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- - Controlling/Tweaking Generators and Effects
- ---------------------------------------------
- Tweaking a machine from the pattern is changing the value of its knobs to
- another one.
- This way, you can control the machine in realtime (playback).
- To do so, you use the TWEAK command. You see it like "twk" in the note Row.
- You can also use the TWEAK SMOOTH command. It is displayed as "tws" in the
- note Row.
- "tws" differs from "twk" in the manner that "tws" smoothly alters the parameter
- from it's CURRENT position to the position during the time of one line in the
- pattern; "twk" happens instantaneously. "twk" is useful for parameter changes
- and initializing knobs at the beginning of your songs, and uses very little
- overhead; "tws" is usefull for smooth filter sweeps, fades, swells, etc, as it
- essentially sends an interpolated twk command every 64 samples.
- - How to insert the TWEAK or TWEAK SMOOTH command in the Pattern
- ------------------------------------------------
- If the following is a pattern Row,
- Description: (1) (2)(3) (4)
- Pattern Row : ---- .. .. ....
- then, on (1) , you insert the TWEAK command. To do so, you should press the TWK key.
- When doing so, the word "twk" will appear. There is a separate key for "tws".
- \\\ The twk key differs from different keyboard languages, but you can Configure
- /// it in the Keyboard Settings DialogBox (Configuration-Settings, and there the
- "Keyboard and Misc." tab)
- On (2) , you define the Controller/Parameter you want to change. Later in this
- document it is explained how you can know this number.
- On (3) , you specify the number of the Machine, just like you do to enter notes.
- This number is the one shown in the combobox, or in the machine's dialog.
- Finally, on (4), you specify the Value that the parameter will take. There are
- little differences between tweaking an Native Plugin and a VST plugin. Look further on
- this document to know them.
- Example:
- twk 05 42 0067 05 Indicates Parameter 05
- 42 Indicates Effect Number 2
- 0067 Indicates the value
- --> By setting a start and end value, then selecting them and the space between, you
- can have psycle interpolate for you by right clicking. this is very handy for smooth
- sweeps with tws.
- --> You can also record parameter tweaks via midi or mouse movement in the machine's
- GUI.
- To record tweaks with mouse:
- 1) Go to the config/keyboard dialog, and make sure you have either tws checked if that
- is the mode you would like to record. If you want to record twk commands instead,
- uncheck it.
- 2) Make sure you have "record tweaks" checked in the right under the sequencer.
- 3) Open the gui for the machine you want to record tweaks from.
- 4) Go to the pattern editor and arm the track you want to record in.
- 5) Make sure the record button at the top is on.
- 6) Press play and start tweaking.
- To record tweaks with midi:
- 1) Go to the Midi Controllers menu, and set up the controller and range of information
- that you want to record. You will need to know the parameter number for the machine
- you are recording.
- 2) Make sure you have "record tweaks" checked in the right under the sequencer.
- 3) Go to the pattern editor and arm the track you want to record in.
- 4) Make sure the record button at the top is on.
- 5) Press play and start tweaking.
- - Knowing the Parameter number of a Machine
- -------------------------------------------
- You have different ways to know the parameter number of one plugin.
- * The easiest one is selecting "Params" in the "MIDI/Params/Waves", combobox.
- This way, the next combobox will be updated with the parameter list of the current
- selected machine.
- The selected number will automatically be added to the pattern when doing twk.
- You could also know it by:
- * With Native Machines:
- Opening the parameters' windows and right clicking over the parameter you want to
- change.This will pop up the "Tweaking" dialog.
- On the titlebar of this dialog, you will see a number in HEX. This is the number
- of the parameter.
- Also, in this dialog, now you have a complete "twk" line that shows you the value
- that you'd use to set this parameter to the current value.
- * With VST plugins:
- Opening the parameters' window, you can see a list of the parameters on the
- right side. These parameters are numbered in HEX.
- This is the number you need.
- - Knowing the Right Value
- -------------------------
- There are differences between VST plugins, Psycle plugins and internal plugins:
- * VST Plugins:
- They have a fixed range. 0 is the smallest value, and FFFF is the biggest.
- * Psycle Native Plugins:
- They have a range defined by the knob. You need to move the knob to the
- desired position and right click over it to open the "Tweaking" dialog, which shows
- you an editbox to put a value manually, and also a complete "twk" line that
- you'd use to set this parameter to this value.
