<P>SPACE<TAB=10>draws a card(s) from the stock or draw pile if any.
<BR>ESC<TAB=10>Activates the MENU BAR.
<BR>BACKSPACE<TAB=10>"undoes" a play. Each time you use BACKSPACE 5 seconds are added to your time as a penalty.
<BR> or ^Z
<BR>F1<TAB=10>brings up the Help Screen.
<BR>F2 or ^N<TAB=10>starts a new game.
<BR>F3<TAB=10>changes the game style. (See Style Options.)
<BR>F4<TAB=10>brings up the Options Screen.
<BR>F6<TAB=10>toggles AutoThrow on or off.
<BR>^R<TAB=10>re-starts the current game.
<BR>^S<TAB=10>brings up the Save Game dialog.
<BR>^O<TAB=10>brings up the Load Game dialog.</P>
<P>You can move cards by either left-clicking and dragging, or by left-clicking, releasing the button, then left-clicking on the destination.</P>
<P>Double-clicking moves cards to the FOUNDATION or DISCARD when allowed by the rules. (In FREECELL, double-clicking moves cards to the DEPOSIT, but double-clicking from the DEPOSIT moves the card to the FOUNDATION if permitted.)</P>
<P>Right-clicking on a buried card reveals it, but only if it is face-up.</P>
<P>Right clicking off of a card will activate the MENU BAR</P>
<H2>Title Screen</H2>
<H3>Game Menu</H3>
<P>In the lower left of the Title screen are the names of the games you can play.</P>
<P>This button allows you to register your copy of Solitaire Fun. You should register the program if you play it for a while. Until you register, you can only play one unique deal per game.</P>
<P>This button displays this information.</P>
<P>This button exits the program, so don't press it unless you absolutely have to!</P>
<H2>Menu Bar</H3>
<P>If you right click with the mouse or hit the Esc. Key, a menu bar drops down to let you change the game you're playing.</P>
<H3>Game Menu</H3>
<P>Select this option to display the Title screen, where you can select a new game.</P>
<H3>Options Menu</H3>
<P>Select this option to display the Options screen, where you can change the game rules or the appearance and sound of the game.</P>
<P>Select this option when you want to minimize Solitaire Fun. Then go back to your other boring programs.</P>
<P>Select this option if you want help. You will see this screen, the Help screen.</P>
<P>You should NEVER select this option unless the boss walks in.</P>
<H2>Options Screen</H2>
<P>This screen allows you to modify the game you're playing, start a new game, or change the way the program looks and sounds.</P>
<P>Click this button to go back to your game. Any changes you have made to game options will take effect. Your game may re-start if you've changed the rules.</P>
<P>Click this button to start a new game. Any changes you have made to game options will take effect.</P>
<H3>Pick #</H3>
<P>Click this button to view the random number seed for your game, or to enter a seed. If you find a game you want to play again sometime, click this button to see the random number seed for the game, and write it down. You can then enter the seed later and play the game with the same cards.</P>
<P>Click this button to start the current game over from the beginning.</P>
<P>Click this button to minimize Solitaire Fun.</P>
<P>Click this button to save the current game you're playing. You can load the game later and finish it, or demonstrate your skill to your friends. The Save Game dialog is just like other Windows Save File dialogs.</P>
<P>Click this button to load a game you've saved earlier. Hint: You can re-start a loaded game from the beginning by clicking "Restart". The dialog works the same way it does in other Windows programs.</P>
<P>This button exits the program, so avoid pressing it.</P>
<H2>Game Options</H2>
<P>These options let you change the rules for the game you're playing. Depending on the game, you can change the number of cards you draw, the number of re-deals you're allowed, or play under special rules.</P>
<P>Three options are common for all games: AutoThrow, Hints and Tutorial Mode. Each game also includes a high score list that you can view and reset.</P>
<P>See the "Rules" for the current game you're playing to learn which rules you can modify.</P>
<P>Normally, Solitaire Fun makes trivial card moves for you, like flipping cards over or drawing cards when there aren't any. Sometimes, these moves do help you win the game, so if you want to turn AutoThrow off and make the game a little more challenging, just click this check box.</P>
