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* Copyright 2004, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
* File: modules/SuSEFirewall.ycp
* Package: SuSEFirewall configuration
* Summary: Interface manipulation of /etc/sysconfig/SuSEFirewall
* Authors: Lukas Ocilka <locilka@suse.cz>
* $id$
* Module for handling SuSEfirewall2.
module "SuSEFirewall";
textdomain "base";
import "Mode";
import "Service";
import "NetworkDevices";
import "SuSEFirewallServices";
import "PortAliases";
import "Report";
import "Message";
import "Progress";
import "PortRanges";
# <!-- SuSEFirewall VARIABLES //-->
* configuration hasn't been read for the default
* this should reduce the readings to only ONE
boolean configuration_has_been_read = false;
* String which includes all interfaces not-defined in any zone
global string special_all_interface_string = "any";
* Maximal number of port number, they are in the interval 1-65535 included
global integer max_port_number = PortRanges::max_port_number;
* Zone which works with the special_all_interface_string string
global string special_all_interface_zone = "EXT";
/* firewall settings map */
map<string, any> SETTINGS = $[];
/* configuration was modified when true */
boolean modified = false;
/* defines if SuSEFirewall is running */
boolean is_running = false;
/* default settings for SuSEFirewall */
map<string, string> DEFAULT_SETTINGS = $[
"FW_LOG_DROP_ALL" : "no",
"FW_LOG_DROP_CRIT" : "yes",
"FW_ROUTE" : "no",
"FW_ALLOW_PING_FW" : "yes",
"FW_IPSEC_TRUST" : "no",
/* verbose_level -> if verbosity is more than 0, be verbose, starting in verbose mode */
integer verbose_level = 1;
/* list of known firewall zones */
list <string> known_firewall_zones = [ "INT", "DMZ", "EXT" ];
/* map defines zone name for all known firewall zones */
map <string, string> zone_names = $[
// TRANSLATORS: Firewall zone name - used in combo box or dialog title
"EXT" : _("External Zone"),
// TRANSLATORS: Firewall zone name - used in combo box or dialog title
"INT" : _("Internal Zone"),
// TRANSLATORS: Firewall zone name - used in combo box or dialog title
"DMZ" : _("Demilitarized Zone"),
/* internal zone identification - useful for protect-from-internal */
string int_zone_shortname = "INT";
/* list of protocols supported in firewall, use only upper-cases */
list <string> supported_protocols = [ "TCP", "UDP", "RPC", "IP" ];
/* list of keys in map of definition well-known services */
list <string> service_defined_by = ["tcp_ports", "udp_ports", "rpc_ports", "ip_protocols", "broadcast_ports"];
/* list of services currently allowed, which share ports (for instance RPC services) */
map <string, list <string> > allowed_conflict_services = $[];
/* services needed for well-running firewall */
list <string> firewall_services = [ "SuSEfirewall2_init", "SuSEfirewall2_setup" ];
list <string> firewall_services_reverse = [ "SuSEfirewall2_setup", "SuSEfirewall2_init" ];
list <string> SuSEFirewall_variables = [
// zones and interfaces
// services in zones
// global routing, masquerading
// broadcast packets
// logging
// IPsec support
// Custom rulezz
// net,protocol[,dport][,sport]
# <!-- SuSEFirewall VARIABLES //-->
* Function sets internal variable, which indicates, that any
* "firewall settings were modified", to "true"
global define void SetModified () {
modified = true;
// Please, do not us this function
// Only for firewall installation proposal
global define void ResetModified () {
y2milestone("Reseting firewall-modified to 'false'");
modified = false;
* Function returns list of known firewall zones (shortnames)
* @return list <string> of firewall zones
global define list <string> GetKnownFirewallZones () {
return known_firewall_zones;
global define boolean IsServiceSupportedInZone (string service, string zone);
global define list <string> GetSpecialInterfacesInZone (string zone);
global define void AddSpecialInterfaceIntoZone (string interface, string zone);
* Variable for ReportOnlyOnce() function
list <string> report_only_once = [];
* Report the error, warning, message only once.
* Stores the error, warning, message in memory.
* This is just a helper function that could avoid from filling y2log up with
* a lot of the very same messages - 'foreach()' is a very powerful builtin.
* @param string error, warning or message
* @return boolean whether the message should be reported or not
* @example
* string error = sformat("Port number %1 is invalid.", port_nr);
* if (ReportOnlyOnce(error)) y2error(error);
boolean ReportOnlyOnce (string what_to_report) {
if (contains(report_only_once, what_to_report)) {
return false;
} else {
report_only_once = add (report_only_once, what_to_report);
return true;
# <!-- SuSEFirewall LOCAL FUNCTIONS //-->
* Function returns whether the feature 'any' network interface is supported in the
* firewall configuration. The string 'any' must be in the 'EXT' zone.
* @return boolean is_supported whether the feature is supported or not
global boolean IsAnyNetworkInterfaceSupported () {
return contains(GetSpecialInterfacesInZone(special_all_interface_zone), special_all_interface_string);
* Function return list of variables needed for SuSEFirewall's settings.
* @return list <string> of names of variables
list <string> GetListOfSuSEFirewallVariables () {
return SuSEFirewall_variables;
* Local function for increasing the verbosity level.
void IncreaseVerbosity () {
verbose_level = verbose_level + 1;
* Local function for decreasing the verbosity level.
void DecreaseVerbosity () {
verbose_level = verbose_level - 1;
* Local function returns if other functions should produce verbose output.
* like popups, reporting errors, etc.
boolean IsVerbose () {
// verbose level must be above zero to be verbose
return (verbose_level > 0);
* Local function for returning default values (if defined) for sysconfig variables.
* @param string sysconfig variable
string GetDefaultValue (string variable) {
return (string) DEFAULT_SETTINGS[variable]:"";
* Local function for reading list of sysconfig variables into internal variables.
* @param list <string> of sysconfig variables
void ReadSysconfigSuSEFirewall (list<string> variables) {
foreach (string variable, variables, {
string value = (string) SCR::Read(add(.sysconfig.SuSEfirewall2,variable));
// if variable is undefined, get default value
if (value == nil || value == "")
value = GetDefaultValue(variable);
// see bugzilla #194419
// replace all "\n" with " " in variables
if (regexpmatch(value, "\n"))
value = mergestring(splitstring(value, "\n"), " ");
// replace all "\t" with " " in variables
if (regexpmatch(value, "\t"))
value = mergestring(splitstring(value, "\t"), " ");
SETTINGS[variable] = value;
* Local function for reseting list of sysconfig variables in internal variables.
* @param list <string> of sysconfig variables
void ResetSysconfigSuSEFirewall (list<string> variables) {
foreach (string variable, variables, {
// reseting means getting default variables
SETTINGS[variable] = GetDefaultValue(variable);
* Local function for writing the list of internal variables into sysconfig.
* List of variables is list of keys in SETTINGS map, to sync configuration
* into the disk, use `nil` as the last list item.
* @param list <string> of sysconfig variables
boolean WriteSysconfigSuSEFirewall (list<string> variables) {
boolean write_status = true;
foreach (string variable, variables, {
write_status = (boolean) SCR::Write(
// if variable is undefined, get default value
if (! write_status) {
write_status = SCR::Write(.sysconfig.SuSEfirewall2, nil);
if (! write_status) {
return write_status;
* Local function returns if protocol is supported by firewall.
* Protocol name must be in upper-cases.
* @param string protocol
* @return boolean if protocol is supported
boolean IsSupportedProtocol (string protocol) {
return contains(supported_protocols, protocol);
* Local function returns if zone (shortname like "EXT") is supported by firewall.
* Undefined zones are, for sure, unsupported.
* @param string zone shortname
* @return boolean if zone is known and supported.
boolean IsKnownZone (string zone) {
boolean is_zone = false;
foreach (string known_zone, GetKnownFirewallZones(), {
if (known_zone == zone) {
is_zone = true;
return is_zone;
* Local function returns configuration string used in configuration for zone.
* For instance "ext" for "EXT" zone.
* @param string zone shortname
* @return string zone configuration string
string GetZoneConfigurationString (string zone) {
if (IsKnownZone(zone)) {
// zones in SuSEFirewall configuration are identified by lowercased zone shorters
return tolower(zone);
return nil;
* Local function returns zone name (shortname) for configuration string.
* For instance "EXT" for "ext" zone.
* @param string zone configuration string
* @return string zone shortname
string GetConfigurationStringZone (string zone_string) {
if (IsKnownZone(toupper(zone_string))) {
// zones in SuSEFirewall configuration are identified by lowercased zone shorters
return toupper(zone_string);
return nil;
* Function returns list of allowed services for zone and protocol
* @param string zone
* @param string protocol
* @return list <string> of allowed services/ports
list <string> GetAllowedServicesForZoneProto (string zone, string protocol) {
return splitstring(SETTINGS["FW_SERVICES_" + zone + "_" + protocol]:"", " ");
* Function sets list of services as allowed ports for zone and protocol
* @param list <string> of allowed ports/services
* @param string zone
* @param string protocol
void SetAllowedServicesForZoneProto (list <string> allowed_services, string zone, string protocol) {
SETTINGS["FW_SERVICES_" + zone + "_" + protocol] = mergestring (toset(allowed_services), " ");
* Local function returns configuration string for broadcast packets.
