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- 102 î ƒ ¢ è ƒ â h | p ä
- 103 TWE
- 128 TWE
- 129 \nTWE\nTWE\n{ s ¥ ä ₧ (*.WAV;*.AIF;*.AIFF)\n.WAV;.AIF;.AIFF\nTWE.Document\nTWE Document
- 32771 Rewind\nRewind(Num 1)
- 32772 Stop\nStop(Num 0)
- 32773 Play\nPlay(Enter)
- 32774 Record\nRecord(Num *)
- 32775 RegionPlay\nRegionPlay(Space)
- 32790 Recording Monitor\nRecording Monitor(Shift+R)
- 33007 Overview\nOverview
- 33042 Time Ruler\nTime Ruler
- 33045 Level Ruler\nLevel Ruler
- 33056 Waveform\nWaveform
- 33111 Loop Mode\nLoop Mode(Num /)
- 33114 Selection Lock\nSelection Lock(Shift+L)
- 33118 Loop Selection Lock\nLoop Selection Lock
- 51456 Paste Operation
- 51458 Insert Operation
- 51459 Clear Operation
- 51460 Trim Operation
- 51461 Reverse Operation
- 51462 Invert Operation
- 51463 Fade In Operation
- 51464 Fade Out Operation
- 51465 Silence Operation
- 51466 Pitch Shift Operation
- 51467 EQ Operation
- 51468 Time Comp/Exp Operation
- 51469 Normalize Operation
- 51470 Gain Operation
- 51471 Undo Operation
- 51472 Redo Operation
- 51476 Mix Operation
- 51477 Cut Operation
- 51478 Copy Operation
- 51489 Changing Working Volume
- 51490 Creating Copy File ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51491 Creating Waveform Image ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51492 Filling Zero ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51493 Saving
- 51494 Reverting
- 51496 Adding Channel ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51497 Deleting Channel ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51498 Swapping Channels ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51500 Converting AIFF >> WAVE ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51501 Converting WAVE >> AIFF ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51502 Rewriting AIFF Header ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51503 Converting Sampling Rate ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51505 Changing Sample Size ( ESC to Cancel )
- 51506 File open error
- 51507 File creating error
- 51508 File read error
- 51509 File write error
- 51510 File close error
- 51511 Memory error
- 51512 Data error
- 51513 Empty disk space
- 51514 Playback memory error
- 51515 Convert Samples
- 51516 Data alignment of this file is not appropriate for HD Play mode.\nRewrite Aiff header for HD Play mode ?
- 51517 Unknown Wave PCM format.\nCan't open the file.
- 51518 This file is read only.
- 51519 File not found.
- 51520 Editing Type
- 51521 Start Scan
- 51522 Unknown sound file format.\nCan't open the file.
- 51524 N
- 51525 S
- 51526 E
- 51527 D
- 51528 Eliminating DC offset ( ESC to Cancel )
- 53248 - message/procedure is not supported.
- 53249 - message is inappropriate.
- 53250 Device is busy.
- 53251 - Packet Number mismatch.
- 53252 - Sample Number is out of range.
- 53253 - no sample at this Sample Number.
- 53254 - insufficient sample memory available.
- 53255 - insufficient param memory available.
- 53256 - can't accommodate Sample Format-Bits Per Word.
- 53257 - can't accommodate Sample Format-Number Of Channels.
- 53258 - Sample Number does not match that of previously transferred Sample Header.
- 53259 - can't accommodate Data Packet Length.
