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Text File | 1998-07-01 | 37.8 KB | 1,249 lines |
- Modifications made to ACE
- ───────────────────────────
- Intention
- ───────────
- This file is to show inventions, bugfixes and other improvements I
- make to ACE. This also helps to get to know about reasons of bugs.
- Meaning of the symbols
- ────────────────────────
- $ modified
- + new
- - removed
- ! bugfixed
- * new release
- History of changes
- ────────────────────
- (--1997--)
- 30.4. + memory saving hashing
- $ commandline: several commands made to switches, syntax
- $ AV-check
- + blink-attribut will be set after quit
- $ syntax of archive-input at Add (F2), for longer paths
- 1.5. $ in archive: 'Test' from F2 to alt+F10; at F2 nowt 'Extr'
- ! hashing
- + size of hash-arrays adapts better to the available memory
- now at 1M-dic: 1.8M to Create and 2.9M to Update
- ! read of RAR-mainheader size
- ! infinite loop when low on memory
- $ comment-show-time increased from 2sec to 10sec
- + in ace.doc noted: problems with QEMM 8.03,
- registration of ACE.EXE by reg. -key,
- modified commands and switches (see 30.4.)
- modified f-keys (F2/alt+F10 in archive)
- ! load of default-comment-filename from ACE.CFG
- + improved handling of archived corrupted files, in case
- that in spite of this error sth. will be added.
- ! switches
- ! after move files were not deleted
- 2.5. - decryption in SFX-module: 22Kb-->16Kb,
- $ ace.doc in relocation to this modified
- ACE 0.9A
- ! the SFX-module did not output an error if a file has been encrypted
- 3.5. ! sfx-commandline-switch
- ! ace-online-help, ace.doc
- + ansi-comments, only at ACE.EXE, at view, not at edit
- 4.5. ! switches: -cm and -c were mixed up
- + ansi-comments in unace/sfx-module
- + at commands 'e,x,l' subdirectories will be always recursed
- $ now the archive-by contents-Erkennung checks only EXE-files,
- the other files are examined by their extension
- + overwrite of comments with NUL
- + ACE !.! will enter the archive !.! within the shell
- 5.5. $ correctorized and restyled DOCs from Harald Feldmann adopted
- + compression of comments in ACE.EXE with simple LZP+huffman
- 6.5. + decompression of comments in unace
- + output of the reason at command-line-errors
- ! host-recognize of win32-zip-archives
- + more detailed archive discription at the right side
- (when in archive)
- $ in the command-line-mode the state will be written as
- 'normal' text, not in windows;
- windows will appear for questions, only
- + diverse of outputs (command-line-mode) to file
- + 'log errors'-switch ("ef")
- 7.5. $ 'log errors'-switch ("ef")-->"err"
- + stdout-switch "out", because the parameter ">><file>"
- will not reach ACE.EXE; DOS handles this one by itself
- + switches at any place possible
- ! enter of "NUL" as def. comment-file
- ! over took restyled online-help from Harald
- 8.5. + "cfg-"-switch
- + "log-time" will be written to the log-files
- ! belated add of AV
- ! ACE a \test *.bak now possible
- ^^^
- - "yp"-switch; because the 'use alw. curr. passw.'-flag is
- set automatically when a password is given by '-p'
- + "ep"-switch
- 9.5. ! overwrite-question at the update of archives
- 10.5.
- $ time of viewing comments from 10s to 5s
- ! at ACE l <archive with av>, the av will be outputed once now
- ! command-line output
- + if the archive is locked, ace l <archive> will show:
- Contents of *LOCKED* <archive>
- $ error handling at overwrite of exist. files etc.
