Chip 1999 Extra
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What's new in RamBooster
June 24th
Version 1.5
-Loads super-fast! Also the optimization
method is faster.
-_Lot's_ of internal improvements,
very few of them are visible, you
just have to take my word of it; RB
works much nicer now.
-No more splash-screen.
-Optimized the code;
.exe-size is about 30kb smaller.
-No more html-help files, because
TOO many people has difficulties with them,
because they had to be installed to exactly
to right folder.
-Fixed incorrect hint-text on "Toggle mode"
-Program supports now also large fonts, to make
things easier for those with huge monitors.
June 4th
Version 1.41
-Received some e-mails asking if I could remove
the menu if RB is running in the Monitoring-mode.
-Better helpfile, contains more info about resources etc.
-Optimized the code a little bit.
-If nothing _fatal_ is found in RB, there will be no more
updates in the few weeks, because I am working with a HUGE
commercial project right now, so I guess, there is not
much time to put for RB. After the project is finished,
it is time to improve RB again.
June 1st
-Made the interface nicer. Added groupbox-components
to separate the parts of the screen.
-Added "Monitor Mode". By clicking "Toggle mode",
RB goes to a monitoring mode, a little form that is
always on top, to make it easy to monitor cpu and ram-usage.
When in monitor mode:
-Double click the groupbox to show the full-size screen
-Alt-S to send to tray
-Alt-T to show full-size screen
-Alt-O to run optimization.
-Added "Clear Clipboard" function
-New splash-screen by Jagerdude@hotmail.com.
May 27th
Version still 1.4
-Added new menu under "edit", Extras.
It contains so far only one function, "Make shortcut on the desktop",
but there is a certain reason why the "Extras" was added,
wait for the future versions.....
May 25th
Version still 1.4
-Programmed the part that shows the splash-screen
again. The previous coding caused error on certain systems
(Cyrix and...?) if autolaunched minimized, and also caused problems
when minimized. (received 1st mail about this yesterday,
3 more today, this was something that had to be done quickly)
-Optimized the code a little bit (the cpu-monitor part)
-Changed the icon, the new one looks better on the desktop.
-Added selection to restart windows without rebooting.
-Program is re-coded using Delphi 4.0 Pro.
May 15th
Version 1.4
-added cpu-usage monitor
-added cpu-usage detect
-added possibility to use html-type help-files
-Fixed a bug in about-screen, the link to my site
is now correct
-Fixed 1 minor bug (slidebar position was not saved if rebooted)
-Yesterday I saw "Zucchero Fornaciari Alive" in Club-Tavastia, Helsinki ;-)
May 9th
-RamBooster is now available as an installation package, it uses InstallShield
May 5th
Version 1.3
-Retry-count usable.
-Optimized the code even more : if RamBooster sits in the system tray monitoring,
RamBooster uses now only from 0 to 0.15 % of CPU-time !!!
Uses only about 600 kb memory to run (sometimes even less) !!
(Similar programs usually use from 1 mb to 3.1mb)
-Made the help-file smaller in size by reducing the size of the picture and added some information.
-Minimalized the program even more.
-Changed the indicator of free RAM to different kind, also free memory % is shown
April 29th
-Added Quick reboot selection in "File"-menu, to use if Windows needs to be rebooted.
Use with care, no confirmation asked !!!
April 27th
Version 1.21 just minor improvements.
New splash-screen by Jef Bardsley. Thanks Jef ! :-) ( http:((www.ultranet.com/~sandif)
Added 1 more selection into Preferences, amount of ram to free when alarm-level is reached.
Slidebar position is also saved into ini-file.
April 24th
Awarded with FREEdom Star Award !!
April 22nd
Selected to PC-Magazines "Daily download". Ranked Four stars "Editors Pick" !!
(The reviewed version was 1.1)
April 21st
Version 1.2 public and downloadable
April 20th
- Version 1.2 ready to be sent for some selected users.
New or improved features include:
-Popup-menu on icon click (hundreds of e-mails about this one...)
-Cursor-move on icon shows free RAM
-Fixed a bug that occured on some 256mb systems (reported by Hawkman)
-Optimized the code a little bit (thanks to Dale Robbins)
-Made the main-form a little bit smaller
-Changed info-screen text a little bit (Thanks Jef Bardsley)
-Made form act like standard windows application, not stay on top anymore
-A small Faq/Help is included
-Preferences menu is now centered
-Ram value can be selected only with slidebar
April 18th
Ranked "Best" by NONAGS.COM !!
April 17th 1999:
-Version is still 1.1
-Including the version 1.2 help-file into .zip,
slightly modified though.
Working hard to give you people version 1.2.
There are going to be a lot of changes in the program code
of version 1.2. Most of them are not visible to the user,
but they make the program run even better.
April 15th 1999:
-Finnish version available
April 14th 1999:
-Version still 1.1
-Changed the minimizing method. If you minimize program with "Minimize"-button, it
goes to and only to system tray.
If you minimize it normal way, it remains in the taskbar, so you can see the amount
of free RAM all the time. Did this because so many people found it handy.
-I have been asked to add a "General System Information"-selection into Info.
(Amount of total RAM, memory load, size of the swap file etc.)
Well, I am not sure if there is no use for such a thing, in version 1.2, maybe
if I find it useful in my own tests.
Technically it is no problem, it takes about 10 minutes to program that code.
(In fact 1 API-call is enough)
April 13th 1999:
-Version 1.1
-Removed option 'Always on top' (nobody actually needed it)
Program remains either always on top or in system tray
-Program minimizes to system tray instead of taskbar (many people emailed me, asking for this feature)
-Alarm level is user-defineable (maximum is quarter of total RAM, though)
-Added sounds (on public demand, some people want to HEAR when alarmlevel is reached <grin>)
Zip-file includes 4 wav-files, but you can of course replace them with your own
sounds, or turn off sounds in options/preferences after you get bored
-Increased input-field length by 1 to make things easier for those with more
than 99 megs of RAM
-Programmed memory handling faster
// -Added option to autolaunch at Windows startup (I think this option makes many people happy..)
IMPORTANT : If You decide not to use RamBooster anymore, make sure that the selection to
autorun RamBooster is unchecked before you remove the program. The only proper way to make this
autorun-feature is to use registry and if you delete the program before unchecking the option,
the value is left in registry. If this has already happened you can manually remove key 'RamBooster'
Doing something wrong may corrupt your registry and you may be forced to re-install
Windows. RamBooster does not manipulate your system in any other way, since it is
stand-alone, and I think that this program-type shouldn't change anything in your system,
but in this case I could not avoid it.
-There is also self-exctracting zip-file available on the website.
-Version 1.0
-This is the very first version of RamBooster that is public. Previous versions
were in use only by me and my friends.
Thanks to all the people, who have emailed me and encouraged me to keep on
working with RamBooster. I never guessed that so many people
would find RamBooster and start to use it daily.
Suggestions and feedback is still welcome to my email, borg@sci.fi