- 57344 TWE
- 57345 Ready
- 57600 Creates a new sound file\nNew(Ctrl+N)
- 57601 Opens an existing sound file\nOpen(Ctrl+O)
- 57602 Closes the sound file
- 57603 Saves the sound file\nSave(Ctrl+S)
- 57604 Saves the sound file with a new name\nSave
- 57616 Open this sound file
- 57617 Open this sound file
- 57618 Open this sound file
- 57619 Open this sound file
- 57620 Open this sound file
- 57621 Open this sound file
- 57622 Open this sound file
- 57623 Open this sound file
- 57624 Open this sound file
- 57625 Open this sound file
- 57626 Open this sound file
- 57627 Open this sound file
- 57628 Open this sound file
- 57629 Open this sound file
- 57630 Open this sound file
- 57631 Open this sound file
- 57632 Clear the selection
- 57634 Copies the selection to the clip file\nCopy(Ctrl+C)
- 57635 Cuts the selection and puts it on the clip file\nCut(Ctrl+X)
- 57637 Pastes the clip file on the point\nPaste(Ctrl+V)
- 57642 Select the entire sound file
- 57643 Undo/Redo the last operation
- 57644 Redoes the previously undone action
- 57649 Arranges all minimized windows
- 57650 Arranges the windows to overlap
- 57651 Arranges the windows as nonoverlapping tiles
- 57652 Arranges the windows as nonoverlapping tiles
- 57664 About TWE\nAbout
- 57665 Quits the application; prompts to save sound files
- 57680 !kn0s h ¥ ä ₧ s k0Rè0 fH0ï0\n!kì ƒ p | ₧
- 57681 MRn0s h ¥ ä ₧ s k0Rè0 fH0ï0\nMRì ƒ p | ₧
- 59136 EXT
- 59137 CAP
- 59138 NUM
- 59139 SCRL
- 59140
- N°f
- 59141 è2ô
- 59142 v à
- 61184 Changes the window size
- 61185 Changes the window position
- 61186 Reduces the window to an icon
- 61187 Enlarges the window to full size
- 61188 Switches to the next sound file
- 61189 MRn0s h ¥ ä ₧ s k0Rè0 fH0ï0
- 61190 Closes the active window and prompts to save the sound files
- 61202 Restores the window to normal size
- 61203 q î ƒ ÿ y p | n ¥ n0Rè0 fH0
- 61215 Activates this window
- 61440 ïòO0
- 61441 TMRÆ0╪NQ0f0▌OX[
- 61442 Y0y0f0n0î g r Ö (*.*)
- 61443 Untitled
- 61448 Resampling ( ESC to Cancel )
- 61449 This Type of CBX-Dn cannot process Offset-Binary data (like 8 bit WAVE) in HD Play mode.
- 61450 This Type of CBX-Dn cannot process Intel-order data (like 16 bit WAVE) in HD Play mode.
- 61451 Data alignment is not approprite for HD Play mode.
- 61452 Cannot process this file in HD Play mode.
- 61453 This file is on the different SCSI bus from CBX-Dn.
- 61454 Can't record -- this file is too short.\nPlease record in Ram Play mode.\n
- 61455 You can't execute this oparation until scan is completed.\n
- 61456 Clipfile data has the different sampling rate.\nIf you proceed, the pitch and the time will be changed.\nAre you sure?
- 61457 &Hide
- 61458 Close\n\nDo you save this file onto the original ?\n\n%s
- 61459 Do you save this file ?\n\n%s
- 61460 %s is already opened. \nCan't save the file.
- 61461 %s\nThis file already exists.\nOverwrite this file?
- 61462 Recording will be stoped. Are you sure ?
- 61463 Can't save into this media -- maybe write protected.
- 61464 ??? Unknown device type ???
- 61465 Can't select this directory.
- 61466 SCSI communication error.
- 61467 Time Comp/Exp Operation
- 61468 Creating Waveform Image
- 61469 Refresh Cache
- 61470 Converting WAV >> AIFF
- 61471 Converting AIFF >> WAV
- 61472 t ù p Æ o ~ p | ₧ o0B0è0~0[0ô00
- 61473 { Ä ƒ p ä U0î0f0D0j0D0═d\OÆ0ƒ[LêW0~0W0_00
- 61474 üëBlU0î0_0ÿ p } o0O(ug0M0~0[0ô00
- 61475 Æ ô ÿ L0N│ìW0f0D0~0Y00
- 61476 An unknown error has occurred.