<P>Normally, Solitaire Fun gives you a hint when you can make a valid move. The mouse cursor changes when you move it over a stack that can accept a selected card(s). If you want to figure these moves out for yourself, just click this check box to turn hints off.</P>
<H3>Tutorial Mode</H3>
<P>This mode interactively teaches you the rules of the game you're playing.</P>
<H3>High Score</H3>
<P>Click this button to see the top ten scores for the game you're playing. From the High Score display, you can reset the scores or return to Game Options.</P>
<H2>Sound Effects</H2>
<P>These options let you turn individual sound effects off or on.</P>
<H3>Enable All</H3>
<P>This button turns all sounds on.</P>
<H3>Disable All</H3>
<P>This button turns all sound off.</P>
<H3>Deal Card</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you deal cards at the beginning of the game on or off.</P>
<H3>Flip Card</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you flip a single card over on or off.</P>
<H3>Draw Card</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you draw a card to play on or off.</P>
<H3>Select Card</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you pick up a card on or off.</P>
<H3>Drop Card</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you drop a card onto a pile on or off.</P>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you undo a card move on or off.</P>
<H3>Win Game</H3>
<P>This check box turns the nifty sound that plays when you win the game on or off.</P>
<H3>Select Game</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you select a game name on the intro screen on or off.</P>
<H3>Lose Game</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you lose the game on or off.</P>
<H3>Golf Swing</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you play a card in Golf on or off.</P>
<H3>Golf Finish</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you finish a hole in Golf on or off.</P>
<H3>Drag Back</H3>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when you drag a card to an invalid spot and release it on or off.</P>
<P>This check box turns the sound that plays when the program is waiting for you to enter something on or off.</P>
<H2>Music Options</H2>
<P>These options let you select CD music, MIDI music, or no music, and let you choose which song to play, and whether to repeat songs.</P>
<H3>CD Music</H3>
<P>Click this area to turn CDROM music on or off. The buttons are very similar to your audio CD player's controls.</P>
<H3>MIDI Music</H3>
<P>Click this area to turn MIDI music on or off. You can play a single song, play songs from a song list, create a new list or choose a previously created list.</P>
<H3>Song List</H3>
<P>This bar lists the current song that's playing. Click the ends of the bar to play the next or previous song.</P>
<H3>Playback Control Buttons</H3>
<P>These buttons work much like those on your audio CD player.</P>
<H3>Add/Delete Song Buttons</H3>
<P>Click these buttons to add a MIDI song to your current song list, or delete the current song from the list.</P>
<H3>Play List List</H3>
<P>No, that's not a typo. You can have more than one song list, and the one you're currently playing from is displayed here. Click the buttons on the end to select the previous or next play list.</P>
<H3>Add/Delete Play List</H3>
<P>Click these buttons to create a new song list, or delete the current song list from your computer's disk. You can't delete the default list.</P>
<H2>Style Options</H2>
<P>These options let you change the background and sound effects to various styles, and let you change the appearance of the cards.</P>
<H3>Change Play Area Style Buttons</H3>
<P>Click the left or right arrows to change the play area style. You can choose from Green Felt, Space, Polished Stone or Woodwork.</P>
<H3>Change Card Back Buttons</H3>
<P>Click the left or right arrows to change the card backs. There are a ton of card different backs.</P>
<H3>Change Card Face Buttons</H3>
<P>Click the left or right arrows to change the card faces. You can select the Bicycle style or Wyvern Dragon card faces.</P>
<H3>The Game Area</H3>