- in unace: more general --> unace smaller
- ! ansi-comments in unace when running under win32
- + ESC=exit-key
- 11.5. ! "p"-switch --> small letters of password will be kept small
- + alt+x=exit-key
- ACE 0.9B6
- 13.5. ! comment-compression, - did not work correct after the first
- compression process
- + SFXJR (informations not in ACE.DOC yet)
- 256K dictionary as maximum
- + log-file can be set in the Shell; but is valid for the
- command-line mode, only
- + compression won't be hurt by a too large dictionary size anymore;
- instead compression is slightly better in general
- 15.5. ! archive options - menu
- 16.5. ! time-stamping at sfxjr
- + 'sfxjr'-switch
- + ACE notes in general that SFXJR archives has a maximum of
- 256k dictionary size
- 20.5. $ registration
- ACE 0.9C3
- 21.5. + no prompts at 'ace l -y <archive>'
- ! ACE: notizing the dictionary limit of SFXJR
- + 'move'-option at the Add-windows (F2, alt+F5, alt+F6)
- ACE 0.9C4
- 22.5. ! 'cfg-'-switch
- ! 'sfxsr' with APPEND
- 23.5. ! 'd'-command
- ! 'f','u'-command
- - from ACE.DOC: registration by reg.-key
- + prompts at sfxjr and sfxsr before extraction
- + different errorlevels of ACE.EXE, listed in ACE.DOC
- ACE 0.9C5
- 24.5. ! '-v<size>': <size> was seen as bytes not as Kbytes as stated
- ! 'u' and 'f' now handle the subdirectories, too
- 25.5. ! 'r'-command, in case the archive header is broken
- + ACE, view (F3): 'continue search' is now on shift+F7 AND F8
- + SFXSR: possibility to enter destination path after run
- + UNACE: when there is no archive <archive>.ACE then
- <archive>.EXE will be tried to be processed
- ACE 0.9D1
- 26.5.
- 28.5. ! ace x <volume-archive>
- ! state display at 'CRC-check after add'
- + percents after each processed file in command line mode
- + when logging to file the output will made to the screen
- parallel
- ! archive won't be added to itself anymore
- ! begin of processing of multi-volume sfx's at the x. volume
- $ extensions of volumes: ace, 01a, 02a, .. 99a, 100, 101 ...
- + decryption in SFXSR
- 29.5. ! 'ace a -r *.txt' adds no longer all *.txt files and directories
- of current directory but all *.txt files of current directory
- and subdirectories
- $ extensions of volumes: ace, c01, c02, .. c99, 100, 101 ...
- 3.6. $ '-v<size>': <size> will be handled as thousands of bytes not
- as kilobytes
- ! recreate: changes extension only when sfx module is
- added/removed
- ! output of command 'l'
- ! volume size if 'add recovery record' is enabled
- ! automatically set compression level
- 4.6. ! 'ace m xxx' will no longer display an error message
- (for large dictionary sizes)
- $ smaller read- and write- buffersize-->
- faster on my own drives
- 8.6. $ Archive options window, volumesize: Kb-->thousands
- !$ 'ace x <multi-vol-archive>' and the prompt
- 'copy all files of multi-volume-archive'
- + beeps in ace, unace, sfxsr when prompt for next volume
- ! unace and sfxsr will look for 'c00', 'c01'.. ,too
- ! adds empty subdirectories again
- 9.6. $ sound of beep
- ! recursing of subdirectories
- ! prevention of sfxjr-archives with encrypted files
- 10.6. $ sound of beep
- ! extract-processing of multi-volumes
- ACE 0.9E1
- 11.6.
- 12.6.
