1941 A bad argument was passed to the camera driver
1942 The camera could not be closed.
1943 No camera can be found.
1944 This operation can only be completed when there are no pictures in the camera. Please delete all the pictures before performing this operation.
1945 This function is not supported by the attached camera.
1946 User cancelled operation.
1947 This operation requres a memory card to be installed in the camera, and no card could be found.
1948 Error communicating with the camera. Check connections and try again.
1949 This function is not supported by the current camera driver.
1950 An error occurred while processing the image.
1951 The camera is not compatible with the firmware being downloaded. Please check the camera driver for compatibility.
1952 Could not allocate enough memory for operation. Please free memory and try again.
1953 The camera memory is too full to complete the operation. Please delete some images or increase the available memory in the camera before trying again.
1954 The camera or driver was not properly opened.
1955 The operation could not be completed because the camera is in ROM mode.
1956 The camera could not be opened because it has already been opened by another process.
1957 The operation could not be completed because the camera was not in ROM mode.
1958 DC_ROMModeOpen
1959 This version of camera driver is not compatible with the current camera SDK. Please reinstall this software.
1960 The camera driver cannot be loaded. Please check the installation and try again.
1961 System error.
1963 The camera driver does not support the currently connected camera. Please check for a newer version.
1965 The picture could not be taken because the album is full.
1973 Unknown error.
1974 An error occurred while writing to the file.
1975 An error occurred while reading from the file.
1976 Starting Download
1977 Ending Download
1978 Starting Decompression
1979 Ending Decompression
1980 Decompressing Image
1981 Downloading Image
1982 Could not find digital camera drivers.
1983 Getting Thumbnails
1984 Are you sure you want to delete all the images?
1985 Are you sure you want to delete this image?
1986 Not available
1987 Downloading Images\n
1988 Save digital camera file(s)
1989 The following Directory does not exist:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to create it?
1990 A TWAIN acquire session is currently running. It must be shut down before exiting. Do you want your TWAIN data source closed for you?
2000 BMP - OS/2 or Windows Bitmap|*.BMP|
2001 CLP - Windows Clipboard|*.CLP|
2002 CUT - Dr. Halo |*.CUT|
2003 DIB - OS/2 or Windows DIB|*.DIB|
2004 GIF - CompuServe|*.GIF|
2005 IFF - Amiga|*.IFF|
2006 IMG - GEM Paint|*.IMG|
2007 JIF - JPEG - JFIF Compliant|*.JIF|
2008 JPG - JPEG - JFIF Compliant|*.JPG|
2009 LBM - Deluxe Paint|*.LBM|
2010 MAC - MacPaint|*.MAC|
2011 MSP - Microsoft Paint|*.MSP|
2012 PBM - Portable Bitmap|*.PBM|
2013 PCX - Zsoft Paintbrush|*.PCX|
2014 PGM - Portable Graymap|*.PGM|
2015 PIC - PC Paint|*.PIC|
2016 PNG - Portable Network Graphics|*.PNG|
2017 PPM - Portable Pixelmap|*.PPM|
2018 PSD - Photoshop|*.PSD|
2019 RAS - Sun Raster Images|*.RAS|
2020 RLE - CompuServe or Windows|*.RLE|
2021 TGA - Truevision Targa|*.TGA|
2022 TIF - Tagged Image File Format|*.TIF|
2023 WMF - Windows Meta File|*.WMF|
2024 WPG - WordPerfect Bitmap|*.WPG||
4031 Edit this media file
4032 Edit this media file
4033 Edit this media file
4034 Edit this media file
4035 This image needs to have the color depth increased to 16 colors before it can be saved to this file type.\nShould the image be changed?
4036 This image needs to have the color depth increased to 256 colors before it can be saved to this file type.\nShould the image be changed?
4037 This image needs to have the color depth increased to 16.7 million colors before it can be saved to this file type.\nShould the image be changed?
4038 This image needs to have the color depth increased to 256 colors and greyscaled before it can be saved to this file type.\nShould the image be changed?
4039 This image needs to have the color depth decreased to 2 colors before it can be saved to this file type.\nShould the image be changed?
4040 This image needs to have the color depth decreased to 16 colors before it can be saved to this file type.\nShould the image be changed?
4041 This image needs to have the color depth decreased to 256 colors before it can be saved to this file type.\nShould the image be changed?
