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* Copyright 2004, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
* File: modules/SuSEFirewallExpertRules.ycp
* Package: SuSEFirewall configuration
* Summary: Interface manipulation of /etc/sysconfig/SuSEFirewall (expert rules)
* Authors: Lukas Ocilka <locilka@suse.cz>
* Flags: Unstable
* $id$
* Module for handling SuSEfirewall2 Expert Rules.
module "SuSEFirewallExpertRules";
textdomain "base";
import "SuSEFirewall";
import "Netmask";
import "IP";
* Firewall Expert Rulezz
* ATTENTION: You have to call SuSEFirewall::Read() to read the configuration
* into the memory and call SuSEFirewall::Write() to write the configuration
* and restart the firewall service.
* List of all possible protocols for expert rulezz.
* _rpc_ expects RPC service name as the destination port then.
list <string> allowed_expert_protocols = ["udp", "tcp", "icmp", "all", "_rpc_"];
* Returns list of all protocols accepted by the expert rules.
global list <string> GetAllExpertRulesProtocols () {
return allowed_expert_protocols;
// used to identify the IPv4 in regexp
string type_ip4 = "[0123456789]\.[0123456789]\.[0123456789]\.[0123456789]";
* Returns whether the netmask bits are valid.
boolean ValidNetmaskBits (integer netmask_bits) {
return (netmask_bits > 1 && netmask_bits <= 32);
* Function checks the network definition used for firewall expert rules.
* @example
* IsValidNetwork("") -> true
* IsValidNetwork("") -> false
* IsValidNetwork("") -> true
* IsValidNetwork("") -> true
* IsValidNetwork("") -> false
* IsValidNetwork("") -> true
* IsValidNetwork("") -> false
* IsValidNetwork("") -> true
* IsValidNetwork("0/0") -> true
* @see `man iptables`
* @param string network
* @return boolean if it is a valid network definition
global boolean IsValidNetwork (string network) {
// A.B.C.D (IP)
if (regexpmatch(network, "^" + type_ip4 + "$")) {
return IP::Check4(network);
// A.B.C.D/1 - A.B.C.D/32 (IP with a numeric netmask)
else if (regexpmatch(network, "^" + type_ip4 + "/[01234567890]$")) {
string part_ip = regexpsub (network, "^(" + type_ip4 + ")/[01234567890]$", "\\1");
string part_bits = regexpsub (network, "^" + type_ip4 + "(/[01234567890])$", "\\1");
return (IP::Check4(part_ip) && ValidNetmaskBits(tointeger(part_bits)));
// 0/0 (all)
else if (network == "0/0") {
return true;
// A.B.C.D/E.F.G.H (IP with Netmask)
else if (regexpmatch(network, "^" + type_ip4 + "/" + type_ip4 + "$")) {
string part_ip = regexpsub (network, "^(" + type_ip4 + ")/" + type_ip4 + "$", "\\1");
string part_netmask = regexpsub (network, "^" + type_ip4 + "/(" + type_ip4 + ")$", "\\1");
return (IP::Check4(part_ip) && Netmask::Check4(part_netmask));
// The rest
else {
y2warning("Unknown network type: %1", network);
return false;
* Returns string of valid network definition.
* @return string describing the valid network.
global string ValidNetwork () {
// TRANSLATORS: description of the valid network definition
return _("A valid network definition can contain the IP,
IP/Netmask, IP/Netmask_Bits, or 0/0 for all networks.
IP/Netmask_Bits: or
* Adjusts parameters to the acceptable representation
map <string, string> AdjustParameters (map <string, string> params) {
if (params["network"]:"" == "") {
y2warning("No network defined, using '0/0' instead!");
params["network"] = "0/0";
if (params["protocol"]:"" == "") {
y2warning("No protocol defined, using 'all' instead!");
params["protocol"] = "all";
params["protocol"] = tolower(params["protocol"]:"");
return params;
* Returns list of rules (maps) describing protocols and ports that are allowed
* to be accessed from listed hosts. "network" and "protocol" are needed arguments,
* "dport" and "sport" are optional. Undefined values are returned as empty strings.
* "network" is either an IP, IP/Netmask or IP/Netmask_Bits where the connection
* originates; "protocol" defines the transport protocol; "dport" is the destination
* port on the current host; "sport" is the source port on the client.
* Port can be port number, port name, port range. Protocol can be 'tcp', 'udp',
* 'icmp', 'all' or '_rpc_' (dport is then a RPC service name, e.g., ypbind).
