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<MixVibes Config> %INTERFACE//=================================================================================================================================== :NAME "Mixvibes 5 Standard" :THEME "DJ" :AUTHOR "DJ Sorin (Sorin OPRISOR)" :VERSION "1.0" :DATECREATED "10:45 AM 9/17/2002" :DATELASTMODIFIED "6:42 PM 8/1/2003" :WEB "http://www.mixvibes.com" :EMAIL "sorin@mxivibes.com" :COMMENT "MixVibes Copyright (C) 1999-2003" %MAIN//======================================================================================================================================== :MAIN -1 -1 -1 -1 0 2 RGB(80,192,255) RGB(0,0,0) :MEDIABASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(200,215,215) RGB(0,0,0) :SEQUENCER 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,40,40) RGB(0,0,0) :FONT0 8 0 "Arial" //font normal :FONT1 7 0 "Arial" //small :FONT2 11 1 "ocraext" //large :FONT3 8 0 "Arial" //counter :FONT4 11 1 "Arial" //title :FONT5 9 1 "Arial" //Crossfader :FONT6 10 1 "Arial" //Crossfader %MEDIABASE//================================================================================================================================= :MEDIABASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(190,185,180) RGB(,,) :MEDIAVIEW 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,158,22) RGB(90,90,90) %SEQUENCER//================================================================================================================================= :SEQUENCER 0 0 0 0 4 0 RGB(190,185,180) RGB(,,) :SEQUENCERVIEW 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,158,22) RGB(90,90,90) %EXPLORER//======================================================================================================================================== :EXPLORER 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,158,22) RGB(0,0,0) %AUTOBPM//=================================================================================================================================== :AUTOBPM 0 0 349 100 0 0 RGB(,,) RGB(,,)RGB(,,) :BITMAP 0 0 349 100 0 0 "back_autobpm.bmp" :COLORS 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(180,180,180) RGB(255,255,255) :WINDOW 30 27 290 55 0 0 RGB(,,) RGB(230,230,230) %VOLUME//==================================================================================================================================== :VOLUME 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) //:TEXT 0 0 700 33 0 RGB(228,228,228) "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" //:BITMAP 0 0 340 100 1 "back_vol.bmp" //:TEXT 32 79 50 14 0 RGB(128,128,128) "MAIN" //:TEXT 100 76 40 14 1 RGB(,,) "High" //:TEXT 102 80 60 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "High Low" //:TREBLE 95 -1 -1 34 #1002 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer treble" //:BASS 135 40 -1 -1 #1002 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer bass" :MVTREB 7 7 -1 -1 #5001 RGB(100,100,100) RGB(0,0,0)RGB(130,130,130)RGB(100,100,100)"sound mixer treble" :MVMID 7 37 -1 -1 #5001 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "sound mixer mid" :MVBASS 7 67 -1 -1 #5001 RGB(100,100,100) RGB(0,0,0)RGB(130,130,130)RGB(100,100,100)"sound mixer bass" :MVTREBKILL 35 7 -1 -1 :MVMIDKILL 35 37 -1 -1 :MVBASSKILL 35 67 -1 -1 //:TEXT 203 80 65 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "L Pan R" //:TEXT 200 60 10 16 0 RGB(128,128,128) "L" //:TEXT 255 60 10 16 0 RGB(128,128,128) "R" //:TEXT 305 80 180 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "wav mic line REC." :LEVEL 60 9 6 55 3 "level" :LEVEL2 68 9 6 55 3 "level" :MVVOL 82 8 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "sound mixer wave" :MVPAN 59 67 -1 -1 #3004 