<P>A game consists of three areas of cards:</P>
<P>FOUNDATION: Located in the upper right corner. The FOUNDATION is built up from ACE to KING by suit and in sequence.</P>
<P>TABLEAU: Located across the middle of the window are seven stacks. You can place cards on these stacks in descending order, with alternating colors. Only a King may be moved into an empty column.</P>
<P>STOCK/DISCARD: Located in the upper left portion of the window. These are the cards you have not played. Depending on the Draw3/1 option you have chosen, 3 cards or 1 card will be turned over each time you click on the face-down cards. You are then allowed to play the card(s) you have just revealed along with any cards that have been previously revealed. Only the top card in the DISCARD may be played. If you are playing with Standard style Scoring, you will be allowed to recycle the DISCARD pile back into the STOCK an unlimited number of times. Using Vegas style Scoring and the Deal 3 option, you may recycle the DISCARD to the STOCK only twice. If you are playing Vegas style Scoring and using the Deal 1 option you cannot recycle the DISCARD pile.</P>
<P>Move all cards to the foundation while obtaining the highest score possible.</P>
<P>There are two types of Scoring Methods. Standard Scoring uses the following rules:</P>
<BR>Moving from the stock to the tableau<TAB=33>5
<BR>Moving from the tableau to the foundation<TAB=33>10
<BR>Moving from the stock to the foundation<TAB=33>15
<BR>Turning over in the tableau<TAB=34>5
<BR>Moving from the foundation to the tableau<TAB=33>-15*
<BR>Recycle the stock using draw 3<TAB=33>-20*
<BR>Recycle the stock using draw 1<TAB=33>-100*
<P>*Your score cannot drop below zero in Standard Scoring.</P>
<H3>Vegas Scoring uses the following rules:</H3>
<BR>Starting a game<TAB=33>-52
<BR>Moving a card to the foundation<TAB=34>5
<BR>DRAW 3 option - You may recycle the stock only twice
<BR>DRAW 1 option - You may not recycle the stock
<P>The scoring in Vegas scoring is cumulative. The score will be added to the next game unless you change the rules or switch to another game.<P/>
<P>When the game has no more deals you can click on the draw pile to start a new game.<P/>
<P>This is a game of moderate difficulty. About two-thirds of games can be won.</P>
<P>Try to uncover the face-down cards first. If you can move a card from either the bottom of a TABLEAU or the DISCARD to another TABLEAU, it's usually best to move the TABLEAU stack to uncover the next face-down card in the TABLEAU. It's usually best to move a King that covers face-down cards to empty spots as soon as possible.</P>
<P>It's a good idea to make sure you have an empty spot available, but you don't need one until you have a KING ready for it. So if you can move all the cards from one TABLEAU to another, don't do it immediately until you have a KING to move to the empty spot. This leaves a possible move from the DISCARD available.</P>
<P>AutoThrow will move cards to the FOUNDATION as long as they won't be useful. You can double-click cards to move them to the FOUNDATION before AutoThrow would, and that's sometimes a good idea, especially if you can uncover a face-down card. But doing so will prevent you from being able to play cards on top of the cards you moved until you move them back down from the FOUNDATION.</P>
<H3>The Game Area</H3>
<P>A game consists of three areas of cards:</P>
<P>FOUNDATION: Located in the upper right corner. When the cards are dealt, one card is placed in the FOUNDATION to become the base card. The FOUNDATION is built up in suit from that base card to the KING, then ACE, continuing until there are 13 cards in the FOUNDATION slot. When any of the base cards are turned up, they will be automatically placed in the FOUNDATION even if Auto-Throw is turned off.</P>
<P>STOCK/DISCARD: Located in the upper left portion of the window. These are the cards you have not played. Depending on the Draw3/1 option you have chosen, 3 cards or 1 card will be turned over each time you click on the undealt cards. You are then allowed to play the card(s) you have just revealed along with any cards that have been previously revealed. Only the top card in the DISCARD may be played. If you are playing with Standard style Scoring, you will be allowed to recycle the DISCARD pile back into the STOCK an unlimited number of times. Using Vegas style Scoring and the Deal 3 option, you may recycle the DISCARD to the STOCK only twice. If you are playing Vegas style Scoring and using the Deal 1 option you cannot recycle the DISCARD pile.</P>
