"Comment": "On that site you can find great programs for Windows.\r\nPartly shareware, partly freeware or other distribution-forms.\r\n\r\nIf I were you I wouldn't let this site out !",
"Comment": "See great from pictures from outer-space -\r\naliens included - woggy, woggy...",
"Name": "NASA Photo Gallery"
"Index": 5,
"Folder": 1,
"URL": "http://www.basicworld.com",
"Owner": "Steingräber Fach Verlag",
"Browser": 0,
"Comment": "Most famous and popular homepage for Visual Basic in Germany.\r\nIt's the site for the german-basic-magazine BasicPro, which is\r\nvery informative and popular.\r\n",
"Comment": "The greatest site you've ever seen... ;-)\r\n\r\nHere you can get CoolLinks, an Update and other\r\ngreat shareware for Windows.\r\n\r\nJust have a look...",
"Name": "X-Tended-Realities"
"Index": 11,
"Folder": 2,
"URL": "http://www.aerosmith.com",
"Owner": "Aerosmith",
"Browser": 0,
"Comment": "...and I don't wanna miss a thing...\r\n\r\nYou also have a earwig ? Visit Aerosmith and will not go away...\r\n\r\nStuff about Armageddon at:\r\nhttp://www.movies.com/armageddon",
"Name": "Aerosmith"
"Index": 12,
"Folder": 2,
"URL": "http://www.mrbean.co.uk/beanhome.htm",
"Owner": "Mr.Bean",
"Browser": 0,
"Comment": "Look Teddy !!!\r\n\r\nBut also if you are not a Teddy you have the permission\r\nto visit Mr.Bean - on your on risk !",