* @see IsValidNetwork()
* @struct This might return, e.g., [
* // All requests from to TCP port 22
* $[ "network" : "", "protocol" : "tcp", "dport" : "22", "sport" : "" ],
* // All requests from network to UDP port 53 originating on port 53
* $[ "network" : "", "protocol" : "udp", "dport" : "53", "sport" : "53" ],
* // All requests from network 0/0 (everywhere) to TCP port 443
* $[ "network" : "0/0", "protocol" : "tcp", "dport" : "443", "sport" : "" ],
* ]
* @param string zone
* @return list <map <string, string> > of rules
* @example
* GetListOfAcceptRules("EXT") -> $[]
global list <map <string, string> > GetListOfAcceptRules (string zone) {
zone = toupper(zone);
// Check the zone
if (! contains(SuSEFirewall::GetKnownFirewallZones(), zone)) {
y2error("Unknown firewall zone: %1", zone);
return nil;
// Format: space separated list of net,protocol[,dport][,sport]
list <map <string, string> > rules = maplist (
string one_rule,
splitstring(SuSEFirewall::GetAcceptExpertRules(zone), " +"),
// comma separated
list <string> rule_splitted = splitstring(one_rule, ",");
return $[
"network" : rule_splitted[0]:"",
"protocol" : rule_splitted[1]:"",
"dport" : rule_splitted[2]:"",
"sport" : rule_splitted[3]:"",
// filtering out empty rules
rules = filter (map <string, string> one_rule, rules, {
return ! (
one_rule["network"]:"" == "" &&
one_rule["protocol"]:"" == "" &&
one_rule["dport"]:"" == "" &&
one_rule["sport"]:"" == ""
return rules;
* Adds a new accept-rule. Possible keys for parameters are "network",
* "protocol", "dport" and "sport". Needed are "network" and "protocol".
* @param string zone
* @param map <string, string> params
* @see GetListOfAcceptRules()
* @see RemoveAcceptRule()
* @example
* AddNewAcceptRule (
* "EXT",
* $["network":"", "protocol":"tcp", "sport":"22"]
* ) -> true
global boolean AddNewAcceptRule (string zone, map <string, string> params) {
zone = toupper(zone);
// Check the zone
if (! contains(SuSEFirewall::GetKnownFirewallZones(), zone)) {
y2error("Unknown firewall zone: %1", zone);
return nil;
// Get all current rules
string current_rules = SuSEFirewall::GetAcceptExpertRules(zone);
if (current_rules == nil) {
y2error("Impossible to set new AcceptExpertRule for zone %1", zone);
return false;
// Adjusting params
params = AdjustParameters(params);
// Creating new record
string new_rule = params["network"]:"" + "," + params["protocol"]:"";
if (params["dport"]:"" != "") new_rule = new_rule + "," + params["dport"]:"";
if (params["sport"]:"" != "") new_rule = new_rule + "," + params["sport"]:"";
if (new_rule == "0/0,all") {
y2warning("Adding rule '%1' that allows everything from all networks!", new_rule);
current_rules = current_rules + (size(current_rules) > 0 ? " ":"") + new_rule;
return SuSEFirewall::SetAcceptExpertRules(zone, current_rules);
* Removes a single expert firewall rule.
* @param string zone
* @param map <string, string> params
* @see GetListOfAcceptRules() for possible keys in map
* @see AddNewAcceptRule()
* @example
* RemoveAcceptRule (
* "EXT",
* $["network":"", "protocol":"tcp", "sport":"22"]
* ) -> true
global boolean RemoveAcceptRule (string zone, map <string, string> params) {
zone = toupper(zone);
// Check the zone
if (! contains(SuSEFirewall::GetKnownFirewallZones(), zone)) {
y2error("Unknown firewall zone: %1", zone);
return nil;
string current_rules = SuSEFirewall::GetAcceptExpertRules(zone);
if (current_rules == nil) {
y2error("Impossible remove any AcceptExpertRule for zone %1", zone);
return false;
// Creating record to be removed
string remove_rule = params["network"]:"" + "," + params["protocol"]:"";
if (params["dport"]:"" != "") remove_rule = remove_rule + "," + params["dport"]:"";
if (params["sport"]:"" != "") remove_rule = remove_rule + "," + params["sport"]:"";
// Filtering out the record
list <string> current_rules_list = splitstring (current_rules, " ");
current_rules_list = filter (string one_rule, current_rules_list, {
return (one_rule != remove_rule && one_rule != "" && one_rule != ",");
current_rules = mergestring (current_rules_list, " ");
return SuSEFirewall::SetAcceptExpertRules(zone, current_rules);
/* EOF */