<P>RESERVE: Located below the STOCK. The RESERVE originally contains 13 cards, of which only the top card is shown. Only the top card of the RESERVE may be played.</P>
<P>TABLEAU: Located across the middle of the window are four columns. You can place cards on these stacks in descending order, with alternating colors. When a column is empty, the top card of the RESERVE will be moved into the empty slot. If there are no cards remaining in the RESERVE, any card may be played in that empty column.</P>
<P>Move all cards to the foundation.</P>
<P>Scoring Methods</P>
<P>There are two types of Scoring Methods, Standard and Vegas.</P>
<P>Standard Scoring uses the following rules:</P>
<BR>Moving from the stock to the tableau<TAB=33>5
<BR>Moving from the reserve to the tableau<TAB=33>5
<BR>Moving from the tableau to the foundation<TAB=33>10
<BR>Moving from the stock to the foundation<TAB=33>15
<BR>Moving from the reserve to the foundation<TAB=33>15
<BR>Moving from the foundation to the tableau<TAB=33>-15*
<BR>Recycle the stock using draw 3<TAB=33>-20*
<BR>Recycle the stock using draw 1<TAB=33>-100*
<P>*Your score cannot drop below zero in Standard Scoring.</P>
<P>Vegas Scoring uses the following rules:</P>
<BR>Starting a game<TAB=30>-50
<BR>Moving a card to the FOUNDATION<TAB=31>5
<P>DRAW 3 option - You may recycle the STOCK only twice</P>
<P>DRAW 1 option - You may not recycle the STOCK</P>
<P>The scoring in Vegas scoring is cumulative. The score will be added to the next game unless you change the rules or switch to another game.</P>
<P>When the game has no more deals you can click on the draw pile to start a new game.</P>
<P>This is a fairly difficult game to win.</P>
<P>The RESERVE is the problem for this game, because all the face-down cards can't be played until the top face-up card moves. So never pass up a chance to move a card from the RESERVE, either by moving it to the top of an occupied TABLEAU, or by moving it to an empty TABLEAU.</P>
<P>Never forget that you can play a KING on top of an ACE.</P>
<P>Moving cards to the FOUNDATION before AutoThrow does it for you can help, especially if it opens up a TABLEAU spot for a RESERVE card. But those cards can't be built on until you bring them back to the TABLEAU.</P>
<P>The Game Area</P>
<P>A game consists of three areas of cards:</P>
<P>STOCK/DISCARD: Located at the bottom-left of the window. Only the top card of the DISCARD is available.</P>
<P>TABLEAU: 28 cards dealt into a triangle with 7 rows. A tableau card is available if it is not covered by another. In the beginning, only the 7 cards on the lowest row are available. Cards are removed from the TABLEAU by "matching" available cards. A pair of cards are "matched" if their sum is 13, counting Ace as 1, Jack as 11, Queen as 12, King as 13, and the remaining cards as their rank. For example, if there is a 10 available, and a 3 available, both may be removed. Kings may be removed at any time, and do not require another card to be paired with them.</P>
<P>FOUNDATION: Cards that have been paired up are moved to this stack, located at the lower-right of the playing area.</P>
<P>Remove all cards from the TABLEAU, by pairing them with cards from the DISCARD or with other available cards on the TABLEAU.</P>
<BR>Moving a card to the FOUNDATION<TAB=30>5
<BR>Clearing the Pyramid<TAB=30>100
<BR>Clearing all cards<TAB=30>500
<BR>Re-cycling the STOCK<TAB=30>-100
<P>*Your score cannot drop below zero.</P>
<P>This is a fairly easy game to win, but some games cannot be won.</P>
<P>Be aware of the "buried" cards in the pyramid. You will lose the game if too many cards of one rank are buried underneath the cards they need to match up with. It is usually possible to reduce the pyramid in a particular "direction" in order to move a deeply-buried card.</P>
<P>The Game Area</P>
<P>A game consists of two areas of cards:</P>