* @return string with broadcast configuration
string GetBroadcastConfiguration (string zone) {
return SETTINGS["FW_ALLOW_FW_BROADCAST_" + zone]:"no";
* Local function saves configuration string for broadcast packets.
* @param string with broadcast configuration
void SetBroadcastConfiguration (string zone, string broadcast_configuration) {
SETTINGS["FW_ALLOW_FW_BROADCAST_" + zone] = broadcast_configuration;
* Local function return map of allowed ports (without aliases).
* If any list for zone is defined but empty, all allowed
* UDP ports for this zone also accept broadcast packets.
* @return map <zone, list <string> > strings are allowed ports or port ranges
global define map <string, list <string> > GetBroadcastAllowedPorts () {
map <string, list <string> > allowed_ports = $[];
foreach (string zone, GetKnownFirewallZones(), {
string broadcast = GetBroadcastConfiguration(zone);
// no broadcast allowed for this zone
if (broadcast == "no") {
allowed_ports[zone] = [];
// all UDP port allowed in zone also allow broadcast
} else if (broadcast == "yes") {
allowed_ports[zone] = GetAllowedServicesForZoneProto (zone, "UDP");
// only listed ports allows broadcast
} else {
allowed_ports[zone] = splitstring(broadcast, " ");
allowed_ports[zone] = filter (string not_space, splitstring(broadcast, " "), {
return not_space != "";
y2debug("Allowed Broadcast Ports: %1", allowed_ports);
return allowed_ports;
* Function creates allowed-broadcast-ports string from broadcast map and saves it.
* @param map <zone_string, list <string> > strings are allowed ports or port ranges
global define void SetBroadcastAllowedPorts (map <string, list <string> > broadcast) {
foreach (string zone, GetKnownFirewallZones(), {
SetBroadcastConfiguration(zone, mergestring(broadcast[zone]:[], " "));
* Function returns if broadcast is allowed for needed ports in zone.
* @param list <string> ports
* @param string zone
* @return boolean if is allowed
boolean IsBroadcastAllowed (list <string> needed_ports, string zone) {
if (size(needed_ports)==0) {
y2warning("Unknown service with no needed ports!");
return nil;
// getting broadcast allowed ports
map <string, list <string> > allowed_ports_map = GetBroadcastAllowedPorts();
// Divide allowed port ranges and aliases (also with their port aliases)
map <string, list <string> > allowed_ports_divided = PortRanges::DividePortsAndPortRanges (
allowed_ports_map[zone]:[], true
// If there are no allowed ports at all
if (allowed_ports_divided["ports"]:[] == [] && allowed_ports_divided["port_ranges"]:[] == []) {
return false;
// clean up the memory a bit
allowed_ports_map = nil;
boolean is_allowed = true;
// checking all needed ports;
foreach (string needed_port, needed_ports, {
// allowed ports don't contain the needed one and also portranges don't
if (
!contains (allowed_ports_divided["ports"]:[], needed_port) &&
!PortRanges::PortIsInPortranges (needed_port, allowed_ports_divided["port_ranges"]:[])
) {
is_allowed = false;
return is_allowed;
* Local function removes list of ports from port allowing broadcast packets in zone.
* @param list <of ports> to be removed
* @param string zone
void RemoveAllowedBroadcast (list <string> needed_ports, string zone) {
map <string, list <string> > allowed_ports = GetBroadcastAllowedPorts();
list <string> list_ports_allowed = allowed_ports[zone]:[];
// ports to be allowed one by one
foreach (string allow_this_port, needed_ports, {
// remove all aliases of ports yet mentioned in zone
list <string> aliases_of_port = PortAliases::GetListOfServiceAliases(allow_this_port);
list_ports_allowed = filter (string just_allowed, list_ports_allowed, {
return (! contains(aliases_of_port, just_allowed));
allowed_ports[zone] = list_ports_allowed;
// save it using function
* Local function adds list of ports to ports accepting broadcast
* @param list <string> of ports
void AddAllowedBroadcast (list <string> needed_ports, string zone) {
// changing only if ports are not allowed
if (! IsBroadcastAllowed (needed_ports, zone)) {
map <string, list <string> > allowed_ports = GetBroadcastAllowedPorts();
list <string> list_ports_allowed = allowed_ports[zone]:[];
// ports to be allowed one by one
foreach (string allow_this_port, needed_ports, {
// at first: remove all aliases of ports yet mentioned in zone
list <string> aliases_of_port = PortAliases::GetListOfServiceAliases(allow_this_port);
list_ports_allowed = filter (string just_allowed, list_ports_allowed, {
return (! contains(aliases_of_port, just_allowed));
// at second: add only one
list_ports_allowed = add(list_ports_allowed, allow_this_port);
allowed_ports[zone] = list_ports_allowed;
// save it using function
* Local function for removing (disallowing) single service/port
* for defined protocol and zone. Functions doesn't take care of
* port-aliases.
* @param string service/port
* @param string protocol
* @param string zone
* @return boolean success
boolean RemoveServiceFromProtocolZone(string remove_service, string protocol, string zone) {
string key = "FW_SERVICES_" + zone + "_" + protocol;
list <string> allowed = splitstring(SETTINGS[key]:"", " ");
allowed = filter (string single_service, allowed, {
return single_service != "" && single_service != remove_service;
SETTINGS[key] = mergestring(toset(allowed), " ");
return true;
* Local function removes ports and their aliases (if check_for_aliases is true), for
* requested protocol and zone.
* @param list <string> ports to be removed
* @param string protocol
* @param string zone
* @param boolean check for port-aliases
void RemoveAllowedPortsOrServices (list <string> remove_ports, string protocol, string zone, boolean check_for_aliases) {
if (size(remove_ports)<1) {
y2warning("Undefined list of %1 services/ports for service", protocol);
// all allowed ports
map <string, list <string> > allowed_services = PortRanges::DividePortsAndPortRanges (
GetAllowedServicesForZoneProto (zone, protocol), false
// removing all aliases of ports too, adding aliases into
if (check_for_aliases) {
list <string> remove_ports_with_aliases = [];
foreach (string remove_port, remove_ports, {
// skip port ranges, they cannot have any port-alias
if (PortRanges::IsPortRange (remove_port)) {
remove_ports_with_aliases = add (remove_ports_with_aliases, remove_port);
list <string> remove_these_ports = PortAliases::GetListOfServiceAliases(remove_port);
if (remove_these_ports == nil) { remove_these_ports = [ remove_port ]; }
remove_ports_with_aliases = (list<string>) union (remove_ports_with_aliases,
remove_ports = remove_ports_with_aliases;
remove_ports = toset(remove_ports);
// Remove ports only once (because of port aliases), any => integers and strings
list <any> already_removed = [];
foreach (string remove_port, remove_ports, {
// Removing from normal ports
allowed_services["ports"] = filter (string allowed_port, allowed_services["ports"]:[], {
return allowed_port != "" && allowed_port != remove_port;
// Removing also from port ranges
if (allowed_services["port_ranges"]:[] != []) {
// Removing a real port from port ranges
if (! PortRanges::IsPortRange (remove_port)) {
integer remove_port_nr = PortAliases::GetPortNumber(remove_port);
// Because of all port aliases
if (!contains(already_removed, remove_port_nr)) {
already_removed = add (already_removed, remove_port_nr);
allowed_services["port_ranges"] = PortRanges::RemovePortFromPortRanges (
remove_port_nr, allowed_services["port_ranges"]:[]
// Removing a port range from port ranges
} else {
if (!contains(already_removed, remove_port)) {
// Just filtering the exact port range
allowed_services["port_ranges"] = filter (string one_port_range, allowed_services["port_ranges"]:[], {
return one_port_range != remove_port;
already_removed = add (already_removed, remove_port);
list <string> allowed_services_all = (list <string>) union (
allowed_services_all = PortRanges::FlattenServices (allowed_services_all, protocol);
SetAllowedServicesForZoneProto (allowed_services_all, zone, protocol);
* Local function allows ports for requested protocol and zone.
* @param list <string> ports to be added
* @param string protocol
* @param string zone
void AddAllowedPortsOrServices (list <string> add_ports, string protocol, string zone) {
if (size(add_ports)<1) {
y2warning("Undefined list of %1 services/ports for service", protocol);
// all allowed ports
list <string> allowed_services = GetAllowedServicesForZoneProto (zone, protocol);
allowed_services = (list<string>) union (allowed_services, add_ports);
allowed_services = PortRanges::FlattenServices (allowed_services, protocol);
SetAllowedServicesForZoneProto (allowed_services, zone, protocol);
* Local function removes well-known service's support from zone.
