PocketReport is the premiere custom report generating utility for the Palm Computing PlatformÖ.
PocketReport seamlessly integrates data from Palm based data sources, with a report template that is created on the Palm Computing device. The "merged" reports may be directed to a specified target. The outcome is custom reports completed with your database information.
There are many reasons why we collect data in our Palm Computing Device. In most cases it is neccessary to make this data presentable.
With PocketReport the data can be converted to a presentable format and even printed or transmitted without any desktop computer intervention at all.
PocketReport provides the truly mobile solution for custom report generation.
3. PocketReport Requirements
Palm Computing Device
OS 2.0x or Better
50k of memory free
Optional Equiptment
- Print Function
Infared enabled printer
PalmPrint Software
- Mail Function
SMTP Account
- Database use other than Addressbook
Database Application.
HanDBase 2.0
Jfile 3.0x
4. Files
reportsw.prc - Latest Version
help.pdd - Help File
readme.txt - this file
docs.pbd - Docs in Jfile Database
docs.txt - Docs template
sample.pdb -Sample Database
sample.txt - Sample Template
handbaseplugin.prc - HanDBase 2.0 PluginRequires OS 3.0
Jfileplugin.prc - JFile Plugin
mobiledbplugin - MobileDB Plugin
5. Installation
Whether you downloaded the software from our Web site or received it in the mail, you should have the following files on your desktop or laptop computer (on the hard disk or on a floppy diskette). If you have a file with the extension .ZIP, that is not the proper file. The .ZIP file is compressed or "zipped" and you must uncompress with standard "unzipping" software (which you may obtain from here).
The PRC file is the PocketReport application itself or Plugin
The PDB files contain sample data for the labled Database application. It is not neccessary to have the labeled application installed in order to use the sample databases, however, it is needed if you wish to alter or add data.
The TXT files contain the sample template used for the database with the same name. These files may be imported by using the Palm Desktop Applications Import feature or by copy/paste into the Memopad section of your Desktop Application
From Windows using current Palm desktop software:
Start your Palm desktop software. Click on the Install button. Check to make sure the User name displayed at the top of the Palm Install Tool window which appears is the user name of the Palm handheld device on which you want to install the software; if not, select the correct user name. Click on Add. Using the file browser which appears, locate and select the REPORT.PRC file, and click Open. Now click on the Done button, and then on OK. Repeat these steps for the desired SAMPLE files.
Using old Pilot desktop software:
Run the program INSTAPP.EXE (it may be displayed simply as INSTAPP, depending on how you have Windows configured), which is located in the C:/PALM folder. Click on the Browse button, locate and select the REPORT.PRC file, and click Open. Click on the Install button. Repeat these steps for the desired SAMPLE files. The next time you HotSync your Palm, the program will be installed.
From a Macintosh:
Using MacPac Version 1: Run the program InstallApp. Click on the Select button, set the List Files of Type to All Files, locate and select the file REPORT.PRC, and click Open. Click on the Install button. The next time you HotSync your Palm, the program will be installed.
Using MacPac Version 2: Select the HotSync Manager from the "Instant Palm" menu on the upper right of your menu bar. In the HotSync menu, select Install. Click on the Add To List button. Locate and select the file REPORT.PRC, and click Add File. The next time you HotSync your Palm, the program will be installed.
6. Documentation
PocketReport uses range from the very simple tasks to very complex.
No matter what your tasks is the following informaton should assist you in completeing them.
- Options - Option screen nformation
- Plugins - Plugin information
- Source - Data source information
- Template - Template information
- Commands - Template commands
- Target - Target information
- Filter - Filter information
7. Documentation Options
This is the maximum size for one exported record with inserted fields. You can select any value between 2 and 62k (1k = 1024 Characters). The buffer is only used while creating a report.
Print text for Boolean fields:
This sets the text that PocketReport inserts for Boolean (checkbox) fields from Jfile or HanDBase.