4042 This image needs to be greyscaled before it can be saved to this file type.\nShould the image be changed?
4043 This image needs to have a width of 256 and a height of 192, it also must be a black and white image.\nShould the image be changed?
4044 This image needs to have a width of 576 and a height of 720, it also must be a black and white image.\nShould the image be changed?
4047 About
4048 The Album has changed, would you like to save the changes?
4149 Merging Files...
4150 Printing
4152 Reading - %1
4153 Saving - %1
4155 Resizing
4156 Removing Orphans...
4157 Updating the Thumbnails...
4158 Decreasing Color Depth
4159 Increasing Color Depth
4160 The requested funtion is in use by another program. Would you like to wait?
4161 Adding Files...
4162 . Press Cancel to abort...\n
4163 Exporting HTML...
4164 Counting Files... %1
4165 Remaining Files... %1
4166 Counting Files...
4167 Remaining Files...
5060 Disk ID
5061 Drive
5062 Drive and Dir
5063 Filename
5064 Extension
5065 Width
5066 Height
5067 Bits Per Pixel
5069 Keywords
5070 Unable to load the movie player.
5071 Unable to load the movie file.
5072 This application is currently busy. Please abort the operation to shut it down.
5073 This application is currently busy. Please abort this operation if you want to begin a new operation.
5074 Unable to delete the file.
5075 The clipboard is in use, unable to copy.
5076 This filename is in use. Do you want to overwrite the existing file?
5077 Unable to delete the conflicting file:
5078 Unable to locate the file jcd.dat. Please reinstall this application.
5079 Unable to find match for that search text.
5080 The image must be saved in order to add it to the album.
5081 Unable to find another match for that search text.
5082 An error occured while renaming the file.
5083 This album file requires a CD Rom on your system.\nUnable to load the album.
5084 No new files were found in the specified directories.
5085 Rename
5086 Version
5087 Not Saved.
5088 Select Editor
5089 This thumbnail does not have any comments.
5090 None
5091 Million
5092 Jasc Media Center Plus needs to retrieve a file from a removable disk in drive '%s'. The needed disk (ID shown below) is not currently in the drive; please insert it so the current operation may continue.
5093 Jasc Media Center Plus needs to retrieve a file from a removable disk in drive '%s'. The needed disk (ID shown below) is not currently in the drive; either insert it or press 'Skip File' so the operation may continue.
5094 The group name you specified already exists.\n\nChoose a different name.
5095 Untitled%d
5096 &Edit Using
5097 Save As
5098 Select Album
5099 Unknown
5100 Change Drive and Directory
5101 Copy To
5102 Move To
5103 Title:
5104 Thumbnail:
5105 of
5106 Album:
5107 Free:
5108 Press ESC to abort
5109 Add Files
5110 Page
5111 out of
5112 selected
5113 Adjusting for Color Boost
5114 Building Color Map
5115 Decreasing Color Depth
5116 Building Histogram
5117 Album Files (*.ALB)|*.ALB||
5118 Programs (*.EXE)|*.EXE||
5119 Hide T&oolbar
5120 Show T&oolbar
5121 To track this removable media, this application\nhas given it a disk id of
5122 Open Album
5123 This application will only serve images.
5124 Unable to write to an initialization file. Unable to run.
5125 Edit Keywords
5126 View Keywords
5127 Edit Comments
5128 View Comments
5129 Find Keyword
5130 Find Comment
5131 Find File Name
5132 There is no primary editor defined for this file type.\nUse File-Preferences-Primary Editors to define a primary editor.