<P>TABLEAU: All the cards in the deck are dealt into seven stacks in the middle of the playing area. Stacks of face-up cards may be moved regardless of order. Standard rules allow you to move one card onto another only if they are in descending order and alternating colors. If playing with Russian rules, you can place one card on top of another in descending order by suit. Only Kings may be move to empty spaces. No cards may be placed on an Ace. When you move the bottom face-up card off a stack with face-down cards, the top face-down card is flipped over, and becomes available for play.</P>
<P>FOUNDATION: Located in the upper right corner, the FOUNDATION is built up in suit from ACE to KING.</P>
<P>Move all cards to the FOUNDATION.</P>
<BR>Moving a card to the FOUNDATION<TAB=30>5
<BR>Turning a card Face-up<TAB=30>5
<BR>Moving a card or stack<TAB=30>-1
<P>*Your score cannot drop below zero.</P>
<P>This is a pretty difficult game.</P>
<P>Uncover the buried face-down cards as soon as possible, and try to get four stacks with KINGs at the top quickly. Move cards to the FOUNDATION carefully, because if AutoThrow didn't throw it for you, you will be preventing a potential move.</P>
<P>The Game Area</P>
<P>A game consists of three areas of cards:</P>
<P>TABLEAU: Located across the middle of the window are seven stacks of 5 face up cards each. Only the top card of each pile is available for play. Use these cards to build a sequence either up or down regardless of suit by clicking or dragging it to the DISCARD pile. For example, you can play a 5 or a 3 on a 4, or a QUEEN or TEN on a JACK. The card sequence does not "wrap around." You can only place a 2 on an ACE, and nothing can be placed on a KING.</P>
<P>STOCK: Located in the lower left portion of the window. These are the cards you have not played. When there are no remaining moves click on the STOCK pile. A card will be turned over each time you click on the face-down cards. You can then try to start a new sequence.</P>
<P>DISCARD: Located to the right of the STOCK pile. This is where you want all the cards to be at the end of the game. The card(s) in this pile can not be moved once placed, unless you use the Undo option.</P>
<P>Move all cards from the TABLEAU to the DISCARD pile with the greatest amount of cards remaining in the STOCK.</P>
<P>The SCORE is determined by subtracting the number of cards in the TABLEAU from the number of cards in the STOCK. When you can't move any more cards, in sequence, to the DISCARD pile from the TABLEAU, you must draw a card from the STOCK. Every card that you play from the STOCK is a stroke. When there are no more possible moves, the game is over and you take the SCORE (number of strokes) and draw again (F2) for the next hole.</P>
<P>The CLEAR SCORECARD rule option lets you re-play a complete "round" of 18 holes.</P>
<P>This is a very difficult game to win, but one involving little strategy.</P>
<P>Before starting a sequence, "pre-play" it. It's fun to start at one end of the card ranks and clear much of the TABLEAU with just one card. Beware opportunities to clear all cards in a narrow range at the beginning of the game, but as the game nears its end, clear those cards out aggressively.</P>
<P>If you've got a KING covering other cards, try to keep a sequence to it open so you can take advantage of any high-numbered card that comes along.</P>
<P>If you have a choice of two or more cards to clear, clear the one that leaves you with the widest range of card ranks in the TABLEAU.</P>
<P>The Game Area</P>
<P>A game consists of three areas of cards:</P>
<P>DEPOSIT: Located in the upper left corner. The DEPOSIT is where you can store a single card in four areas. This is to aid in arranging the cards in the TABLEAU.</P>
<P>FOUNDATION: Located in the upper right corner. The FOUNDATION is built up from ACE to KING by suit and in sequence. You can move cards from the FOUNDATION to the TABLEAU.</P>
<P>TABLEAU: All the cards are dealt face-up to these seven stacks in the middle of the playing area. You can place cards on these stacks in descending order, with alternating colors. Cards may be moved from other TABLEAU stacks, from the FOUNDATION, or from the DEPOSIT. Clicking a card and clicking a destination will move as many cards as possible using the available spots, while dragging a single card will move just that card. Any card can be moved to an empty spot.</P>