Messagebox after report:
If this item is checked a message with number of exported records and the time it took to export them is displayed after the export.
8. Documentation Plugins
Plugins are miniature applications that allow developers to add their programs functionality to PocketReport.
Currently there are three plugins available. Plugins are available in the Download section of this site.
- HanDBase 2.0
- Jfile
- MobileDB
The plugin Section, found on the drop down menu, allows you to see information about the loaded Plugins as well as remove any plugin that is no longer needed.
Information Shown:
PLV: Plugin Version
Version of the plugin module
PRV: PocketReport Version
Minimum version of pocketreport required to use the plugin
DBV: Database Version
Version of the program that created the Database
9. Documentation Source
PocketReport comes equippted to handle only the Addressbook database, however, By adding a plugin you may add functionality to PocketReport to allow your favorite database application to work as a data source. Please see the plugin section for more information
Select the format that the source database uses. The dropdown list displays Addressbook and all installed source plugins.
Selects the category from the Addressbook source or the database to read for all other database sources.
Select the records to use for the output. Use "first" to start at the beginning and "last" to use all records in the database (entering 0 will also use all record). Filtered records are not included in the record count.
Filter Records:
Checking this option will use the filter located below the checkbox on the same screen.
Ignore Case:
If this option is checked PocketReport will ignore case on all regular expression compares.
Filter Edit Fields:
Insert any valid conditional section filters here.
Example: {? Name = T* }
Select a(and), o(or) or x(xor) from the dropdown at the second text field to define how the two conditions are combined. See Command and Filter sections for more information on syntax.
10. Documentation Template
Report formats may be created directly on the Palm Computing Device in several ways. Pocketreport currently works with the most popular Text formats available for the Palm Computing Platform.
Memopad may be your template source (the place where you would write your template report). A report template can be added by creating a new Memo. On the first line Place:
REPORT Report Name
The rest of the file will contain the actual report and field specifiers. You can find more on this on the Commands Page
DOC format:
Template Selection DOC Format
You may also use a file in DOC format to create a template. DOC is the original format created by Rick Bram's DOC program. Since then many DOC file capable applications have been released. Links to these applications may be found in the Links section of this site.
Template Creation Utility
PocketReport has a built in Template creation utility which allows you to insert the fields into a Memo or DOC.
You have the option of storing the data in several layout styles. Selecting Lines will place each data field on a separate line. The CSV option will place all fields in a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) format.
11. Documentation Template Commands
Commands are always enclosed with left and right curly braces "{}". They contain a command specifier as well as parameters.
There are currently 4 command specifiers:
{-} Comment
{#} Field
{!} Set value
{?} Conditional
{-} Comment
Comments are ignored and not displayed.
Lines may also be commented by preceeding it with a forward slash /
{- any text}
/ any text
{- This is not displayed}
/ This is not displayed
{#} Field
Inserts the content of a field from the data source or built in field.
Fieldnames are not case sensitive.
{#fieldname} or {#fieldnumber}
{#long field name}
There are some built in fields that will help with some tasks needed for custom reporting.
The built in fields are:
page: Number of current exported page, docfile, memo or mail
num: Number of the exported record (filtered records are not counted)
rec: Number of the record in the database (filtered records are counted)
pagerec: Number of the record on the page (reset to 1 for every new page)
ds: Current date in system format
ts: Current time in system format
Fields for the Addressbook application are:
{!} Set value
Sets the values of some special fields. The set value commands are always executed, even in comment lines / or ignored conditionals
{! field value}
{! recsperpage 10}
{! server mail.nowhere.com}
{! subject This is mail #page starting with record #rec}
Fields that can be set:
recsperpage number of records per page.*
server smtp server for mail target.*
to smtp mail target address
cc smtp mail carbon copy address
from smtp from addres
subject smtp mail subject
* overwrites setting in target screen
It is possible to use fields in the value string. For that just use a #fieldname.