5133 No thumbnails matched your selection criteria.
5134 Unable to run the requested application.\nUse AlbumFile-Preferences to ensure your editors are properly setup.
5135 Unable to open the original file.
5136 &All
5137 You must select at least one item.
5138 You must specify a group name.
5139 Save Export File As
5140 Noname
5141 Add Group
5142 Save Selected As
5143 Scanning files
5144 Scanning directories
5145 Moving File(s)
5146 Copying File(s)
5147 Some groups cannot be accessed.
5148 %u x %u x %s - (%u of %u)
5149 %u out of %u selected
5150 (%u of %u)
5151 Exporting
5152 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|
5153 All Files (*.*)|*.*|
5154 Editor name
5155 Program path
5156 Add Keyword to Selection
5157 Filename:
5158 Directory:
5159 Disk ID:
5160 File size:
5161 File date:
5162 File Type:
5163 Version:
5164 Compression:
5165 Dimensions:
5166 Planes:
5167 Pixel depth:
5169 Keywords:
5170 Select
5171 Select Folder
5172 %b %d, %Y - %H:%M:%S
5173 Save to Media File As
5174 The image must be saved in order to add it to the album.
5175 %sImages
5176 1 (Mono)
5177 2 (Stereo)
5178 %d kHz
5179 %d bits
5180 Change Disk ID
5181 Change Drive
5182 Change Drive and Directory
5183 &New disk ID:
5184 &New drive:
5185 &New drive and directory:
5186 &All thumbnails matching disk ID:
5187 &All thumbnails matching drive:
5188 &All thumbnails matching drive and directory:
5189 The drive you entered does not exist.\n\nChange anyways?
5190 The directory you entered is invalid or does not exist.\n\nChange anyways?
5191 The drive you entered is invalid.
5192 You must enter a drive name.
5193 You must enter a drive and directory.
5194 Find Keyword
5195 Find Comment
5196 Find Filename
5197 Find Drive and Directory
5198 Fi&nd keyword that contains:
5199 Fi&nd comment that contains:
5200 Fi&nd filename that contains:
5201 Fi&nd drive and directory that contains:
5202 No match was found.
5203 Cannot save file type group '%1'.
5204 The thumbnail selection color you chose closely resembles the background color.\n\nYou may not be able to distinguish which thumbnails are selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to change the selection color?
5205 Cannot convert WAV file.
5206 Cannot convert MIDI file.
5207 Continue converting the media files for the remaining selected thumbnails?
5208 An image or album processing function is currently in progress on this document.\nPlease wait until it is complete before retrying your requested operation.
5209 Jasc Media Center Plus could not overwrite the specified file. Please make sure you have the necessary file and directory permissions.
5210 Not saved
5211 bytes
5212 You may only specify a drive.
5213 You only specified a drive. You must also specify a directory.
5214 Calculating album size...
5215 %d orphans have been removed.
5216 %d thumbnails have been updated.
5217 The source and destination directories may not be identical.
5218 Continue copying files?
5219 Continue moving files?
5220 A filename cannot contain any of the following characters:\n \ / : * ? " < > |
5221 Add Editor
5222 You must enter a non-blank keyword.
5223 Playing this file requires special drivers from Autodesk Inc. These drivers are missing or not installed properly. A copy of the drivers may be found at the Jasc Software web site at www.jasc.com.
5224 There are no files to play, or the files are not accessible
5225 The selected paper size is too small to display any images in the current layout size.\nPlease choose other settings.
5226 Cannot save file type group information.
5227 Edit Group
5228 Cannot access file type group information.
5229 Error: The printer driver did not accept the image. Please check that you have adequate free space on your temporary drive. If you do then please contact the printer manufacturer for an updated printer driver.
5230 Printing...
5231 You must select at least one field to export.
5232 Select a folder:
5233 Disk ID
5234 Media Filename
5235 Media File Creation Date
5236 Media File Size
5237 Image Bits Per Pixel
5238 Image Height
5239 Image Width
5240 Keywords
5242 Media Format Type
5243 equals
5244 does not equal
5245 contains
5246 does not contain
5247 contains the words
5248 does not contain the words
5249 is blank
5250 is not blank
5251 is less than
5252 is less than or equal to
5253 is greater than
5254 is greater than or equal to
5255 is on
5256 is not on
5257 is before
5258 is on or before
5259 is after
5260 is on or after
5261 AND
5262 OR
5263 Field name
5264 Relation operator
5265 Value
5266 &Move Here
5267 &Copy Here
5268 Make &Thumbnail Here
5269 Cancel
5270 Media File Directory
5271 Media File Pathname
5272 You are attempting to place a media file into an album that already contains it. Only the original will be kept.
5273 The maximum number of relations is %d..
5274 You must specify search criteria in order to search.
5275 Some rows were not completely specified. Please complete those rows or delete them.
5276 Invalid date(s) specified.\n\nLegal dates range between January 1, 1970 and December 31, 2037.
5277 &Choose Editors...
