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- 7 Out of memory
- 48 Error in loading MAPI DLL
- 106 Parameter passed to Method is incorrect.
- 380 Invalid property value
- 381 Invalid property array index
- 383 Property is read-only
- 394 Property is write-only
- 1000 P&roperties
- 1001 MSMpi
- 2001 General
- 2002 General properties for the MapiMessages control
- 2003 General properties for the MapiSession control
- 2004 Microsoft MAPI Controls
- 2100 Unknown error message
- 2106 RE:
- 2107 FW:
- 2109 Error #%d
- 2110 Invalid entry for %s
- 32001 User cancelled process
- 32002 Unspecified Failure has occurred
- 32003 Login has failed
- 32004 Disk is full
- 32005 Insufficient memory
- 32006 Access denied
- 32007 MAPI failure
- 32008 Too many sessions
- 32009 Too many files
- 32010 Too many recipients
- 32011 Attachment not found
- 32012 Failure on opening attachment
- 32013 Failure attempting to write an attachment
- 32014 Unknown recipient
- 32015 Invalid recipient type
- 32016 No messages
- 32017 Invalid message
- 32018 Text is too large
- 32019 Invalid session
- 32020 Type not supported
- 32021 Ambiguous recipient
- 32022 Message in use
- 32023 Network failure
- 32024 Invalid edit fields
- 32025 Invalid recipients.
- 32026 Not supported
- 32027 The user has aborted the previous action
- 32048 A MAPI compliant messaging system is required. MAPI32.DLL couldn't be loaded.
- 32050 Logon failure: valid session ID already exists
- 32051 Property is read only when not using compose buffer. Set MsgIndex = -1
- 32052 Action only valid for compose buffer. Set MsgIndex = -1
- 32053 MAPI Failure: valid session ID does not exist
- 32054 No originator in the compose buffer
- 32055 Action not valid for compose buffer
- 32056 Cannot perform action, no messages in list
- 32057 Cannot perform action, no recipients
- 32058 Cannot perform action, no attachments
- 63392 Microsoft MAPI Controls 6.0
- 63393 Constants for Delete
- 63394 Delete current message
- 63395 Fill compose buffer as FORWARD
- 63396 Delete current message
- 63397 MAPI Error Codes
- 63398 Command completed successfully
- 63399 Unspecified Failure has occurred
- 63400 Login failure
- 63401 Disk full
- 63402 Insufficient memory
- 63403 Access denied
- 63404 General Failure
- 63405 Too many sessions
- 63406 Too many files
- 63407 Too many recipients
- 63408 Attachment not found
- 63409 Attachment open failure
- 63410 Attachment write failure
- 63411 Unknown recipient
- 63412 Bad recipient type
- 63413 No message
- 63414 Invalid message
- 63415 Text too large
- 63416 Invalid session
- 63417 Type not supported
- 63418 Ambiguous recipient
- 63419 Message in use
- 63420 Network failure
- 63421 Invalid edit fields
- 63422 Invalid recipients
- 63423 Current action not supported
- 63424 User aborted previous action
- 63425 Session ID already exists
- 63426 Read-only in read buffer
- 63427 Valid in compose buffer only
- 63428 No valid session ID
- 63429 Originator information not available
- 63430 Action not valid in compose buffer
- 63431 Control failure
- 63432 No recipients
- 63433 No attachments
- 63434 Constants for RecipType Property
- 63435 Message originator
- 63436 Recipient is a primary recipient
- 63437 Recipient is a copy recipient
- 63438 Recipient is a blind copy recipient
- 63439 Constants for AttachType Property
- 63440 Attachment is a data file
- 63441 Attachment is an embedded OLE object
- 63442 Attachment is a static OLE object
- 63443 Constants for Session control Action property.
- 63444 Log user into account.
- 63445 End messaging session.
- 63446 Microsoft MAPI Session Control
- 63447 Specifies the account user name.
- 63448 Specifies if any new mail should be downloaded when a new session is initiated.
- 63449 Specifies whether or not a dialog box is provided for sign-on.
- 63450 Specifies whether a new mail session should be established, even if a valid session currently exists.
- 63451 Determines what action is performed when the MAPI messages control is invoked.
- 63452 Stores the current messaging session handle.
- 63453 Specifies the account password associated with the UserName property.
- 63454 Starts the messaging session and signs the user on the account specified by the UserName and Password properties.
- 63455 Ends the messaging session and signs the user off the account specified by the UserName and Password properties.
- 63456 Microsoft MAPI Messages Control
- 63457 Specifies the caption appearing at the top of the Address Book dialog box.
- 63458 Specifies the number of edit controls available to the user in the Address Book dialog box.
- 63459 Specifies the appearance of the To edit control in the Address Book.
- 63460 Specifies whether the Address Book can be modified.
- 63461 Specifies whether a dialog box is displayed for recipient name resolution during addressing when the ResolveName method is specified.
- 63462 Specifies the total number of attachments associated with the currently indexed message.
- 63463 Sets the currently indexed attachment.
- 63464 Specifies the name of the currently indexed attachment file.
- 63465 Specifies the full path name of the currently indexed attachment
- 63466 Specifies the position of the currently indexed attachment within the message body
- 63467 Specifies the type of the currently indexed file attachment.
- 63468 Specifies the message type to populate the message set.
- 63469 Specifies the message order when populating the message set with messages from the Inbox.
- 63470 Determines whether to restrict the messages in the message set to unread messages only.
- 63471 Specifies the conversation thread identification value for the currently indexed message.
- 63472 Indicates the total number of messages present in the message set during the current messaging session.
- 63473 Specifies the date on which the currently indexed message was received.
- 63474 Specifies the string identifier of the currently indexed message.
- 63475 Specifies the index number of the currently indexed message.
- 63476 Specifies the text body of the message.
- 63477 Indicates the mail address of the originator of the currently indexed message
- 63478 Specifies the originator's name for the currently indexed message
- 63479 Indicates whether the message has already been read.
- 63480 Specifies whether a return receipt is requested for the currently indexed message.
- 63481 Specifies whether the currently indexed message has already been sent to the mail server for distribution
- 63482 Specifies the electronic mail address of the currently indexed recipient.
- 63483 Specifies the total number of recipients for the currently indexed message.
- 63484 Specifies the name of the currently indexed recipient.
- 63485 Sets the currently indexed recipient
- 63486 Specifies the type of the currently indexed recipient.
- 63487 Stores the current messaging session handle.
- 63488 Specifies the subject line for the currently indexed message as displayed in the message header
- 63489 Specifies the type of the currently indexed message.
- 63490 Specifies what action is performed by the MAPI Control
- 63491 Composes a message.
- 63492 Copies the currently indexed message to the compose buffer.
- 63493 Deletes a message, recipient, or attachment.
- 63494 Creates a message set from selected messages in the Inbox.
- 63495 Forwards a message.
- 63496 Replies to a message.
- 63497 Replies to all message recipients.
- 63498 Resolves the name of the currently indexed recipient.
- 63499 Saves the message currently in the compose buffer (with MsgIndex = -1).
- 63500 Shows details about recipient or the Address Book.
- 63501 Sends the message currently in the Compose buffer.
- 63502 Error Constants
- 63503 Shows the Send dialog for composing and sending a message.
- 63504 Deletes the currently indexed message.
- 63505 Shows the Address Book.
- 63506 Shows details about the currently indexed recipient.
- 63507 Deletes the currently indexed recipient.
- 63508 Deletes the currently indexed attachment.
- 63509 Constants for Messages control Action property.
- 63510 MAPI Property Page