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer wave pan" //:MVVOLMUTE 125 68 -1 -1 0 :RECORDLEVEL 112 8 6 55 1 "sound mixer record level" :RECORDVOL 122 8 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer record" :RECORD 115 67 -1 -1 0 "sound mixer record" //:LEVELVUE 0 0 260 63 0 "level" //:LEVELWAVE 0 0 100 60 0 0 RGB(128,128,128) RGB(10,10,10) "level" // coordinates start at 0 // for the mixer :MAINVOL 6 8 -1 -1 #3001 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer main volume" :WAVE 36 8 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer wave" :MIC 66 8 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer microphone" :LINE 96 8 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer CD" :CD 126 8 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer cd" :MIDI 156 8 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(130,130,130) RGB(100,100,100) "sound mixer midi" //:MAINVOLMUTE 10 67 -1 -1 0 :WAVEMUTE 36 67 -1 -1 0 "sound mixer wave mute" :MICMUTE 66 67 -1 -1 0 "sound mixer microphone mute" :LINEMUTE 96 67 -1 -1 0 :CDMUTE 126 67 -1 -1 0 "sound mixer cd mute" :MIDIMUTE 156 67 -1 -1 0 //:TEXT 436 5 20 14 1 RGB(,,) "rec." %REMOTECONTROL//======================================================================================================= :REMOTECONTROL 0 0 260 100 RGB(90,90,90) RGB(0,0,0) :RCNO 0 10 10 10 "No" :RC1 20 10 10 10 "1" :RC2 30 10 10 10 :RC3 40 10 10 10 :RC4 50 10 10 10 :RC5 60 10 10 10 :RC6 70 10 10 10 :RC7 80 10 10 10 :RC8 90 10 10 10 :RC9 100 10 10 10 "9" :RC10 110 10 10 10 "10" :RCALL 130 10 10 10 "all" :RCNOLOCAL 150 10 10 10 "no local" %CROSSFADER//================================================================================================================================ :CROSSFADER 0 0 294 100 1 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) :BITMAP 0 0 294 100 0 "back_crossfader.bmp" //:TEXT 50 7 100 15 0 RGB(,,) "CROSSFADER" :CROSSVOL 66 16 -1 -1 #1000 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(128, 128, 128) //:CROSSCHA 25 65 -1 -1 0 6 RGB(255,50,0) "Select mixer for crossfader A" //:CROSSCHB 135 65 -1 -1 0 6 RGB(255,50,0) "Select mixer for crossfader B" :AUTOB 68 60 -1 -1 0 0 "Auto CrossFading A->B" :AUTOA 183 60 -1 -1 0 0 "Auto CrossFading B->A" :AUTOMATCHB 230 60 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(80,80,80) "Auto Matching pitch A=B" :AUTOMATCHA 21 60 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(80,80,80) "Auto Matching pitch B=A" //:TEXT 440 40 70 10 0 RGB(130,130,130) "A > B A = B" //:TEXT 699 40 70 10 0 RGB(130,130,130) "B = A B > A" //:TEXT 252 40 30 10 0 RGB(,,) "A < B" //:TEXT 743 40 30 10 0 RGB(,,) "A > B" //:FADETYPE 132 57 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(255,50,0) "Type crossfade" //:TEXT 35 77 55 14 0 RGB(110,110,110) "fade type" //:UPDATE 445 55 18 18 "Update mixer channel volume" //:TEXT 425 77 55 12 0 RGB(110,110,110) "update vol" //:BEATMATCHING 795 21 25 19 "Enable beatmatching" //:TEXT 825 25 70 14 0 RGB(,,) "Beatmatching" //:BORDER 435 7 340 48 RGB(,,)RGB(,,) //:BORDER 435 7 340 48 RGB(255,255,255) //:CROSSEQON 167 31 -1 -1 0 //:CROSSTREB 349 11 -1 -1 #1000 RGB(,,)RGB(255,55,55)RGB(,,) //:CROSSMID 349 39 -1 -1 #1000 RGB(,,)RGB(255,55,55)RGB(,,) //:CROSSBASS 349 67 -1 -1 #1000 RGB(,,)RGB(255,55,55)RGB(,,) //:CROSSTREBGROUP 300 31 -1 -1 0 //:CROSSMIDGROUP 300 51 -1 -1 0 //:CROSSBASSGROUP 300 71 -1 -1 0 //:CrossCh 185 70 -1 -1 //:JOGA 70 3 60 60 1 0 //:JOGB 157 33 60 60 1 0 //:PITCHBENDA 100 5 20 50 #101 0 //:PITCHBENDB 850 5 20 50 #101 0 //:MOVEA0+ 2 10 20 20 //:MOVEA1+ 24 10 20 20 //:MOVEA2+ 46 10 20 20 //:MOVEA4+ 68 10 20 20 //:MOVEA0- 90 10 20 20 //:MOVEA1- 112 10 20 20 //:MOVEA2- 134 10 20 20 //:MOVEA4- 156 10 20 20 //:MOVEB0+ 