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534 lines
* File: modules/WizardHW
* Package: Base YaST package
* Summary: Routines for generic hardware summary dialog
* Authors: Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* $Id: WizardHW.ycp 31290 2006-06-02 10:54:10Z jsrain $
module "WizardHW";
textdomain "base";
import "CWM";
import "Label";
import "Report";
import "Popup";
import "Wizard";
// local store
* List of items in the currently displayed dialog
list<map<string,any> > current_items = [];
* Map of rich text descriptions for all items
* Contained info can be reachable through current_items, this is for
* faster access
map<string,string> descriptions = $[];
* The last handled UI event
map last_event = $[];
* The return value to be returned by WizardHW::WaitForEvent ()
map<string,any> dialog_ret = nil;
// callbacks
* Callback
* Perform an action (when an event which is not handled internally occurred)
symbol(string,map) action_callback = nil;
* Callback
* Get rich text description of an item.
* This can be used to set it dynamically
string(string) get_item_descr_callback = nil;
* Callback
* Set all the items
* Should call the SetContents function of this module
void() set_items_callback = nil;
* Callback
* Select the initial item
* If not set, the first is selected
void() select_initial_item_callback = nil;
// internal functions
* Store the event description in internal variable
* To be used by WizardHW::WaitForEvent function
* @param selected string the ID of the currently selected item
* @param event a map of the current item
* @return always a non-nil symbol (needed just to finish event loop
symbol SimpleStoreReturnValue (string selected, map event) {
dialog_ret = $[
"event" : event,
"selected" : selected,
return `next; // anything but nil
* Set which item is to be selected
* @param selected string the item that is should be marked as selected
void _SetSelectedItem (string selected) {
if (selected != nil)
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`_hw_items), `CurrentItem, selected);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`_hw_sum), `Value, descriptions[selected]:"");
* Init function of the widget
* Used when using the callback interface
* @param key strnig the widget key
void Init (string key) {
if (set_items_callback != nil)
set_items_callback ();
y2warning ("No initialization callback");
if (select_initial_item_callback != nil)
select_initial_item_callback ();
_SetSelectedItem ((string)(current_items[0, "id"]:nil));
* Handle function of the widget
* Used when using the callback interface
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param key strnig the widget key
* @param event map event to be handled
* @return symbol for wizard sequencer or nil
symbol Handle (string key, map event) {
last_event = event;
string current = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`_hw_items), `CurrentItem);
if (event["ID"]:nil == `_hw_items)
string descr = "";
if (get_item_descr_callback == nil)
descr = descriptions[current]:"";
descr = get_item_descr_callback(current);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`_hw_sum), `Value, descr);
return nil;
if (action_callback == nil)
any ret = event["ID"]:nil;
if (is (ret, symbol))
return (symbol)ret;
return nil;
return action_callback (current, event);
// internal functions
void StoreCurrentItems (list<map<string,any> > items) {
current_items = items;
descriptions = listmap (map<string,any> i, items, {
return $[ i["id"]:"" : i["rich_descr"]:"" ];
* Get the description label for the action
* @param action a list describing the action
* @return string the label of the action
string GetActionLabel (list action) {
string fallback = "";
if (is (action[0]:nil, string))
fallback = action[0]:"";
return action[1]:fallback;
* Create the Push/Menu button for additional actions
* @param actions a list of the actions
* @return term the widget
term CreateActionsButton (list<list> actions) {
integer sz = size (actions);
if (sz == 0)
return `Empty ();
if (sz == 1)
any id = actions[0,0]:nil;
if (id == nil)
y2error ("Unknown ID for button: %1", actions[0]:nil);
id = "nil";
return `PushButton (`id (id),
GetActionLabel (actions[0]:[]));
list<term> items = maplist (list i, actions, {
any id = i[0]:nil;
if (id == nil)
y2error ("Unknown ID for button: %1", actions[0]:nil);
id = "nil";
return `item (`id (id), GetActionLabel (i));
// menu button
return `MenuButton (_("&Other"), items);
// CWM widget
* Create CWM widtet for the hardware settings
* NOTE: The Init and Handle callbacks must be defined
* @stable
* @param headers a list of headers of the table
* @param actions a list of additionaly offered actions, see CreateHWDialog
* function for details