{?} Conditional section
With conditional sections it is possible to export text only on special conditions. While exporting a record PocketReport has an internal flag which determines if the current text should be exported or not. The ? command can toggle this flag.
flag = true -> export the following text
flag = false -> ignore following text
Use the {?} to end a conditional section.
'=' equal
'>' greater
'<' less
'>=' greater or equal
'<=' less or equal
'!=' not equal
"Text with spaces"
#"field with spaces"
"Text with #"field with" spaces"
Any text which can contain fields use " if it contains spaces.
's' string
'n' number
'd' date
't' time
'a' and
'o' or
'e' else
'x' xor
To combine ? Commands you can add a Cond after the ? (without space). Then the current command is combined with the current state of the flag.
{?Cond Text1 Text2}
{?Cond Text1 Operation Text2}
{?Cond Text1 TypeOperation Text2}
In string compare with "=" and "!=" a regular expression pattern match from Text2 (pattern) with Text1 is done. For ">", "<", ">=" and "<=" a case sensitive compare is used.
{?} flag = true
{?e} switches the flag.
{? Text1} same as {? Text1 = *?} -> field not empty
{? Text1 Text2} same as {? Text1 = Text2}
{? Text1 Operation Text2} compares Text1 with Text2 using operation
{? Text1 TypeOperation Text2} compares Text1 with Text2 overwriting the default type.
No space between type and operation.
{? #name Tim}The value of field "name" is Tim{?}
{? #name T*}The value of field "name" starts with T{?e}The name starts not with T{?}
{? #age > 20}{?a #age < 40}value of field age is greater than 20 and lower than 40{?}
{? #age = 10}Age is 10{?o #age > 15}Age is 10 or greater 15{?a #age < 30}Age is 10 or greater 15 and smaller 30{?}
{? #age = #page}age is equal the pagenumber{?}
{? #age s= ?5}Compare age as string.Age is two numbers and second number 5 (5, 15, 25, 35,...){?}
12. Documentation Target
Currently there are four target formats supported by PocketReport.
- MemoPad
- PalmPrint
- DOC (Uncompressed)
- E-Mail
Select the format to export the reports to from the dropdown menu
Records Per Page:
This option sets how many recoeds will be displayed on one page, memo, DOC
Memo Target:
Select a category to place the created memos in.
If you check the Delete memos option ALL memos (except the template memo used) in the selected category will be deleted before every export.
You must have PalmPrint installed to have the ability to print via the Infared port. All configurations for printing are made from the PalmPrint application itself.
You can find PalmPrint at Stevens Creek Software (see Links)
DOC Target:
Select a name for the created DOC file. If multiple DOC files are created a number is automatically appended to the name. Enable the Backup DOC option if you want to sync the created DOC files to the desktop computer during the next Hotsync. You will need a DOC viewer to display the DOC files on the Palm Computing Device.
Mail uses SMTP protocol to send the report directly to an email address. You will need a correctly configured internet connection use this option.
Enter the SMTP server to use to send the report.
Additionally specify to, from and subject in the template by using the {!} command (see Commands).
Prompt before send
This option will enable a messagebox to open before the reports Palm Computing Device dials.
Disconnect after send
This option will automatically terminate your internet connection after the reports are generated and send to the specified email address. If this option is unchecked the device will remain connected until it has been disconnected via the PalmOS Nertwork Settings area or when the device is powered off.
13. Documentation Filter
Filters can be used to print reports using only the data you select from a database and for conditional sections in the template.
Compares on text with = (equal) or != (not equal) uses a regular expression compare. You can specify a mask for the compare.
Set: a set is composed of characters or ranges.
Range: A range looks like character hyphen character (as in 0-9 or A-Z).
*: matches any sequence of characters (zero or more)
?: matches any character
[SET]: matches any character in the specified set,
[!SET] or [^SET]: matches any character not in the specified set.
D* - finds any word starting with a D
D?g - finds Dog, Dig, Dug, ...
[dD]?g - finds Dog, dog, Dig, dig, ...