- ! "SelFExtracting"-->"SelFeXtracting"
- 13.6. ! extraction of multi-vol-archives at commandline
- ! 'ace m -v<size>': deleted volumes after compression
- ! state display when extracting only some files of an
- archive
- ! compression of comments
- ! handling of relative paths like '\<archive>' is correct again
- ! mouse will be hidden while writing 'Archive information'
- 14.6. + 'ace x <archive> -t<non-ex.-dir>': <non-ex.-dir> will be created
- + 'unace <archive> <non-ex.-dir>': <non-ex.-dir> will be created,
- same for sfxsr
- ! when creating a mult.-volume-archive and the result is a single
- volume then it will be a normal archive
- + ace handles wildcarded archive names now (on non-update commands)
- + unace handles wildcards, too
- 17.6. ! VIEW-percent state
- ! 'ace x <notcurrdir\archive>'
- ! unace/sfxsr EMS-bug
- 18.6. ! decompression of large stored files by SFXJR
- $ assembled lots of SFXJR
- 20.6. ! errorlevels of ace
- ! update-error (AV-check-error)
- ! repacking with a dictionary larger than the previouse one
- ! compression of belated written comments
- 22.6. + fully assembled sfxjr
- ! sfx-sizes represent exactly the sizes of the sfx-exe-modules
- (so the archive header should be found by the exe-filesize
- of the sfx-exe-header)
- ! removed some potential bugs from sfxjr
- 23.6. + sfxjr optimized for size
- ! archive has been removed after updating
- when there wasn't not enough space and
- the prompt for another destination has been canceled
- ! input-procedure of sfxsr/unace
- ! "Archivetype"-->"Archive type"
- $ using VIEW in normal dirs files won't be unselected
- ! delete of read-only files in archives:
- delete 'always' rd-only-files didn't work
- 25.6. + speeded up the startup-codes of ace and sfxsr/unace by
- more than 1sec
- 26.6. $ ace switches back to normal videomode 0x3 after end
- ! wildcard-handling at archive delete and extract
- ! unace/sfxsr tried to use extended/expanded memory even
- when there was no one
- 27.6. ! 'ace cm <archive> -z<comment>'
- ! sfxjr for archives that are very small (<512 bytes)
- ACE 0.9F1
- 28.6. ! clearing of helpscreen
- ! 'ace e -y <archive> <file>': extracted everything
- because of the '-y' switch
- 31.6. + adopted asm code, optimized by Harald Feldmann
- 2.7. ! open of rdonly archives
- 3.7. $ "standard.ace" --> "archive.ace"
- $ "commandline" --> "command line"
- ! frame at 'Actions' box when running an other archiver
- $ rar will be run in stdout mode
- 11.7. $ modified ace.doc a little
- ! 'ace m 123456789.1234' deleted the archive
- because the archive name has too much characters
- ! 'unace d:archive.ace': the archive name wasn't translated
- the right way
- 14.7. ! open_archive of unace/sfxsr
- ! answering the prompt "Extract to <directory>" of sfxsr with "No"
- and inputting a non-existing directory will no longer loop
- for another input
- $ when an encrypted file is found and there is no password
- the user will get another window, now
- $ ESCaping at input of password is possible, now
- ! output of comments in unace/sfxsr/sfxjr
- $ command line help-screen (beta-information removed)
- ! compensated a bug of a dos-function
- (or an information lack about the function)
- 15.7. ! bug in the self-written delay-routine
- $ allocation of memory --> should be a little faster
- 16.7. + smaller sfxjr, made by Harald Feldmann
- $ license.doc, register.de
- 17.7.
- ACE 0.9G1
- 18.7.
- 19.7. $ break handling (ctrl/c, ctrl/brk, esc)
- + "time-out error" using '-y' at extraction of passworded
- archives
- ! 'ace <non-ex. archive>': error was displayed but
- screen has been deleted after that
- ! output of percentage in commandline mode
- ! sfxjr: creation of directories-bug
- 21.7. + different errorlevels at sfxjr
- + sfxjr handles destination dir
- 22.7. $ ace.doc, file_id.diz
- + register.uk, credit.frm
- ! temp-directory will be saved in ace.cfg as well
- ! 'ace a -sfx test' didn't work if an test.ace already existed
- + different errorlevels at sfxjr/unace
- + 'ace s <archive>' will make <archive> to a SFX
- 27.7. ! '-y', '-yo' work on update-commands now, too
- ! bug which caused worse compression on big files
- the more compressive they are (ex. long runs of same value)
- ! '-t' will cause a "better" error-message when no archive
- is specified
- $ error message which tells that there mustn't be wildcards
- in the archive name at some operations
- 28.7. ! uncommon modes up to 50 lines correctly handled now, too.
- $ limited memory to free PHYSical memory under windows etc.
- + top of option- window: tells to save the setup with 'alt+s',
- possible at that window, too
- $ ace.doc recarding to windows 3.xx
- + '-tl', '-tk' switch
- ! ace.key will be closed after read
- $ shareware-info won't be displayed when registered,
- instead a registered-info (with AV-string)
- 29.7. ! sharing-problem under win NT
- 30.7. ! didn't delete tmp-file sometimes
- ! decompression of comments at sfxjr
- 1.8. ! 'ace s -sfx(jr)' works now
- - removed '-t'
- instead:
- + 'ace x <dest_dir>\' will do the job
- ! 'ace a <dir>\' works now, too
- ! 'ace x *.*'
- 2.8. + register.nl
- $ multiple-license prices in register.uk, credit.frm, register.de
- ! 'ace s archive', 'ace .. -tl/tk' under OS/2
- ! updating of archives: file already exists &&
- file was specified with drive in path
- 4.8. $ initializes more memory at the start now;
- this should compensate the lower compression rate
- possibly caused by the modified allocation routine (15.7.)
