if (VM_Common::proposal_type != "boot") {// allow the cdrom_image setting to persist when moving from proposal_type 'install' to proposal_type 'boot'. See bugzilla #174616.
if (tointeger(kernel_ver_list[0]:"0") >= 2 && tointeger(kernel_ver_list[1]:"0") >= 6 && tointeger(kernel_ver_list[2]:"0") >= 18) { // if kernel version is >= 2.6.18, add "sdl=1" to the vm config file
ret = ret && WriteOption(configpath, "sdl", "1");
ret = ret && WriteOption(configpath, "localtime", tostring(VM_Common::localtime));
// ret = ret && WriteStringOption(configpath, "restart", "never"); //FIXME: config file option 'restart' is depreciated!!!
ret = ret && WriteStringOption(configpath, "on_poweroff", "destroy");
ret = ret && WriteStringOption(configpath, "on_reboot", "destroy");
ret = ret && WriteStringOption(configpath, "on_crash", "destroy");
if (VM_Common::GetVirtualizationType() == "full")
// write boot device option
ret = ret && WriteStringOption(configpath, "boot", boot_device);
VM_Common::GetPackage("kernel-" + kernel_ext); // ask for the kernel pkg again. This ensures CD1 is in the drive when the VM starts. See bugzilla #175111