New for 1.03: Due to popular demand, the patent pending "happy sound" was removed. The 'random' program contains only letters now to give more exposure to the more frequently used letters. Also, the pacing and duration of the beeps was set to avation standard-- 100ms for a dot, 300ms for a dash, and approximately 50ms for a break in between.
Fixed in version 1.02: bug with indexing
This is a simple program to (try to) teach you Morse Code. It beeps a letter or number, and then you graffiti in what you think it was. It will make a happy noise (patent pending) or sad noise (patent pending) depending on whether or not you get it correct.
First, use the patented drop down box and select one of the patented lessons. Random will give you any number or letter at random. The other programs will drill you on only the characters listed.
After selecting a program, push the patented push button and listen to the beeps, pushing it again will give you a different set of beeps, so pay attention! After you think you know what was played, write the corresponding letter with graffiti.
Again, if you get it correct, the happy/sad sound technology (tm) will alert you to your progress. Also, the morse code symbols will be displayed.
That is all there is to the program. I don't plan to develop it any further unless there is an overwhelming demand for it. If the whole world participates in nuculear war, distroying all technology, requiring us to revert to telegraphs to communicate, I can see a potential demand. Although, then that would mean all palm pilots would have been destroyed and you'd be learning it with a paper book.
Beep.pdb This is required
Beep.prc This is required
WabaVM.prc and WCDB.pdb: if you don't have the Waba virtual machine installed previously, install these two files as well.
You are free to give this software away and do whatever you want with it aside from sell it (ha).
Legal crap: Basically, if this wrecks your Palm, I'm not responsible. I try to write bug free software, but I'm only human, and in the unlikely event that it hypnotizes your Palm and coaxes it into selective amnesia, I am, again, not responsible. Always use backup software!