<P>EXPERT MOVE allows you to use other TABLEAU stacks to move a stack of cards. If you're familiar with other FREECELL games, this takes a little getting used to, but can really save you some mouse clicks. Besides, it's fun to watch.</P>
<P>Move all cards to the foundation.</P>
<P>Your score is based on the number of moves you make and the time it takes to win the game.</P>
<P>This can be a very challenging game because every game can be won, but it sometimes seems utterly impossible.</P>
<P>You usually want to build the FOUNDATION as quickly as possible, but be careful about moving cards up that AutoThrow doesn't move for you. Try to uncover ACEs and 2s quickly.</P>
<P>KINGs covering other cards in a TABLEAU stack are a problem. Try to get them out of the way by moving them to an empty stack.</P>
<P>Having both cards of the same color and rank next to each other in the same stack is another problem. Try to break them up.</P>
<P>Building one TABLEAU much higher than the others creates difficulties unless you can create a lot of free cells.</P>
<P>Moving cards among the TABLEAU is preferable to moving them to the DEPOSIT, because you can't build on the DEPOSIT. Having an empty TABLEAU column is often very useful, because it multiplies the number of cards you can move.</P>
<P>Avoid moving KINGs or high-ranking cards to the DEPOSIT. You will have trouble moving them back to the TABLEAU.</P>
<P>For some games, you must forget every tip you read here.</P>
<P>The Game Area</P>
<P>A game consists of three areas of cards:</P>
<P>TABLEAU: Located across the top of the window are seven stacks that form the TABLEAU. You can place cards on these stacks in descending order regardless of suit. A group of cards in descending order can be moved from one stack to another. Full Spiderette rules require the ordered cards to be the same suit before they can be moved, and Baby Spiderette allows you to move ordered cards regardless of suit. You can move any card or valid group of cards to an empty slot.</P>
<P>STOCK: Located in the upper left portion of the window. These are the cards you have not played. When clicked on, every TABLEAU stack will be dealt a card from the STOCK, unless there are not enough remaining cards. You are then allowed to play the card(s) you have just revealed along with any cards that have been previously revealed. Once you have stacked an entire 13-card suit it will be moved to the FOUNDATION, unless AutoThrow is off. NOTE: All TABLEAU stacks must contain at least one card before cards can be dealt from the STOCK.</P>
<P>FOUNDATION: Located along the left side of the game. The FOUNDATION is built up automatically by the game when a TABLEAU stack contains KING through ACE of the same suit and in sequence.</P>
<P>Move all cards to the foundation.</P>
<BR>Moving a suit to the FOUNDATION<TAB=30>50
<BR>Moving all suits to the FOUNDATION<TAB=30>100
<BR>Moving a card or stack<TAB=30>-1
<P>Baby Spiderette is usually win-able, but Full Spiderette is difficult to win.</P>
<P>Start at the "shorter" end of the TABLEAU, and uncover the face-down cards and open up empty spots, then fill the empties with cards covering other face-down cards.</P>
<P>Never pass up an opportunity to stack cards, or move one sequenced stack off another.</P>
<P>If you need to spread the cards out to draw new cards, first uncover buried sequences, then use low-ranking cards.</P>
<P>You will find yourself using Undo a lot unless you are a purist.</P>
<H1>Eagle Wing</H1>
<P>The Game Area</P>
<P>A game consists of four areas of cards:</P>
<P>FOUNDATION: Located at the top of the window. When the cards are dealt, one card is placed in the FOUNDATION to become the base card. The FOUNDATION is built up in suit from that base card to the KING, then ACE, continuing until there are 13 cards in the FOUNDATION slot.</P>
<P>STOCK/DISCARD: Located in the lower left portion of the window. These are the cards you have not played. One card will be turned over each time you click on the face-down cards. You are then allowed to play the card(s) you have just revealed along with any cards that have been previously revealed. Only the top card in the DISCARD may be played.</P>