820 10 20 20 //:MOVEB1+ 844 10 20 20 //:MOVEB2+ 866 10 20 20 //:MOVEB4+ 888 10 20 20 //:MOVEB0- 910 10 20 20 //:MOVEB1- 932 10 20 20 //:MOVEB2- 954 10 20 20 //:MOVEB4- 976 10 20 20 %MIXER//============================================================================================================ :MIXER 2 0 10 10 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) // option 1 : screw //:BITMAP 0 0 9 260 0 "background.bmp" :CHANNEL 4 4 496 255 0 -1 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(63,63,63) //:COUNTER 0 380 0 0 0 3 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(10,10,10) "counter" //:DJNAME 24 1 0 0 0 4 RGB(245,65,65) RGB(10,10,10) "my Dj Name" %CHANNEL//============================================================================================================ :BITMAP 0 0 -1 -1 0 "back_channel.bmp" :CH 28 75 16 22 0 4 RGB(190,190,190) RGB(230,230,230) RGB(,,) "Channel Number" //:SLAVE 4 27 16 20 0 RGB(128,128,128) RGB(220,235,235) RGB(70,70,70) "Slave" //:TEXT 427 110 25 14 1 RGB(100,100,100) "mon." //:OUT 310 0 35 35 0 1 RGB(40,40,40) RGB(40,40,40) RGB(40,40,40) "Output Sound-card" //:TEXT 428 76 25 14 1 RGB(100,100,100) "out" //:BORDER 60 14 200 66 0 RGB(..) RGB(..) :NAME 30 94 260 12 #20 0 RGB(,,) RGB(230,230,230) "Track Name" //:TEXT 50 70 48 16 0 RGB(255,220,50) "TRACK" //:TRACK 80 15 36 14 0 0 RGB(,,) RGB(255,,) "Track Number" :TIME 105 104 80 15 #301 4 RGB(,,) RGB(230,230,230) RGB(100,10,10) "Remaining Time" :TIMEPAST 25 104 75 15 #300 4 RGB(,,) RGB(230,230,230) RGB(100,10,10) "Past Time" :BPM 195 104 35 14 1 5 RGB(,,) RGB(230,230,230) "BPM" :BPMAVG 195 117 35 14 1 5 RGB(,,) RGB(230,230,230) "Average BPM" //:BPMCUR 208 80 37 15 1 5 RGB(255,192,80) RGB(0,0,0) "Current BPM" //:TEXT 120 70 48 16 0 RGB(71,86,58) "FRAME" //:FRAMETEXT 275 76 40 14 2 1 RGB(,,) RGB(255,158,22) "Frame Lenght" :PLAYBAR 30 120 -1 -1 #1000 2 RGB(,,) RGB(230,230,230) RGB(230,140,0) "Playbar" :BACK 18 175 -1 -1 0 "Backward Skip" :FWD 70 175 -1 -1 0 "Forward Skip" //:TRACKSPIN 16 114 17 17 #10 "track spin" :TRACKSPIN+ 18 147 -1 -1 #10 "Track Search Previous" :TRACKSPIN- 70 147 -1 -1 #10 "Track Search Next" //:TEXT 15 80 35 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "Repeat" :LOOP 70 16 -1 -1 0 "Repeat" //:TEXT 25 7 30 14 1 RGB(100,100,100) "state" //:TEXT 25 23 30 14 1 RGB(100,100,100) "repeat" //:TEXT 20 47 25 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "OPEN" //:LOOPTRAX 200 115 53 23 "Export Frame To Looptrax" :CUE 18 203 -1 -1 0 "Stop / Cue" //:CUE 149 194 48 36 0 "Stop / Cue" //:PLAYPAUSE 22 203 -1 -1 0 "Play / Pause" :PLAYPAUSE 70 203 -1 -1 0 "Play / Pause" //:DISPLAY 298 55 -1 -1 0 "Wave Display" :STATE 28 50 -1 -1 0 "Play State" :ADD 18 16 -1 -1 0 "Quick Load" //:REVERSE 92 200 -1 -1 1 "Loop Reversed Frame" //:FRAME 92 220 -1 -1 1 "Loop Frame" //:BEAT0 84 146 -1 -1 "frame with 1/2 Beat" //:BEAT1 104 146 -1 -1 "frame with 1 Beat" //:BEAT2 84 162 -1 -1 "frame with 2 Beat" //:BEAT4 104 162 -1 -1 "frame with 4 Beat" //:BEAT8 84 178 -1 -1 "frame with 8 Beat" //:BEAT16 104 178 -1 -1 "frame with 16 Beat" //:TEXT 137 155 45 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "0.5 1 " //:TEXT 182 155 45 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "2 4 " //:TEXT 227 155 45 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "8 16" //:BITMAP 412 95 7 140 0 "level_border.bmp " :LEVEL 425 55 6 150 3 "level" :LEVEL2 433 55 6 150 3 "level" //:LEVELBAND 100 5 60 52 3 "level" //:LEVELVUE 0 0 260 63 0 "level" //:LEVELWAVE 0 0 260 63 0 "level" :OUTBUTTON 363 20 -1 -1 //:MONITOR 335 106 -1 -1 0 "Phomes Monitor" :VOL 445 53 -1 -1 #1001 0 "Volume" :PAN 368 220 -1 -1 #1000 0 "Pan" //:TEXT 112 380 80 14 1 RGB(,,) "L R" //:TEXT 112 380 80 14 1 RGB(,,) "Pan" :LOOPABA 