5278 &%1!d!. %2
5279 %2
5280 Format
5281 Application
5282 Menu item
5283 Secondary editor 1
5284 Secondary editor 2
5285 Secondary editor 3
5286 default - %s
5287 Media File Drive
5288 The file '%s' cannot be found.
5289 You have placed a large amount of data in the clipboard. This data may take up quite a bit of memory and could degrade system performance if left on the clipboard. Would you like to leave this data on the clipboard so that it will be available to other applications?
5290 27066
5291 Album Properties
5292 At least one of the thumbnail attributes has been changed, which requires the thumbnails to be updated.\n\nCancel will restore the attributes to their previous settings.
5293 [sorted]
5294 Resolution:
5295 Frames:
5296 Frames/sec:
5297 Has audio:
5298 Play length:
5299 Channels:
5300 Sample size:
5301 Frequency:
5302 Format:
5303 Tracks:
5304 An error occurred on the following file:
5305 ,
5306 &Selected media files (%1!d! file(s))
5307 &All (%1!d! file(s))
5308 Cannot load MAPI DLL which is required to send files.
5309 Cannot find function MAPISendMail which is required to send files.
5310 File '%1' does not exist.\n\nContinue preparing to send files?
5311 Insufficient memory to send files.
5312 Could not send files.
5313 Sending Files...
5314 Cannot convert MP3 file.
5315 Common Picture Types
5316 Common Sound Types
5317 Common Animation Types
5318 1 orphan has been removed.
5319 %lu kbps
5320 %.3lf kHz
5321 MPEG %.1f Layer %d
5322 Stereo
5323 Joint stereo
5324 Dual channel mono
5325 Mono
5326 Play length:
5327 File type:
5328 Sample rate:
5329 Bit rate:
5330 Channel mode:
5331 Frame rate:
5332 Copyrighted:
5333 Shift+E
5334 Common Web-compatible Types
5335 You have checked too many extensions.\n\nPlease uncheck at least one extension.
5336 Cannot create more than 25 groups.
5337 %.3lf/sec
5338 Variable
5339 %.1lf kbps
5340 And/Or
5341 Cannot rotate thumbnail.
5342 Cannot rotate picture.
5343 Initialization failed
5344 Possible errors:\n - your internet connection is down\n - connection between your ISP and the site is down\n - the site is down
5345 Error: cannot connect to the server
5346 Please enter the user login, password and album title for the new/existing album.
5347 Accessing StudioAvenue.com...
5348 Sending %s...
5349 %s - Unable to send to StudioAvenue.com.
5350 Send complete.
5351 Unable to connect.
5352 Please select the images to send.
5353 User abort. Processing halted.
5354 Please select at least one image file. Sound and animations can't be sent to StudioAvenue.com.
5355 Album file name
5356 Album title
5357 Page number
5358 &System Info
5500 No thumbnails were selected to be exported. (Check your selections in the Export to HTML dialog.)
5501 Error in %s line %i char %i: An invalid keyword was encountered.
5502 Error in %s line %i char %i: the same file was declared more than once. (Check your MCF file.)
5503 Error in %s line %i char %i: An invalid value was encountered.
5504 Error in %s line %i char %i: An invalid attribute was encountered.
5505 Error in %s line %i char %i: Attribute conflicts with a previous attribute.
5506 Error in %s line %i char %i: An attribute duplicates a previous attribute.
5507 Error in %s line %i char %i: A required attribute was missing.
5508 Error in %s line %i char %i: A required keyword was missing.
5509 Error in %s line %i char %i: An unrecognized character was encountered in a value.
5510 Error in %s line %i char %i: Tags cannot span multiple lines of text.
5511 Error in %s line %i char %i: The specified thumbnail size attributes don't provide enough room for any thumbnails from the current album.
5512 Error in %s line %i char %i: An attempt was made to get image size from a non-image file.
5513 Error in %s line %i char %i: the referenced page type is unknown.
5514 Error in %s line %i char %i: Nesting of loops and/or thumbnail tables is not supported.
5515 Error in %s line %i char %i: This closing tag appears to be out of place.
5516 Error in %s line %i char %i: A thumbnail table cannot be used with this page type. (Check the declaration of the page type in the MCF file.)