<P>TALON: Located near the center of the window. The TALON contains a number of cards, of which only the top card is shown. Only the top card of the TALON may be played. You can change the number of cards in the TALON using Game Options.</P>
<P>TABLEAU: 8 cards dealt across the window in a V shape. You may place cards on these stacks in descending order in the same suit, and only 3 cards may be in each stack. When a column is empty, the top card of the TALON will be moved into the empty slot. If there are no cards remaining in the TALON, any card may be played in that empty slot.</P>
<P>Using GAME OPTIONS, you can change the number of re-deals or the number of cards in the TALON.</P>
<P>Move all cards to the foundation.</P>
<P>Scoring uses the following rules:</P>
<BR>Moving from the stock to the tableau<TAB=33>5
<BR>Moving from the talon to the tableau<TAB=33>5
<BR>Moving from the tableau to the foundation<TAB=33>10
<BR>Moving from the stock to the foundation<TAB=33>15
<BR>Moving from the foundation to the tableau<TAB=33>-15*
<BR>Recycle the stock<TAB=33>-100*
<P>*Your score cannot drop below zero in Standard Scoring.</P>
<P>The problem with this game is the TALON. The bigger the TALON, the more difficult the game.</P>
<P>You want to open up TABLEAU spots whenever possible to reduce the TALON, but knowing which cards are coming may cause you to decide to wait a few moves.</P>
<H1>Perpetual Motion</H1>
<P>The Game Area</P>
<P>A Game consists of three areas of cards:</P>
<P>TABLEAU: Four cards are dealt face-up across the top of the playing area. You build the TABLEAU by adding one card to each stack each time you draw from the STOCK. You can either click on a card or drag it to move it onto another, if the ranks match. If all four cards on top of the TABLEAU match, you can move them to the DISCARD.</P>
<P>STOCK: All the cards not in the TABLEAU are spread face-down to the right of the TABLEAU. Clicking on this stack flips four cards to the TABLEAU, one to each stack. When the STOCK is empty, clicking on it causes the TABLEAU stacks to be combined into one, reversed, and moved back to the STOCK. You get an unlimited number of re-deals.</P>
<P>DISCARD: Located to the right of the STOCK, this stack holds the cards that have been matched.</P>
<P>To move all cards to the DISCARD.</P>
<BR>Moving a rank to the FOUNDATION<TAB=30>100
<BR>Re-cycling the remaining cards<TAB=30>-10
<P>Not much. This is an easy game to win, and every game can be won.</P>
<P>If you find yourself near the end of the game (eight or twelve cards left) but see the same sequences of cards over and over, you need to NOT make a move or two in order to break the sequence. Watch the way the game re-deals the cards to figure out how to arrange them.</P>
<H1>French Revolution</H1>
<P>The Game Area</P>
<P>A Game consists of three areas:</P>
<P>TABLEAU: All the "royalty" cards are removed from the deck, so that each suit has cards ACE to TEN. At the start of the game, all the cards in the deck are dealt face-up to thirteen TABLEAU stacks, three or four cards per stack. You can move the top card of a stack onto another card of the same suit, in descending order. No card can be placed on an ACE, and a TEN cannot be moved.</P>
<P>FOUNDATION: Located at the upper-right, these stacks are built up from ACE to TEN by suit.</P>
<P>DRAW: This area contains no cards, but clicking on it collects all the cards in the TABLEAU, shuffles them, and re-deals them to the TABLEAU, three or less cards per stack. You only get two re-deals.</P>
<P>Move all cards to the FOUNDATION.</P>
<BR>Moving a card to the FOUNDATION<TAB=33>10
<BR>Moving all cards to the FOUNDATION<TAB=33>100
<BR>Re-cycling the remaining cards, per card<TAB=33>-3
<P>This is a hard game to win. Don't worry too much about losing.</P>
<P>If a higher-ranked card in a suit buries a lower card in the same suit, that's trouble. If the top card is a 10, forget all cards beneath it.</P>
<P>Always look to uncover ACEs early.</P>
<P>Since you can't build on other suits, keep aware of how AutoThrow is building your FOUNDATIONs, and search for the next card to move up to each suit. Completing the move of a whole suit to the FOUNDATION can free up cards you thought were hopelessly buried.</P>