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Text File
147 lines
<LoopTrax Config>
// x y w h opt font ct cb co tooltips
// x,y coordinates inside the window in pixels
// w field width in pixels
// h field height in pixels
// font font number (1 to 5)
// opt option (depend of the field)
// ct color for text or border in RGB(red,green,blue)
// cb color for backgound in RGB(red,green,blue)
// co other color in RGB(red,green,blue) (depend of the field)
// tooltips tooltips
// BITMAP definition
// option 0 : normal
// 1 : fill surface
// if transparent_color the bitmap is drawn transparently
// width not used yet
// height not used yet
// x y width height option transparent_color file
// for example :
//:BITMAP 0 0 0 0 1 RGB(0,0,0) "wall.bmp"
// TEXT definition
// x y w h font text corlor text
// for example :
// :TEXT 134 202 40 16 1 RGB(128,128,128) "out"
// BORDER definition
// if color = -1 no color for border or background
// x y w h color border color back
// for example :
//:BORDER 2 28 200 80 RGB(255,0,0) RGB(0,92,0)
:NAME "DjS_Sequencer"
:THEME "reality"
:VERSION "1.1"
:DATECREATED "11:26 AM 7/07/01"
:WEB "_"
:EMAIL "sorinoss@yahoo.com"
// N/A N/A N/A Piano opt nb ct cb
// Height octave
// option #1 activate animation at startup
:PIANO 0 0 0 336 1 2 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0)
:MEDIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(90,90,94)
:EVENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(90,90,94)
:TIMELINE 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(255,255,255) RGB(90,90,94)
// style 0= normal
// 1= bold
// 2= italic
// 3= bold+italic
// #4 vertical
// fonts size style name
:FONT0 8 0 "MS Sans Serif" // font normal
:FONT1 14 0 "MS Sans Serif" // large
:FONT2 10 5 "Arial" // font normal
:FONT3 8 #4 "MS Sans Serif" // font normal
:BITMAP 0 0 1157 343 0 "back.bmp"
// N/A N/A note N/A Color
// border border border
// size white note black note
:NOTEBORDER 0 0 0 0 0 0 RGB(,,) RGB(240,240,240)
// First note N/A N/A opt no font Color
// x y White Text Black Text
:NOTE 89 178 0 0 1 2 RGB(50,50,50) RGB(200,200,200)
// N/A N/A Note Color
// width height Open Play Normal
:WHITE 0 0 70 150 0 0 RGB(245,245,245) RGB(220,220,220) RGB(245,245,245)
:BLACK 0 0 50 90 0 0 RGB(60,60,60) RGB(15,15,15) RGB(60,60,60)
:LEVEL 129 2 4 58 1 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) RGB(0,0,0) "level"
:TEXT 38 80 60 16 0 RGB(192,192,192) "mute/solo"
:MUTE 113 83 10 10 "mute"
:SOLO 125 83 10 10 "solo"
:BORDER 7 134 1060 20 RGB(60,60,64) RGB(60,60,64)
:TEXT 75 137 30 14 0 RGB(192,192,192) "active"
:ACTIVE -1 137 15 15 "active"
:TEXT 42 25 60 16 0 RGB(192,192,192) "Vol/Level"
:VOL 109 2 16 58 #3001 RGB(50,70,90) RGB(20,60,120) RGB(90,110,130)
:TEXT 60 63 20 16 0 RGB(192,192,192) "pan"
:PAN -1 63 30 15 #3000 0 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(90,90,94) "Pan"
:TEXT 55 97 30 16 0 RGB(192,192,192) "loop"
:LOOP -1 97 -1 -1 "Loop"
:TEXT 55 115 30 16 0 RGB(192,192,192) "hold"
:HOLD -1 115 -1 -1 "Hold"
:TEXT 0 3 30 16 0 RGB(192,192,192) "pitch"
:PITCHBEND 7 20 17 110 #3001 1 RGB(0,0,0) RGB(90,90,94) RGB(0,255,0) "pitch bend"
:NOTE+ 37 135 25 17 0 "Note up"
:NOTE- 9 135 25 17 0 "Note down"
:ALONE1 9 160 25 17 0 "play alone one time"
:ALONELOOP 37 160 25 17 0 "play alone in loop"
:TEXT 10 175 50 14 0 RGB(192,192,192) "play/loop"
:TEXT 10 186 50 14 0 RGB(192,192,192) "alone"
:PLAY1 9 225 25 17 0 "Play one time"
:PLAYLOOP 37 225 25 17 0 "Play loop"
:TEXT 10 241 50 14 0 RGB(192,192,192) "play/loop"
:STOP 9 203 25 17 0 "Stop"
:TEXT 37 205 20 14 0 RGB(192,192,192) "stop"
:TEXT 10 283 50 14 0 RGB(192,192,192) "play in"
:TEXT 10 294 50 14 0 RGB(192,192,192) "sequence"
:SEQUENCE 17 260 35 24 0 "Play in sequence"
:BORDER 7 158 57 150 RGB(60,60,64) RGB(60,60,64)
:BMDirectory "loopskin" // define in which realtive path bitmaps are (ex. "\Program Files\Mixvibes Pro\Bitmap\")
:BMPan "sliderpan.bmp" "sliderpanon.bmp" "pan.bmp"
:BMLoop "kill1.bmp" "kill1on.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMHold "ef.bmp" "efon.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMActive "solo.bmp" "solon.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMMute "kill.bmp" "killon.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMSolo "solo.bmp" "solon.bmp" RGB(255,0,255)
:BMNote+ "nu.bmp" "nuon.bmp"
:BMNote- "nd.bmp" "ndon.bmp"
:BMVol "bass.bmp" "bass1.bmp" "volslback.bmp"
:BMKeyboard "keyboard.bmp"
:BMPitchBend "pitchb.bmp" "pitchbon.bmp" "pitch.bmp"//pitch bend bitmap
:BMAlone1 "alone1.bmp" "alone1on.bmp" //play alone 1 time
:BMAloneLoop "aloneloop.bmp" "aloneloopon.bmp" //play alone in loop
:BMPlay1 "alone1.bmp" "alone1on.bmp" //play 1 time
:BMPlayLoop "aloneloop.bmp" "aloneloopon.bmp" //play loop
:BMStop "stop.bmp" "stopon.bmp" //stop
:BMSequence "plays.bmp" "playson.bmp" //play in sequence