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576 lines
* Module: SpaceCalculation.ycp
* Authors: Klaus Kaempf (kkaempf@suse.de)
* Gabriele Strattner (gs@suse.de)
* Stefan Schubert (schubi@suse.de)
* Purpose: Package installation functions usable
* when the installation media is available
* on Installation::sourcedir
* $Id: SpaceCalculation.ycp 33383 2006-10-13 09:12:02Z lslezak $
module "SpaceCalculation";
textdomain "packager";
import "Installation";
import "Mode";
import "ProductFeatures";
import "Report";
import "String";
import "DirInstall";
import "Stage";
boolean info_called = false; // list partition_info already initialized?
list partition_info = []; // information about available partitions
* Return partition info list
* @return list of available partitions
global define list GetPartitionList() ``{
return partition_info;
* Get mountpoint for a directory
* @param target directory
* @param partition partitions list
* @return mountpoint
string GetDirMountPoint(string target, list<map<string, string> > partition ) {
list<string> d = splitstring(target, "/");
d=filter(string fd, d, ``(fd!=""));
string mountpoint = "";
foreach( map part, partition,
// dirinstall: /test/xen dir: /test
// dirinstall:/var/tmp/xen dir: /
string dir = part["name"]:"";
string tmpdir = "";
foreach(string dd ,d , ``{
tmpdir = sformat("%1/%2", tmpdir, dd );
y2debug("tmpdir: %1 dir: %2", tmpdir, dir );
if (dir == tmpdir )
mountpoint = dir;
if (mountpoint=="")
mountpoint = "/";
return mountpoint;
* Evaluate the free space on the file system. Runs the command "df" and creates a map
* containig information about used and free space on every partition.
* Free space is calculated respecting the spare_percentage given in second argument.
* @param spare_percentage percentage of spare disk space, i.e. free space is increased
* @return list partition list, e.g. [$["free":389318, "name":"/", "used":1487222],
* $["free":1974697, "name":"usr", "used":4227733]]
* @example EvaluateFreeSpace ( 5 );
* *** This is needed during update !
global define list<map<string,any> > EvaluateFreeSpace (integer spare_percentage) ``{
list<map<string, string> > partition = [];
// the sizes are in kB
integer min_spare = 1 * 1024; // 1 MB
integer max_spare = 1024 * 1024; // 1 GB
string target = Installation::destdir;
// get information about diskspace ( used/free space on every partition )
partition = (list<map<string, string> >)SCR::Read(.run.df);
// filter out headline and other invalid entries
partition = filter( map<string, string> part, partition, ``( substring ( part["name"]:"", 0, 1 ) == "/" ) );
if (DirInstall::installing_into_dir)
target = GetDirMountPoint(DirInstall::target, partition );
// pkginfo expects names of partitions without "/" in front ( exception: "/" itself )
list<map<string,any> > part_input = [];
foreach( map part, partition,
map<string,any> part_info = $[];
integer free_size = 0;
integer spare_size = 0;
string partName = "";
boolean add_part = true;
string mountName = part["name"]:"";
string spec = part["spec"]:"";
if ( target != "/" )
if ((size(mountName) >= size(target))
&& (substring( mountName, 0, size(target)) == target) )
partName = substring( mountName, size(target) );
// nothing left, it was target root itself
if ( size ( partName ) == 0 )
part_info = add( part_info, "name", "/" );
part_info = add( part_info, "name", substring( partName, 1 ) ); // remove "/" in front
add_part = false;
else // target is "/"
if ( mountName == "/" )
part_info = add ( part_info, "name", mountName );
// ignore some mount points
else if ( mountName != Installation::sourcedir
&& mountName != "/cdrom"
&& mountName != "/dev/shm"
&& spec != "udev"
&& !regexpmatch(mountName, "^/media/") )
part_info = add ( part_info, "name", substring( mountName, 1 ) ); // remove "/" in front
add_part = false;
if ( add_part )
part_info = add ( part_info, "used", tointeger(part["used"]:"0") );
free_size = tointeger(part["free"]:"0");
spare_size = (free_size*spare_percentage)/100;
if ( spare_size < min_spare )
spare_size = min_spare;
else if ( spare_size > max_spare )
spare_size = max_spare;
free_size = free_size - spare_size;
if ( free_size < 0 )
free_size = 0; // don't add a negative size
part_info = add ( part_info, "free", free_size );
part_input = add ( part_input, part_info );
y2milestone( "UTILS *** EvaluateFreeSpace returns: %1", part_input );
Pkg::TargetInitDU (part_input);
return part_input;
* Define a macro that transforms information about all partitions ( from
* Storage::GetTargetMap() ) into a list(map) with information about partitions
* which are available for installation, e.g.:
* [$["free":1625676, "name":"/boot", "used":0], $["free":2210406, "name":"/", "used":0]]
* Please note: there isn't any information about used space, so "used" at begin
* of installation is initialized with zero;
* size "free", "used" in KBytes
define list get_partition_info () ``{
import "Storage";
// remove leading slash so it matches the packages.DU path
boolean remove_slash = true;
if (!Stage::initial ())
// read /proc/mounts as a list of maps
// $["file":"/boot", "freq":0, "mntops":"rw", "passno":0, "spec":"/dev/sda1", "vfstype":"ext2"]
list<map<string, any> > mounts = (list<map<string, any> >) SCR::Read (.proc.mounts);
y2milestone ("mounts %1", mounts);
list<map<string, any> > partitions = [];
foreach (map mpoint, mounts,
string name = mpoint["file"]:"";
if ((substring (name, 0, 1) == "/")
&& (substring (name, 0, 5) != "/dev/") // filter out /dev/pts etc.