[a-c]?g - finds aag, bag, cag, abg, bbg, cbg, ...
14. Registration
PocketReport is available for the price of $29.95.
Please remember to include your e-mail address for delivery
Online Orders:
RealTime Fulfillment!
Telphone Orders: (817)640-6558
Fax Orders: (817)640-6614
Mail Orders:
PO Box 971341
Boca Raton FL, 33497
European Orders:
E-Mail jens@pocketreport.com
Registration Benefits
- Registration removes the 20 record limit.
- Registration removes the unregistered message after every report.
- All registered users are notified of updates via E-Mail.
- Registered users also get free upgrades within the version number.
- Registered users get substantial discounts on major version upgrades.
15. Links
Links to applications may be used with PocketReport.
Displays electronic text and books of any size.
is a free reader for documents in the popular DOC format
DOCit is a windows program for fast and simple editing of PalmPilot DOC files.
Very powerful database engine that allows for multiple relational databases to be linked in several ways.
JFile is a powerful database program for the 3Com PalmPilot Personal Digital Assistant.
Create, view, and edit any table data on your Palm Computing Platform device.
Serial and infrared printing for your Palm Connected organizer!
PanaRead is a revolutionary patent pending technology designed to make reading any text on the small screens of handheld devices easy and comfortable.
A Rich Text Format(RTF) Document Reader for the Palm Computing Platform
TealDoc is a full-featured reader for standard PalmPilot document files
ZDOC is a GPLised industry standard DOC file format viewer/editor with a few extras.
16. Version History
Teplate syntax change from "< >" to "{ }"
Added SMTP as target option
Added Plugins for Sources
Added Plugins Information Page
Added Template Creation Utility
Added Enhanced Help section
Added separate Help file to save Memory if help not needed
Added Conditionals to all sources
Added Filter checkbox to all sources
Added Ignore checkbox to all sources
Added Numbered Sets to allow for different report sets
Added Handbase support for Handbase 2.0
Issue: Handbase plugin requires PalmOS 3.0
Bugfix: All known bugs fixed
Added MobileDB support
Bugfix: Long database names
Bugfix: Altering memopad template
Bugfix: Lines greater tha 512 characters not printing
Bugfix: Printing an extra page after report printing
Added Shift Indicator
Added create template
Bugfix smartdoc edited files
dont try to open a doc that contains no data with smartdoc (cant fix that)
Bugfix <#num> displayed wrong number
Added stats screen at end of report (checkbox in option)
Bugfix crash with empty filter fields
Added filter for adressbook
Added extended filelist (DOC/Memo) to 256 entries
First Public Release
Bugfix Deleted Records in JFile
Bugfix Deleted Records in Address Book
bugfix DOC+ files as template
Backup option in target DOC
check report database size
bugfix: category listing (probably the thing that caused problems on the V)
sorting of category/memo/DOC lists
reduced text output during backup (speed)
field cache to speed up large reports
bugfix: cancel in palmprint
export interruptible (tap on screen)
Updated about screen
Added some text in the register screen
minor bugfixes
added shareware code
Created a new about screen
created a new icon
added short instructions in the help
set number to 1.0B
First Public Beta Release
17. Contact Information
Q&A Forum: If you have a general question or a question that may be of help to others as well we ask that you post the question on our Q&A Forum. This will allow us to answer questions publicly and possibly help others that may have the same question.
Tips & Tricks: If you have found a better way to do something. Posting it in the Tips & Tricks section will allow others to benefit from your find.
Jens@pocketreport.com: Jens Rupp (www.gacel.de).
Contact Jens Rupp for:
- Programming questions.
- Plugin information
- European Orders.
tim@pocketreport.com: Tim Warner (PalmLife)
Contact Tim Warner for:
- Website Problems / Questions
- Submissions to other sites
- Question of product distribution
- US Mail Orders
We will continually monitor Beta Testers feedback. Information sent to this will be sent to everyone at Pocketreport