5517 Error in %s line %i char %i: This table tag appears to be out of place.
5518 Error in %s line %i: Reached end of file without a table or loop being closed.
5519 Error in %s line %i char %i: An unrecognized type of tag was encountered.
5520 Error at %s line %i char %i; Internal error.
5521 Error in %s line %i char %i: An attempt was made to use a loop counter while not currently in a loop.
5522 The file '%s' could not be opened.
5523 The file '%s' could not be created.
5524 %2 bytes
5525 %1 KB (%2 bytes)
5526 %1 MB (%2 bytes)
5527 %1 GB (%2 bytes)
5529 (unused)
5530 Please provide a filename.
5531 Please specify an output directory.
5532 The specified directory could not be created. (A normal file by the same name may exist, or the media may be write-protected.)
5533 Please select a site design.
5534 You must select a file group that contains a set of file types that are recognized by browsers.
5535 &Stop
5536 File Format Preferences
5537 Windows has reported an error on the following file:
5538 Jasc Media Center Plus could not launch the EasyUpdate utility. Please reinstall if necessary.
5539 &View Slideshow
5540 The passwords you entered are different. Please reenter them.
5541 You have left a required field blank. Please fill it in before continuing.
5542 Failed to create new user account.
5543 The site has not provided any more details about this error.
5544 Error from StudioAvenue.com
5545 Created a new user login. Click "Send" to upload your images.
5546 You do not have the necessary internet software installed on your system. Please install or reinstall Microsoft Internet Explorer.
5547 Your internet connection is down. Please fix the problem and try again.
15032 Jasc Media Center Plus Build Information:
15033 Build Date %s @ %s
15034 Build Mode %s
15035 Debug
15036 Version %i.%i
15037 Release
15038 Memory / Drive Status:
15039 Memory Load Index %lu pcnt.
15040 MB
15041 KB
15042 Total Physical Memory %lu%s
15043 Available Physical Memory %lu%s
15044 Total Paging Memory %lu%s
15045 Available Paging Memory %lu%s
15046 Temp Drive Free Space %lu%s
15047 Video Driver Information:
15048 Bits Per Pixel %i
15049 Number of Colors %lu
15050 Palette Size Non-Paletted
15051 Palette Size %i
15052 Resolution %i x %i
15053 Operating System Information:
15054 Operating System
15055 Windows 3.x & Win32s
15056 Windows 95/98
15057 Windows NT
15058 Version %i.%01i%01i
15059 Additional Info %s
15060 DIB Output %iBPP
15061 Temp Directory %s
15064 OEM ID: %u
15065 Processors %u
15066 Processor Type %u
15075 MMX Support %s
15076 Hardware Configuration:
15077 Total Managed Memory %lu%s
15078 Total Handles %lu
15079 File Map Threshold: %lu%s
15082 Search For Folder
15083 Create a new folder
15084 Type a path or select a recent folder from the list
15085 New Folder
15086 New Folder (%d)
15087 Application Folder
15088 Invalid folder.
20253 267 329 362 356 (Rectangle of order button on eval splash screen)
20254 145 329 240 356 (Rectangle of start button on eval splash screen)
20255 187 12 487 37 (Rectangle for major version text string on splash screen)
20256 187 36 487 52 (Rectangle for minor version text string on splash screen, alpha/beta version only)
20257 310 55 506 168 (Rectangle for the eval version text on the splash screen)
32773 Play or view the media file\nPlay/View
32774 Add thumbnails to the album
32775 Delete thumbnails from the album\nDelete Thumbnails
32776 Remove thumbnails that have no associated file\nRemove Orphans
32777 Update thumbnails from all files that have changed\nUpdate Thumbnails
32778 Edit the comments\nEdit Comments
32779 Edit the keywords\nEdit Keywords
32780 Alter the disk ID for the thumbnail\nEdit Disk ID
32781 Alter the drive for the thumbnail\nEdit Drive
32782 Alter the drive and directory for the thumbnail\nEdit Drive and Directory
32784 View information about the media file\nInfo
32785 View information about the album
32786 View the comments for the current thumbnail
32787 View the keywords for the current thumbnail
32789 Enter the title of the album\nTitle
32790 Change window size to exactly fit visible thumbnails\nFit to Thumbnails
32791 Customize the operation of Jasc Media Center Plus\nPreferences
32792 Locate the specified folder in the tree
32794 Convert the image file to a new image file format\nConvert
32795 Copy the file to a new location\nCopy File
32796 Delete the thumbnail and delete its file from the disk\nDelete File
32797 Play or view the media file\nPlay/View
32798 Move the file to a new location\nMove File
32799 Rename the media file\nRename File