* Allowed ports are removed with all of their port-aliases.
* @param string service id
* @param string zone
void RemoveServiceSupportFromZone (string service, string zone) {
map <string, list <string> > needed = SuSEFirewallServices::GetNeededPortsAndProtocols(service);
// unknown service
if (needed == nil) {
y2error("Undefined service '%1'", service);
return nil;
// Removing service ports (and also port aliases for TCP and UDP)
foreach (string key, service_defined_by, {
list <string> needed_ports = needed[key]:[];
if (needed_ports == []) return;
if (key == "tcp_ports") {
RemoveAllowedPortsOrServices(needed_ports, "TCP", zone, true);
} else if (key == "udp_ports") {
RemoveAllowedPortsOrServices(needed_ports, "UDP", zone, true);
} else if (key == "rpc_ports") {
RemoveAllowedPortsOrServices(needed_ports, "RPC", zone, false);
} else if (key == "ip_protocols") {
RemoveAllowedPortsOrServices(needed_ports, "IP", zone, false);
} else if ("broadcast_ports" == key) {
RemoveAllowedBroadcast(needed_ports, zone);
} else {
y2error("Unknown key '%1'", key);
* Local function adds well-known service's support into zone. It first of all
* removes the current support for service with port-aliases.
* @param string service id
* @param string zone
void AddServiceSupportIntoZone (string service, string zone) {
map <string, list <string> > needed = SuSEFirewallServices::GetNeededPortsAndProtocols(service);
// unknown service
if (needed == nil) {
y2error("Undefined service '%1'", service);
return nil;
// Removing service ports first (and also port aliases for TCP and UDP)
if (IsServiceSupportedInZone(service,zone)) {
foreach (string key, service_defined_by, {
list <string> needed_ports = needed[key]:[];
if (needed_ports == []) return;
if (key == "tcp_ports") {
AddAllowedPortsOrServices(needed_ports, "TCP", zone);
} else if (key == "udp_ports") {
AddAllowedPortsOrServices(needed_ports, "UDP", zone);
} else if (key == "rpc_ports") {
AddAllowedPortsOrServices(needed_ports, "RPC", zone);
} else if (key == "ip_protocols") {
AddAllowedPortsOrServices(needed_ports, "IP", zone);
} else if ("broadcast_ports" == key) {
AddAllowedBroadcast(needed_ports, zone);
} else {
y2error("Unknown key '%1'", key);
* Local function returns conflicting services.
* @return list <string> of services
list <string> GetPossiblyConflictServices () {
return SuSEFirewallServices::GetPossiblyConflictServices();
* Local function for handling conflicting services in memory.
* Makes sense for services which share ports like RPC services.
* @param string service id
* @param boolean enable or disable
void HandleConflictService(string service, string zone, boolean enable) {
// only possibly conflict services are handled
if (! contains(GetPossiblyConflictServices(), service)) return;
if (enable) {
// adding new conflict service into list of allowed services
allowed_conflict_services[zone] = toset(add(allowed_conflict_services[zone]:[], service));
} else {
// removing current conflict service from list
allowed_conflict_services[zone] = filter(string filter_service, allowed_conflict_services[zone]:[], {
return filter_service != service;
// adding all allowed conflict services again
foreach (string conflict_service, allowed_conflict_services[zone]:[], {
AddServiceSupportIntoZone (conflict_service, zone);
# <!-- SuSEFirewall LOCAL FUNCTIONS //-->
# <!-- SuSEFirewall GLOBAL FUNCTIONS //-->
* Functions returns if any firewall's configuration was modified
* or wasn't
* @return boolean if the configuration was modified
global define boolean GetModified () {
return modified;
* Function resets flag which doesn't allow to read configuration from disk again
global define void ResetReadFlag () {
configuration_has_been_read = false;
* Function returns name of the zone identified by zone shortname.
* @param string short name
* @return string zone name
global define string GetZoneFullName (string zone) {
// TRANSLATORS: Firewall zone full-name, used as combo box item or dialog title
return zone_names[zone]:_("Unknown Zone");
* Function sets if firewall should be protected from internal zone.
* @param boolean set to be protected from internal zone
global define void SetProtectFromInternalZone (boolean set_protect) {
if (set_protect) {
} else {
* Function returns if firewall is protected from internal zone
* @return boolean if protected from internal
global define boolean GetProtectFromInternalZone () {
return (SETTINGS["FW_PROTECT_FROM_INT"]:"no" == "yes");
* Function sets if firewall should support routing.
* @param boolean set to support route or not
global define void SetSupportRoute (boolean set_route) {
if (set_route) {
} else {
* Function returns if firewall supports routing.
* @return boolean if route is supported
global define boolean GetSupportRoute () {
return (SETTINGS["FW_ROUTE"]:"no" == "yes");
* Function sets how firewall should trust successfully decrypted IPsec packets.
* It should be the zone name (shortname) or 'no' to trust packets the same as
* firewall trusts the zone from which IPsec packet came.
* @param string zone or "no"
global define void SetTrustIPsecAs (string zone) {
// do not trust
if (zone == "no") {
} else {
// trust IPsec is a known zone
if (IsKnownZone(zone)) {
zone = GetZoneConfigurationString(zone);
// unknown zone, changing to default value
} else {
string defaultv = GetDefaultValue("FW_IPSEC_TRUST");
y2warning("Trust IPsec as '%1' (unknown zone) changed to '%2'", zone, defaultv);
* Function returns the trust level of IPsec packets.
* See SetTrustIPsecAs() for more information.
* @return string zone or "no"
global define string GetTrustIPsecAs () {
// do not trust
if (SETTINGS["FW_IPSEC_TRUST"]:nil == "no") {
return "no";
// default value for 'yes" ~= "INT"
} else if (SETTINGS["FW_IPSEC_TRUST"]:nil == "yes") {
return "INT";
} else {
string zone = GetConfigurationStringZone(SETTINGS["FW_IPSEC_TRUST"]:"");
// trust as named zone (if known)
if (IsKnownZone(zone)) {
return zone;
// unknown zone, change to default value
} else {
string defaultv = GetDefaultValue("FW_IPSEC_TRUST");
y2warning("Trust IPsec as '%1' (unknown zone) changed to '%2'", SETTINGS["FW_IPSEC_TRUST"]:"", defaultv);
return "no";
* Function which returns if SuSEfirewall should start in Write process
* @return boolean if the firewall should start
global define boolean GetStartService () {
return (boolean) SETTINGS["start_firewall"]:false;
* Function which sets if SuSEfirewall should start in Write process
* @param boolean start_service at Write() process
global define void SetStartService (boolean start_service) {
if (GetStartService() != start_service) {
y2milestone("Setting start-firewall to %1", start_service);
SETTINGS["start_firewall"] = start_service;
} else {
// without set modified!
