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Address Plus v1.20 (c) Copyright 1997-2000 by Paul Taylor
Address Plus is distributed via the shareware scheme. You can try it out and if you like it,
you should buy it...
You can get the full registered version at www.palmgear.com for only $12.00 (US).
Each time you run Address Plus you will be greeted with the Address Plus splash screen.
There is a 5 second delay on this screen before you can select the OK button
to continue into the application. This is to encourage registration. Other than
that, the unregistered version of Address Plus has no other restrictions.
Whats new in 1.20?
- The long awaited "Track Last Edit" feature. Via the Preferences screen, you can now select
1 of the 4 Custom fields to automatically be updated whenever any of the data for that
individual record is changed.
1. Introduction & Overview
2. Disclaimer
3. Content of the Zip archive
4. System Requirements
5. Installing/Upgrading
6. Uninstalling
7. Using the Program
7.1 The main Address list screen
7.2 View Record screen
7.3 Edit Group screen
7.4 The Letter Bar
7.5 Record Duplication
7.6 Track Last Edit feature
7.7 AutoSort after Hotsync
7.7a Sort at Startup
7.8 Font Support
7.9 Enhanced Keyboard Support
7.10 Color Preferences
8. Future Enhancements
9. Bug Reporting
10. Registration
11. Versions
1. Introduction & Overview
Address Plus is the PalmOS 3.5 counterpart to Address+. It will *ONLY* work on OS 3.5 machines.
Address+ is for PalmOS 2.0 - 3.3.
Recieved a 5 star rating from ZDNET !
An Address Book enhancement featuring 4 commonly used sorting methods, record duplication,
an optional letterbar, a robust group manipulation feature to ease your record maintenance,
100% compatibility with your existing address database, and with Font and Beaming support.
2. Disclaimer
This program is provided without any warranty and the user accepts full responsibility
for any damages, consequential or otherwise, resulting from its use.
This archive is freely redistributable, provided it is made available only in its complete,
unmodified form with no additional files.
3. Content of the Zip archive
The following files are included:
- APlus113.prc
- Readme.txt (The file you are reading)
- Upgrade Warning!.txt
4. System Requirements
- PalmOS v3.5 or above.
(Primarily the Palm IIIxe, and Palm IIIc)
(Palm III, Palm IIIx, Palm IIIe, Palm V, Palm Vx if they have been loaded with Palm OS 3.5)
5. Installing/Upgrading
- Delete previously installed version of Address+ or Address Plus from your Pilot.
- Install this program using your Palm device install tool and then Hotsync.
6. Uninstalling
- Delete the Address Plus application from your device.
- On your first run of the built-in application, resort your database by selecting
options, Preferences, then selecting whichever sort method is not currently highlighted.
Then, just tap the "OK" button.
- Any changes you have made with Address Plus will still be in effect on the data, so don't
worry about losing anything.
7. Using the Program
NOTE: Only changes from the standard application are discussed here. Otherwise, it
is probably identical or very similar to the built-in app.
7.1 The main Address list screen
- Address Plus now has a Letter Bar in the bottom of the screen made of the English alphabet.
(This feature defaults to off. To enable it, check the "Show Letter Bar" option on
the preference screen)
- The lookup function has been renamed "Find". It operates just as before, with the
only exceptions being when the letterbar is used. You may, for example, select "S"
with the letterbar. "S" will show up in the Find field. If you tap on another
character on the letterbar, it will replace the "S" in the find field, however if you
enter "M" in using graffiti, it will be appended, making the Find field display "SM",
and you would be moved to the appropriate entry in your database.
- Four buttons labeled "L", "CL", "F", and "CF" are in the bottom center section of the
screen. These allow you to easily select the sort order of your database. "L" is for
Last, First sort, "CL" is for Company, Last sort, "F" is for First, Last sort, and
"CF" is for Company, First sort.
7.2 View Record screen
- Duplicate button which allows you to duplicate the currently viewed record. Selecting
the Duplicate button will place you on an Edit screen for your newly created duplicate
(Below item is not in Address Plus, yet)
- "-" and "+" buttons allow you an easy way to advance or work your way back through your
database. (Within the currently viewed category) The hardware up and down buttons
function similarly, except that they also page down through a record, and will only move
to the next record when no more data exists in the current record.
7.3 Edit Group screen
- To get to this screen, select Options from the main Address list screen, then select
"Edit Group"
- The screen layout is pretty self-explanitory. There is a box, in which the name fields
are displayed, each next to a check mark. The find field and the sort buttons are also
available at the bottom with the category selection being at the top, just below the
title bar.
NOTE: In version 1.0, when changing sort orders, you clear all current selections. Keeping
previously made selections is a feature I'm looking into. For now, it's best to
do group operations on one category at a time, unless you don't require resorting
the database.