- ! 'unace *.*' works now (more) correctly, too
- ! sfxjr doesn't try to create '.' or '..' directories anymore
- !$ small action to explain win95 that ace doesn't
- do nothing while working
- 5.8. ! sfxjr should work on 8086 now
- ! unace and ace.exe doesn't look for directories if there are any
- wildcards in the archive name
- ! 'ace x <archive> c:'
- ^^^
- 6.8. ! '-kp', '-tk' if no sharing-software is installed
- $ another message if the open_for_write failed because the
- archive is read only
- ! 'ace t/x/e *.*/*.exe' etc. will no longer output an error
- at the non-ace-archives
- ! cursor will be hidden when viewing a comment (command line)
- $ command line: output of more important things at the left boundary
- ! screen-save-bug: showed garbage after exit
- ! "extra characters on line"-message
- + REACE from Juergen Peters in the archive
- $ unace doesn't complain about non-ace-archives if the filename
- contains wildcards
- ! unace and sfxsr had been compiled for 80286, not for 8086
- 7.8. $ sfxjr: "delete it?" --> "replace it?"
- - exe-packing at unace.exe
- + ace.doc: BBSs, ftp-sites etc. at "17. Contact, information, latest files"
- $ register.frm, register.de
- ! '<sfxjr-archive> ' (with space at the at!)
- 8.8. !+ 's' command described in ace.doc
- !$ small action to explain win95 that ace doesn't
- do nothing while working
- (hanged at Repair)
- + free unace source in the package
- 9.8. $ technote.doc, register.uk, credit.frm, register.nl, file_id.diz
- 10.8. $ key-system: no individualized ace.exe necassary!
- + register.frm, register.de: registration by email (encrypted)
- 14.8. ! '-tl', '-tk' problem
- 15.8. ! 'ace a <file smaller than 4 bytes> ..' does no longer work
- $ ace doesn't interrupt if the specified command file doesn't exist
- ! error at view, extraction, ........ when always SFX was enabled
- $ 09beta.log --> changes.log
- 16.8. ! ctrl+c/ctrl+brk processing
- ! assembling error which caused rare crashes
- 17.8. + reace v0.05
- ! 'ace s <archive with dic>256k> -sfxJR> no longer accepted
- ! assembled routine (from 16.8.)
- ! new archives will be deleted if an error occured
- 18.8. + PGP-key for emailing the forms register.frm and register.de
- ! 'ace s <archive> -tk/tl' will not modify the archive-time
- + warning-message when an sfxsr has to be used at the 's' command
- ! the directory times are disregarded at '-tl' now
- ! the files specified at '-err' and '-out' had been added
- 19.8. ! corrected ansi-code-handling a little
- ! test-function now works at rar,lha,zip -archives again
- $ check-function (if the file to add is the same like the archive)
- - doesn't interrupt if the access to a file is denied
- 21.8. ! "created with version"-message at AV-archives
- 23.8. ! create-list-routine: check not to add archive into itself
- or the '-err'/'-out'-file;
- also: move-check (archive/directory-->archive/directory!
- - not only from commandline)
- problem of the whole routine: it has to work on SUBSTed drives, too.
- imagine:
- you are at d:\temp
- then you do 'ace m test l:\*.*' where L: is SUBSTed to D:\TEMP..
- ! sfxjr: directory creation
- 24.8. ! compression of uncompressible files (intellegent storing)
- 25.8. ! 'ace s -sfxjr <archive with encryption>' will switch to sfxsr
- now , too
- 26.8. ! sfxjr - creation of directories
- ! unace/sfxsr: work with more than 32Mb XMS now, too
- ACE 1.0
- 27.8.