y2milestone("start-firewall has been already set to %1", start_service);
SETTINGS["start_firewall"] = start_service;
* Function which returns whether SuSEfirewall should be enabled in
* /etc/init.d/ starting scripts during the Write() process
* @see Write()
* @see EnableServices()
* @return boolean if the firewall should start
global define boolean GetEnableService () {
return (boolean) SETTINGS["enable_firewall"]:false;
* Function which sets if SuSEfirewall should start in Write process
* @param boolean start_service at Write() process
global define void SetEnableService (boolean enable_service) {
if (GetEnableService() != enable_service) {
y2milestone("Setting enable-firewall to %1", enable_service);
SETTINGS["enable_firewall"] = enable_service;
} else {
// without set modified
y2milestone("enable-firewall has been already set to %1", enable_service);
SETTINGS["enable_firewall"] = enable_service;
* Functions starts services needed for SuSEFirewall
* @return boolean result
global define boolean StartServices () {
boolean all_ok = true;
// bug #215416
// SuSEfirewall2_init doesn't need to be called, only enabled
//foreach (string service, firewall_services, {
// y2debug("Starting service: %1", service);
// if (! Service::Start(service)) {
// all_ok = false;
// y2error("Error starting service: %1", service);
// }
//string tmpdir_file = (string) SCR::Read(.target.tmpdir);
//if (tmpdir_file == nil || tmpdir_file == "") tmpdir_file = "/tmp";
string tmpdir_file = "/var/lib/YaST2";
tmpdir_file = tmpdir_file + "/SuSEfirewall2_YaST_output";
string command = sformat(
"/sbin/SuSEfirewall2 start 2>'%1'; cat '%1'; rm -rf '%1'",
y2milestone ("Starting firewall...");
map cmd = (map) SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output, command);
if (cmd["exit"]:nil != 0) {
y2error ("Starting firewall: >%1< returned %2", command, cmd);
all_ok = false;
} else {
y2milestone ("Started");
return all_ok;
* Functions stops services needed for SuSEFirewall
* @return boolean result
global define boolean StopServices () {
boolean all_ok = true;
// bug #215416
// SuSEfirewall2_init doesn't need to be called, only disabled
//foreach (string service, firewall_services_reverse, {
// y2debug("Stopping service: %1", service);
// if (! Service::Stop (service)) {
// y2error("Error stopping service: %1", service);
// all_ok = false;
// }
// string tmpdir_file = (string) SCR::Read(.target.tmpdir);
// if (tmpdir_file == nil || tmpdir_file == "") tmpdir_file = "/tmp";
string tmpdir_file = "/var/lib/YaST2";
tmpdir_file = tmpdir_file + "/SuSEfirewall2_YaST_output";
string command = sformat(
"/sbin/SuSEfirewall2 stop 2>'%1'; cat '%1'; rm -rf '%1'",
y2milestone ("Stopping firewall...");
map cmd = (map) SCR::Execute (.target.bash_output, command);
if (cmd["exit"]:nil != 0) {
y2error ("Stopping firewall: >%1< returned %2", command, cmd);
all_ok = false;
} else {
y2milestone ("Stopped");
return all_ok;
* Functions enables services needed for SuSEFirewall in /etc/inet.d/
* @return boolean result
global define boolean EnableServices () {
boolean all_ok = true;
foreach (string service, firewall_services, {
y2debug("Enabling service: %1", service);
if (! Service::Enable(service)) {
all_ok = true;
// TRANSLATORS: a popup error message
Report::Error (sformat (_("Cannot enable service '%1'."), service));
return all_ok;
* Functions disables services needed for SuSEFirewall in /etc/inet.d/
* @return boolean result
global define boolean DisableServices () {
boolean all_ok = true;
foreach (string service, firewall_services_reverse, {
y2debug("Disabling service: %1", service);
if (! Service::Disable(service)) {
all_ok = false;
// TRANSLATORS: a popup error message
Report::Error (sformat (_("Cannot disable service '%1'."), service));
return all_ok;
* Function determines if all SuSEFirewall scripts are enabled in
* init scripts /etc/init.d/ now.
* For configuration "enabled" status use GetEnableService().
* @return boolean if enabled
global define boolean IsEnabled () {
boolean enabled = false;
//if (Mode::normal() || Mode::commandline()) {
foreach (string service, firewall_services, {
enabled = Service::Enabled(service);
// All services have to be enabled
if (!enabled) {
y2milestone("Firewall service %1 is not enabled", service);
if (enabled) {
y2milestone("Firewall init scripts are enabled");
return enabled;
* Function determines if at least one SuSEFirewall script is started now.
* For configuration "started" status use GetStartService().
* @return boolean if started
global define boolean IsStarted () {
boolean started = false;
//if (Mode::normal() || Mode::commandline()) {
foreach (string service, firewall_services, {
if (Service::Status(service) == 0) {
started = true;
if (started == true) {
y2milestone("Firewall services are started");
} else {
y2milestone("Firewall services are stopped");
return started;
* Function for getting exported SuSEFirewall configuration
* @return map <string, any> with configuration
global define map <string, any> Export () {
return SETTINGS;
* Function for setting SuSEFirewall configuration from input
* @param map <string, any> with configuration
global define void Import (map <string, any> import_settings) {
SETTINGS = import_settings;
* Function returns if the interface is in zone.
* @param string interface
* @param string firewall zone
* @return boolean is in zone
global define boolean IsInterfaceInZone(string interface, string zone) {
list <string> interfaces = splitstring(SETTINGS[ "FW_DEV_" + zone ]:"", " ");
return contains(interfaces, interface);
* Function returns the firewall zone of interface, nil if no zone includes
* the interface. Error is reported when interface is found in multiple
* firewall zones, then the first appearance is returned.
* @param string interface
* @return string zone
global define string GetZoneOfInterface (string interface) {
list interface_zone = [];
foreach (string zone, GetKnownFirewallZones(), {
if (IsInterfaceInZone(interface, zone)) interface_zone = add (interface_zone, zone);
if (IsVerbose() && size(interface_zone) > 1) {
// TRANSLATORS: Error message, %1 = interface name (like eth0)
Report::Error(sformat(_("Interface '%1' is included in multiple firewall zones.
Continuing with configuration can produce errors.
It is recommended to leave the configuration and repair it manually in
the file '/etc/sysconfig/SuSEFirewall'."), interface));
// return the first existence of interface in zones
// if it is not presented anywhere, nil is returned
return (string) interface_zone[0]:nil;
* Function returns list of zones of requested interfaces
* @param list<string> interfaces
* @param list<string> firewall zones
global define list<string> GetZonesOfInterfaces (list<string> interfaces) {
list<string> zones = [];
string zone = "";
foreach (string interface, interfaces, {
zone = GetZoneOfInterface(interface);
if (zone != nil) zones = add(zones, zone);
return toset(zones);
global define list<string> GetInterfacesInZoneSupportingAnyFeature (string zone);
* Function returns list of zones of requested interfaces.
* Special string 'any' in 'EXT' zone is supported.
* @param list<string> interfaces
* @param list<string> firewall zones
global define list<string> GetZonesOfInterfacesWithAnyFeatureSupported (list<string> interfaces) {
list<string> zones = [];
string zone = "";
// 'any' in 'EXT'
list <string> interfaces_covered_by_any =
foreach (string interface, interfaces, {
// interface is covered by 'any' in 'EXT'
if (contains(interfaces_covered_by_any, interface))
zone = special_all_interface_zone;
// interface is explicitely mentioned in some zone
zone = GetZoneOfInterface(interface);
if (zone != nil) zones = add(zones, zone);
return toset(zones);
* Function returns list of maps of known interfaces.
* @struct [ $[ "id":"modem0", "name":"Askey 815C", "type":"dialup", "zone":"EXT" ], ... ]
* @return list <map <string, string> >
global define list <map <string, string> > GetAllKnownInterfaces () {
list <map <string, string> > known_interfaces = [];
// All dial-up interfaces
list <string> dialup_interfaces = NetworkDevices::List("dialup");
dialup_interfaces = filter(string interface, dialup_interfaces, ``{
return interface != "" && !issubstring(interface, "lo") && !issubstring(interface, "sit");
// All non-dial-up interfaces
list <string> non_dialup_interfaces = NetworkDevices::List("");
non_dialup_interfaces = filter(string interface, non_dialup_interfaces, ``{
return interface != "" && !issubstring(interface, "lo") && !issubstring(interface, "sit")
&& !contains(dialup_interfaces, interface);
foreach (string interface, dialup_interfaces, {
known_interfaces = add(known_interfaces, $[
"id" : interface,
"type" : "dialup",
// using function to get name
"name" : NetworkDevices::GetValue(interface, "NAME"),
"zone" : GetZoneOfInterface(interface),
foreach (string interface, non_dialup_interfaces, {
known_interfaces = add(known_interfaces, $[
"id" : interface,
// using function to get name
"name" : NetworkDevices::GetValue(interface, "NAME"),
"zone" : GetZoneOfInterface(interface),
return known_interfaces;
* Function returns list of non-dial-up interfaces.
* @return list <string> of non-dial-up interface names
global define list <string> GetAllNonDialUpInterfaces () {
list <string> non_dial_up_interfaces = [];
foreach (map<string, string> interface, SuSEFirewall::GetAllKnownInterfaces(), {
if (interface["type"]:nil != "dial_up")
non_dial_up_interfaces = add (non_dial_up_interfaces, interface["id"]:"");
return non_dial_up_interfaces;
* Function returns list of dial-up interfaces.
* @return list <string> of dial-up interface names
global define list <string> GetAllDialUpInterfaces () {
list <string> dial_up_interfaces = [];
foreach (map <string, string> interface, SuSEFirewall::GetAllKnownInterfaces(), {
if (interface["type"]:nil == "dial_up")
dial_up_interfaces = add (dial_up_interfaces, interface["id"]:"");
return dial_up_interfaces;
* Function returns list of all known interfaces.
* @return list <string> of interfaces
global define list <string> GetListOfKnownInterfaces () {
list <string> interfaces = [];
foreach (map interface_map, GetAllKnownInterfaces(), {
interfaces = add (interfaces, interface_map["id"]:"");
return interfaces;
* Function removes interface from defined zone.
* @param string interface
* @param string zone
global define void RemoveInterfaceFromZone (string interface, string zone) {
y2milestone("Removing interface '%1' from '%2' zone.", interface, zone);
list <string> interfaces_in_zone = splitstring (SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone]:"", " ");
interfaces_in_zone = filter (string single_interface, interfaces_in_zone, {
return single_interface != "" && single_interface != interface;
SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone] = mergestring(interfaces_in_zone, " ");
* Functions adds interface into defined zone.
* All appearances of interface in other zones are removed.
