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Introduction -
MyCalc simulates a programmable scientific calculator on the Palm pda. The user can custom label
buttons for four user supplied equations. Each equation can have four user labeled variables and two
user labeled constants. Up to 100 program steps can be stored for each equation.
To install MyCalc, simply locate the file MyCalc.exe and double click on it.
This self-extracting program will automatically install the MyCalc files into your
C:\Palm\Install directory. It will also install and register the conduit necessary for this database software to operate.
The following files will be installed in the C:\Palm\Install directory:
1) MyCalc.prc
2) CASLrt_pro.prc
3) CondReg.exe - installs the conduit
4) RemCond.exe - removes conduit
5) Caslcn20.dll - conduit
6) MathLib.prc
To run MyCalc on your Palm Pilot you must Hotsync the following the files into
your Palm Pilot:
1) MyCalc.prc
2) CASLrt_pro.prc
If your Palm does not have the MathLib.prc file, you must also HotSync the supplied
MathLib.prc file to your Palm.
These files will be located in the C:\Palm\Install directory
The file MyCalc.prc requires that the CASLrt_pro.prc file be present on your Palm before it can operate.
After you have Hotsynced these two files into your palm, there will be two icons visible on the applications
screen. To run MyCalc, simply tap on its icon. You do not have to be concerned with the other icon that
represents CASLrt_pro.prc.
The database files for this application will be located in C:\Palm\Oj\Casl. This folder will be
created during the next Hotsync which is performed after the MyCalc is first opened.
If you do not see this folder after the Hotsync then close the Hotsync Manager and then
re-open the Hotsync Manager and do another Hotsync.
In addition, to copy the database files to another Palm or a Palm that has lost battery power
for an extended length of time, the database files in the Casl directory must have their extentions
changed from .cdb to .cdi.
Calculator button descriptions :
Numeral buttons - labeled ( 0 ) thru ( 9 ).
(1) Tap on these buttons to enter a numeral on the display.
(2) Successive taps on numeral keys will enter additional numbers on the display.
Decimal point - ( . ) - Enters a decimal point on the display
Arithmetic buttons -
( + ) - Performs addition on previously entered numeric entry
( - ) - Performs subtraction on previously entered numeric entry
( X ) - Performs addition on previously entered numeric entry
( / ) - Performs addition on previously entered numeric entry
Trigonometric buttons -
( sin ) - displays the sine of the previously entered number of degrees or radians
( cos ) - displays the cosine of the previously entered number of degrees or radians
( tan ) - displays the tangent of the previously entered number of degrees or radians
(asin ) - displays the arcsine of the previously entered sine in degrees or radians
(acos ) - displays the arccosine of the previously entered cosine in degrees or radians
(atan ) - displays the arctangent of the previously entered tangent in degrees or radians
Raise to power - ( x^y) - raises the value x to the power y, y >= 0.
Exponential to power y - raises e ( 2.718280) to the power y, y >=0.
Factorial - ( n ! ) - displays the factorial ( n x (n-1) x (n-2) x...) of the previously entered integer
Radians - ( Rad ) - sets the calculator for working in radians
Degrees - ( Deg ) - sets the calculator for working in degrees
Memory - ( Mem ) - initializes the calculator for storing a number in one of nine memories
Recall - ( Rcl ) - initializes the calculator for recalling a number stored in one of nine memories
Sign change ( +/- ) - changes the algebraic sign of the previously entered number
Pi - displays the constant Pi = 3.141593
C - clears the calculator of all pending operations but does not clear the memories or equations
CE - clears the displayed number without clearing pending operations
CP - initializes the calculator for clearing the program steps of one of four equations
A - displays the function A name and associated variables and constants. Clears the function A
program steps if the CP button was previously tapped.
B - displays the function B name and associated variables and constants. Clears the function B
program steps if the CP button was previously tapped.