- 61477 Audio data error - cannot open this file.
- 61478 No more files can be opened.
- 61479 Horizontal Zoom In(H)
- 61480 Cross Fade Operation
- 61481 Cannot play loop in HD play mode. \nSet mode to Ram play?
- 61482 Horizontal Zoom Out(G)
- 61483 Vertical Zoom In(Shift+H)
- 61484 Vertical Zoom Out(Shift+G)
- 61485 Catch Loop Start
- 61486 Catch Loop End
- 61487 Lock Sel Position
- 61488 Lock Loop Position
- 61489 Lock Loop Length
- 61490 The file of 22050Hz can't be recorded with SOURCE except for ANALOG.\nMay I set up SOURCE again in ANALOG?
- 61491 Cannot play loop in HD play mode. \nSet mode to Ram play.
- 61492 %s is not found.
- 61493 Import a sample from A3000 ( ESC to Cancel )
- 61494 Export a sample to A3000 ( ESC to Cancel )
- 61495 The "%s" cannot playback because this file format( Rate, Size, Channels ) is not supported.
- 61496 This file cannot be saved for read only.
- 61497 A loop point can't be saved in the file format.
- 61498 Import a sample from EX ( ESC to Cancel )
- 61499 Export a sample to EX ( ESC to Cancel )
- 61500 Creating Undo File
- 61501 Creating Redo File
- 61504 %1 x0·Q¢R-N
- 61505 1 ì ƒ p | ₧ (&O)
- 61506 2 ì ƒ p | ₧ (&T)
- 61507 ì ƒ p | ₧ %u
- 61508 ì ƒ p | ₧ %u\nì ƒ p | ₧ %u-%u\n
- 61509 prn
- 61510 Output.prn
- 61511 î ƒ ÿ ¥ Ç î g r Ö (*.prn)|*.prn|Y0y0f0n0î g r Ö (*.*)|*.*||
- 61512 î g r Ö x0·Q¢R
- 61513 %1 x0
- 61696 !q╣Rj0î g r Ö Tg0Y00
- 61697 ä ₧ w m Æ ¥ ä n0u p î ƒ ¥ k01YWeW0~0W0_00
- 61698 ä ₧ w m Æ ¥ ä n0▌OX[k01YWeW0~0W0_00
- 61699 %1 x0n0 Y⌠fÆ0▌OX[W0~0Y0K0
- 61700 zzn0ä ₧ w m Æ ¥ ä n0\Obk01YWeW0~0W0_00
- 61701 î g r Ö L0'YM0Y0N0f0ïòQ0~0[0ô00
- 61702 pS7RÆ0ïò╦Yg0M0~0[0ô0g0W0_00
- 61703 ì Ö î ƒ n0wì╒Rk01YWeW0~0W0_00
- 61704 q î ƒ ÿ y p | n ¥ n0àQΦÉt ù p g0Y00
- 61705 z Å ¥ ä ₧ n0ƒ[Lêk01YWeW0~0W0_00
- 61706 ƒ[LêY0ï0_0ü0n0Æ ô ÿ L0│ìè0~0[0ô00
- 61712 tepeÆ0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61713 pe$PÆ0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61714 %1 K0ë0 %2 ─Ån0tepeÆ0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61715 %1 K0ë0 %2 ─Ån0pe$PÆ0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61716 %1 çeW[σNàQg0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61717 