* @param string interface
* @param string zone
global define void AddInterfaceIntoZone (string interface, string zone) {
string current_zone = GetZoneOfInterface(interface);
// removing all appearances of interface in zones, excepting current_zone==new_zone
while (current_zone != nil && current_zone != zone) {
// interface is in any zone already, removing it at first
if (current_zone != zone) {
RemoveInterfaceFromZone(interface, current_zone);
current_zone = GetZoneOfInterface(interface);
y2milestone("Adding interface '%1' into '%2' zone.", interface, zone);
list <string> interfaces_in_zone = splitstring (SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone]:"", " ");
interfaces_in_zone = toset(add (interfaces_in_zone, interface));
SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone] = mergestring(interfaces_in_zone, " ");
* Function returns list of known interfaces in requested zone.
* Special strings like 'any' or 'auto' and unknown interfaces are removed from list.
* @param string zone
* @return list <string> of interfaces
global define list<string> GetInterfacesInZone (string zone) {
list <string> interfaces_in_zone = splitstring (SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone]:"", " ");
list <string> known_interfaces_now = GetListOfKnownInterfaces();
// filtering special strings
interfaces_in_zone = filter(string interface, interfaces_in_zone, ``{
return interface != "" && contains(known_interfaces_now, interface);
return interfaces_in_zone;
* Function returns all interfaces configured in firewall, already
* @return list <string> of configured interfaces
global define list<string> GetFirewallInterfaces () {
list<string> firewall_configured_devices = [];
foreach (string zone, GetKnownFirewallZones(), {
firewall_configured_devices = (list<string>) union (firewall_configured_devices, GetInterfacesInZone(zone));
return toset(firewall_configured_devices);
* Returns list of interfaces not mentioned in any zone and covered by the
* special string 'any' in zone 'EXT' if such string exists there and the zone
* is EXT.
* @param string zone
* @return list <string> of interfaces covered by special string 'any'
global define list<string> InterfacesSupportedByAnyFeature (string zone) {
list <string> result = [];
if (zone == special_all_interface_zone && IsAnyNetworkInterfaceSupported()) {
list <string> known_interfaces_now = GetListOfKnownInterfaces();
list <string> configured_interfaces = GetFirewallInterfaces();
foreach (string one_interface, known_interfaces_now, {
if (! contains(configured_interfaces, one_interface)) {
y2milestone("Interface '%1' supported by special string '%2' in zone '%3'",
one_interface, special_all_interface_string, special_all_interface_zone);
result = add (result, one_interface);
return result;
* Function returns list of known interfaces in requested zone.
* Special string 'any' in EXT zone covers all interfaces without
* any zone assignment.
* @param string zone
* @return list <string> of interfaces
global define list<string> GetInterfacesInZoneSupportingAnyFeature (string zone) {
list <string> interfaces_in_zone = GetInterfacesInZone(zone);
// 'any' in EXT zone, add all interfaces without zone to this one
list <string> interfaces_covered_by_any = InterfacesSupportedByAnyFeature(zone);
if (size(interfaces_covered_by_any)>0) {
interfaces_in_zone = (list <string>) union (interfaces_in_zone, interfaces_covered_by_any);
return interfaces_in_zone;
boolean ArePortsOrServicesAllowed (list <string> needed_ports, string protocol, string zone, boolean check_for_aliases);
* Function returns if requested service is allowed in respective zone.
* Function takes care for service's aliases (only for TCP and UDP).
* @param string service (service name, port name, port alias or port number)
* @param protocol TCP, UDP, RCP or IP
* @param interface name (like modem0), firewall zone (like "EXT") or "any" for all zones.
* @return boolean if service is allowed
global define boolean HaveService(string service, string protocol, string interface) {
if (! IsSupportedProtocol(protocol)) {
y2error("Unknown protocol: %1", protocol);
return nil;
// definition of searched zones
list<string> zones = [];
// "any" for all zones, this is ugly
if (interface == "any") {
zones = GetKnownFirewallZones();
// string interface is the zone name
} else if (IsKnownZone(interface)) {
zones = add (zones, interface);
// interface is the interface name
} else {
interface = GetZoneOfInterface(interface);
if (interface != nil) {
zones = add (zones, interface);
// SuSEFirewall feature FW_PROTECT_FROM_INT
// should not be protected and searched zones include also internal (or the zone IS internal, sure)
if (! GetProtectFromInternalZone() && contains(zones, int_zone_shortname)) {
y2milestone("Checking for service '%1', in '%2', PROTECT_FROM_INTERNAL='no' => allowed", service, interface);
return true;
// Check and return whether the service (port) is supported anywhere
boolean ret = false;
foreach (string zone, zones, {
// This function can also handle port ranges
if (ArePortsOrServicesAllowed([service], protocol, zone, true)) {
ret = true;
return ret;
* Function adds service into selected zone (or zone of interface) for selected protocol.
* Function take care about port-aliases, first of all, removes all of them.
* @param string service/port
* @param string protocol TCP, UDP, RPC, IP
* @param string zone name or interface name
* @return boolean success
global define boolean AddService (string service, string protocol, string interface) {
boolean success = false;
y2milestone("Adding service %1, protocol %2 to %3", service, protocol, interface);
if (! IsSupportedProtocol(protocol)) {
y2error("Unknown protocol: %1", protocol);
return false;
list <string> zones_affected = [];
// "all" means for all known zones
if (interface == "all") {
zones_affected = GetKnownFirewallZones();
// zone or interface name
} else {
// is probably an interface name
if (! IsKnownZone(interface)) {
// interface is probably interface-name, checking for respective zone
interface = GetZoneOfInterface(interface);
// interface is not assigned to any zone
if (interface == nil) {
// TRANSLATORS: Error message, %1 = interface name (like eth0)
Report::Error(sformat(_("Interface '%1' is not assigned to any firewall zone.
Run YaST2 Firewall and assign it.
"), interface)
y2warning("Interface '%1' is not assigned to any firewall zone", interface);
return false;
zones_affected = [interface];
// Adding service support into each mentioned zone
foreach (string zone, zones_affected, {
// If there isn't already
if (!ArePortsOrServicesAllowed([service], protocol, zone, true)) {
AddAllowedPortsOrServices([service], protocol, zone);
} else {
y2milestone("Port %1 has been already allowed in %2", service, zone);
return true;
* Function removes service from selected zone (or for interface) for selected protocol.
* Function take care about port-aliases, removes all of them.
* @param string service/port
* @param string protocol TCP, UDP, RPC, IP
* @param string zone name or interface name
* @return boolean success
global define boolean RemoveService (string service, string protocol, string interface) {
boolean success = false;
y2milestone("Removing service %1, protocol %2 from %3", service, protocol, interface);
if (! IsSupportedProtocol(protocol)) {
y2error("Unknown protocol: %1", protocol);
return false;
list <string> zones_affected = [];
// "all" means for all known zones
if (interface == "all") {
zones_affected = GetKnownFirewallZones();
// zone or interface name
} else {
if (! IsKnownZone(interface)) {
// interface is probably interface-name, checking for respective zone
interface = GetZoneOfInterface(interface);
// interface is not assigned to any zone
if (interface == nil) {
// TRANSLATORS: Error message, %1 = interface name (like eth0)
Report::Error(sformat(_("Interface '%1' is not assigned to any firewall zone.
Run YaST2 Firewall and assign it.
"), interface)
y2warning("Interface '%1' is not assigned to any firewall zone", interface);
return false;
zones_affected = [interface];
// Adding service support into each mentioned zone
foreach (string zone, zones_affected, {
// if the service is allowed
if (ArePortsOrServicesAllowed([service], protocol, zone, true)) {
RemoveAllowedPortsOrServices([service], protocol, zone, true);
} else {
y2milestone("Port %1 has been already removed from %2", service, zone);
return true;
* Function returns if needed services are all allowed (or not) in the firewall.
* Last parameter sets if it also should check for port-aliases, what makes sense
* for TCP and UDP ports.
* Protocols and Zones aren't checked for existency. It's on you to do it.
* @param list <string> needed (checked) ports for service
* @param string protocol TCP, UDP, RPC or IP
* @param zone name like EXT
* @param boolean check for port-aliases
* @return boolean if all ports are allowed
boolean ArePortsOrServicesAllowed (list <string> needed_ports, string protocol, string zone, boolean check_for_aliases) {
boolean are_allowed = true;
if (size(needed_ports)<1) {
y2warning("Undefined list of %1 services/ports for service", protocol);
return true;
map <string, list <string> > allowed_ports = $[];
// BTW: only TCP and UDP ports can have aliases and only TCP and UDP ports can have port ranges
if (check_for_aliases) {
allowed_ports = PortRanges::DividePortsAndPortRanges (
GetAllowedServicesForZoneProto (zone, protocol), true
} else {
allowed_ports["ports"] = GetAllowedServicesForZoneProto (zone, protocol);
foreach (string needed_port, needed_ports, {
if (
! contains(allowed_ports["ports"]:[], needed_port) &&
! PortRanges::PortIsInPortranges (needed_port, allowed_ports["port_ranges"]:[])
) {
are_allowed = false;
return are_allowed;
* Function returns if service is supported (allowed) in zone. Service must be defined
* in the SuSEFirewallServices.
