 refnum, UInt16 version) // Initialize library for use
- SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapOpen);
- Err MathLibClose(UInt16 refnum, UInt16 *usecountP)// Free library resources when finished
- SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapClose);
- Err MathLibSleep(UInt16 refnum) // Called by OS when Pilot sleeps
- SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapSleep);
- Err MathLibWake(UInt16 refnum) // Called by OS when Pilot wakes
- SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapWake);
- /***************************
- * Trigonometric functions *
- ***************************/
- double acos(double x); // Arc cosine of x
- double asin(double x); // Arc sine of x
- double atan(double x); // Arc tangent of x
- double atan2(double y, double x); // Arc tangent of y/x
- double cos(double x); // Cosine of x
- double sin(double x); // Sine of x
- double tan(double x); // Tangent of x
- void sincos(double x, double *sinx, double *cosx); // Sine and cosine of x
- /************************
- * Hyperbolic functions *
- ************************/
- double cosh(double x); // Hyperbolic cosine of x
- double sinh(double x); // Hyperbolic sine of x
- double tanh(double x); // Hyperbolic tangent of x
- double acosh(double x); // Hyperbolic arc cosine of x
- double asinh(double x); // Hyperbolic arc sine of x
- double atanh(double x); // Hyperbolic arc tangent of x
- /*****************************************
- * Exponential and logarithmic functions *
- *****************************************/
- double exp(double x); // Exponential function of x [pow(e,x)]
- double frexp(double x, Int16 *exponent); // Break x into normalized fraction and an integral power of 2
- double ldexp(double x, Int16 exponent); // x * pow(2,exponent)
- double log(double x); // Natural logarithm of x
- double log10(double x); // Base 10 logarithm of x
- double modf(double x, double *intpart); // Break x into integral and fractional parts
- double expm1(double x); // exp(x) - 1
- double log1p(double x); // log(1+x)
- double logb(double x); // Base 2 signed integral exponent of x
- double log2(double x); // Base 2 logarithm of x
- /*******************
- * Power functions *
- *******************/
- double pow(double x, double y); // x to the y power [x**y]
- double sqrt(double x); // Square root of x [x**0.5]
- double hypot(double x, double y); // sqrt(x*x + y*y) [hypotenuse of right triangle]
- double cbrt(double x); // Cube root of x [x**(1/3)]
- /************************************************************
- * Nearest integer, absolute value, and remainder functions *
- ************************************************************/
- double ceil(double x); // Smallest integral value not less than x
- double fabs(double x); // Absolute value of x
- double floor(double x); // Largest integral value not greater than x
- double fmod(double x, double y); // Modulo remainder of x/y
- /***************************
- * Miscellaneous functions *
- ***************************/
- Int16 isinf(double x); // Return 0 if x is finite or NaN, +1 if +Infinity, or -1 if -Infinity
- Int16 finite(double x); // Return nonzero if x is finite and not NaN
- double scalbn(double x, Int16 exponent); // x * pow(2,exponent)
- double drem(double x, double y); // Remainder of x/y
- double significand(double x); // Fractional part of x after dividing out ilogb(x)
- double copysign(double x, double y); // Return x with its sign changed to match y's
- Int16 isnan(double x); // Return nonzero if x is NaN (Not a Number)
- Int16 ilogb(double x); // Binary exponent of non-zero x
- double rint(double x); // Integral value nearest x in direction of prevailing rounding mode
- double nextafter(double x, double y); // Next machine double value after x in the direction towards y
- double remainder(double x, double y); // Remainder of integer division x/y with infinite precision
- double scalb(double x, double exponent);// x * pow(2,exponent)
- double round(double x); // Round x to nearest integral value away from zero
- double trunc(double x); // Round x to nearest integral value not larger than x
- UInt32 signbit(double x); // Return signbit of x's machine representation
- /****************************************
- * Prototypes for the system traps that *
- * actually perform the library calls, *
- * in the format mandated by the OS. *
- ****************************************/
- Err MathLibACos(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom);
- Err MathLibASin(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+1);
- Err MathLibATan(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+2);
- Err MathLibATan2(UInt16 refnum, double y, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+3);
- Err MathLibCos(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+4);
- Err MathLibSin(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+5);
- Err MathLibTan(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+6);
- Err MathLibSinCos(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *sinx, double *cosx) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+7);
- Err MathLibCosH(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+8);
- Err MathLibSinH(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+9);
- Err MathLibTanH(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+10);
- Err MathLibACosH(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+11);
- Err MathLibASinH(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+12);
- Err MathLibATanH(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+13);
- Err MathLibExp(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+14);
- Err MathLibFrExp(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *fraction, Int16 *exponent) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+15);
- Err MathLibLdExp(UInt16 refnum, double x, Int16 exponent, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+16);
- Err MathLibLog(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+17);
- Err MathLibLog10(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+18);
- Err MathLibModF(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *intpart, double *fracpart) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+19);
- Err MathLibExpM1(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+20);
- Err MathLibLog1P(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+21);
- Err MathLibLogB(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+22);
- Err MathLibLog2(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+23);
- Err MathLibPow(UInt16 refnum, double x, double y, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+24);
- Err MathLibSqrt(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+25);
- Err MathLibHypot(UInt16 refnum, double x, double y, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+26);
- Err MathLibCbrt(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+27);
- Err MathLibCeil(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+28);
- Err MathLibFAbs(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+29);
- Err MathLibFloor(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+30);
- Err MathLibFMod(UInt16 refnum, double x, double y, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+31);
- Err MathLibIsInf(UInt16 refnum, double x, Int16 *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+32);
- Err MathLibFinite(UInt16 refnum, double x, Int16 *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+33);
- Err MathLibScalBN(UInt16 refnum, double x, Int16 exponent, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+34);
- Err MathLibDRem(UInt16 refnum, double x, double y, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+35);
- Err MathLibSignificand(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+36);
- Err MathLibCopySign(UInt16 refnum, double x, double y, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+37);
- Err MathLibIsNaN(UInt16 refnum, double x, Int16 *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+38);
- Err MathLibILogB(UInt16 refnum, double x, Int16 *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+39);
- Err MathLibRInt(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+40);
- Err MathLibNextAfter(UInt16 refnum, double x, double y, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+41);
- Err MathLibRemainder(UInt16 refnum, double x, double y, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+42);
- Err MathLibScalB(UInt16 refnum, double x, double exponent, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+43);
- Err MathLibRound(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+44);
- Err MathLibTrunc(UInt16 refnum, double x, double *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+45);
- Err MathLibSignBit(UInt16 refnum, double x, UInt32 *result) SYS_TRAP(sysLibTrapCustom+46);
- #endif // __MATHLIB_H__