C - displays the function C name and associated variables and constants. Clears the function C
program steps if the CP button was previously tapped.
D - displays the function D name and associated variables and constants. Clears the function D
program steps if the CP button was previously tapped.
Function - displays the user name of function A - function D.
Variable 1 - In program mode, displays the user name of variable 1a - 1d. In non-program mode, displays the current value of
variable 1a - 1d.
Variable 2- In program mode, displays the user name of variable 2a - 2d.. In non-program mode, displays the current value of
variable 2a - 2d.
Variable 3 - In program mode, displays the user name of variable 3a - 3d. In non-program mode, displays the current value of
variable 3a - 3d.
Variable 4 - In program mode, displays the name of variable 4a - 4d. In non-program mode, displays the current value of
variable 4a - 4d.
Constant 1 - displays the user defined constant 1a - 1d. Tap on this button to enter a new constant when prompted.
Constant 2 - displays the user defined constant 2a - 2d. Tap on this button to enter a new constant when prompted.
L - The button labeled "L", adjacent to each function, variable and constant button, enables the user to change the button
Programming buttons -
Prog - puts the calculator in the program mode. Displays a "Program mode" anunciator on the display. A second tap on
Prog stops the program mode and removes the "Program mode" anunciator.
Run - starts the automatic execution of the stored program steps for functions A to D.
Enter - enters the previously entered numeric value in to the user defined variable during program execution
Step - steps thru each programmed step in numerical sequence and displays the step.
Del - deletes the current program step when the "Step" button is tapped.
Chg - changes the current program step to the currently displayed step.
Examples -
1) Trigonometric functions -
a) Sine, Cosine, Tangent -
Ex.: To find the sine of 30 degrees, tap on the Deg button to work in degrees. Enter 30 on the display
and tap on sin button. The answer .499992 is displayed.
b) Arcsine, Arccosine and Arctangent -
Ex. : To find the arcsine of .5 , enter .5 on the display and tap on arcsine. The answer 30.000000 is displayed.
2) Raise-to-power - x^y
Ex. : to raise the value 5 to the second or 2 power, enter 5 on the display, tap on x^y, enter 2 on the display
and tap on =. The value 25 is displayed. Note: to take the square root, raise the number to .5.
3) Exponential - e^x
Ex. : to raise e to the second ( 2 ) power, tap on "2" and then tap on "e^x".
4) Factorial - n !
Ex.: to display the factorial of 3, tap on "3" and then tap on "n !". The answer is 6.
5) Addition -
Ex.: to add 6.54 to 8.92, enter 6.54, tap on "+", enter 8.92, tap on "=". The answer 15.460000 is displayed.
6) Subtraction-
Ex.: to subtract 32.45 from 86.43, enter 86.43, tap on "-", enter 32.45, tap on "=". The answer 53.980000 is displayed.
7) Multiplication -
Ex. : to multiply 4.56 times 98.32, enter 4.56, tap on "X", enter 98.32, tap on "=". The answer 448.339200 is displayed.
8) Division -
Ex. : to divide 56.23 by 12.34, enter 56.23, tap on "/", enter 12.34, tap on "=". The answer 4.556726 is displayed.
Memories -
To store a value into Memories 1 - 9, tap on Mem and then tap on keys 1 - 9. The displayed,
numeric value will be stored into the corresponding memory number.
To recall a value from Memories 1 - 9, tap on Rcl and then tap on keys 1 - 9. The value
stored in that memory location will be displayed.
Entering a user constant -
a) Enter a name for the constant on the display, eg. "Speed".
b) Tap on the "L" button next to the Constant 1 button or My Con 1A - 1D button.
c) Tap on "Yes" when prompted to change the label constant name.
d) Enter the numerical value for the constant using the calculator keypad.
e) Tap on the constant 1 button or in this case the Speed button to record the constant value.