* @see Module SuSEFirewallServices
* @param string service id
* @param string zone
* @return boolean if supported
global define boolean IsServiceSupportedInZone (string service, string zone) {
if (! IsKnownZone(zone)) {
return nil;
map <string, list <string> > needed = SuSEFirewallServices::GetNeededPortsAndProtocols(service);
// unknown service
if (needed == nil) {
y2error("Undefined service '%1'", service);
return nil;
// SuSEFirewall feature FW_PROTECT_FROM_INT
// should not be protected and searched zones include also internal (or the zone IS internal, sure)
if (zone == int_zone_shortname && ! GetProtectFromInternalZone()) {
y2milestone("Checking for service '%1', in '%2', PROTECT_FROM_INTERNAL='no' => allowed", service, zone);
return true;
// starting with nil value, any false means that the service is not supported
boolean service_is_supported = nil;
foreach (string key, service_defined_by, {
list <string> needed_ports = needed[key]:[];
if (needed_ports == []) return;
if (key == "tcp_ports") {
service_is_supported = ArePortsOrServicesAllowed(needed_ports, "TCP", zone, true);
} else if (key == "udp_ports") {
service_is_supported = ArePortsOrServicesAllowed(needed_ports, "UDP", zone, true);
} else if (key == "rpc_ports") {
service_is_supported = ArePortsOrServicesAllowed(needed_ports, "RPC", zone, false);
} else if (key == "ip_protocols") {
service_is_supported = ArePortsOrServicesAllowed(needed_ports, "IP", zone, false);
} else if ("broadcast_ports" == key) {
// testing for allowed broadcast ports
service_is_supported = IsBroadcastAllowed(needed_ports, zone);
} else {
y2error("Unknown key '%1'", key);
// service is not supported, we don't have to do more tests
if (service_is_supported == false) break;
return service_is_supported;
* Function returns map of supported services all network interfaces.
* @param list <string> of services
* @return map <string, map < string : boolean > >
* @struct Returns $[service : $[ interface : supported_status ]]
global define map <string, map <string, boolean> > GetServicesInZones (list<string> services) {
// list of interfaces for each zone
map <string, list <string> > interface_in_zone = $[];
foreach (string interface, GetListOfKnownInterfaces(), {
// zone of interface
string zone_used = GetZoneOfInterface(interface);
// interface can be unassigned
if (zone_used == nil || zone_used == "") {
interface_in_zone[zone_used] = add (interface_in_zone[zone_used]:[], interface);
// $[ service : $[ network_interface : status ]]
map <string, map <string, boolean> > services_status = $[];
// for all services requested
foreach (string service, services, {
services_status[service] = $[];
// for all zones in configuration
foreach (string zone, list <string> interfaces, interface_in_zone, {
boolean status = IsServiceSupportedInZone(service, zone);
// for all interfaces in zone
foreach (string interface, interfaces, {
services_status[service, interface] = status;
return services_status;
* Function returns map of supported services in all firewall zones.
* @param list <string> of services
* @return map <string, map < string : boolean> >
* @struct Returns $[service : $[ zone_name : supported_status]]
global define map <string, map <string, boolean> > GetServices (list<string> services) {
// $[ service : $[ firewall_zone : status ]]
map <string, map <string, boolean> > services_status = $[];
// for all services requested
foreach (string service, services, {
services_status[service] = $[];
// for all zones in configuration
foreach (string zone, GetKnownFirewallZones(), {
services_status[service,zone] = IsServiceSupportedInZone(service, zone);
return services_status;
* Function sets status for several services in several firewall zones.
* @param list <string> service ids
* @param list <string> firewall zones (EXT|INT|DMZ...)
* @param boolean new status of services
* @return boolean if successfull
global define boolean SetServicesForZones (list<string> services_ids, list<string> firewall_zones, boolean new_status) {
// no groups == all groups
if (size(firewall_zones)==0) firewall_zones = GetKnownFirewallZones();
// setting for each service
foreach (string service_id, services_ids, {
foreach (string firewall_zone, firewall_zones, {
// zone must be known one
if (! IsKnownZone(firewall_zone)) {
y2error("Zone '%1' is unknown firewall zone, skipping...", firewall_zone);
// setting new status
if (new_status == true) {
y2milestone("Adding '%1' into '%2' zone", service_id, firewall_zone);
AddServiceSupportIntoZone(service_id, firewall_zone);
HandleConflictService(service_id, firewall_zone, true);
} else {
y2milestone("Removing '%1' from '%2' zone", service_id, firewall_zone);
RemoveServiceSupportFromZone(service_id, firewall_zone);
HandleConflictService(service_id, firewall_zone, false);
* Function sets status for several services in several network interfaces.
* @param list <string> service ids
* @param list <string> network interfaces
* @param boolean new status of services
* @return boolean if successfull
global define boolean SetServices (list<string> services_ids, list<string> interfaces, boolean new_status) {
list<string> firewall_zones = GetZonesOfInterfacesWithAnyFeatureSupported(interfaces);
if (size(firewall_zones)==0) {
y2error("Interfaces '%1' are not in any group if interfaces", interfaces);
return false;
return SetServicesForZones(services_ids, firewall_zones, new_status);
* Local function check is any of possibly conflicting services was turned on in
* the firewall configuration.
void CheckAllPossiblyConflictingServices () {
// For all known zones
foreach (string zone, GetKnownFirewallZones(), {
// Exception:
// There are no possible conflicts if zone isn't protected
if (zone == "INT" && ! GetProtectFromInternalZone()) return;
// For all possible conflicting services
foreach (string service, GetPossiblyConflictServices(), {
// Possibly conflicting service is supported (on)
if (IsServiceSupportedInZone (service, zone)) {
allowed_conflict_services[zone] = add (allowed_conflict_services[zone]:[], service);
// Exception:
// NIS-client's ports are the subset of NIS-server's ports
if (
contains(allowed_conflict_services[zone]:[], "nis-server")
contains(allowed_conflict_services[zone]:[], "nis-client")
) {
// Removing nis-client from allowed services, when both of them found
y2warning("Ignoring found nis-client as the subset of nis-server, for zone %1", zone);
allowed_conflict_services[zone] = filter (
string service, allowed_conflict_services[zone]:[], {
return service != "nis-client";
allowed_conflict_services[zone] = toset(allowed_conflict_services[zone]:[]);
y2milestone("Possibly conflicting services found allowed: %1", allowed_conflict_services);
* Local function sets the default configuration and fills internal values.
void ReadDefaultConfiguration () {
ResetSysconfigSuSEFirewall ( GetListOfSuSEFirewallVariables() );
* Local function reads current configuration and fills internal values.
void ReadCurrentConfiguration () {
// is firewall enabled in /etc/init.d/ ?
SETTINGS["enable_firewall"] = IsEnabled();
// is firewall started now?
SETTINGS["start_firewall"] = IsStarted();
ReadSysconfigSuSEFirewall ( GetListOfSuSEFirewallVariables() );
* Function for reading SuSEFirewall configuration.
* Fills internal variables only.
global define boolean Read () {
// Don't fill up the logs with tones of Check-logs
// Turn on for debugging
// NetworkDevices::report_every_check = false;
if (configuration_has_been_read) {
y2milestone("SuSEfirewall2 configuration has been read already.");
return true;
// Progress only for normal configuration
boolean have_progress = (Mode::normal());
if (have_progress) {
// TRANSLATORS: Dialog caption
string read_caption = _("Initializing Firewall Configuration");
Progress::New( read_caption, " ", 3,
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Check for network devices"),
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Read current configuration"),
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Check possibly conflicting services"),
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Checking for network devices..."),
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Reading current configuration..."),
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Checking possibly conflicting services..."),
if (Mode::normal() || Mode::commandline()) {
} else if (Mode::installation() || Mode::autoinst()) {
// Allways modified for installation, allways save the final state
// fixing bug #67355
// SetModified();
boolean make_parser_happy = true;
if (have_progress) Progress::NextStage();
// get default configuration for autoinstallation
// if (Mode::installation() || Mode::autoinst()) {
if (Mode::autoinst()) {
// read current configuration for another cases
} else {
if (have_progress) Progress::NextStage();
// checking if any possibly conficting services were turned on in configuration
// filling internal values for later checkings
y2milestone("Firewall configuration has been read: %1.", SETTINGS);
// to read configuration only once
configuration_has_been_read = true;
if (have_progress) Progress::NextStage();
if (have_progress) Progress::Finish();
return true;
* Function returns whether some RPC service is allowed in the configuration.
* These services reallocate their ports when restarted. See details in
* bugzilla bug #186186.
