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- Copyright by Marcel Lemke, May 1998
- Technical information of the archiver ACE v1.2
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 1. Block format
- 2. Block types
- 2.1. Archive header
- 2.2. File block
- 2.3. Recovery record
- 3. Archive processing
- 4. Building CRCs
- 4.1. C source
- 4.2. Pascal source
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- 1. Block format
- ─────────────────
- The whole archive consists of blocks which vary in size.
- Structure:
- bytes meaning discription
- 2 HEAD_CRC CRC16 over block up from HEAD_TYPE
- 2 HEAD_SIZE size of the block from HEAD_TYPE
- up to the beginning of the ADDSIZE block
- 1 HEAD_TYPE indicates type of block (see chapter 2.)
- 2 HEAD_FLAGS flags related to the block and its content
- for all blocks these flags are valid:
- bit discription
- 0 ADDSIZE field present
- 1 Block includes a comment
- [4] ADDSIZE an optional field which represents the size of
- an additional block without specified structure
- (no HEAD_CRC, HEAD_SIZE etc.)
- 2. Block types
- ────────────────
- 2.1. Archive header
- ─────────────────────
- The archive header is the first block of each archive or volume.
- Structure:
- bytes meaning discription
- 2 HEAD_CRC CRC16 over block up from HEAD_TYPE
- 2 HEAD_SIZE size of the block from HEAD_TYPE
- up to the last byte of this block
- 1 HEAD_TYPE archive header type is 0
- 2 HEAD_FLAGS contains most important information about the
- archive
- bit discription
- 0 0 (no ADDSIZE field)
- 1 presence of a main comment
- 9 SFX-archive
- 10 dictionary size limited to 256K
- (because of a junior SFX)
- 11 archive consists of multiple volumes
- 12 main header contains AV-string
- 13 recovery record present
- 14 archive is locked
- 15 archive is solid
- 7 ACESIGN fixed string: '**ACE**' serves to find the
- archive header
- 1 VER_EXTRACT version needed to extract archive
- 1 VER_CREATED version used to create the archive
- 1 HOST_CREATED HOST-OS for ACE used to create the archive
- value host
- 0 MS-DOS
- 1 OS/2
- 2 Win32
- 3 Unix
- 4 MAC-OS
- 5 Win NT
- 6 Primos
- 10 AMIGA
- 11 NEXT
- 1 VOLUME_NUM which volume of a multi-volume-archive is it?
- 4 TIME_CREATED date and time in MS-DOS format
- 8 RESERVED 8 bytes reserved for the future
- [1] AV_SIZE size of the following AV string
- [?] AV the AV string itself
- [2] COMMENT_SIZE compressed size of the following comment
- [?] COMMENT compressed data of comment
- Comments are compressed using simple LZP+huffman. Sources how to create
- those compressed comments might be published sometime.
- 2.2. File block
- ─────────────────
- Directories are stored in this type of block, too. There is no extra
- block structure.
- Structure:
- bytes meaning discription
- 2 HEAD_CRC CRC16 over block up from HEAD_TYPE
- 2 HEAD_SIZE size of the block up from HEAD_TYPE
- up to the beginning of the compressed data
- 1 HEAD_TYPE file header type is 1
- bit discription
- 0 1 (ADDSIZE field present)
- 1 presence of file comment
- 12 file continued from previous volume
- 13 file continues on the next volume
- 14 file encrypted with password
- 15 solid-flag: file compressed using data
- of previous files of the archive
- 4 PACK_SIZE this is the ADDSIZE field;
- the additional block contains compressed file data
- without exception
- 4 ORIG_SIZE the original size of the file
- 4 FTIME file date and file time in MS-DOS format
- 4 ATTR attributes of the file
- 4 CRC32 checksum over the compressed file
- bytes
- 1 type of compression
- 0 store
- 1 ACE_LZ77_1
- 1 quality of compression
- 0 fastest
- 1 fast
- 2 normal
- 3 good
- 4 best
- 2 parameter for decompression
- 2 FNAME_SIZE size of filename string in bytes
- 1 FNAME filename string (OEM)
- [2] COMM_SIZE compressed size of file comment
- [?] COMMENT file comment
- -------------------------------------------
- compressed file data (size is PACK_SIZE)
- 2.3. Recovery record
- ──────────────────────
- The protection by recovery records works this way:
- See the whole archive as a sequence of blocks with a defined length.
