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- Single Source Version 1.0 8/8/99
- Thank you for trying Single Source. We are sure you will find it an easy way to 'single-source'
- your documentation. This means you only need to maintain a single Word 97 document to create the
- same publication in three formats: paper, Windows Help, and HTML.
- The following software is required to use Single Source:
- ╖ Microsoft« Word 97 to create documents and run conversion macros.
- ╖ Microsoft Help Workshop to compile Rtf files into Help. You can download this from the
- following site:
- http://support.microsoft.com/download/support/mslfiles/HCWSETUP.EXE
- Single Source comprises the following files:
- ╖ SingleSource.dot, which contains the commands needed to process documents.
- ╖ Paper.dot, the template for your paper documentation.
- ╖ WindowsHelp.dot, the template for Help RTF files (only used behind the scenes).
- ╖ SingleSource.doc, the paper documentation for Single Source.
- ╖ ExampleGuide.doc, an illustration of the layout you should use for a user's guide to an
- application.
- ╖ SingleSource.hlp, the Help documentation for Single Source.
- ╖ Standard HPJ, a template Help Project File used to compile Help from RTF files.
- Installing the Templates
- Copy the three template (.dot) files to your User Templates directory for MS Word97.
- To find out where this is, choose Options from the Tools menu, then click the File Locations tab.
- Installing the Application
- If you don't want Single Source to be automatically activated each time you start Word, do the
- following:
- 1. Open MS Word.
- 2. From the Tools menu, choose the Templates and Add-Ins option.
- The Templates and Add-Ins dialog is displayed:
- 3. Click the Add button.
- 4. Locate and add the SingleSource.dot template.
- In the list to the left, an entry for SingleSource.dot will be displayed and checked.
- 5. To activate Single Source in a new Word session, open the Templates and Add-Ins dialog and
- tick the SingleSource entry.
- Alternatively, if you do want it to be automatically activated each time you start Word, simply
- copy the SingleSource.dot file to the Startup directory for Word. To find out where this
- directory is, click Options on the Tool menu, then click the File Locations tab.
- To display the help for Single Source, simply double-click on the help file as it appears
- in Windows Explorer or My Computer.
- Copyright Notice
- All contents of the Single Source package are Copyright ⌐ 1999 Microdart Ltd, All Rights
- Reserved. Copying and distribution of this product is strictly prohibited.
- Disclaimer of Warranty and Liability
- Use of Single Source indicates acceptance of the following, in which the Software refers to
- Single Source.
- No Warranties
- The author of the Software expressly disclaims any warranty for the Software. The Software
- and any related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express
- or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness
- For a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The entire risk arising out of use or
- performance of the Software remains with you.
- No Liability for Damages
- In no event shall the author of the Software be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out
- of the use of or inability to use this product, even if the author of the Software has been
- advised of the possibility of such damages.
- This product is shareware. If you find this product useful, you must register it. The
- registration fee is ridiculously low when compared to our competitors' prices, but will
- nonetheless help to support future development. So please keep to your part of the bargain.
- In return, you will receive via Email or post (please specify) the registered version of the
- product, which incorporates the following useful (in our opinion, vital) functions:
- ╖ Creation of an Index in the help file. This comprises primary and secondary terms, as defined
- in XE fields.
- ╖ Creation of Related Topics lists in the help file. On clicking the Related button in the Help
- window, you are presented with a list of topics that have the same primary term(s) as the
- current topic. With the unregistered version, this list is always empty.
- ╖ Creation of a MAP file, allowing you to link an application to its Help.
- To order your registered copy, please send a cheque or international money order for ú25 (pounds
- sterling only), made payable to Microdart Ltd, to the following address:
- Microdart Ltd, 17 Furze Lane, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3EJ, United Kingdom.
- Should you have any questions, criticisms, or praise for this product, please contact the author,
- Julian Wood, via the following email address:
- silvawood@freeuk.com