- Advise: As you'd see, if the knob's minimum value is not zero (Like, with the VCF Envmod),
- 0 = min value
- * Psycle Internal machines: (The Mess)
- They usually have values between 0 and 128 (or 0 and 256).
- __Remember that you have to convert the given value to an hex value__
- To indicate a negative value, (for example, for the feedback) you can add 8000
- Example: 8004 means -4
- - Mcm Command. Use MIDI CC's to control VST Plugins
- -----------------------------------------------
- The Mcm command works in a similar way than the Twk Command:
- If the following is a pattern Row,
- Description: (1) (2)(3) (4)
- Pattern Row : ---- .. .. ....
- then, on (1) , you insert the Mcm command.
- To do so, you should press Mcm key. Check and/or change its value in the Keyboard
- Configuration dialog (Configuration-settings).
- On (2) , you define the CC (Control Command number) that you want to send.
- You might need to check some MIDI documents and/or the Plugin's help to know what
- to write in here.
- On (3) , you specify the number of the Machine, just like you do with tweaks.
- This number is the one shown in the combobox, or in the machine's dialog.
- Finally, on (4), you specify the Value that the parameter will take.
- (4) is divided in two groups of two values AABB.
- You might only need to speficy AA.
- Example: Send NoteOn:
- Mcm 90 01 3C7F 90 Means NoteOn (9) on Midi Channel 1 (0).
- 01 Means Generator number 1
- 3C Means C-5 (3C in Hex = 60 in Dec)
- 7F Means the Velocity (volume) of the note.
- - Pattern Commands
- ------------------
- Psycle also allows to use some "old school" commands in the command row.
- The currently supported ones are:
- * Global/Tracker Commands:
- FFxx - Change BPM
- FExx - Change Tick Per Beat
- FDxx - Delay Trigger (xx/256 ticks) (works with noteoffs too)
- FCxx - Change Global/Wire Volume
- Examples:
- --- .. .. FC80 Sets Global Volume to the half.
- --- 01 05 FC40 Sets Wire 1 of GENERATOR 5 to volume 40 (1/4th)
- --- 01 45 FC30 Sets Wire 1 of EFFECT 5 to volume 30.
- Aux column indicates the wire number.
- It is shown in the _title_ of the wire Dialog.
- FBxx - Retrigger (xx/256 ticks duration per trigger)
- FAxy - Retrigger Continue (x/16 = ticks duration per trigger,
- 0 = use current) (y = acceleration, 1-8 pos, 9-f negative
- f is the slowest negative acceleration, 1 is slowest
- positive acceleration) * does not trigger on new line, rather
- continues from previous retrigger position
- F8xx - Sets the indicated Machine's Panning
- Example:
- --- .. 05 F880 Sets the panning of Generator 5 to 80 (Middle)
- * VST Commands:
- 0Cxx - Set volume (only works on NoteOn!)
- 10xx - _OLD_ MIDI Command. Not documented anymore. Use the "Mcm" command.
- (More to come, someday)
- * Sampler Commands:
- 01xx - Portamento Up
- 02xx - Portamento Down
- 08xx - Set panning position
- 09xx - Set sampler offset
- 0Cxx - Set volume
- 0ECx - Note cut in x frames
- 0EDx - Note delay in x frames
- 15xy - Retrig Command. y = Number of retrigs (1 = do one retrig)
- - x changes the volume in the following way:
- 0 or 8 : No change
- 1: +1 9: -1
- 2: +2 A: -2
- 3: +4 B: -4
- 4: +8 C: -8
- 5: +16 D: -16
- 6: *2/3 E: *3/2
- 7: *1/2 F: *2
- * Argury Synth 2f ( Also other (old) Arguru Synths) :
- 01xx - Pitch slide-up
- 02xx - Pitch slide-down
- 03xx - Pitch glide
- 04xx - Vibrato [x=depth, y=speed]
- 07xx - Change VCF ENV modulation [00=-128,FF=128]
- 08xx - Change VCF Cutoff frequency
- 09xx - Change VCF Resonance amount
- 0Exx - Note Cut in x frames (Only AS2.xx)
- 11xx - VCF Cutoff slide-up
- 12xx - VCF Cutoff slide-down
- * JMDrum Synth:
- 0Cxx - Set volume