* @return a map a widget for CWM
global map<string,any> CreateWidget (
list<string> headers,
list<list> actions
) {
term hdr = `header ();
foreach (string hi, headers, {
hdr = add (hdr, hi);
term item_list = `Table (`id (`_hw_items), `opt (`notify, `immediate), hdr);
term buttons = `HBox (
`PushButton (`id (`add), Label::AddButton ()),
`PushButton (`id (`edit), Label::EditButton ()),
`PushButton (`id (`delete), Label::DeleteButton ()),
`HStretch (),
CreateActionsButton (actions)
term item_summary = `RichText (`id (`_hw_sum), "");
term contents = `VBox (
`VWeight (3, item_list),
`VWeight (1, item_summary),
list handle_events = [ `_hw_items, `add, `edit, `delete ];
list extra_events = maplist (list i, actions, {
return i[1]:nil;
extra_events = filter (any i, extra_events, {
return i != nil;
handle_events = merge (handle_events, extra_events);
map<string,any> ret = $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : contents,
"handle_events" : handle_events,
return ret;
// callback iface
* Draw the dialog, handle all its events via callbacks
* @stable
* @param settings a map containing all the settings:
* $[
* "action_callback" : symbol(string,map<string,any>) -- callback to handle
* all events which aren't handled internally, first parameter is
* the ID of the selected item, second is the event. If not set,
* events which are symbols are returned to wizard sequencer
* "set_items_callback" : void() -- callback to set the items to be displayed.
* Should called WizardHW::SetContents instead of direct widgets
* modification, as it stores the settings also internally. This callback
* must be set.
* "set_initial_item_callback" : void() -- callback to set the selected item
* when dialog initialized. Should call the function
* WizardHW::SetSelectedItem instead of manual widget modification.
* If not set, the first item is selected.
* "item_descr_callback" : string(string) -- callback to get rich text
* description of the item if it is intended to be dynamical.
* if not set, static description set via "set_items_callback" is
* used.
* "actions" : list<list> -- a list of actions to be offered
* via additional button next to Add/Edit/Delete button. Each item is
* a two-item-list, where the first item is the event ID and the second
* item is the label of the entry of the menu button. If there is only
* one entry, menu button is replaced by push button. If empty
* (or not specifued), nothing is shown.
* "title" : string -- the dialog title, must be specified
* "help" : string -- the help for the dialog, must be specifed
* "headers" : list<string> -- a list of the table headers, must be specified
* "next_button" : string -- label for the "Next" button. To hide it, set to
* nil. If not specified, "Next" is used.
* "back_button" : string -- label for the "Back" button. To hide it, set to
* nil. If not specified, "Back" is used.
* "abort_button" : string -- label for the "Abort" button. To hide it, set to
* nil. If not specified, "Abort" is used.
* ]
* @return symbol for wizard sequencer
global symbol RunHWDialog (map settings) {
// reinitialize internal variables
current_items = [];
descriptions = $[];
last_event = $[];
// callbacks
action_callback = (symbol(string,map))
get_item_descr_callback = (string(string))
set_items_callback = (void())
select_initial_item_callback = (void ())
// other variables
list<list> actions = settings["actions"]:[];
list<string> headers = settings["headers"]:[];
string title = settings["title"]:"";
string help = settings["help"]:"HELP";
// adapt the widget description map
map<string,any> widget = CreateWidget (headers, actions);
widget = remove (widget, "handle_events");
widget["help"] = help;
widget["init"] = Init;
widget["handle"] = Handle;
map<string,map<string,any> > widget_descr = $[
"wizard_hw" : widget,
// now run the dialog via CWM with handler set
return CWM::ShowAndRun ($[
"widget_descr" : widget_descr,
"widget_names" : ["wizard_hw"],
"contents" : `VBox ("wizard_hw"),
"caption" : title,
"abort_button" : settings["abort_button"]:Label::AbortButton (),
"back_button" : settings["back_button"]:Label::BackButton (),
"next_button" : settings["next_button"]:Label::NextButton (),
// simple iface
* Create the Hardware Wizard dialog
* Draw the dialog
* @stable
* @param title string the dialog title
* @param help string the help for the dialog
* @param headers a list of the table headers
* @param actions a list of actions to be offered
* via additional button next to Add/Edit/Delete button. Each item is
* a two-item-list, where the first item is the event ID and the second
* item is the label of the entry of the menu button. If there is only
* one entry, menu button is replaced by push button. If empty
* (or not specifued), nothing is shown.
