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1,465 lines
* File: modules/SourceManager.ycp
* Package: Package Source Management
* Summary: SourceManager settings, input and output functions
* Authors: Anas Nashif <nashif@suse.de>
* Lukas Ocilka <locilka@suse.cz>
* Martin Vidner <mvidner@suse.cz>
* Status: Work in Progress
* $Id: SourceManager.ycp 34515 2006-11-21 09:20:08Z mvidner $
* Representation of the configuration of source-manager.
* Input and output routines.
textdomain "packager";
module "SourceManager";
import "Progress";
import "Report";
import "Popup";
import "Label";
import "Summary";
import "Message";
import "HTML";
import "Arch";
import "Mode";
import "Stage";
import "URL";
import "InstURL";
import "String";
import "SuSEFirewall";
import "SourceManagerSLP";
import "Linuxrc";
global list<integer> newSources = [];
global integer numSources = 0;
global list<integer> sourceStates = [];
global list<map<string,any> > sourceStatesIn = [];
global list<map<string,any> > sourceStatesOut = [];
list<map> slp_sources = [];
string pm_init_blocker = "";
global map url_tokens = $[];
global string currentUrl = "";
* Prototypes
global boolean Modified();
global symbol createSource( string url );
* Data was modified?
global boolean modified = false;
global boolean proposal_valid = false;
* Abort function
* return boolean return true if abort
global boolean AbortFunction() {
return false;
* Abort function
* @return boolean return true if abort
global define boolean Abort() ``{
if(AbortFunction != nil)
return AbortFunction () == true;
return false;
* Data was modified?
* @return true if modified
global boolean Modified() {
//return modified;
return (sourceStatesIn != sourceStatesOut);
global boolean ReadSources()
boolean success = Pkg::SourceStartManager( false );
if (!success)
return success;
sourceStates = Pkg::SourceStartCache ( false );
sourceStatesIn = Pkg::SourceEditGet();
sourceStatesOut = sourceStatesIn;
return true;
* Function scans for SLP installation servers on the network
* @returns symbol one of `back, `next
global string AddSourceTypeSLP () {
string url = SourceManagerSLP::SelectOneSLPService();
y2milestone("Selected URL: %1", url);
return url;
* Read all source-manager settings
* @return true on success
global boolean Read() {
/* SourceManager read dialog caption */
string caption = _("Initializing Available Catalogs");
integer steps = 2;
// We do not set help text here, because it was set outside
Progress::New( caption, " ", steps, [
/* Progress stage 1/3 */
_("Read configured catalogs"),
/* Progress stage 2/3 */
_("Detect available catalogs via SLP")
], [
/* Progress step 1/3 */
_("Reading configured catalogs..."),
/* Progress step 2/3 */
_("Detecting available catalogs..."),
/* Progress finished */
// read database
if(Abort()) return false;
/* Error message */
if(!ReadSources()) Report::Error(_("Cannot read catalogs."));
// read another database
if(Abort()) return false;
/* Error message */
if(false) Report::Error(_("Cannot detect available catalogs."));
if(Abort()) return false;
/* Progress finished */
// slp_sources = ReadSLPSources();
y2debug ("slp catalogs: %1", slp_sources);
if(Abort()) return false;
modified = false;
return true;
* Commit changed sources
global boolean CommitSources() {
y2debug("In: %1 Out: %2", sourceStatesIn, sourceStatesOut );
boolean success = false;
while (true)
success = Pkg::SourceEditSet( sourceStatesOut );
if ( !success ) {
// popup message header
string _msg1 = _("Unable to save changes to the catalog
// popup message, after message header, header of details
string _msg2 = _("Details:") + "\n" + Pkg::LastError();
// end of popup message, question
_msg2 = _msg2 + "\n" + _("Try again?");
boolean tryagain = Popup::YesNo( _msg1 + "\n" + _msg2 );
if (tryagain )
return success;
* Write all source-manager settings
* @return true on success
global boolean Write() {
/* SourceManager read dialog caption */
string caption = _("Saving Catalog Configuration");
integer steps = 1;
// We do not set help text here, because it was set outside
Progress::New(caption, " ", steps, [
/* Progress stage 1/1 */
_("Write catalog settings"),
], [
/* Progress step 1/1 */
_("Writing the settings..."),
/* Progress finished */
// write settings
if(Abort()) return false;
/* Error message */
boolean exit = CommitSources();
if(Abort()) return false;
/* Progress finished */
if(Abort()) return false;
return exit;
* Get all source-manager settings from the first parameter
* (For use by autoinstallation.)
