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- // Member templates for the -*- C++ -*- complex number classes.
- // Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
- // This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
- // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- // any later version.
- // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- // Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- // As a special exception, if you link this library with files
- // compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
- // the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- // This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
- // the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- // Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification in the 27 May 1994
- // C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0098.
- #include <complex>
- extern "C++" {
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- cos (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- {
- return complex<FLOAT> (cos (real (x)) * cosh (imag (x)),
- - sin (real (x)) * sinh (imag (x)));
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- cosh (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- {
- return complex<FLOAT> (cosh (real (x)) * cos (imag (x)),
- sinh (real (x)) * sin (imag (x)));
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- exp (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- {
- return polar (FLOAT (exp (real (x))), imag (x));
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- log (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- {
- return complex<FLOAT> (log (abs (x)), arg (x));
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- pow (const complex<FLOAT>& x, const complex<FLOAT>& y)
- {
- FLOAT logr = log (abs (x));
- FLOAT t = arg (x);
- return polar (FLOAT (exp (logr * real (y) - imag (y) * t)),
- FLOAT (imag (y) * logr + real (y) * t));
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- pow (const complex<FLOAT>& x, FLOAT y)
- {
- return exp (FLOAT (y) * log (x));
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- pow (FLOAT x, const complex<FLOAT>& y)
- {
- return exp (y * FLOAT (log (x)));
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- sin (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- {
- return complex<FLOAT> (sin (real (x)) * cosh (imag (x)),
- cos (real (x)) * sinh (imag (x)));
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- sinh (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- {
- return complex<FLOAT> (sinh (real (x)) * cos (imag (x)),
- cosh (real (x)) * sin (imag (x)));
- }
- #include <iostream.h>
- template <class FLOAT> istream&
- operator >> (istream& is, complex<FLOAT>& x)
- {
- FLOAT re, im = 0;
- char ch = 0;
- if (is.ipfx0 ())
- {
- if (is.peek () == '(')
- is >> ch;
- is >> re;
- if (ch == '(')
- {
- is >> ch;
- if (ch == ',')
- is >> im >> ch;
- }
- }
- is.isfx ();
- if (ch != 0 && ch != ')')
- is.setstate (ios::failbit);
- else if (is.good ())
- x = complex<FLOAT> (re, im);
- return is;
- }
- template <class FLOAT> ostream&
- operator << (ostream& os, const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- {
- return os << '(' << real (x) << ',' << imag (x) << ')';
- }
- // The code below is adapted from f2c's libF77, and is subject to this
- // copyright:
- /****************************************************************
- Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bellcore.
- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
- and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
- granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
- copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
- permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
- documentation, and that the names of AT&T Bell Laboratories or
- Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or
- publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
- specific, written prior permission.
- AT&T and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this
- software, including all implied warranties of merchantability
- and fitness. In no event shall AT&T or Bellcore be liable for
- any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages
- whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
- in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action,
- arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of
- this software.
- ****************************************************************/
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>&
- __doadv (complex<FLOAT>* ths, const complex<FLOAT>& y)
- {
- FLOAT ar = abs (y.re);
- FLOAT ai = abs (y.im);
- FLOAT nr, ni;
- FLOAT t, d;
- if (ar <= ai)
- {
- t = y.re / y.im;
- d = y.im * (1 + t*t);
- nr = (ths->re * t + ths->im) / d;
- ni = (ths->im * t - ths->re) / d;
- }
- else
- {
- t = y.im / y.re;
- d = y.re * (1 + t*t);
- nr = (ths->re + ths->im * t) / d;
- ni = (ths->im - ths->re * t) / d;
- }
- ths->re = nr;
- ths->im = ni;
- return *ths;
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- operator / (const complex<FLOAT>& x, const complex<FLOAT>& y)
- {
- FLOAT ar = abs (real (y));
- FLOAT ai = abs (imag (y));
- FLOAT nr, ni;
- FLOAT t, d;
- if (ar <= ai)
- {
- t = real (y) / imag (y);
- d = imag (y) * (1 + t*t);
- nr = (real (x) * t + imag (x)) / d;
- ni = (imag (x) * t - real (x)) / d;
- }
- else
- {
- t = imag (y) / real (y);
- d = real (y) * (1 + t*t);
- nr = (real (x) + imag (x) * t) / d;
- ni = (imag (x) - real (x) * t) / d;
- }
- return complex<FLOAT> (nr, ni);
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- operator / (FLOAT x, const complex<FLOAT>& y)
- {
- FLOAT ar = abs (real (y));
- FLOAT ai = abs (imag (y));
- FLOAT nr, ni;
- FLOAT t, d;
- if (ar <= ai)
- {
- t = real (y) / imag (y);
- d = imag (y) * (1 + t*t);
- nr = x * t / d;
- ni = -x / d;
- }
- else
- {
- t = imag (y) / real (y);
- d = real (y) * (1 + t*t);
- nr = x / d;
- ni = -x * t / d;
- }
- return complex<FLOAT> (nr, ni);
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- pow (const complex<FLOAT>& xin, int y)
- {
- if (y == 0)
- return complex<FLOAT> (1.0);
- complex<FLOAT> r (1.0);
- complex<FLOAT> x (xin);
- if (y < 0)
- {
- y = -y;
- x = 1/x;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- if (y & 1)
- r *= x;
- if (y >>= 1)
- x *= x;
- else
- return r;
- }
- }
- template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- sqrt (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- {
- FLOAT r = abs (x);
- FLOAT nr, ni;
- if (r == 0.0)
- nr = ni = r;
- else if (real (x) > 0)
- {
- nr = sqrt (0.5 * (r + real (x)));
- ni = imag (x) / nr / 2;
- }
- else
- {
- ni = sqrt (0.5 * (r - real (x)));
- if (imag (x) < 0)
- ni = - ni;
- nr = imag (x) / ni / 2;
- }
- return complex<FLOAT> (nr, ni);
- }
- } // extern "C++"