- Select any category, and the data for that category will be displayed in the box. To the
right of the name will be the one character that represents the default phone number
that is displayed.
- By tapping on the "Phone" icon/button at the top of that row, the icon will change to
a "Key". At this point, the data shown directly below the key will change to either
a blank spot, or a "P" is the record is a private record. Note that in order for this
to show up, you must have already used the security application to allow you to view
private records.
- Tapping on the row below the "Phone" icon will toggle through all of the *available*
phone numbers for that record. For example, if your record has your Home, Work, and
Pager number, and you tap on the "W" in this column, it will change to the next number,
either a "P" or a "H". It will not attempt to change it to a non-existant number.
- Tapping on the row below the "Key" icon will toggle the records private status. Note that
if you are set to *NOT* show private records, as soon as you tap the spot below the key,
the record will become private, therefore disappearing from the list.
- By tapping on either the record name, or on the checkbox next to the name, you will toggle
it's selection. You may also select records with the menu. The Edit menu shows the
following options: Select all in Category, Invert selection in Category, Unselect all in
category, and Global unselect.
- Once you have selected all of the records you wish to perform an operation on, you use
the "Action" menu item. It's options include: Delete Selected, Change Phone # Shown
(in the main address view), Move Category, and Toggle Private Status. These options
allow you to perform a similar action on a number of records at once.
7.4 The Letter Bar
NOTE: The letter bar is disabled by default. To enable it, go to the Preferences screen,
and select "Show Letter Bar".
The Letter Bar allows you easy & fast access to your records. By tapping a letter on the
letter bar, the first record with the same letter in the current sort is highlighted.
For more accurate access to a record you can add letters to the "Find" field using
Graffiti strokes or the built in keyboard.
7.5 Record Duplication
In the Record view a "Duplicate" button has been added. Tapping this button causes a new
record to be opened in the Edit view with all the details of the previously selected record.
You may now edit the new record.
In the Preferences screen, you can select "Copy Names when duplicating". If this is
selected, the entire record is duplicated when the "Duplicate" button is pressed. If it
is not selected, the entire record is duplicated with the exception of the name fields.
7.6 Track Last Edit feature
This feature defaults to "None".
In the Preferences screen, the option "Track Last Edited Time" allows you to select a field,
either Custom1-4 or None (to disable the feature). The selected field will be updated with
a date/time stamp each time you edit the record. Note that just going into Edit mode is
*NOT* considered editing the record, only if some data is actually modified. (However,
deleting a character and replacing it with the same character *IS* considered editing)
7.7 AutoSort after Hotsync
This feature defaults to ON.
Address Plus can "sense" whenever a hotsync has occured. Because the default Address
application resorts the database during Hotsync, Address Plus needs to resort
your database after a Hotsync has occured so that it will display your data properly.
With this feature selected, Address Plus will automatically sort your database on it's
first run after you have hotsynced. You will notice a delay when starting the application
the first time after a hotsync if you have a large Address database.
7.7a Sort at start-up
This feature defaults to OFF.
Selecting this feature makes Address Plus resort your database each time you start the
application. This is useful if you regularly use other applications that modify the address
book database. I only recommend enabling this option to users who have small databases.
Enabling this feature will cause a noticable delay to users with very large databases.
7.8 Font Support
- Address Plus supports different fonts on all major views, including Edit Group.
7.9 Enhanced Keyboard Support
Address Plus does not currently have Enhanced keyboard support. Look for it in a future version.
Address Plus Stowaway Keyboard support
Fn + Up (or Down) - Scrolls by the page on most screens
Up / Down arrow - (on main Address+ view) Scrolls by the individual record,
highlighting the currently active selection.
Enter - On the main Address+ view, goes into View mode for the highlighted record
Phone button - Cycles through all categories, except empty ones and the Unfiled category
TAB - Cycles through all on-screen buttons (Reverse Video on the "current" button)
SHIFT-TAB - Cycles backwards through all on-screen buttons (Same as above)
Enter - When a button is in Reverse Video mode, selects that button
Up / Down arrow - (On the Edit View screen) Moves through all editable fields
Note that TAB support isn't implemented on all screens, but on almost all of them.
7.10 Color Preferences
- To use the color/grayscale features of Address Plus, you must ensure that Color is enabled in
the preferences. If color is disabled, none of the color functions have any effect. Also,
enabling and disabling color support doesn't take effect until you restart Address Plus.
- You can customize the colors on your screen via the "Color..." menu item, available from the
main Address Plus view. From the "Color Preferences" screen, you can select the following:
- Under the "Button Specific" heading, you can select the Outline, Background, Text Color, and
Selected background color.