Progamming an equation -
The procedure for programming MyCalc is very simple. First label the function and variable buttons with names that
correspond to the equation or formula you wish to store. Next, tap on the Prog button, enter the steps as you would in
solving the equation, tap on total to see the result and then tap on Prog to turn off the Progam mode.
Important :
1) Always use memories 1 to 9 to store sums of products or products of sums or trig or raise to power values and then
recall these memory values when adding or subtracting, multiplying or dividing. MyCalc does not use parentheses.
The memories 1 - 9 are used in place of parentheses.
2) To program one of the variables or constants into MyCalc, tap on the corrresponding button. The name of the
variable or the value of the constant will appear in the display. When the program is run, MyCalc will prompt the
user to enter the value of the variable and then press the "Enter" button.
Programming example :
To program the equation for the solution to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, given the base and the height, or
Hypot = square root( (base)^2 + (height)^2):
1)Tap on the "A" button
2) Label the My FuncA button as "Hypot"
a) Put the word "Hypot" on the display
b) Tap on the "L" button next to the My FuncA button
c) Tap on "Yes" when ask to change the label
3) Label the My Var 1A button as "Base"
a) Put the word "Base" on the display
b) Tap on the "L" button next to the My Var1A button
c) Tap on "Yes" when ask to change the label
4) Label the My Var 2A button as "Height"
a) Put the word "Height" on the display
b) Tap on the "L" button next to the My Var2A button
c) Tap on "Yes" when ask to change the label
5) To program :
Step Tap on Notes
1 "Prog" Starts programming mode - Program mode anunciator on
2 "Base" "Base" is displayed as a variable
3 "x^y" x = 1.000000 is displayed ( default value for Base)
4 "2" Square of base
5 "=" x^y = 1.000000 is displayed or (Base)^2
6 "Mem" Initialize calculator for memory storage
7 "1" Store (Base)^2 into Memory 1
8 "Height" "Height" is displayed as a variable
9 "x^y" x = 1.000000 is displayed (default value for Height)
10 "2" Square of height
11 "=" x^y = 1.00000 is displayed or (Height)^2
12 "Mem" Initialize calculator for memory storage
13 "2" Store (Height)^2 into Memory 2
14 Rcl Initialize calculator for memory recall
15 "1" Recall Memory 1 or (Base)^2 = 1.00000 (default value)
16 "+" Perform addition
17 Rcl Initialize calculator for memory recall
18 "2" Recall Memory 2 or (Height)^2 = 1.000000 (default value)
19 "=" Total of ( Base )^2 + ( Height )^2 = 2.000000
20 "x^y" Raise previous sum to power or square root
21 ".5" Take square root
22 "=" Display square root of ( (Base)^2 + ( Height)^2 ) = 1.414214 (default value)
23 "Prog" Stop program mode - Program mode anunciator off
To run stored program, tap on the "Run" key. When the calculator prompts you for the "Base", enter
a numeric value. When the calculator prompts you for a "Height", enter a numeric value. The hypotenuse
will be automatically calculated and displayed.
Delete, Change step and Step buttons -
The "Step" button allow the user to sequentially step thru the program in order to debug any errors.
The "Del" button will delete the currently displayed step. The "Chg" button will change a step to another
step after the new step is entered on the display.
No warranty on product software or User Guide. Even though JB Software has tested the software and
User Guide and reviewed their contents, JB Software makes no warranties, either expressed or implied,
as to the fitness for a particular purpose. The software and User Guide are sold on an as is basis.
The entire risk as to their quality and performance is with the user. JB Software shall not be liable for
any incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing or performance
of the keystroke procedures as represented.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the ex-
clusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or
exclusions may not apply to you.
Trademarks -
JB Software and MyCalc are trademarks of JB Software
All other trademarks are acknowledged.
For more information, contact:
John O. Boyd
JB Software
6611 Burkett St.
Houston, Texas 77021
voice: 713-747-5393
fax: 713-747-7946
e-mail: jboyd@technologist.com