129 16 -1 -1 0 "Loop in" :LOOPABB 156 16 -1 -1 0 "Loop out" :LOOPABR 181 16 -1 -1 0 "Reloop" //:TEXT 4 267 110 12 1 RGB(0,0,0) "Loop In / Out - Reloop" //_________________________________________EQUALIZER____________________________________________________ // x y w h font color text //:TEXT 363 76 24 14 1 RGB(,,) "direct" //:TEXT 388 86 24 14 1 RGB(,,) "mute" //:TEXT 237 288 20 14 1 RGB(,,) "Gain" //:TEXT 326 145 20 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "high" //:TEXT 326 182 20 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "med" //:TEXT 326 219 20 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "low" :DIRECT 397 17 -1 -1 0 "Direct mode" :GAIN 355 50 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Gain" :TREB 355 90 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Treble" :MID 355 130 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Mid" :BASS 355 170 -1 -1 #1001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Bass" :MUTE 393 50 -1 -1 0 "mute" :KTREB 393 90 -1 -1 0 "killer treb" :KMID 393 130 -1 -1 0 "killer mid" :KBASS 393 170 -1 -1 0 "killer bass" //:KMIDKNOB 365 208 34 34 #1 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Kill knob: mid" //:KTREBKNOB 365 168 34 34 #1 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Kill knob: treb" //:KBASSKNOB 365 248 34 34 #1 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "Kill knob: bass" //_________________________________________Fin EQUALIZER____________________________________________________ //:MEDIA 4 360 180 140 0 //:VOICE 275 328 18 11 0 "voice removal" //:TEXT 6 42 34 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "eff 1" //:TEXT 41 42 34 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "eff 2" //:TEXT 76 42 34 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "eff 3" //:EFFECTS1 343 166 -1 -1 0 "effects 1" //:EFFECTS2 366 166 -1 -1 0 "effects 2" //:EFFECTS3 389 166 -1 -1 0 "effects 3" //:EFFECTSVOL1 342 183 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "effect volume 1" //:EFFECTSVOL2 365 183 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "effect volume 2" //:EFFECTSVOL3 388 183 -1 -1 #3001 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "effect volume 3" //:BORDER 110 240 80 115 //:TEXT 120 255 63 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "HP LP" //:TEXT 140 270 23 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "vol" //:TEXT 140 300 23 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "cut" //:TEXT 140 330 23 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "q" //:HPENABLE 83 353 11 11 0 "High pass resonator on/off" //:HPGAIN 69 366 16 16 #1000 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "high pass gain" //:HPCUTOFF 97 366 16 16 #1000 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "high pass cutoff" //:HPQ 125 366 16 16 #1000 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(10,10,10) RGB(100, 100, 100) "high pass Q" //:LPENABLE 291 354 11 11 0 "Low pass resonator on/off" //:LPGAIN 305 366 16 16 #1000 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) RGB(255,0,0) "low pass gain" //:LPCUTOFF 277 366 16 16 #1000 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) RGB(255,0,0) "low pass cutoff" //:LPQ 250 366 16 16 #1000 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) RGB(255,0,0) "low pass Q" //:TEMPOCHANGE 339 228 29 157 #1003 0 "tempo change (master tempo)" //:PITCHCHANGE 285 60 25 141 #1003 0 "pitch shifting" //:PITCHSLIDER 294 50 -1 -1 #1003 0 "speed slider" :PITCHALL 311 75 -1 -1 #1003 0 "speed/mt/pitch slider" :PITCHSTATIC 230 104 45 14 1 5 RGB(,,) RGB(230,230,230) "speed/mt/pitch" :PITCH 241 117 45 14 #0203 5 RGB(,,) RGB(230,230,230) "speed" :PITCHSELECT 250 205 -1 -1 0 "speed/mt/pitch select" //:TEXT 243 202 110 14 0 RGB(100,100,100) "tempo pitch speed" //:TEMPOCHANGETEXT 223 27 25 10 1 0 RGB(220,235,235) RGB(,,) //:PITCHCHANGETEXT 279 225 30 15 1 5 RGB(255,40,40) RGB(,,) //:PITCH 227 103 45 17 #0203 2 RGB(,,) RGB(255,158,22) "speed" //:TEXT 265 80 45 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "Pitch - / +" :PITCHBUTTON+ 240 175 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,128) "pitch -" :PITCHBUTTON- 271 175 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,128) "pitch +" :PITCHRESET 240 147 -1 -1 0 "reset speed" //:TEXT 415 21 47 14 1 RGB(128,128,128) "Reset/Fade" //:RESETSPEED 444 3 18 18 0 "reset speed (fade)" //:PITCHBEND 165 227 -1 -1 #3002 1 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(266,0,0) RGB(26,26,26) "pitch bend" :JOG 134 147 -1 -1 #1001 0 "jog wheel" //:SCRATCH 261 203 -1 -1 0 0 "scratch" //:TEXT 92 127 23 14 1 RGB(100,100,100) "speed" //:TEXT 10 127 23 14 1 RGB(100,100,100) "vol" //:FADEVOL 395 187 -1 -1 0 "fade vol" //:FADESPEED 419 187 -1 -1 0 "fade speed" //:FADEPAN 444 187 -1 -1 0 "fade pan" //:FADEGEN 305 120 25 20 0 "fade generator" //:FADEPERCENT 252 205 30 30 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) RGB(255,0,0) "fade percentage" //:FADEREPEAT 262 190 10 10 0 "fade repeat" //:FADEPLAY 300 190 10 10 0 "fade play state" //:TEXT 72 133 50 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "Fade Type" //:FADETYPESPIN 387 221 -1 -1 0 "fade type" //:FADEACTIONSPIN 310 246 50 20 0 "fade action" //:FADETIMESPIN 250 136 50 20 0 "fade time in sec" //:BORDER 65 2 70 35 RGB(100,100,100) //:TEXT 60 85 45 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "Locations:" //:TEXT 110 85 10 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "1." //:TEXT 140 85 10 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "2." //:TEXT 170 85 10 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "3." //:TEXT 200 85 10 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "4." //:TEXT 230 85 10 14 1 RGB(0,0,0) "5." :LOCATION1 240 16 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) "location 1" :LOCATION2 258 16 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) "location 2" :LOCATION3 275 16 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) "location 3" :LOCATION4 292 16 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) "location 4" :LOCATION5 309 16 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) "location 5" :LOCATION6 326 16 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) "location 6" //:LOCATION7 320 19 -1 -1 0 0 RGB(0,0,0) "location 7" //:USER1 423 188 -1 -1 0 "user bank 1" //:USER2 447 188 -1 -1 0 "user bank 2" //:USER3 423 205 -1 -1 0 "user bank 3" //:USER4 447 205 -1 -1 0 "user bank 4" //:USER5 423 222 -1 -1 0 "user bank 5" //:USER6 447 222 -1 -1 0 "user bank 6" :WAVEFRAME 43 51 250 45 1 3 RGB(,,)RGB(230,230,230)RGB(230,230,230) //:WAVESONG 95 115 150 15 0 0 RGB(215,255,23)RGB(215,255,23)RGB(215,255,23) //:NOISE 215 40 0 0 //:CRACKLE 235 40 0 0 :TABEFFECTS 30 250 441 254 0 0 RGB(0,200,0) RGB(0,0,0) RGB(100,0,100) %BITMAPDEF//============================================================================================================ :BMDirectory "Mv5skinStd" // define in which realtive path bitmaps are (ex. "\Program Files\Mixvibes Pro\Bitmap\") //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________ CHANNEL ______________________________________________________________ //channel _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // OFF(unpressed) ON (pressed) bg (sliders & knobs) Transparency color :BMCue "button_cue_off.bmp" "button_cue_on.bmp" // button cue :BMCueSet "button_cueset_off.bmp" "button_cueset_on.bmp" // button cue when you can set the cue point :BMPlayPause "button_play_off.bmp" "button_play_on.bmp" // play/pause button //:BMPlayPause "pl1.bmp" "pl2.bmp" // play/pause button //:BMPlay //:BMStop //:BMEdit :BMAdd "button_open_off.bmp" "button_open_on.bmp" :BMPlayState "button_state_on.bmp" "button_state_off.