* @param settings The YCP structure to be imported.
* @return boolean True on success
global boolean Import (map settings) {
return true;
* Dump the source-manager settings to a single map
* (For use by autoinstallation.)
* @return map Dumped settings (later acceptable by Import ())
global map Export () {
return $[];
global boolean CreateLocalMetaData (
integer SrcId,
string metaDir,
string slidedir,
string descrDir,
string prodDir) {
boolean all_sources_ok=true;
string localdir = metaDir+"/"+descrDir;
WFM::Execute (.local.mkdir, localdir);
y2debug("created local dir : %1", localdir );
string datadir = Pkg::SourceProvideDir (SrcId, 1, descrDir+"/media.1");
if (datadir != nil)
WFM::Execute (.local.mkdir, localdir+"/media.1");
WFM::Execute (.local.bash, "/bin/cp " + datadir + "/* " + localdir+"/media.1");
y2error ("media doesn't provide %1", descrDir + "/media.1");
if (Popup::AnyQuestion (
// Popup::NoHeadline(),
// popup headline
_("Reading Media Description Failed"),
sformat (
// popup message, %1 is filename
_("Cannot read media description for %1.
Packages from this media cannot be installed."), descrDir),
Label::IgnoreButton (),
Label::AbortButton (),
return false;
all_sources_ok = false;
// content file
datadir = Pkg::SourceProvideFile (SrcId, 1, descrDir+"/content");
WFM::Execute (.local.bash, "/bin/cp " + datadir + " " + localdir + "/content");
WFM::Execute (.local.bash, "/bin/grep DESCRDIR " + localdir + "/content > /tmp/descrdir");
string descrline = (string) WFM::Read (.local.string, "/tmp/descrdir");
list<string> descrsplit = splitstring (descrline, " \t\n");
string _descrdir = descrsplit[1]:"";
if (size (_descrdir) > 0)
y2milestone ("descrdir %1", _descrdir);
WFM::Execute (.local.mkdir, localdir+"/"+_descrdir);
datadir = Pkg::SourceProvideDir (SrcId, 1, descrDir+"/"+_descrdir);
if (datadir != nil)
WFM::Execute (.local.bash, "/bin/cp " + datadir + "/* " +localdir+"/"+_descrdir);
} else {
y2error("Error providing %1", _descrdir );
// copy GPG keys if there are any
string directory_file = Pkg::SourceProvideFile (
SrcId, 1, descrDir + "/directory.yast");
string directory_str = (string)
WFM::Read (.local.string, directory_file);
list<string> directory = splitstring (directory_str, "\n");
directory = filter (string d, directory, {
return substring (d, 0, 10) == "gpg-pubkey";
y2milestone ("GPG keys to be copied: %1", directory);
foreach (string k, directory, {
string file = Pkg::SourceProvideFile (
SrcId, 1, descrDir + "/" + k);
WFM::Execute (.local.bash,
"cp /" + file + " " + localdir);
// slide show
if (size (_descrdir) > 5)
string tmp = substring (_descrdir, 0, size (_descrdir) - 5) + "slide";
y2milestone("slide dir: %1", tmp );
WFM::Execute (.local.mkdir, localdir+"/"+tmp);
// FIXME: SourceProvideDir can't handle dirs with subdirs
datadir = Pkg::SourceProvideDir (SrcId, 1, descrDir+"/"+tmp);
// datadir = "/var/adm/YaST/InstSrcManager/IS_CACHE_0x00000001/MEDIA" + orderdir+"/"+tmp;
y2milestone ("tmp=%1, datadir=%2", tmp, datadir);
if (datadir != nil)
y2milestone ("copy slide show %1 %2", datadir, slidedir);
WFM::Execute (.local.bash, "/bin/cp -r " + datadir + "/* " + slidedir);
// if directory is empty, remove it.
