1) Go to Pilot Desktop organizing software, shipped orginally with the device.
(Tip : Look for an icon Palm Desktop)
2) Start the Palm Install tool.
3) Click "Add" to browse and select the downloaded application.
4) Click "Done".
5) Place the Palm Device in the cradle.
6) Press the HotSync button on the Palm Pilot.
.............. the application will get transferred and is ready to use.
How to use Library Log
1. You can enter the name of CD ,DVD,VIDEO etc just besides NAME
2. You can enter the item i.e CD,DVD,VIDEO,S/W,OTHERS by selecting item from the ITEM pop list.
3. This can be done for TYPE selection also i.e RENTED and MY OWN
4. Date can be selectecd by clicking on the box beneath DATE OF PURCHASE or DATE TO RETURN
5. You can view your records by clicking on arrow mark besides NAME a list of names is displayed and selection made will show the record created by you earlier
6.when you want to create a new record you just have to fill all the fields and press the ADD button a new record is created everytime you press ADD
7.Whenever you want to clear the screen just press clear and the screen is cleared no record is deleted
8.When ever you want ot delete a particular record first get the record by clicking on the pop up list NAME and then press DELETE button not otherwise else it will lead to loss of data