* @return boolean some_RPC_service_used
boolean AnyRPCServiceInConfiguration () {
boolean ret = false;
foreach (string fw_zone, GetKnownFirewallZones(), {
string fw_rule = sformat("FW_SERVICES_%1_RPC", fw_zone);
string listed_services = SETTINGS[fw_rule]:GetDefaultValue(fw_rule);
// easy case
if (listed_services == nil || listed_services == "") return;
// something listed but it still might be empty definition
list <string> services_list = splitstring (listed_services, " \n\t");
services_list = filter (string service, services_list, {
return (service != "");
if (size (listed_services) > 0) {
ret = true;
y2milestone ("Some RPC service found: %1", ret);
return ret;
* Function which stops firewall. Then firewall is started immediately when firewall
* is wanted to be started: SetStartService(boolean).
* @return boolean if successful
global define boolean ActivateConfiguration () {
// Firewall should start after Write()
if (GetStartService()) {
// Not started - start it
if (!IsStarted()) {
y2milestone("Starting firewall services");
return StartServices();
// Started - restart it
} else {
// modified - restart it, or ...
// bugzilla #186186
// If any RPC service is configured to be allowed, always restart the firewall
// Some of these service's ports might have been reallocated (when SuSEFirewall
// is used from outside, e.g., yast2-nfs-server)
if (GetModified() || AnyRPCServiceInConfiguration()) {
y2milestone("Stopping firewall services");
y2milestone("Starting firewall services");
return StartServices();
// not modified - skip restart
} else {
y2milestone("Configuration hasn't modified, skipping restarting services");
// Firewall should stop after Write()
} else {
// started - stop
if (IsStarted()) {
y2milestone("Stopping firewall services");
return StopServices();
// stopped - skip stopping
} else {
y2milestone("Firewall has been stopped already");
return true;
* Function writes configuration into /etc/sysconfig/ and enables or disables
* firewall in /etc/init.d/ by the setting SetEnableService(boolean).
* This is a write-only configuration, firewall is never started only enabled
* or disabled.
* @return boolean if successful
global define boolean WriteConfiguration () {
// Progress only for normal configuration and command line
boolean have_progress = (Mode::normal());
if (have_progress) {
// TRANSLATORS: Dialog caption
string write_caption = _("Writing Firewall Configuration");
Progress::New( write_caption, " ", 2,
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Write firewall settings"),
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Adjust firewall service"),
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Writing firewall settings..."),
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
_("Adjusting firewall service..."),
// TRANSLATORS: Progress step
// only modified configuration is written
if (GetModified()) {
y2milestone("Firewall configuration has been changed. Writing: %1.", SETTINGS);
if (! WriteSysconfigSuSEFirewall ( GetListOfSuSEFirewallVariables() )) {
// TRANSLATORS: a popup error message
Report::Error(_("Writing settings failed"));
return false;
} else {
y2milestone("Firewall settings weren't modified, skipping...");
if (have_progress) Progress::NextStage();
// Adjusting services
if (GetModified()) {
// enabling firewall in /etc/init.d/
if (SETTINGS["enable_firewall"]:false) {
y2milestone("Enabling firewall services");
if (! EnableServices()) {
return false;
// disabling firewall in /etc/init.d/
} else {
y2milestone("Disabling firewall services");
if (! DisableServices()) {
return false;
} else {
y2milestone("Firewall enable/disable wasn't modified, skipping...");
if (have_progress) Progress::NextStage();
if (have_progress) Progress::Finish();
return true;
* Helper function for the backward compatibility.
* See WriteConfiguration(). Remove from code ASAP.
global define boolean WriteOnly() {
return WriteConfiguration();
* Function for writing and enabling configuration it is an union of
* WriteConfiguration() and ActivateConfiguration().
* @return boolean if succesfull
global define boolean Write () {
if (! WriteConfiguration()) return false;
if (! ActivateConfiguration()) return false;
return true;
* Function for saving configuration and restarting firewall.
* Is is the same as Write() but write is allways forced.
* @return boolean if successful
global define boolean SaveAndRestartService () {
y2milestone("Forced save and restart");
if (! Write()) {
return false;
return true;
* This powerful function returns list of services/ports which are
* not assigned to any fully-supported known-services.
* @return list <string> of additional (unassigned) services
global define list <string> GetAdditionalServices (string protocol, string zone) {
list <string> additional_services = [];
if (! IsSupportedProtocol(protocol)) {
y2error("Unknown protocol '%1'", protocol);
return nil;
if (! IsKnownZone(zone)) {
y2error("Unknown zone '%1'", zone);
return nil;
// all ports or services allowed in zone for protocol
list <string> all_allowed_services = GetAllowedServicesForZoneProto(zone, protocol);
// all ports or services used by known service
list <string> all_used_services = [];
// trying all possible (known) services
foreach (string service_id, string service_name, SuSEFirewallServices::GetSupportedServices(), {
// only when the service is allowed in zone - remove all its needed ports
if (IsServiceSupportedInZone(service_id, zone)) {
// all needed ports etc for service/protocol, well, I'm not good at function pointers :-<
list <string> needed_all = [];
if (protocol == "TCP") {
needed_all = SuSEFirewallServices::GetNeededTCPPorts(service_id);
} else if (protocol == "UDP") {
needed_all = SuSEFirewallServices::GetNeededUDPPorts(service_id);
} else if (protocol == "RPC") {
needed_all = SuSEFirewallServices::GetNeededRPCPorts(service_id);
} else if (protocol == "IP") {
needed_all = SuSEFirewallServices::GetNeededIPProtocols(service_id);
foreach (string remove_port, needed_all, {
// all used services and their aliases
all_used_services = (list <string>) union (
all_used_services, PortAliases::GetListOfServiceAliases(remove_port)
// some services are used by known defined-services
if (size(all_used_services)>0) {
all_used_services = toset (all_used_services);
// removing all used services from all allowed
all_allowed_services = filter (string port, all_allowed_services, {
return (! contains(all_used_services, port));
// well, actually it returns list of services not-assigned to any well-known service
return all_allowed_services;
* Function sets additional ports/services from taken list. Firstly, all additional services
* are removed also with their aliases. Secondly new ports/protocols are added.
* @param string protocol
* @param string zone
* @param list <string> list of ports/protocols
global define void SetAdditionalServices (string protocol, string zone, list <string> new_list_services) {
list <string> old_list_services = toset(GetAdditionalServices(protocol, zone));
new_list_services = toset(new_list_services);
if (new_list_services != old_list_services) {
list <string> add_services = [];
list <string> remove_services = [];
// Add these services
foreach (string service, new_list_services, {
if (!contains(old_list_services, service))
add_services = add (add_services, service);
// Remove these services
foreach (string service, old_list_services, {
if (!contains(new_list_services, service))
remove_services = add (remove_services, service);
if (size(remove_services)>0) {
y2milestone("Removing additional services %1/%2 from zone %3", remove_services, protocol, zone);
RemoveAllowedPortsOrServices (remove_services, protocol, zone, true);
if (size(add_services)>0) {
y2milestone("Adding additional services %1/%2 into zone %3", add_services, protocol, zone);
AddAllowedPortsOrServices (add_services, protocol, zone);
* Function returns if any other firewall then SuSEfirewall2 is currently running on the
* system. It uses command `iptables` to get information about just active iptables
* rules and compares the output with current status of SuSEfirewall2.
* @return boolean if other firewall is running
global define boolean IsOtherFirewallRunning () {
boolean any_firewall_running = true;
// grep must return at least blank lines, else it returns 'exit 1' instead of 'exit 0'
string command = "iptables -L -n | grep -v \"^\\(Chain\\|target\\)\"";
map iptables = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, command);
if (iptables["exit"]:0 == 0) {
list <string> iptables_list = splitstring(iptables["stdout"]:"", "\n");
iptables_list = filter (string iptable_rule, iptables_list, {
return iptable_rule != "";
y2milestone("Count of active iptables now: %1", size(iptables_list));
// none iptables rules
if (size(iptables_list)>0) {
any_firewall_running = true;
// any iptables rules exist
} else {
any_firewall_running = false;
// error running command
} else {
y2error("Services Command: %1 (Exit %2) -> %3", command, iptables["exit"]:nil, iptables["stderr"]:nil);
return nil;
// any firewall is running but it is not a SuSEfirewall2
if (any_firewall_running && !IsStarted()) {
y2warning("Any other firewall is running...");
return true;
// no firewall is running or the running firewall is SuSEfirewall2
return false;
* Function returns map of `interfaces in zones`.
* @return map <string, list <string> >
* @struct map $[zone : [list of interfaces]]
global define map <string, list <string> > GetFirewallInterfacesMap () {
map <string, list <string> > firewall_interfaces_now = $[];
// list of all known interfaces
list <string> known_interfaces = GetListOfKnownInterfaces();
// searching each zone
foreach (string zone, GetKnownFirewallZones(), {
// filtering non-existing interfaces
firewall_interfaces_now[zone] = filter (string interface, GetInterfacesInZone(zone), {
return contains(known_interfaces, interface);
return firewall_interfaces_now;
* Function returns list of special strings like 'any' or 'auto' and uknown interfaces.