32800 Selects the folder for Jasc Media Center Plus resources\nJasc Media Center Plus Resources
32801 Selects the folder with your personal documents\nMy Documents
32802 Selects the system folder for temporary files\nTemp Folder
32806 Add the currently selected folder to the list of favorite folders\nAdd Current
32814 Choose a favorite or special folder
32815 Removes one or more favorite folders from the list\nRemove
32821 Save the selected thumbnails as a new album file\nSave Selected
32822 Deletes this album file from the disk\nDelete Album
32823 Merge another album file into this album\nMerge Album
32824 Change the overall comment for the album\nComment
32825 Find thumbnails which match a given criteria\nFind
32826 Repeat the last find\nRepeat Find
32827 Select all thumbnails which match a given criteria\nSelect
32828 Sort the album on the specified criteria\nSort
32835 Export filenames, comments and/or keywords to an ASCII delimited file\nExport
32850 Enable/disable Info Tips for thumbnails\nInfo Tips
32851 Enable/disable Info Tips for thumbnails\nInfo Tips
32858 Find thumbnail containing specified drive and directory\nFind Drive and Directory
32859 Advanced Find\nFind Advanced
32860 Finds the next occurrence of the last specified field and value\nFind Next
32861 Finds the previous occurrence of the last specified field and value\nFind Previous
32869 Merges an already existing album to the current album\nMerge
32870 Merges an open album to the current album
32871 Merges an open album to the current album
32872 Merges an open album to the current album
32873 Merges an open album to the current album
32874 Merges an open album to the current album
32875 Merges an open album to the current album
32876 Merges an open album to the current album
32877 Merges an open album to the current album
32878 Merges an open album to the current album
32879 Merges an open album to the current album
32880 Merge Album
32881 Empty Album
32882 #%1!d! of %2!d!; %3!d! selected
32888 Add thumbnails to the album by selecting files\nAdd Files
32889 Add thumbnails to the album by scanning directories\nAdd Folders
32916 Launch your Internet browser and connect to Jasc Software's WWW page\nJasc Software Web Site
32917 Connect to Jasc Software Web Site to report a problem\nReport Defect
32918 Launch email system to send mail to technical support\nEmail Technical Support
32921 Customize the buttons on the toolbar\nCustomize Toolbar
32924 Select all thumbnails\nSelect All
32925 Invert the thumbnail selection\nInvert Selection
32928 View information about the media file\nInformation
32929 Set properties of an album\nAlbum Properties
32930 Change options for the slide show\nSlide Show Options
32931 Run the slide show\nSlide Show
32932 Export filenames, comments and/or keywords to an ASCII delimited file\nExport Text
32933 Export album to HTML\nExport HTML
32935 Configure other editors\nOther editor
32939 Empty the clipboard\nEmpty Clipboard
32940 Remove orphaned thumbnails from the album\nRemove Orphans
32941 Stop playing the media file\nStop Playing
32942 Play or view the media file\nPlay/View
32943 Update the album's thumbnails\nUpdate Thumbnails
32952 Enter the URL of the album\nURL
32955 Acquire an image from a TWAIN compliant device\nAcquire Image
32956 Select TWAIN source\nTWAIN source
32957 Access digital camera\nAccess Camera
32958 Change settings for digital camera\nDigital Camera Settings
32959 Edit the URL\nEdit URL
32965 Set TWAIN import options...\nImport TWAIN Options
32972 Stop playing the media file\nStop Playing
32976 Close all open windows\nClose All
32977 Change how the program loads and saves various format specific information\nFile Format Preferences
32978 Check for updated versions of Jasc Media Center Plus\nCheck for Updates
32981 Print the active document\nPrint
32982 Launch your Internet browser and connect to the Jasc Media Center Plus help page\nSupport Pages
32983 Launch your Internet browser for instructions on posting problems and issues\nPost Problems/Issue
32984 Launch email system to send mail to technical support\nEmail Technical Support
32998 Send images to the StudioAvenue.com web site\nSend to StudioAvenue.com
33000 Rotate image files\nRotate Image
33001 Launch your Internet browser and connect to the StudioAvenue.com web site\nGo to StudioAvenue.com
33320 You are missing the Jasc Media Center Plus help system and order forms. If reinstalling Jasc Media Center Plus does not correct the problem, please contact Jasc Software or your local distributor for a complete version.
