32787 Connect to online news and update server.\nOnline Registration
32788 Enter registration code.\nRegistration Code
32801 Convert MP3 to Wavefile...
32803 Connect to Online Shop.\nBuy now
32804 Connect to Products overview.\nProducts
32805 Connect to ahsampoo support page.\nSupport
32806 Connect to the Newsletter registration.\n
57344 AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000
57345 Press F1 for Help.
57346 Select the item for which you wish to display help.
57348 CSN
57349 B
57600 Create a new file.\nNew
57601 Open an existing file.\nOpen
57602 Close the current file.\nClose
57603 Save the current file.\nSave
57604 Save the current file under a different name.\nSave As
57616 Open this document.
57617 Open this document.
57618 Open this document.
57619 Open this document.
57620 Open this document.
57621 Open this document.
57622 Open this document.
57623 Open this document.
57624 Open this document.
57625 Open this document.
57626 Open this document.
57627 Open this document.
57628 Open this document.
57629 Open this document.
57630 Open this document.
57631 Open this document.
57632 Delete selection.\nDelete
57633 Delete all.\nDelete all
57634 Copy selection to Windows clipboard.\nCopy
57635 Delete selection and copy to Windows clipboard.\nCut
57636 Find.\nFind
57637 Insert clipboard contents.\nPaste
57640 Repeat last operation.\nRepeat
57641 Replace a specified text with a different text.\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document.\nSelect All
57643 Undo last operation.\nUndo
57644 Redo last undone operation.\nRedo
57653 Split window.\nSplit
57664 Display information about the program, version no. and copyright.\nAbout
57665 Exit application with prompt to save open documents.\nExit
57666 Display help.\nHelp Contents
57667 Display help index.\nSearch for Help On
57668 Display instructions for using help system.\nUsing Help
57669 Display context-sensitive help for buttons, menus and windows.\nHelp
57670 Display help on current procedure or command.\nHelp
57680 Switch to next window pane.\nNext pane
57681 Switch to previous window pane.\nPrevious pane
59136 ER
59137 UF
59138 NUM
59139 RF
59140 ▄B
59141 MA
59392 Turn toolbar display on or off.\nToolbar Display On/Off
59393 Turn status bar display on or off.\nStaus Bar Display On/Off
61184 Resize window.
61185 Move window.
61186 Minimize window.
61187 Maximize window.
61188 Switch to next document window.
61189 Switch to previous document window.
61190 Close current window and display save prompt.
61202 Restore window to normal size.
61203 Activate task list.
61204 No file specified!
61205 File %s not found!
61206 %s is not an audio file!
61207 Cannot open file %s !
61208 Cannot read file %s !
61209 %s is not a wave format file!
61210 Cannot play audio file %s !
61211 %s is not a wave or MP3 format file!
61212 Cannot open audio device!
61213 Read error!
61214 acmMetrics failed (sound card error)!
61215 Insufficient memory!
61216 Format selection error!
61217 Conversion not possible!
61218 No output file specified!
61219 Cannot convert to specified format!
61220 Terminated by user! Output file corrupt!
61221 Conversion completed successfully!
61222 Cannot open source file %s !
61223 Cannot open output file %s !
61226 Source file is not a wave format file!
61230 Conversion error! Output file may be corrupt!
61231 Write error!
61232 The audio file is playing!\nYou must stop playing the file before starting the conversion operation!
61233 The audio file is being converted!\nYou cannot play the file before the conversion operation is finished!
61236 Cannot find wave file data chunk!
61237 Reading track %d of %d
61238 Procedure terminated.
61239 Initializing write process.
61240 Verifying CD medium....
61241 Writing track %d of %d.
61242 Finalizing CD.
61243 All audio files (*.wav;*.mp3)|*.wav;*.mp3|Wave files (*.wav)|*.wav|MPEG layer III (*.mp3)|*.mp3|All files (*.*)|*.*||
61244 File %s already exists. What do you want to do?
61245 Closing CD tray
61246 Analysing CD...
61247 Ejecting CD
61248 Process aborted.
61249 User abort request....
61250 Process aborted at user request!\n\nThe CD medium is probably unusable.
61251 CD(s) written successfully!
61252 Properties of: %s
61253 Tracks read successfully!
61254 AutoRun notification disabled. Please reboot the computer to activate the new setting!
61255 Specified device is not a CD recorder! Please check program options.
61256 00:00
61257 Tracks: 0
61258 Errors registered during read process. The audio tracks may be defective.
61259 Normalizing track %d of %d
61260 2.0 (Se)
61261 Invalid registration code.
61262 No sourcedrive defined !
61263 Error
61264 The file %s ist damaged !
61265 No CD-Writer defined !
61266 Pos;Title;Artist;Length;File;
61267 AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000
61268 Load
61269 New
61270 Write
61271 Save
61272 Up
61273 Down
61274 Add
61275 Delete
61276 Title;Artist;Length;File
61277 Plain text file (*.txt)|*.txt|RTF-File (*.rtf)|*.rtf|HTML-File (*.htm)|*.htm||
61278 nobody+products.pts-shop.de+AudioCD+2.0
61279 Time: %02d:%02d
61280 Track: %d
61281 not playing
61282 Connecting to server...
61283 Query in category %s.
61284 CD-Title: %s\n
61285 created at: %s\n
61286 Number of Tracks: %d\n
61287 CD-Length: %d:%02d\n
61288 # Titel Artist Length\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
61289 %m-%d-%Y
61290 WAVE-Format (*.wav)|*.wav||
61293 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">\n\n<html>\n<head>\n <title>CD-Trackliste</title>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n\n<p align="LEFT">\n<table width="60%">\n
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