- Build checksums over these blocks to determine (later) whether a block
- has been damaged or not. Xor all blocks to one.
- Save this xor-block and the checksums. To restore a damaged block
- all undamaged blocks have to be xor'd with the xor-block.
- Structure:
- 2 HEAD_CRC CRC16 over block up from HEAD_TYPE
- 2 HEAD_SIZE size of the block up from HEAD_TYPE
- 1 HEAD_TYPE header type of recovery records is 2
- bit discription
- 0 1 (ADDSIZE field present)
- 4 REC_BLK_SIZE ADDSIZE field; size of recovery data
- 7 ACESIGN string: '**ACE**';
- allows search for this block with destroyed
- archive structure
- 4 REL_STRT relative start (to this block) of the data this
- block is mode of
- 4 NUM_BLKS number of blocks the data is splitten in
- 4 CL_SIZE size of these blocks
- 2 REC_CRC CRC16 over recovery data
- ------------------------
- recovery data:
- 2 1st CRC16 CRC over the first block of the archive
- 2 2nd CRC16 CRC over the second block of the archive
- . .
- . .
- 2 NUM_BLKSth CRC16 CRC over the last block (up to the recovery
- record) of the archive
- CL_SIZE XOR-DATA contains the xor'd data of all the blocks
- the archive has been splitten in for this
- process
- 3. Archive processing
- ───────────────────────
- For processing an archive you first need to get the start offset of it
- in a certain file. The way to do so is:
- 1.) search for the acesign ('**ACE**')
- 2.) read a block from (acesign_position-7)
- (because the acesign is at offset 7 in the archive header)
- 3.) build the checksum of this block and check it against HEAD_CRC;
- if they do not match go to step 1.)
- After you got the start you can read one block after another like this:
- 1.) read HEAD_CRC and HEAD_SIZE
- 2.) read HEAD_SIZE bytes;
- build the CRC of them and check it against HEAD_CRC;
- the archive is broken if the CRCs do not match
- 3.) interpret the contents of the block
- 4.) skip ADDSIZE bytes if ADDSIZE is present
- Do so until the EOF of the archive.
- See next chapter how to build CRCs.
- 4. Building CRCs
- ──────────────────
- This chapter contains sources how to build a "CRC32". The full 32 bits
- are needed at the file checksums only. In the headers there are only
- the lower 16 bits of a CRC32 value saved.
- To initialize "getcrc" just call "make_crc_table". To get a CRC of a
- block inititalize your CRC variable with CRC_MASK. Then use getcrc to
- update this variable.
- example how to check the CRC of an header:
- make_crctable(); // only once
- ...
- crc=CRC_MASK; // initialize CRC
- crc=getcrc(crc,&head.HEAD_TYPE,head.HEAD_SIZE); // update CRC
- // check lower 16 bits
- if (UWORD(crc)!=UWORD(head.HEAD_CRC)) error_archive_broken();
- 4.1. C source
- ───────────────
- ──────cut──────────── ──────────── ──────────── ────────────
- #define CRCPOLY 0xEDB88320
- make_crctable()
- {
- unsigned r,i,j;
- for (i=0;i<=255;i++) {
- for (r=i,j=8;j;j--)
- r=(r&1)?(r>>1)^CRCPOLY:(r>>1);
- crctable[i] = r;
- }
- }
- unsigned long getcrc(unsigned long crc,unsigned char *addr,int len)
- {
- while (len--)
- crc=crctable[(unsigned char)crc^(*addr++)]^(crc>>8);
- return(crc);
- }
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- 4.2. Pascal source
- ────────────────────
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- type tbytear=array[0..60000] of byte;
- tbptr=^tbytear;
- procedure make_crctable;
- var i,j:integer;
- r:longint;
- begin
- for i:=0 to 255 do begin
- r:=i;
- for j:=8 downto 1 do
- if (r and 1)>0 then r:=(r shr 1) xor CRCPOLY else r:=r shr 1;
- crctable[i]:=r;
- end;
- end;
- function getcrc(crc:longint;addr:tbptr;len:integer):longint;
- var i:word;
- begin
- i:=0;
- while (len>0) do begin
- crc:=crctable[(byte(crc)) xor (addr^[i])] xor (longint(crc) shr 8);
- dec(len);inc(i);
- end;
- getcrc:=crc;
- end;
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