* below the widgets (next to other buttons)
global void CreateHWDialog (
string title,
string help,
list<string> headers,
list<list> actions
) {
// reinitialize internal variables
current_items = [];
descriptions = $[];
last_event = $[];
get_item_descr_callback = nil;
action_callback = SimpleStoreReturnValue;
// now create the dialog
map<string,any> widget_descr = CreateWidget (headers, actions);
widget_descr["help"] = help; // to suppress error in log
list<map<string,any> > w = CWM::CreateWidgets (["wizard_hw"],
$[ "wizard_hw" : widget_descr ]);
term contents = w[0, "widget"]:`VBox ();
Wizard::SetContents (title, contents, help, false, true);
* Set which item is to be selected
* @stable
* @param selected string the item that is should be marked as selected
global void SetSelectedItem (string selected) {
_SetSelectedItem (selected);
* Return the id of the currently selected item in the table
* @stable
* @return id of the selected item
global string SelectedItem () {
return (string) UI::QueryWidget (`id(`_hw_items), `CurrentItem);
* Set the rich text description.
* @stable
* @param descr rich text description
global void SetRichDescription (string descr) {
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`_hw_sum), `Value, descr);
* Set the information about hardware
* @stable
* @param items a list of maps, one item per item in the dialog, with keys
* "id" : string = the identification of the device,
* "rich_descr" : string = RichText description of the device
* "table_descr" : list<string> = fields of the table
global void SetContents (list<map<string,any> > items) {
list<term> term_items = maplist (map<string,any> i, items, {
term t = `item (`id (i["id"]:""));
foreach (string l, i["table_descr"]:[], {
t = add (t, l);
return t;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`_hw_items), `Items, term_items);
StoreCurrentItems (items);
boolean enabled = size (items) > 0;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`edit), `Enabled, enabled);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`delete), `Enabled, enabled);
if (enabled)
SetSelectedItem (items[0, "id"]:"");
* Wait for event from the event
* @stable
* @return a map with keys:
* "event" : map = event as returned from UI::WaitForEvent (),
* "selected" : string = ID of the selected item in the list box
global map<string,any> WaitForEvent () {
map event = nil;
while (event == nil)
event = (map)UI::WaitForEvent ();
if (Handle ("wizard_hw", event) == nil)
event = nil;
return dialog_ret;
* Wait for event from the event
* @stable
* @return a map with keys:
* "event" : any = event as returned from UI::UserInoput ()
* "selected" : string = ID of the selected item in the list box
global map<string,any> UserInput () {
map<string,any> ret = WaitForEvent ();
ret["event"] = ret["event", "ID"]:nil;
return ret;
* Create rich text description of a device. It can be used for WizardHW::SetContents
* function for formatting richtext device descriptions
* @stable
* @param title header - usually device name
* @param properties important properties of the device which should be
* displayed in the overview dialog
* @return string rich text string
global define string CreateRichTextDescription(string title, list<string> properties) {
string items = "";
if (properties != nil && size(properties) > 0)
foreach(string prop, properties, {
items = items + "<LI>" + prop + "</LI>";
string ret = "";
if (title != nil && title != "")
ret = "<P><B>" + title + "</B></P>";
if (items != "")
ret = ret + "<P><UL>" + items + "</UL></P>";
return ret;
* Get propertly list of an unconfigured device. Should be used together with
* device name in CreateRichTextDescription() function.
* @stable
* @return a list of strings
global list<string> UnconfiguredDevice() {
// translators: message for hardware configuration without any configured
// device
return [_("The device is not configured")
// translators: message for hardware configuration without any configured
// device
, _("Press <B>Edit</B> to configure")];
// EOF