- Under the "Miscellaneous" heading, you can select "Main Frame & Tab", "Form Background",
"Highlighted Text", "Popup Frame & Tab", and "Popup Background". Note that "Highlighted Text"
goes for table entries that are highlighted as well as push buttons. (Such as the Letters in
the sort buttons)
Once one of the above mentioned buttons is hit, you will be presented with the "Pick Color"
dialog. The Palette of available colors will show up, allowing you to make a selection. When
first displayed, it will have the current selection for this item highlighted. Also, there
is a trigger on this screen labelled "Palette". Selecting this trigger will let you select
the RGB color picker. Here, you can use sliders to change the amount of Red, Blue and Green.
When you have made your selection, hit OK.
In the event you don't like your combination, or there is a problem and you can no longer read
certain items on the screen, you can exit Address Plus, restart it, and hit the Menu silkscreen
button. The menu items still show up, in their somewhat drab colors. Select "Reset Colors to
Default". You may then need to exit the application and reenter it again to truely start back
from scratch.
8. Future Enhancements
- I would like to get Address Plus at least a little closer to Address+.
- Next addition? "+ / -" signs on the Record View screen, like Address+.
9. Bug Reporting
- To report a bug, make a suggestion, or make a comment, you can contact me at:
10. Registration
This program is shareware. The unregistered version is fully functional
but will show a registration reminder every time you start the application.
If you like the program and wish to get the full version, please register with the author
for the nominal fee of $12.00 (US).
Registering will provide you the following:
- the fully registered version which is not limited in any way.
- Free upgrades of the software.
Registration is available through two services:
PayPal allows you to send money directly to any email address in the US. They accept
credit cards and bank account transfers. I highly recommend this service for users
who do not have credit cards. When signing up, please put down ptaylor@mediaone.net
as your referal.
Register at Palmgear HQ :
- online via: www.palmgear.com
- via phone: 817.640.6558
- via fax: 817.640.6614
The author's Web site can be found at:
11. Versions
1.20 09/26/00 - Added the long awaited "Track Last Edit" feature. Changed About screen and Price.
1.16 08/28/00 - Cleaned up 1.15 - Things cleaned up include: Graffiti shift indicator added
to the "Replace Entire field" screen, automatically figured out whether or
not a sort is needed upon leaving the Group Edit screen. Made the field on
that screen have focus.
1.15 07/03/00 - BETA - Unreleased.
All the changes made up to version 1.13, plus an additional new feature.
Under "Edit Group", you can now select several records, hit the action menu,
then select the new "Replace Entire Field" option. You can then select any
of the major fields, except the phone number fields and the name fields, and
enter text on the provided line. When you hit "OK" at the bottom, the text you
entered on that line will be placed in the selected field in each of the records
you selected. If left blank, it will clear the selected field in each of those
1.13 07/05/00 - Released 1.12d beta as 1.13. 1.12b, c, and d were all beta copies.
1.12d 06/30/00 - Fixed the way the background color was displayed on the initial load of the
application. (It didn't look like it should on a real palm unless you went
to another screen, then came back.. )
1.12c 06/28/00 - More memory related changes. Fixed a minor bug that sometimes occured when
duplicating a record (after the memory related changes?). Made "New" button
on the Record View screen into a "Duplicate" button. Added 1 more pixel between
first & last names when in "F" sort. (To improve readability) Added "Copy Names"
functionality too.. (See prefs screen) Again, this is another feature from
1.12b 06/19/00 - Made a few changes related to memory management *Beta*
1.12a 05/22/00 - Bug fix for Highlighting.
1.12- 05/08/00 - Added Remember Last Highlight and Color/GrayScale support checkbox.
1.11- 04/24/00 - Added Grayscale support for users of non-color units. First public Color release.
1.10a-04/22/00 - Added "Reset Colors to Default" function.
1.10- 04/22/00 - Added Color support. BETA
1.08- 04/19/00 - Added ability to disable AutoSort feature via Preferences.
1.07- Unreleased - Added AutoSort after Hotsync function.
1.06- 04/06/00 - Fixed a security issue with Masked records & group editing.
1.05- 03/27/00 - Group Beaming.
1.0 - 03/06/00 - Initial Shareware release of Address Plus.
Known bugs/Issues & workarounds, if available:
Address Plus can not receive beams.
When Address Plus is the active application, it has the Address database open. The Palm OS sees
that the incoming record is an address, and assumes that the default address book application
should process the incoming beam. Therefore, it passes control to it, and you get the
"Do you want to accept" dialog. However, upon saying "Yes", it quickly aborts. The error
message displayed indicates an error saying something about the Address database already existing.
This is further proof that my hypothesis is correct, as the default application is attempting
to open the Address database, failing, and it assumes that the database doesn't exist, so it
tries to create it. Well, that's where it gives the error, because you can't create a database
that already exists... The default application has found the Address database to be already
opened, thus it has aborted the process.
Simply exit Address Plus whenever you wish to accept an Address via Beaming. Running any other
application will do, even the launcher...