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) // green led (all others green led if not defined will be set with this bitmap) :BMLoop "button_repeat_off.bmp" "button_repeat_on.bmp" //:BMWave "button_wave_off.bmp" "button_wave_on.bmp" //:BMVoice "off.bmp" "on.bmp" //:BMLootrax "looptrax.bmp" "looptraxon.bmp" :BMPlayBar "playbar_mobile.bmp" "playbar_mobile_on.bmp" "playbar_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMBack "button_rew_off.bmp" "button_rew_on.bmp" :BMUp "button_ffrw_off.bmp" "button_ffrw_on.bmp" :BMTrkDn "button_previous_off.bmp" "button_previous_on.bmp" :BMTrkUp "button_next_off.bmp" "button_next_on.bmp" //:BMBeatReverse "button_beatloopreverse_off.bmp""button_beatloopreverse_on.bmp" //:BMFrame "button_beatloop_off.bmp" "button_beatloop_on.bmp" //:BMBeat0 "button_beat05_off.bmp" "button_beat05_on.bmp" //:BMBeat1 "button_beat1_off.bmp" "button_beat1_on.bmp" //:BMBeat2 "button_beat2_off.bmp" "button_beat2_on.bmp" //:BMBeat4 "button_beat4_off.bmp" "button_beat4_on.bmp" //:BMBeat8 "button_beat8_off.bmp" "button_beat8_on.bmp" //:BMBeat16 "button_beat16_off.bmp" "button_beat16_on.bmp" //:BMLoopABA "button_location1_off.bmp" "button_location1_on.bmp" //:BMLoopABB "button_location2_off.bmp" "button_location2_on.bmp" //:BMLoopABR "button_location3_off.bmp" "button_location3_on.bmp" :BMLoopABA "button_loopaba_off.bmp" "button_loopaba_on.bmp" :BMLoopABB "button_loopabb_off.bmp" "button_loopabb_on.bmp" :BMLoopABR "button_loopab_off.bmp" "button_loopab_on.bmp" :BMLoc1 "button_location1_off.bmp" "button_location1_on.bmp" :BMLoc2 "button_location2_off.bmp" "button_location2_on.bmp" :BMLoc3 "button_location3_off.bmp" "button_location3_on.bmp" :BMLoc4 "button_location4_off.bmp" "button_location4_on.bmp" :BMLoc5 "button_location5_off.bmp" "button_location5_on.bmp" :BMLoc6 "button_location6_off.bmp" "button_location6_on.bmp" //:BMMonitor "button_monitor_off.bmp" "button_monitor_on.bmp" :BMMute "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on_red.bmp" // red led (all others red led if not defined will be set with this bitmap) //:BMOutput "bass.bmp" "bass1.bmp" "bassback2.bmp" RGB(255,255,255) :BMOutButton "button_out2.bmp" :BMSliderVe "vol_volsl.bmp" "vol_volsl_on.bmp" "vol_volback2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMSliderHo "ch_pan.bmp" "ch_pan_on.bmp" "cross_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) // pan :BMDirect "button_direct_off.bmp" "button_direct_on.bmp" :BMKill "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on_red.bmp" :BMGain "wheel_eq_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eq_mobile_on.bmp" "wheel_eq_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMBass "wheel_eq_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eq_mobile_on.bmp" "wheel_eq_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMMid "wheel_eq_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eq_mobile_on.bmp" "wheel_eq_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMTreb "wheel_eq_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eq_mobile_on.bmp" "wheel_eq_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMEffects "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMEffVol "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMHPEnable "26.bmp" "o26.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMHPGain "voff.bmp" "von.bmp" "28.bmp" RGB(50,50,50) //:BMHPQ "voff.bmp" "von.bmp" "28.bmp" RGB(50,50,50) //:BMHPCutoff "voff.bmp" "von.bmp" "28.bmp" RGB(50,50,50) //:BMLPEnable "27.bmp" "o27.