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- v3.0.3 - Made the memo on the level dialog read only so you can't type over the text.
- - Made it so that the memos on the intro dialog don't allow carage returns.
- - Fixed the incorrect version number on the order form.
- - Use self extracting zip instead of cab for people who got cabinet.dll error.
- v3.0.2 - Tweaked board redraw routine so its smoother and dots don't blink.
- - Rebuilt the project with the SP1 version of the compiler.
- - Changed some of the case of the text in the status bar so it might look better.
- - Added this history to the installation instead of just the web site.
- v3.0.1 á - Fixed incorrect thread termination on game exit which sometimes caused error message.
- áááááááá - Added Game Analysis button discription to user interface section of help file.
- áááááááá - Packaged as self extracting cab instead of zip to reduce setup file by 33k.
- v3.0áááá - Fixed blinking caused by mouse movement while flipping game piece.
- áááááááá - Fixed previuous yellow box being displayed while flipping game piece.
- v2.3áááá - Added 3D animated game play.
- áááááááá - Changed help file icons that had gray background.
- áááááááá - Fixed mispelled Game Graph in options menu.
- áááááááá - Made menu say "options" instead of "option"
- v2.2 8á - Fixed tie game not reported correctly. Sigh.
- áááááááá - Fixed multiple launches of the program cause error message.
- v2.2.7á - Fixed take back moves with more than one pass in a row problem. (affects saved games)
- áááááááá - Fixed computer makes a move after Game Analysis screen is closed.
- áááááááá - Game Analysis screen remembers moves until the user\computer makes a move now
- áááááááá - Added the score to the bottom of the Game Notation.
- áááááááá - Added the score to the Game Analysis screen title bar.
- áááááááá - Spelling
- v2.2.6 - Added Game Analysis button to toolbar.
- ááááááááá- Fixed memory leak in Game Graph code.
- áááááááá - Smaller sound files to reduce setup file by >100k
- v2.2.5 - Added Accept Paste Button to Game Analysis screen.
- áááááááá - Fixed Game Engine thread termination problem that caused NT to lock up sometimes.
- áááááááá - Game board and Game Analysis screen remember last screen position at start up.
- v2.2.4á - Added Game Analysis screen.
- áááááááá - Added context sensitive help.
- áááááááá - Added icon images to the menu.
- áááááááá - Changed name to Reversi.
- áááááááá - Various minor bug fixes.
- v2.2.3á - Undid test code that I forgot to disable. This made the new algorithm play poorly Oops!
- v2.2.2á - Added board size button.
- áááááááá - Added a printable registration form.
- v2.2.1á - Fixed a deficiency in the original algorithm which made it play weaker during repeated passes.
- v2.2áááá - Added a new type of algorithm which uses precomputed information and mobility.
- áááááá - Fixed a serious deficiency in the original algorithm which caused weaker game play in all cases.
- v2.1.7 - Fixed a display problem of the "4 dots" with some Riva 128 cards.
- v2.1.6á - Added local 2 player mode.
- áááááááá - Added guide markers.
- áááááááá - Added player hint/cheat with right mouse click.
- áááááááá - Various bug fixes.
- áááááááá - Added clickable link to web site.
- v2.1áááá - First widely distributed version.
- ááááááááá- Hint/cheat on right mouse click.
- ááááááááá- Bug fixes
- v2.0áááá - Added 3D rendered game pieces.
- - Added feddback in the form of colored box to show the computers focus
- v1.0áááá - Original version.