Chip 2001 Mobile
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Shadow Plan 1.3.0 is a big step forward in terms of robustness,
stability and overall ease of use. It can work with other applications,
and allows you to bring your data in from other applications!
Shadow 1.3.6 is an enhanced version of 1.3.3 including fancy
display options and customization:
* Ledger alternating colour backgrounds (colour units only). Activate on
the list prefs window ("col-bg" checkbox)
* New Custum list-type; by chosing this type, a "Opt" button appears
on your list-prefs screen. This brings up a customization window which
allows you to specify which screen widgets/columns are active for this
list. You can bring it up and change them at any time to format as you
* Target date column now available via customization! Your prefs for
date formatting should be maintained!
* New Display prefs: Set indentation of collapse/expand arrow, and set
indentation of priority bubbles. Many people like to have their choice
of what indents.. so here you go :)
Shadow 1.3.3 is an enhanced version of 1.3.0 and includes the
following changes:
* Many new filters for selecting the items you wish to see!
* Hilighting of individual items!
* Hilighting of groups of items by selection criteria
* Loading of a specific shadow file right from a launcher
* Bullet auto-numbering style
* Some bigger icons to make seeing easier
* Strikethru for HTML exports
* Page up/down on file selection screen
* Localized date display preference honoured
* Fixed a few bugs here and there .. namely the todo datebase bug
Some hilights of the 1.3.0 release:
* Wide title text -- as long as you want (well, up to 250 characters just
to keep it sane :)
* Import and Export -- see the Reference Guide. You can now bring data in
and out of Shadow pretty easily! Export as HTML and print from the
* Smart linking -- you can now link to the ToDo and Datebook databases. This
means an item can be up to date in several locations! Make a new Shadow
item and then link it to the datebook and add an alarm.. syncronization of
linked items is automatic! (even all the way back to your desktop!)
* Import from the ToDo database!
* Date support -- start date, finish date, and better target date. You can
now track task completion. Finish date is now automatically updated when
you tick off an item.
* More color support -- colour device users can now add colour to their
title text
* Drag off the top or bottom of the list to auto-scroll
* Hold down the pen on an item (really steadily, no moving!) to bring
up the glance screen automatically
* Polishing off of 1.2.0 -- a "-" priority, better note attachments, and
all around improvements; the number of complete versus total list items
is shown in the file listing screen; more sorting options
* Lots of neat display preferences (new menu!)
Some hilights of the 1.2.0 release:
* A new memory manager! Shadow can now handle lists up to about half
your memory space! On a palm Vx or 3c you can handle up to 4MB of
data! It means that in normal use, no palm 3 (or newer) user should
have to worry about running out of memory or having lists that are
too big to handle
* Added a "-" priority in case you wish to display an item without
a primary bubble. It always sorts as the lowest priority.
* Added a little category changer to the main list view
* New "Delete Children" and "Delete Checked Children" menu items
* More shortcuts! (swipe left and right to demote and promote; jump easily
to the top and bottom of the list!; create new child items!)
* A file link can now be to any file (not just ones in the same category)
* New menu item "Explode all memos"
* Sort After Changes now works very well .. it is smart enough to
sort only after real changes requiring a sort
* General minor improvements to the whole interface; sorting by title;
double tapping to open a file on the File Selection screen.
* much more!
All users should upgrade to this version, for it fixes some very
annoying (and some not so annoying) bugs. The new features and robust
memory manager are very nice!
Version 1.1 offers significant improvements over 1.0 and 1.0.1. Many bugs
have been fixed, and some great new features have been added to make
your life easier and improve speed of data entry.
To find specific details (and nasty programming commentary) read the
Changes file. A summary of the important things follows:
* Added Glance View feature (shortcut-G)
* Link integrity is maintained across renames and deletions
* New "Duplicate File" menu item
* Start writing grafitti and a new item is started automatically!
* New "Next Item" and "Prev Item" menu items
* Collapsable and Expandable memos (tap the memo icon)
* Added menu items to "Collapse All Memos"
* Changed "Outline" to "Tasklist"
* Popup Priority and Progress items
* and more
* Caught bug where Shadow coudl wedge with "Sort After Dirty" on
* Caught bug where you could screw up the auto-number formatting
* and more bugs (many more, mostly that people didn't notice)