2 This self-extracting archive contains no data. Make sure that you downloaded it correctly.
3 Archive contains no data. Extraction cannot continue.
4 Extractor Experienced Problems Creating Output File. Pleaseensure that you have enough space on the target drive.
5 Internal Error
6 %d files extracted successfully
7 Are you sure you wish to cancel?
8 %s has not already been installed, this installation will now exit
9 This installer is corrupted - please redownload and try again
10 Please choose a directory for installation
11 Directory %s does not exist. Would you like to create it?
12 Failed to create directory
13 There isn't enough room to install on this drive
14 Welcome to the %s v%s setup program.\n\nIt is recommended that you close all running programs before continuing.\n\nWARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of this program may result in serious civil or criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
15 Please choose a folder for %s
16 Launch
17 Installation is complete, thank you for trying %s
18 Installation is complete and files have been installed to:\n%s