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- NORMAL (Innocent Citizens)
- 1. Sorry Officer, I'm in a hurry.
- 2. Gotta run.
- 3. Sorry I can't help ya, man.
- 4. I don't know nothin'.
- 5. I ain't from around here.
- 6. Sorry, I'm from outta town.
- 7. Can you tell me the way to Madame Borges Massage Par....uh....nice day, Officer.
- 8. Some heat, huh?
- 9. Can't stop Officer.
- 10. Nice badge. You know where I can get me one?
- 11. Dunno nothin' Man.
- 12. No, Sorry.
- 13. No idea, Officer.
- 14. Outta my way, I got places to go.
- 15. This Union City rain sucks, huh?
- 16. Nice weather we're havin'.
- 17. You got a gun? Can I see it?
- 18. I confess - I did it all, Officer. Take me in.
- 19. Hey - don't be botherin' me man.
- 20. I gotta get outta this place - Union City is killin' me!
- 21. :)
- NORMAL (annoyed)
- 1. Why don't you go catch some REAL criminals, huh?
- 2. What the hell's goin' ON in this DAMN CITY?!?!?
- 3. How come you COPS weren't there when my APARTMENT got robbed, huh?
- 4. Ain't you guys supposed to be protectin' ME?
- 5. My TAXES pay your WAGES, asshole.
- 6. Try doin' some GOOD for a change.
- 7. You cops - yer ALL on the take.
- 8. I ain't helpin' no cop, man - I seen SERPICO.
- 9. What the hells goin' on with the murder rate in this city? Ain't you guys supposed to be ARRESTIN' the killers?
- 10. You cops have wasted enough of my time.
- 11. I'm reportin you to the MAYOR for goddamn HARRASSMENT!
- 13. Stop oppressin' us citizens, rookie.
- 14. Where do YOU get off hasslin' ME? You think I ain't got things to do?
- 15. I seen you beat that guy up back there - I ain't got nothin' to say to you.
- 16. Oh, you gonna Rodney King my ass too?
- 17. Goddamn Cops - waste o' city taxes.
- 18. So how much money you make busting pimps today, Cop?
- 19. I read all about the UCPD - yer ALL bent.
- 20. So are you good cop or bad cop?
- GUILTY (Flagged as guilty, but play no part in plot or mission; can be armed; can be arrested to reduce crimerate)
- 1. Er, is that the time?
- 2. Back off, man.
- 3. Get outta my FACE, asshole.
- 4. Don't MESS with me, man.
- 5. You think I'm scared o' some flunkie with a badge?
- 6. I ain't in the mood to entertain no beat cop.
- 7. You know who I am? Don't PUSH me, man!
- 8. I'm waitin' for my boys. You DON'T wanna be around when they come...
- 9. Nobody tell you? This is a no-cop zone....
- 10. You best stop RIDIN' me man.
- 11. You call that a gun? THIS is a gun...
- 12. Don't PUSH me, man!
- 13. You're new around here - so I'll give you another chance.
- 14. Uh...how's about I give you a $100 contribution to the, uh, Police Benevolence Fund?
- 16. Whatchoo lookin' at, Bitch?
- 17. You talkin' to me? I don't see nobody else around, asshole.
- 18. Tough guy, eh?
- 19. You can stick yer official police BADGE up yer official police ASS!
- 20. So what you sayin'? You gotta beef with ME, HUH?