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- Expensemate Help File.
- Expensemate is a simple program that does what its name suggests,its your mate when it comes
- to expenses.
- To use,simply hotsync the expensemate file that you downloaded/bought to your palm device.
- Tap on the program and you will be presented with a 'Welcome' Screen with a table on it.
- This table should be blank as you have not entered any expenses into it yet.
- Tap on the 'new' button and the form' Enter Expense' will be displayed.
- There are many fields to be filled up to track the expense.
- Date: tap on the field to enter the date[press the 'today' to enter the current date. note:this
- is affected by the date you configure in your prefs]
- Time: tap to enter the time.
- Item: tap to enter the item you have bought
- Currency: Tap to select the currency of your choice[note:if your currency is not available,
- tap other and enter it into the 'misc' field]
- Price: This is the price you paid for the item(note: the items on the mian list are sorted by
- this value from lowest to highest)
- Exchange rate: This is the exchange rate.
- Your price: This is the price you paid when converted into your own native currency
- The above 3 are linked. Enter your price(use the full-stop as a decimal) and the exchange rate.
- Then tap 'your price' to find out how much you are paying/paid.
- Misc: does what it says. It allows you to enter some minor details about the item.
- Press the 'done' button to save the item and return to the main list or press 'Del' to delete
- your entry. Press '<<' to skip back a record and press '>>' to jump forward a record.
- A menu of common options has been placed inside the program to ease its use.
- Release Details:
- Day/Month/Year
- 05/12/2000: Initial release.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Upcoming features: Sorting by currency
- A popup to categorize your spending(with your own customised entries)
- +lots more!!!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- What you get in the registered version(US$5 at Palmgear.com):
- No nag screen.
- A palm database to excel/txt file converter
- A great feeling about yourself!
- Programmed and presented to you by:
- Kevin Mohinani
- ( kevin@geetex.com ) for all quesries/bugs/whatnots :-)