- 30.8. $ unacepub.ace --> unacepub.zip
- ACE 1.0A
- 31.8. ! list-file: binary-character-error when there was no
- line break after the last entry
- ! 'ace a <archive> @d:\files.lst'
- ^^^
- did not work if the path of the list-file was absolute
- 2.9. - Bug which caused a crash under win NT 4.0 SP3
- 3.9. ! sfxjr couldn't output a '$' in a comment/filename
- ACE 1.0B
- 4.9.
- 7.9. $ sfxjr, sfxsr/unace output the AV (if present) after extraction
- ! AV has been output twice using F2 or sth. similiar
- to add files to existing av-prot. archives
- 8.9. ! encryption/decryption at multi-volume archives
- 9.9. ! displayed attributes of zipped files
- ! reading of some zip archives was rather slow
- 12.9. ! zip: didn't read all files (because of the fix on 9.9.)
- ! 'ace a <archive> -r <filename - without wildcards>'
- adds all matching files of the subdirectories now, too
- $ the directory which was set at the start of ace will be
- set when quitting the program
- 13.9. ! wrong format at 'Select' or 'Unselect' (GUI) caused a crash
- 15.9. + ace doesn't reread an archive after all processes now
- 18.9. ! reading list-file in ace: memory problem
- ! extraction of encrypted stored files with unace
- ! extraction of large encrypted stored files with ace
- ! extraction of volume-spanning stored files by unace
- ! unstore-routine of public unace
- $ AV-system
- 2.10. + ace.doc: new chapter "about me"
- - ace.doc: states about UMB_DRV
- ! buggy EMM-detection of the DOS-extender
- 4.10. ! sfxjr didn't complain when there was no more space on the destination
- ! repair didn't work after trying to extract a file from a broken
- archive
- 5.10. + FAX number in ace.doc
- 8.10. ! memory limitation (only physically present memory shall be used!):
- caused sometimes crashes; noticed at windows_16bit
- 10.10. ! double-adding of files in subdirectories using '-r'
- 11.10. ! files of subdirs were not removed at 'm -r'
- 12.10. ! sfxjr: problems at extraction of directories with Very short name
- when no destination was specified
- 13.10. ! arj: wrong parameter-string because of uninitialized
- decompression-password
- ! 'ace <not_an_archive>' will cause an error message
- + if the tempdirectory, stored in ace.cfg doesn't exist
- it won't be loaded
- ! sorting of directories in correct depth-order
- 18.10.
- ACE 1.0C
- 19.10.
- 1.11. + LFN-support for WINDOWS 95
- + adjustable filelist-column in UserInterface
- + scrolling speed in UserInterface increases when
- going on scrolling for some time
- 5.11. + LFN-conversion for 'clean DOS'
- 6.11. ! 'ace r <archive with recov.rec, without damages>:
- original archive was deleted!
- 7.11. + LFN-support in unace, sfxsr
- 8.11. + LFN-support in sfxjr
- + "archive information" is output faster when
- drive is not A: or B:
- ! 'ace l <archive> >>output' will no longer prompt
- before next page
- 9.11. + '-std'=STDOUT-mode; when not specified on commandline,
- everything will be displayd in windows like it is
- done in the shell;
- when specified everything except the comment-input
- will be done by standard output
- 11.11. + exported messages of ACE into ACE.MSG
- 12.11. + German messages
- 13.11. + ACE.MSG is compressed
- + ACE comes with English messages as a default
- in case there is no ACE.MSG
- 15.11. ! removed case sensitivity from filename-handle-routines
- for proper LFN-handling
- 16.11. ! memory limitation to physical memory: caused problems
- at WIN-NT
- ! problems when the "extend-filename"-function of DOS does not
- handle network-drives correctly
- + ExtractTO-Option at Extract (F2 in archive)
- $ file_id.diz
- + ace.doc: new chapters: 15. LFN-support, 16. Language
- + ace.doc - commandline: '-std'-switch
- + <ctrl+F1> in shell=view ACE.DOC
- 17.11. ! (beta)
- commandline mode: didn't handle archive specifications
- with small drive-letters correctly
- --> created empty archives
- 18.11. ! 'ace <archivename without extension>': ace didn't go
- into the archive
- 21.11. $ registration
- $ '*UNREGISTERED VERSION*' will be added as AV if not beeing
- registered
- ! 'ace -? >><out-file>': waited for a key
- 22.11. + UNACE: different commands,
- adopted from public unace extended by Wilfred van Velzen
- + UNACE, SFXSR: "hidden" password input
- $ formatting of unace, sfxsr
- 23.11. $ registration forms
- 24.11. + prepared extended unace-source from Wilfred van Welzen for
- publishing
- 25.11. ! sfxjr: used LFN2short-filename-conversion on some short
- names..
