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- SPACE KING * version 5.0 * Notes from the Author.
- SPACE KING is published by Eternity Zone Gaming.
- Shareware, registration $10.00
- ------------------------------
- Here we go again, folks! Welcome to SPACE KING, version 5.0! If you
- popped a button on your jeans when you played the last version--with
- its added travel destinations and buy/sell features, its sound/music
- toggle, its improved graphics, etc--you'll probably pop just about
- everything for this version. If that is the case, be sure to turn
- off your digital camera (no one wants to look at an aging man, in his
- underwear, buying/selling stocks from the planet Yeranus--oh, wait...
- that's ME)! Below is some of what is new with version 5.0.
- Immediately after you start the game, you will see--once again--a new
- loading indicator graphic (that is, if you played the last version of
- the game). In fact, I think the only changes that I made to the
- graphics was that loading indicator! Once the game starts, however,
- there will be something new for those of you who have still not
- registered the game. ((If you have already registered, skip the next
- paragraph.))
- I thought long and hard about whether or not to disable features such
- as making it so unregistered players could not save a game, adding
- nag screens which would pop up every once and a while, or even
- preventing someone from playing the game after 30 days. I DID NONE
- OF THIS! I still believe that trusting the conscience and the
- decency of people is the best way to go here. And, I still know that
- the good folks will shell out the small $10.00 for the registration.
- Still, I felt that I had to do something as registrations do not
- nearly reflect downloads. I almost always get a chuckle when someone
- (who has not registered) writes to me with suggestions and says that
- s/he loves the game and has been playing it for some time (I received
- one of these the other day). While I welcome suggestions from anyone
- (registered or not), if you continue to play this game and like this
- game... you should register this game! SPACE KING is still fully-
- functional and without those industry-standard nags. What I decided
- to do, however, was to add notification that the game is
- unregistered. This notification is not a nag and does not interfere
- with playing the game (in fact it is not present at all on any of the
- actual game screens, only on the information screens). So, please
- register and I will tell you how to remove the unregistered copy
- notification. It also occurred to me (because of the nag-free, in
- fact... quite unobtrusive, nature of my programming) that many people
- really did not realize that SPACE KING is, in fact, Shareware. There
- is now a new, colourful screen that will let you know about the
- Shareware nature of the game. Registration -does- send a message to
- me that I should continue to update and improve the game so please
- register for those reasons... and for your own conscience. Thanks!
- Now... what is new with version 5.0?? Quite a bit, Charlie, quite a
- bit! How about I start with even MORE travel destinations? No?
- Okay... I will start, then, with the game customization screen! You
- can now play easier or harder games (i.e there are now difficulty
- levels)! You can even, if you want, customize your own game starting
- with or without various options (credits, loans, fuel levels, bonds,
- properties, etc). Cool!
- NOW how about I talk about more travel destinations? Still no?
- Hmmm, okay. Well, I decided to remove some more of the dialog boxes.
- I re-vamped the extras area (it now has its own screen instead of
- that homely and difficult-to-manipulate dialog box). I also changed
- the way notification of events/hazards happen when you are travelling
- (no more dialog boxes there either).
- I finally gave-in to pressure and decided to add that darn overspend
- safety to the stock buy/sell screens. If you try to BUY ALL and you
- do not have enough credits, the game will no longer end (rather you
- will be told that you cannot proceed as you do not have enough
- credits). Happy??? Heh heh! Also, an Amount of Change button has
- been added to the stock buy/sell screens. The AOC button, when
- pressed, will show by how much a selected stock has gone up or down
- (in case you want more information than just the green up arrow and
- the red down arrow); thanks to Kevin for his suggestion! Kevin also
- suggested that a racing feature be added. The Ship Races is a cool
- new feature to the game that has you betting on ships as they race to
- the finish line! So... thank you for that idea as well, Kevin! I am
- sure you will all love The Ship Races!! Also, the exclusivity of
- satellites travel has been removed. Just what the heck does that
- mean? It means that you can now travel to any satellite from any
- planet! Nice. There is also now a Hall of Fame. There was only one
- high score possible, but now there are 10! I think that is way-cool,
- baby!! JUMP UP AND DOWN!! DO IT NOW!!! Okay, stop. Keep reading.
- If you hadn't noticed, SPACE KING has a primary executable file. In
- the unfortunate occurrence of a system freeze, while playing the
- game, files extracted--for use by the game--are not deleted (they
- usually are after you quit a game). Even after you correct the
- freeze, run the game, and quit... these files remain, taking up
- unnecessary room on your hard drive. A new feature becomes aware of
- these files after you start the game and offers to delete them for
- you. This new feature keeps the SPACE KING directory relatively
- clean and should keep the game working at optimum conditions. I'm
- lookin' out for ya!!
- Now I am going to talk about having MORE travel destinations whether
- you like it or not! As if there is not enough to do in the game... I
- have added more travel destinations in the form of Moons (there are
- 10 of them) and The Outer Rim. Each Moon contains robots and mines
- that you can buy to (what else?) mine for precious metals such as
- platinum; gold; and silver! The Outer Rim contains Mutual Funds
- which can be bought and sold! Isn't that GREAT??? Yes, ohhhh, YES!!
- Oh, boy, I just popped something!
- I better wrap this up! Two quick points... as there are so many new
- features to this version, (point one) old saved games will not work.
- Also (point two), realize that your old high score (if you have one)
- will be deleted as soon as you start a new game as the new scoring
- levels are not compatible with the old high score file. I just
- thought that I would mention those two points.
- While you are reading this, it gives me another opportunity to remind
- you that SPACE KING is Shareware. If you like SPACE KING and
- continue to use it, please register the game for only $10.00!
- Please. You can get more information about registering from within
- the game. If you are ready to register now, though, feel free to do
- so via one of the following two links:
- https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=1543-1
- https://www.regsoft.com/cgi-bin/reg_it_offsite.pl?4688
- Thank you in advance for your registration, enjoy this update, feel
- free to write with suggestions, and prepare yourself for 2000!! It
- it coming! Oh, no, I just popped something else. Ohhh, beHAVE...!
- --Marcus D. Gregio.
- 26 July, 1999
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