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMLPGain "voff.bmp" "von.bmp" "29.bmp" RGB(50,50,50) //:BMLPQ "voff.bmp" "von.bmp" "29.bmp" RGB(50,50,50) //:BMLPCutoff "voff.bmp" "von.bmp" "29.bmp" RGB(50,50,50) :BMJog "button_jog.bmp" "button_jog.bmp" "wheel_jog_back.bmp" RGB(255,255,255) //:BMScratch "button_vinyl_off.bmp" "button_vinyl_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMPitch+ "button_-_off.bmp" "button_-_on.bmp" :BMPitch- "button_+_off.bmp" "button_+_on.bmp" :BMPitchReset "button_reset_off.bmp" "button_reset_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMResetSpeed "15.bmp" "o15r.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMPitchBend "cross_volsl.bmp" "cross_volsl_on.bmp" "cross_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMPitchSlider "vol_volsl2.bmp" "vol_volsl2_on.bmp" "pitch_volback2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMPitch "vol_volsl2.bmp" "vol_volsl2_on.bmp" "pitch_volback2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMSelectPitch "button_speed select2.bmp" //:BMTempoChange "slideVOL_on.bmp" "slideVOL_on.bmp" "21.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMPitchChange "slideVOL_off.bmp" "slideVOL_on.bmp" "ON 08.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMFadeVol "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMFadeSpeed "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMFadePan "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMFade //:BMFadePlay //:BMFadeRepeat //:BMTFade1 "button_fade1.bmp" //(linear increment) //:BMTFade2 "button_fade2.bmp" //(linear decrement) //:BMTFade3 "button_fade3.bmp" //(linear up/down) //:BMTFade4 "button_fade4.bmp" //(linear down/up) //:BMTFade5 "button_fade5.bmp" //(sinus increment) //:BMTFade6 "button_fade6.bmp" //(sinus up/down) //:BMTFade7 "button_fade7.bmp" //(sinus decrement) //:BMTFade8 "button_fade8.bmp" //(exponentiel down/up) //:BMTFade9 "button_fade9.bmp" //(exponentiel increment) //:BMTFade10 "button_fade10.bmp" //(exponentiel decrement) //:BMUser "button_user.bmp" :BMWaveFrame "waveview_back.bmp" :BMWaveLoc "locations_view.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMNoise "button_small.bmp" //:BMCrackle "button_small.bmp" // _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // ______________________________________________________CROSSFADER_______________________________________________________________ //crossfader _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // OFF(unpressed) ON (pressed) bg (sliders & knobs) Transparency color :BMSliderCross "crossvol_volsl.bmp" "crossvol_volsl_on.bmp" "crossvol_volback2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) // cross volume :BMCrossBA "button_fadeba_off.bmp" "button_fadeba_on.bmp" :BMCrossAB "button_fadeab_off.bmp" "button_fadeab_on.bmp" //:BMCrossEq "cross_volsl.bmp" "cross_volsl_on.bmp" "cross_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //define the bitmaps for slider //:BMCrossEqGroup "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) // define the bitmaps for led group :BMMatchB "button_matchab_off.bmp" "button_matchab_on.bmp" :BMMatchA "button_matchba_off.bmp" "button_matchba_on.bmp" //:BMUpdateVol "new.bmp" //:BM3BandEq "button_small.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMCrossCh "button_crossch.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)//16 bitmaps for selecting playlist 1 ... 16 :BMCrossType "button_crosstype.bmp" //crossfader curve //:BMBeatMatching "03.bmp" "O03.