- 26.11. $ percentages are more precisly calculated now
- (rounding instead of truncating digits)
- ! "ace >>???": some confusing output-operations at the shell..
- 30.11. ! shortened some too long German messages
- ! ".\" and "..\" are removed from filenames at archiving
- 1.12. $ moved registration information from formular-files into
- 5.12. + German ACE.DOC, LICENSE.DOC
- $ ACE32.EXE will not wait for a key when "-std" is specified
- ! "UNACE l ???.ace >><file>" doesn't wait for a key anymore
- ! ACE-solid-sorting: didn't pay attention to the last character
- of an extension
- 7.12.
- ACE 1.1A
- 8.12.
- 13.12. ! crashed when actual directory was empty disk and switching
- to the second directory
- $ SFX-moduls may have a size of max. 64k now
- (couldn't handle the 40k-ARJ-distribution-archive ARJ260.EXE)
- 15.12. ! ACE32.EXE: different problems at WinNt which caused crashes
- ! ACE32.EXE set host-Flag of archives to MS-DOS instead of Win32
- ! ACE.EXE crashed when switching from totally empty directories
- (empty diskettes) to the 2nd directory
- + ACE2.EXE for OS/2 (console-application like ACE32.EXE)
- 16.12 $ "ACE t ???.ace" outputs in stdmode now always
- + ACE32.EXE, ACE2.EXE detect whether the output is moved to a file
- now, too
- ! "UNACE x ???.ace <dest-dir>\"(slash behind dest-dir!) didn't work
- ! "UNACE e ???.ace" created archived directories
- ! UNACE: bug in XMS-routines which could cause slightly damaged
- data (very very!! rarly)
- ! "Add auth. verific.": created archive with corrupt AVs
- ! calculation of total percentages at move within ACE-archives
- ! (small bug) in shell: selection of files by mouse
- ! adjustable column border is now highlighted when being at the
- most right and archive is displayed, too
- ! "ACE ... >><file>" didn't work in stdout-mode
- ! "ACE ... >><file>" put Backspace codes into output-file
- 19.12. ! ACE-shell: modifying the directory to extract to (F2)
- to a non-existing directory caused up an error
- ! sorting of files at solid-compression
- + better compression due to a change of the sorting method
- for files at solid-compression
- 20.12. ! ACE (running at win95) will convert LFNs to short filenames
- if the destination drive doesn't LFNs
- ! missing conversion between OEM/ANSI caused problems using
- ACE32.EXE at some filenames
- 21.12. ! ESC at the input of the extract-destination directory within
- the shell now possible
- ! delete in zip- and rar-archives didn't work because of
- a wrong version-check
- ! bug in LFN-directory-read function which caused rare system
- crashes
- 24.12. ! sfxjr: check for existing files returned "exists" for
- some LFNnames when there was only a 8.3 name
- 25.12. $ centered program & copyright information at the right upper
- in the shell
- + Spanish ACE.MSG by Jorge Franganillo
- 30.12. ! (F6=move:) complained that deleting would effect copied files
- at the wrong time while permitting deletion when it shouldn't
- ! files which couldn't be opened are now counted at the progress
- window as well
- (--1998--)
- 1.1. ! (beta) sfxjr couldn't create directories at plain DOS
- 2.1. ! (beta) displayed always "Reg. No AV"
- ! "ACE m <archive with too much letters>": deleted sometimes
- the archive itself
- ACE 1.1B
- 3.1.