* @param string zone
* @return list <string> special strings or unknown interfaces
global define list <string> GetSpecialInterfacesInZone (string zone) {
list <string> interfaces_in_zone = splitstring (SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone]:"", " ");
list <string> known_interfaces_now = GetInterfacesInZone (zone);
// filtering known interfaces and spaces
interfaces_in_zone = filter(string interface, interfaces_in_zone, {
return interface != "" && !contains(known_interfaces_now, interface);
return interfaces_in_zone;
* Function removes special string from defined zone.
* @param string interface
* @param string zone
global define void RemoveSpecialInterfaceFromZone (string interface, string zone) {
y2milestone("Removing special string '%1' from '%2' zone.", interface, zone);
list <string> interfaces_in_zone = splitstring (SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone]:"", " ");
interfaces_in_zone = filter (string single_interface, interfaces_in_zone, {
return single_interface != "" && single_interface != interface;
SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone] = mergestring(interfaces_in_zone, " ");
* Functions adds special string into defined zone.
* @param string interface
* @param string zone
global define void AddSpecialInterfaceIntoZone (string interface, string zone) {
y2milestone("Adding special string '%1' into '%2' zone.", interface, zone);
list <string> interfaces_in_zone = splitstring (SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone]:"", " ");
interfaces_in_zone = toset(add (interfaces_in_zone, interface));
SETTINGS["FW_DEV_" + zone] = mergestring(interfaces_in_zone, " ");
* Function returns actual state of Masquerading support.
* @return boolean if supported
global define boolean GetMasquerade () {
return (SETTINGS["FW_MASQUERADE"]:"no" == "yes" && SETTINGS["FW_ROUTE"]:"no" == "yes");
* Function sets Masquerade support.
* @param boolean to support or not to support it
global define void SetMasquerade (boolean enable) {
SETTINGS["FW_MASQUERADE"] = (enable ? "yes" : "no");
// routing is needed for masquerading, but we can't swithc it off when disabling masquerading
if (enable) SETTINGS["FW_ROUTE"] = "yes";
* Function returns list of rules of forwarding ports
* to masqueraded IPs.
* @retyrn list <map <string, string> >
* @struct list [$[ key: value ]]
global define list <map <string, string> > GetListOfForwardsIntoMasquerade () {
list <map <string, string> > list_of_rules = [];
foreach (string forward_rule, splitstring(SETTINGS["FW_FORWARD_MASQ"]:"", " "), {
if (forward_rule == "") return;
// Format: <source network>,<ip to forward to>,<protocol>,<port>[,redirect port,[destination ip]]
list <string> fw_rul = splitstring(forward_rule,",");
// first four parameters has to be defined
if (fw_rul[0]:"" == "" || fw_rul[1]:"" == "" || fw_rul[2]:"" == "" || fw_rul[3]:"" == "")
y2warning("Wrong definition of redirect rule: '%1', part of '%2'",
forward_rule, SETTINGS["FW_FORWARD_MASQ"]:""
list_of_rules = add (list_of_rules, $[
"source_net" : fw_rul[0]:"",
"forward_to" : fw_rul[1]:"",
"protocol" : tolower(fw_rul[2]:""),
"req_port" : tolower(fw_rul[3]:""),
// to_port is req_port when undefined
"to_port" : tolower(fw_rul[4]:fw_rul[3]:""),
"req_ip" : tolower(fw_rul[5]:""),
return list_of_rules;
* Function removes rule for forwarding into masquerade
* from the list of current rules.
* @params integer item number
global define void RemoveForwardIntoMasqueradeRule (integer remove_item) {
list <string> forward_rules = [];
integer row_counter = 0;
foreach (string forward_rule, splitstring(SETTINGS["FW_FORWARD_MASQ"]:"", " "), {
if (forward_rule == "") return;
if (row_counter != remove_item) {
forward_rules = add (forward_rules, forward_rule);
row_counter = row_counter + 1;
SETTINGS["FW_FORWARD_MASQ"] = mergestring(forward_rules, " ");
* Adds forward into masquerade rule.
global define void AddForwardIntoMasqueradeRule (
string source_net, string forward_to_ip, string protocol, string req_port,
string redirect_to_port, string requested_ip
) {
string masquerade_rules = SETTINGS["FW_FORWARD_MASQ"]:"";
masquerade_rules = masquerade_rules + (masquerade_rules != "" ? " ":"") +
source_net + "," +
forward_to_ip + "," +
protocol + "," +
if (redirect_to_port != "" || requested_ip != "") {
if (requested_ip != "") {
masquerade_rules = masquerade_rules + "," + redirect_to_port + "," + requested_ip;
// port1 -> port2 are same
} else if (redirect_to_port != req_port) {
masquerade_rules = masquerade_rules + "," + redirect_to_port;
SETTINGS["FW_FORWARD_MASQ"] = masquerade_rules;
* Function returns actual state of logging for rule taken as parameter.
* @param string rule definition 'ACCEPT' or 'DROP'
* @return string 'ALL', 'CRIT', or 'NONE'
global define string GetLoggingSettings(string rule) {
string ret_val = nil;
if (rule == "ACCEPT") {
if (SETTINGS["FW_LOG_ACCEPT_ALL"]:"no" == "yes") {
ret_val = "ALL";
} else if (SETTINGS["FW_LOG_ACCEPT_CRIT"]:"yes" == "yes") {
ret_val = "CRIT";
} else {
ret_val = "NONE";
} else if (rule == "DROP") {
if (SETTINGS["FW_LOG_DROP_ALL"]:"no" == "yes") {
ret_val = "ALL";
} else if (SETTINGS["FW_LOG_DROP_CRIT"]:"yes" == "yes") {
ret_val = "CRIT";
} else {
ret_val = "NONE";
} else {
y2error("Possible rules are only 'ACCEPT' or 'DROP'");
return ret_val;
* Function sets state of logging for rule taken as parameter.
* @param string rule definition 'ACCEPT' or 'DROP'
* @param string new logging state 'ALL', 'CRIT', or 'NONE'
global define void SetLoggingSettings(string rule, string state) {
if (rule == "ACCEPT") {
if (state == "ALL") {
} else if (state == "CRIT") {
} else {
} else if (rule == "DROP") {
if (state == "ALL") {
} else if (state == "CRIT") {
} else {
} else {
y2error("Possible rules are only 'ACCEPT' or 'DROP'");
* Function returns yes/no - ingoring broadcast for zone
* @param string zone
global define string GetIgnoreLoggingBroadcast (string zone) {
if (! IsKnownZone(zone)) {
y2error("Unknown zone '%1'", zone);
return nil;
return SETTINGS["FW_IGNORE_FW_BROADCAST_" + zone]:"no";
* Function sets yes/no - ingoring broadcast for zone
* @param string zone
* @param string ignore 'yes' or 'no'
global define void SetIgnoreLoggingBroadcast (string zone, string bcast) {
if (! IsKnownZone(zone)) {
y2error("Unknown zone '%1'", zone);
return nil;
* Function adds a special interface into the FW_FORWARD_ALWAYS_INOUT_DEV variable
* @see: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=154133
global define void AddXenSupport () {
string special_xen_interface = "xenbr0";
list <string> allways_inout_dev = splitstring (SETTINGS["FW_FORWARD_ALWAYS_INOUT_DEV"]:"", " ");
allways_inout_dev = toset(add (allways_inout_dev, special_xen_interface));
SETTINGS["FW_FORWARD_ALWAYS_INOUT_DEV"] = mergestring(allways_inout_dev, " ");
// Firewall Expert Rulezz
* Returns list of rules describing protocols and ports that are allowed
* to be accessed from listed hosts. All is returned as a single string.
* Zone needs to be defined.
* @param string zone
* @return string with rules
global define string GetAcceptExpertRules (string zone) {
zone = toupper(zone);
// Check for zone
if (! contains(GetKnownFirewallZones(), zone)) {
y2error("Unknown firewall zone: %1", zone);
return nil;
return SETTINGS["FW_SERVICES_ACCEPT_" + zone]:"";
* Sets expert allow rules for zone.
* @param string zone
* @param string whitespace-separated expert_rules
* @return boolean if successful
global define boolean SetAcceptExpertRules (string zone, string expert_rules) {
zone = toupper(zone);
// Check for zone
if (! contains(GetKnownFirewallZones(), zone)) {
y2error("Unknown firewall zone: %1", zone);
return false;
SETTINGS["FW_SERVICES_ACCEPT_" + zone] = expert_rules;
return true;
# <!-- SuSEFirewall GLOBAL FUNCTIONS //-->
/* EOF */