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) // _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // ______________________________________________________ MAIN VOLUME _______________________________________________________ //main volume _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // OFF(unpressed) ON (pressed) bg (sliders & knobs) Transparency color :BMMainVol "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMMixerMute "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on_red.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMMainPan "cross_volsl_v2_off.bmp" "cross_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_pan_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMVolEq "wheel_eqvol_mobile.bmp" "wheel_eqvol_mobile_on.bmp" "wheel_eqvol_back.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) //:BMVolEqKill "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on_red.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMVolSlider "mnv_volsl_v2.bmp" "mnv_volsl_v2_on.bmp" "mnv_volback2_v2.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMRecordWave "button_small_off.bmp" "button_small_on_red.bmp" RGB(255,0,255) :BMVol1 "back_vol1.bmp" :BMVol2 "back_vol2.bmp" "back_vol2.bmp" :BMVol3 "back_vol3.bmp" :BMVol4 "back_vol4.bmp" // _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // ________________________________________________________ REMOTE _____________________________________________________________ //Remote _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ :BMRCNo "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC1 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC2 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC3 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC4 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC5 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC6 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC7 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC8 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC9 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRC10 "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRCAll "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" :BMRCNoLocal "remoteoff.bmp" "remoteon.bmp" // _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // _____________________________________________________ ICONS ________________________________________________________________ //icons ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Normal Hot (mouse over) Disabled transparency color :BMToolBar "toolbar1.bmp" "toolbar2.bmp" "toolbar3.bmp" RGB(1,1,1) :BMBaseHdr "ico_basehdr_off.bmp" "ico_basehdr_on.bmp" :BMSeqHdr "ico_seqhdr.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)//16 bitmaps for selecting playlist 1 ... 16 :BMSequencerList "ico_sequencerlist.bmp" //10 bitmaps for event //PLAY/STOP/CLOSE/PAN/VOLUME/EFFECT/EQUALIZATION/FRAMELOOP/PITCH/OTHERS :BMMediaList "ico_medialist.bmp" //12 bitamps for media state : CLOSE/OPEN/PLAY/STOP/FRAME/noy used for music //CLOSE/OPEN/PLAY/STOP/FRAME/noy used for video :BMMediaState "ico_button_small.bmp" //2 state led for preview and bpm search // _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // ______________________________________________________ GENERAL USE __________________________________________________ //unknown or gemeral use _______________________________________________________________________________________________ :BMLevel "test2.bmp" :BMVolLevel "test2.bmp" :BMVueMeter "vuemeter1.bmp" "vuemeter1on.bmp" :BMVolVueMeter "vuemeter1.bmp" "vuemeter1on.bmp" // not use yet-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //:BMBeat BEAT0 32 2*7 Bitmaps (off/on): 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 //:BMLoc LOCATION1..10 2*10 Bitmaps (off/on): 1 ... 10 //:BMTFade "button_crosscurve.bmp" //12 Bitmaps for fade type