33321 Toolbar cannot be customized.
33322 Tool Bar
57344 Jasc Media Center Plus
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new album file\nNew
57601 Open an existing album file\nOpen
57602 Close the album file\nClose
57603 Save the album file\nSave
57604 Save the album with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options for albums\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57610 Update the container to show any changes\nUpdate
57611 Save a copy of the active document with a new name\nSave Copy
57612 Attach copies of files to a new e-mail\nSend File
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 Display the help topics page for Jasc Media Center Plus\nHelp Topics
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp Topics
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59142 Select a user directory
59143 Press ESC to Abort
59148 Working...
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61215 Activate this window
61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview
61446 Untitled
61447 Are you sure you want to remove all the file associations from Jasc Media Center Plus?
63502 An error occurred while renaming the file.
63505 Deleting File(s)
63519 Are you sure you want to send '%s' to the Recycle Bin?
63520 Are you sure you want to send all the files associated with the selected thumbnails to the Recycle Bin?
63526 Page %u
63527 An error occurred while deleting the file.
63528 An error occurred while copying the file.
63529 An error occurred while moving the file.
63530 '%s' does not exist.
63531 A filename cannot contain any of the following characters:\n %s
63532 The following files do not exist and cannot be copied.
63533 You must type a filename.
63534 The following files and folders do not exist and cannot be copied.
63535 The following folders do not exist and cannot be copied.
63536 The following files and folders do not exist and cannot be copied. Would you like to copy the rest of the files and folders?
63537 The following files do not exist and cannot be copied. Would you like to copy the rest of the files?
63538 The following folders do not exist and cannot be copied. Would you like to copy the rest of the folders?
63539 The following files do not exist and cannot be moved.
63540 The following files and folders do not exist and cannot be moved.
63541 The following folders do not exist and cannot be moved.
63542 The following files and folders do not exist and cannot be moved. Would you like to move the rest of the files and folders?
63543 The following files do not exist and cannot be moved. Would you like to move the rest of the files?
63544 The following folders do not exist and cannot be moved. Would you like to move the rest of the folders?
63545 The following files do not exist and cannot be deleted.
63546 The following files and folders do not exist and cannot be deleted.
63547 The following folders do not exist and cannot be deleted.
63548 The following files and folders do not exist and cannot be deleted. Would you like to delete the rest of the files and folders?
63549 The following files do not exist and cannot be deleted. Would you like to delete the rest of the files?
63550 The following folders do not exist and cannot be deleted. Would you like to delete the rest of the folders?
63551 The following files do not exist and cannot be renamed.
63552 The following files and folders do not exist and cannot be renamed.
63554 The following folders do not exist and cannot be renamed.
63556 The following files and folders do not exist and cannot be renamed. Would you like to rename the rest of the files and folders?
63557 The following files do not exist and cannot be renamed. Would you like to rename the rest of the files?
63558 The following folders do not exist and cannot be renamed. Would you like to rename the rest of the folders?
63708 Jasc Media Center Plus could not launch your World Wide Web browser. Please check that it is installed properly.
63743 This is a 30 day evaluation\nversion of Jasc Media Center Plus.\nIf after the 30 day period\nyou would like to continue\nto use it, you must purchase\n the licensed version.\nYou are on day %i of your\n30 day evaluation period.
63744 You have exceeded the 30\nday trial period of this\nsoftware. After 60 days this\nprogram will not run. Please\nclick the Order button to\npurchase a licensed version.\nYou are on day %i of your\n30 day evaluation period.
63748 inches
63749 cm
63750 %.*f pixels per inch
63751 %.*f pixels per centimeter
63752 %ld x %ld pixels
63754 %d bit, %d color
63755 24 bit, 16 million color
63756 %.2f x %.2f inches
63757 %.2f x %.2f cm
63758 %d RGB
63759 %d CMYK
63760 %d CMY
63761 Copy of %s
63762 Copy (%d) of %s
63763 Cannot save '%1'. The folder is read-only.
63764 Cannot save the file '%1'. The file exists and is read-only.
63765 Background
63766 http://
63767 %i Bit per pixel samples are not currently supported.\n