&& (mpoint["vfstype"]:"" != "rootfs")) // filter out duplicate "/" entry
integer capacity = Pkg::TargetCapacity (name);
if (capacity != 0) // dont look at pseudo-devices (proc, shmfs, ...)
integer used = Pkg::TargetUsed (name);
partitions = add (partitions, $["name" : name, "free" : capacity-used, "used" : used]);
Pkg::TargetInitDU (partitions);
y2milestone ("get_partition_info: %1", partitions);
return partitions;
} // !Stage::initial ()
map<string, map> targets = Storage::GetTargetMap();
if ( Mode::test () )
targets = (map<string, map>) SCR::Read(.target.yast2, "test_target_map.ycp");
list<map> target_partitions = [];
integer min_spare = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // minimum free space ( 5 MB )
foreach( string disk, map diskinfo, targets,
list<map> part_info = diskinfo["partitions"]:[];
foreach( map part, part_info,
integer free_size = 0;
if (part["mount"]:nil != nil
&& substring( part["mount"]:"", 0, 1 ) == "/" )
if (part["create"]:nil == true
|| part["delete"]:nil == false
|| (part["create"]:nil == nil
&& part["delete"]:nil == nil ) )
y2debug( "get_partition_info: adding partition: %1", part );
// get free_size on partition in kBytes
free_size = part["size_k"]:0 * 1024;
free_size = free_size - min_spare;
integer used = 0;
if (! (part["create"]:false || part["format"]:false))
string tmpdir = (string)SCR::Read (.target.tmpdir);
tmpdir = tmpdir + "/diskspace_mount";
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat (
"test -d %1 || mkdir -p %1", tmpdir));
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat (
"/bin/mount -o ro %1 %2",
part["device"]:"", tmpdir));
list<map<string,string> > partition =
(list<map<string, string> >)
foreach (map p, partition, {
if (p["name"]:"" == tmpdir)
y2internal ("P: %1", p);
free_size = tointeger (p["free"]:"0")
* 1024;
used = tointeger (p["used"]:"0") * 1024;
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat (
"/bin/umount %1", tmpdir));
// convert into kB for TargetInitDU
free_size = free_size / 1024;
used = used / 1024;
y2milestone ("available partition: mount: %1, free: %2 KB, used: %3 KB", part["mount"]:"", free_size, used);
if ( !remove_slash)
target_partitions = add (target_partitions, $["name":part["mount"]:"", "used":used, "free":free_size]);
string part_name = "";
string mount_name = part["mount"]:"";
if ( mount_name != "/" )
part_name = substring( mount_name, 1, size(mount_name) );
part_name = mount_name;
target_partitions = add ( target_partitions, $["name":part_name, "used":used, "free":free_size]);
} ); // foreach (`part)
} ); // foreach (`disk)
y2milestone( "get_partition_info: part %1", target_partitions );
Pkg::TargetInitDU (target_partitions);
return ( target_partitions );
* Get information about available partitions either from "targetMap"
* in case of a new installation or from 'df' command (continue mode
* and installation on installed system).
* Returns a list containing available partitions and stores the list
* in "partition_info".
* @return list partition list, e.g. [$["free":389318, "name":"/", "used":1487222],
* $["free":1974697, "name":"usr", "used":4227733]]
* @example GetPartitionInfo();
* Will be called from Packages when re-doing proposal !!