- 15.1. ! repacking didn't work at archives with dictionary<256k
- $ "ACE a -r <archive> <empty sub-dir>" adds the sub-dir now
- 28.1. + add: ACE needn't process full archive if all overwrite-questions
- are answered with no --> no file has to be added
- ! unace.dll: didn't free decompression memory
- ! unace.dll, public unace: CRC-errors at extraction
- of encrypted files
- 5.2. $ technote.doc: stated more clearly the range of HEAD_SIZE
- 7.2. ! set version_to_extract to 1.0
- 12.2. ! bug at encryption caused CRC-errors when encrypting an
- archive once more in a certain manner
- 22.2. $ switch 'yo' changed to 'o[-]'
- + commands 'k' and 'rr'
- 23.2. ! "ace d *.ace anyfile.ext" or "ACE x *.ace anyfile.ext":
- when anyfile.ext was not in the first archive, ace stopped
- trying others
- ! "ace x <archive>.ace <file>" didn't extract when <file> was in
- a sub-dir of <archive>
- + switch 'f' to be able to extract files which are exactly
- specified only
- + changing to up-dirs using (ctrl+)Backslash possible now
- + ACE_SW: environment variable to set default commandline switches
- for ACE; can be overridden
- 24.2. + ACE.CFG is readable now
- 25.2. ! commandline: extracted files (no wildcards and slashes at
- specification) if files in the archive matched with first
- letters only
- + possibility to specify external programs in ACE.CFG to be called
- when pressing F3 or Enter
- 26.2. ! couldn't handle archived files with more than 3 characters as
- extension
- 27.2. ! "ace x <archive> c:\destdir\ <files>"
- ^^^ created also a subdir "destdir"
- in current directory
- 1.3. ! ACE32 didn't handle Ansi-character set fully correctly
- 3.3. + ACE keeps selection when user does only simple operations
- 4.3. + version info added to ACE32
- + process summary (how many files etc.) for commandline
- (stdout mode only)
- $ design of state box: 2 lines less in height --> 2 more lines
- available to "Actions"-window
- ! if ACE has been used over midnight, time at the
- state window looked a bit strange
- 5.3. $ modified design of option window(s), there is a menu now first
- 6.3. + added option window to change settings for external programs
- 7.3. $ when pressing ESC in an archive, ACE doesn't exit rather than
- leaving the archive
- + added existing "alt+x" and "alt+p" hotkeys to hotkey window
- + menu reacts when pressing letters which are highlighted
- 8.3. + '-x' (eXclude switch)
- ! default comment file input: didn't recognize inputs like
- "\defcom.txt"
- ! ACE shell didn't display filenames beginning with '.' correctly
- ! ACE.EXE converted LFNs at Win95 sometimes
- ! works now:
- ACE x archive.ace "Long Directory\"
- ! changed "filename" etc. to "file name"
- + 'cw' command
- + std-comment input: Enter now possible, because end of input
- is signaled by CTRL+Z now
- ! UNACE/SFXSR: if there was XMS but no EMS, CRC-check errors were
- possible
- ! UNACE/SFXSR: didn't extract LFNs all the time
- 9.3. ! UNACE: wrote 'wrong' paths of files at -test-
- ! SFXJR: didn't convert win32-LFN characters which are not supported
- by DOS
- + SFXJR/UNACE: file selection
- $ "ACE x <archive> <sub-dir>" can extract whole subdir now,
- but "ACE x <archive> a*.*" extracts only all _files_
- matching this
- + 'v' command: verbosely list of archive contents
- + removed some unnecassary code from ACE32.EXE
- 10.3. + outputs number of CRC-check errors (if there were some) at the
- end (stdout mode only)
- + added negatives of some switches for overriding the
- environment variable
- $ reordered commands and switches at commandline help screen
- 12.3. $ ACE.DOC: 3. Command line
- 4.5. The options menu
- 21.4. ! ACE used "ACE_SW" as environment variable, now it is "ACE"
- 22.4. ! buggy LFN-routine: caused confusing screen, crashed
- on my new system
- 24.4. ! ACE couldn't create archives on partitions larger than 2Gb;
- now the maximum is a partition with 4Gb free
- + shift-tab at archive-create-options-win
- ! if there where ansi-comments are in a comment, colour will be
- set to default after outputting comment
- $ SFX-modules: switched from WWPack 3.05b to aPACK 0.74b
- 25.4. ! alt-F2 in a non-solid ACE-archive didn't work:
- the archive wasn't converted to be solid
- ! if "No" is chosen at overwrite-question at archive recreation,
- files in temp-directory were not deleted
- $ "Auth. Verific. Present" has been displayed even if there was
- + added switch for temporary directory
- ! non-solid-SFX-Volumes: CRC-checks started on other than the
- first volume caused ACE to search for .ACE instead of .EXE
- ! shell: escape cancels at the first archive creation window
- (which asks for the name) now as well
- ! bug in memory management
- ! SFXSR/UNACE: LFN-support-detection
- ! sfxsr: infinite loop if there were no files exactly specified to
- process
- + ACE2 and ACE32 should also work on partitions with more than
- 4Gb free now
- ! selection of the non-displayed file list will not be deleted
- when changing the drive
- 26.4. ! external programs can be used in archives now as well
- + new UU in REACE
- ! sharing: could not add file with write-denied
- + process summary available for commandline in windowed mode
- now as well
- ! statistics: ACE counted files added "twice" (once compressed,
- then because being incompressible stored) also two times
- ! crashed sometimes at processing currupted archives
- ! UNACE/SFXSR: didn't output tab's of comments correctly
- 27.4. ! ACE2.EXE: converts LFNs to short names for extraction
- 1.5. ! file creation bug in sfxjr (couldn't extract at OS/2)
- ! SFXJR: didn't accept the upper 'C' at the prompt
- "Extract files to current directory? (Yes/Cancel)?"
- ! "ACE x test.ace c:\" extracted files to current dir at c:,
- not to the root dir
- ! option window
- $ "ACE T test.ace": when not specified, ACE will run in windowed
- mode
- 2.5. ! if ACE.CFG wasn't valid, path of ACE.CFG got temp-dir
- 11.5. ! crashes (or no modifications possible) at
- external-program-option-window
- 13.5. ! shell crashed when clicking into "list" of empty disk
- ! bug which caused crashes on a system when using at command line
- in windowed mode
- 15.5. ! bug in setup-loader, caused crashes here
- ! if specifications for external programs are too long, they
- are shortened for modifications
- ! bug in shell-initialization, could produce (very rare!!) crashes
- ! UNACE, SFXSR didn't return errorlevel=9 (ERR_CRC) if there was
- an CRC-error
- 16.5. $ CRC-check-output at unace.exe
- 17.5. ! formatting of errors in logfiles
- ACE 1.2a
- 28.5. ! '-cfg-' didn't work anymore
- ! delete on the last file in the list: cursor jumped to the top
- ! ACE32 didn't convert filenames from OEM to ANSI
- -->archives may have got invalid filenames
- ! UNACE, SFXSR, SFXJR: could overwrite the archive
- they are actually processing
- ! "ACE cw <archive> e:\comment.tst": didn't work because of
- the ':' in the destination file
- ! ACE comment-add: read comment as text-file, lost binary
- characters
- ! didn't complain about adding files to "archives" of length zero
- (which are - of course - no archives)
- ! SFXJR: shortened filenames which were only 8 characters long
- when they had no extension
- ! UNACE, SFXSR: didn't handle file-spec correctly if
- destination directory has been specified
- ! "ACE -sfxjr -tl test test.exe": escaped with error but
- set date of test.exe to 0.0.80
- ! ACE2 shortened LFNs even when extracting to HPFS disks
- 29.5. ! "ACE m <archive> <files>": a break during deleting of files
- deleted new archive
- 20.6. ! ACE.EXE, ACE32.EXE:
- added fully specified LFN-dirs always in upper case
- 23.6. ! calls to other archivers were made using LFNs of archive name
- ! small bug in file selection of shell
- 24.6. + detects AVs of arj-archives now as well
- 25.6. ! SFXJR, SFXSR, UNACE: comment output
- ! modifying an archive having a LFN and beeing on the same drive as
- the temp directory shortened the name of the archive
- 26.6. + faster listfile creation at command-line
- ! didn't get file attributes of LFN-files correctly
- --> caused "wrong" order of files in solid archives
- 30.6. ! clicking on the bottom of option-windows could cause crashes or
- similiar things
- ! comment extraction by unace.exe and sfxsr.exe
- 1.7. ! fixed upspeeded directory-recursing
- ! couldn't use 'cw' on locked or verified archives