Ä ₧ Ç ¥ Æ0xÉ₧bW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61718 0 K0ë0 255 ~0g0n0tepeÆ0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61719 ckn0tepeÆ0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61720 σe╪N/Bfôòj0i0Æ0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61721 É¿îïWÆ0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61728 êNgW0j0D0î g r Ö b__g0Y00
- 61729 %1\nS0n0î g r Ö L0ïëd0K0è0~0[0ô00\nckW0D0â ₧ h Ü x ä ÿ h0î g r Ö TÆ0║xìèW0f0eQ¢RW0f0O0`0U0D00
- 61730 ·Q¢RHQn0â ₧ h } x ä ₧ ù r î ₧ L0D0c0q0D0g0Y00
- 61731 %1 K0ë0¡è0╝Åü0~0[0ô00╓Nn0q î ƒ ÿ y p | n ¥ k0ê0c0f0ïòK0î0f0D0~0Y00
- 61732 %1 x0°fM0╝Åü0~0[0ô00╓Nn0q î ƒ ÿ y p | n ¥ k0ê0c0f0ïòK0î0f0D0~0Y00
- 61733 %1 n0¡è0╝Å0-Nk0êNgW0j0D0t ù p L0zvuW0~0W0_00
- 61734 %1 n0°fM0╝Å0-Nk0êNgW0j0D0t ù p L0zvuW0~0W0_00
- 61836 °fM0╝Å0\(un0î ƒ ¢ è ƒ â h K0ë0¡è0·QW0o0LêH0~0[0ô00
- 61837 ¡è0·QW0\(un0î ƒ ¢ è ƒ â h k0°fM0╝Å0o0LêH0~0[0ô00
- 61840 Æ p Ö | } â æ n0¢ p ä ₧ L0g0M0~0[0ô00
- 61841 Æ p Ö | } â æ DLLL0Nckg0Y00
- 61842 Æ p Ö n0ÉßOk01YWeW0~0W0_00
- 61856 t ù p o0B0è0~0[0ô00
- 61857 %1 x0n0q x ~ } -Nk0êNgW0j0D0t ù p L0zvuW0~0W0_00
- 61858 %1 L0ïëd0K0è0~0[0ô00
- 61859 %1 o0!q╣Rj0è ƒ } g0Y00
- 61860 ïòD0f0D0ï0î g r Ö L0YY0N0ï0_0ü0 %1 Æ0ïòQ0~0[0ô0g0W0_00
- 61861 %1 x0n0q x ~ } o0╥b&TU0î0~0W0_00
- 61862 %1 x0!q╣Rj0î g r Ö è ¥ ä ₧ Ö L0óò#É╪NQ0ë0î0f0D0~0Y00
- 61863 v Ü ¥ ä â ₧ h Ü x ä ÿ %1 o0JRdûg0M0~0[0ô00
- 61864 %1 Æ0\Obg0M0~0[0ô00]0n0â ₧ h Ü x ä ÿ o0D0c0q0D0g0Y00
- 61865 %1 n0| p x k01YWeW0~0W0_0
- 61866 %1 x0n0q x ~ } -Nk0è p ä ₧ s j q I/O t ù p L01XJTU0î0~0W0_00
- 61867 %1 x0n0q x ~ } -Nk0qQ gUÉ═SL0zvuW0~0W0_00
- 61868 %1 x0n0q x ~ } -Nk0¢ o w ¥ x ₧ UÉ═SL0zvuW0~0W0_00
- 61869 %1 x0n0q x ~ } -Nk0â ₧ h } x L0D0c0q0D0k0j0è0~0W0_00
- 61870 %1 n0î g r Ö n0B}Å0è0g0Y00
- 61872 t ù p o0B0è0~0[0ô00
- 61873 %1 x0n0q x ~ } -Nk0êNgW0j0D0t ù p L0zvuW0~0W0_00
- 61874 %1 Æ0¡è0╝Å0-Nk0°fM0╝Åé0F0h0W0~0W0_00
- 61875 %1 n0î g r Ö n0B}Å0è0g0Y00
- 61876 %1 x0°fM0╝Å0-Nk0¡è0╝Åé0F0h0W0~0W0_00
- 61877 %1 n0î g r Ö b__L0ckW0O0B0è0~0[0ô00
- 61878 %1 o0êNgW0j0D0u î ₧ | ₧ j x ä Æ0+Tô0g0D0~0Y00
- 61879 %1 o0Nckj0} w p Å Æ0+Tô0g0D0~0Y00
- 61888 ï ƒ x ~ Ö