global define list GetPartitionInfo () ``{
list partition = [];
if ( Stage::cont () )
partition = EvaluateFreeSpace ( 0 ); // free spare already checked during first part of installation
else if ( Mode::update () )
partition = EvaluateFreeSpace ( 5 ); // 5% free spare for update/upgrade
else if ( Mode::normal () )
partition = EvaluateFreeSpace ( 5 ); // 5% free spare for post installation
else // Stage::initial ()
partition = get_partition_info( );
y2milestone( "INIT done, SpaceCalculation - partitions: %1", partition );
info_called = true;
partition_info = partition; // store partition_info
return partition;
* get current space data for partitions
* current_partitions = list of maps of
* $["format":bool, "free":integer, "name" : string, "used" :integer, "used_fs": symbol]
* from Storage module
* returns list of maps of
* $["name" : string, "free" : integer, "used" : integer ]
global define list CheckCurrentSpace (list<map> current_partitions) ``{
list<map> output = [];
foreach (map par, current_partitions, ``{
map outdata = $[];
outdata["name"] = par["name"]:"";
outdata["used"] = Pkg::TargetUsed (Installation::destdir + par["name"]:"");
outdata["free"] = Pkg::TargetCapacity (Installation::destdir + par["name"]:"") - outdata["used"]:0;
output = add (output, eval (outdata));
y2milestone ("CheckCurrentSpace(%1) = %2", current_partitions, output);
return output;
global list<string> GetPartitionWarning () {
if ( !info_called )
integer used = 0;
list<string> message = [];
//$[ "dir" : [ total, usednow, usedfuture ], .... ]
foreach( string dir, list sizelist, Pkg::TargetGetDU(), ``{
y2milestone ("dir %1, sizelist (total, current, future) %2", dir, sizelist);
integer needed = sizelist[2]:0 - sizelist[0]:0; // usedfuture - total
if ( needed > 0 )
// Warning message, e.g.: Partition /usr needs 35 MB more disk space
message = add (message, sformat ( _("Partition \"%1\" needs %2 more disk space."),
// needed is in kB
dir, String::FormatSize(needed*1024)));
used = used + sizelist[2]:0;
} );
y2debug( "Total used space (kB): %1", used );
if ( size ( message ) > 0 )
// dont ask user to deselect packages for imap server, product
if ( ProductFeatures::GetFeature ("software", "selection_type") == `auto)
if (Mode::update ())
message = add (message, "\n" +
// popup message
_("Deselect some packages or delete some data
or temporary files before updating the system."));
message = add (message, "\n" +
// popup message
_("Please deselect some packages."));
return message;
// Popup displays warning about exhausted disk space
global define boolean ShowPartitionWarning () ``{
list<string> message = GetPartitionWarning ();
if (size (message) > 0)
y2warning("Warning: %1", message );
Report::Message(mergestring (message, "\n"));
return true;
return false;
// Calculate required disk space
global define string GetRequSpace (boolean initialize) ``{
if ( !info_called )
// used space in kB
integer used = 0;
//$[ "dir" : [ total, usednow, usedfuture ], .... ]
foreach( string dir, list sizelist, Pkg::TargetGetDU(),
used = used + sizelist[2]:0;
} );
y2milestone ("GetReqSpace Pkg::TargetGetDU() %1", Pkg::TargetGetDU());
// used is in kB
return ( String::FormatSize (used*1024) );
// Check, if the current selection fits on the disk
// return true or false
global define boolean CheckDiskSize () ``{
boolean fit = true;
if ( !info_called )
integer used = 0;
string message = "";
//$[ "dir" : [ total, usednow, usedfuture ], .... ]
foreach (string dir, list sizelist, Pkg::TargetGetDU(),
y2milestone ("%1: %2", dir, sizelist);
integer needed = sizelist[2]:0 - sizelist[0]:0; // usedfuture - total
if ( needed > 0 )
y2warning("Partition \"%1\" needs %2 more disk space.",
// size is in kB
dir, String::FormatSize (needed*1024) );
fit = false;
used = used + sizelist[2]:0;
y2milestone ("Total used space (kB): %1, fits ?: %2", used, fit);
return fit;
* Check, if there is enough free space after installing the current selection
* @param free_percent minimal free space after installation (in percent)
* @return list of partitions which have less than free_percent free size
global define list<map> CheckDiskFreeSpace(integer free_percent, integer max_unsufficient_free_size)
if ( !info_called )
y2milestone("min. free space: %1%%, max. unsufficient free space: %2", free_percent, max_unsufficient_free_size);
list<map> ret = [];
if (free_percent > 0)
//$[ "dir" : [ total, usednow, usedfuture ], .... ]
foreach (string dir, list sizelist, Pkg::TargetGetDU(),
y2milestone ("%1: %2", dir, sizelist);
integer total = sizelist[0]:0;
integer used_future = sizelist[2]:0;
integer current_free_size = (total - used_future);
integer current_free_percent = current_free_size*100/total;
if (current_free_size > 0)
if (current_free_percent < free_percent && current_free_size < max_unsufficient_free_size )
y2warning("Partition %1: less than %2%% free space (%3%%, %4)", dir, free_percent, current_free_percent, current_free_size);
ret = add(ret, $["dir":dir, "free_percent":current_free_percent, "free_size":current_free_size ]);
y2milestone("Result: %1", ret);
return ret;