WFM::Execute (.local.bash, "/bin/rmdir " + slidedir);
return all_sources_ok;
* Get Source ID by index
global integer GetSrcIdByIndex(integer idx) {
integer SrcId = sourceStatesOut[idx, "SrcId"]:-1;
return SrcId;
* Set current used source URL by index
global void SetUrlByIndex(integer idx) {
integer SrcId = sourceStatesOut[idx, "SrcId"]:-1;
currentUrl = Pkg::SourceGeneralData(SrcId)["url"]:"";
* Get Source ID when only URL is known
global define integer getSourceId( string url ) {
numSources = size( sourceStatesOut );
integer i = 0;
integer id = -1;
while ( i < numSources )
map generalData = Pkg::SourceGeneralData(sourceStatesOut[i, "SrcId"]:-1 );
if ( generalData[ "url" ]:"" == url )
id = sourceStatesOut[i, "SrcId"]:-1;
i = i + 1;
return id;
* Gather Source Metadata
global define map SourceData(integer source) ``{
map g = Pkg::SourceGeneralData( source );
y2milestone("generalData: %1", g);
map p = Pkg::SourceProductData( source );
if (p == nil)
p = $[];
y2milestone("productData: %1", p);
return ((map)union(g,p));
* Create a Source from an URL
global symbol createSource( string url ) {
if ( url != "" )
if (!Mode::commandline())
// Popup::Message( sformat( "URL: %1", url ) );
`VSpacing( 0.2 ),
`Label( _("Adding catalog...") ),
`VSpacing( 0.2 )
newSources = Pkg::SourceScan( url, "" );
if (!Mode::commandline())
if ( size( newSources ) == 0 )
string _msg1 = sformat( _("Unable to create catalog
from URL '%1'."), InstURL::HidePassword(url) );
string _msg2 = _("Details:") + "\n" + Pkg::LastError();
// end of popup message, question
_msg2 = _msg2 + "\n" + _("Try again?");
boolean tryagain = Popup::YesNo( _msg1 + "\n" + _msg2 );
if ( tryagain ) return `again;
else return `cancel;
list<integer> ul_sources = filter (integer s, newSources, {
map src_data = Pkg::SourceGeneralData (s);
string src_type = src_data["type"]:"";
return src_type == "YaST";
if (size (ul_sources) == 0)
if (! Popup::AnyQuestion (
Popup::NoHeadline (),
// continue-back popup
_("There is no product information available at the given location.
If you expected to address a product, return back and enter
the correct location.
To make rpm packages located at the specified location available
in the packages selection, continue."),
Label::ContinueButton (),
Label::BackButton (),
return `again;
foreach( integer id, newSources, ``{
map<string, any> sourceState = $[ "SrcId": id, "enabled": true ];
sourceStatesOut = add( sourceStatesOut, sourceState );
} );
return `ok;
return `cancel;
* Delete Source by Source ID
global void deleteSourceBySrcId( integer SrcId ) {
y2debug("removing source: %1 %2", SrcId, sourceStatesOut );
numSources = size( sourceStatesOut );
integer i = 0;
while ( i < numSources )
if ( sourceStatesOut[i, "SrcId"]:-1 == SrcId )
sourceStatesOut = remove( sourceStatesOut, i );
i = i + 1;
* Delete Source by Source Index
global void deleteSourceByIndex (integer idx ) {
sourceStatesOut = remove( sourceStatesOut, idx );
* Delete Source by Source URL
global void deleteSourceByUrl (string url ) {
* Create Summary Item
define string createItem( integer index, map source ) {
integer id = source[ "SrcId" ]:0;
map generalData = Pkg::SourceGeneralData( id );
map productData = Pkg::SourceProductData( id );
string sitem = "";
string status = source[ "enabled" ]:true
// status info, to be used inside summary
? _("Enabled")
// status info, to be used inside summary
: _("Disabled");
string color = source[ "enabled" ]:true ? "#006600" : "#FF0000";
sitem = sitem + HTML::Colorize("["+status+"] ",
// translators: name of a source if no other idenfication found
sitem = sitem + productData[ "label" ]:generalData["type"]:_("unknown");
sitem = sitem + " ( " + generalData[ "url" ]:"" + ")";
return sitem;
* Create Source Item for Overview
define term createOverviewItem( integer index, map source ) {
integer id = source[ "SrcId" ]:0;
map generalData = Pkg::SourceGeneralData( id );
map productData = Pkg::SourceProductData( id );
term item = `item(
`id(index ),
source[ "enabled" ]:true
// corresponds to the "Enable/Disable" button
? _("On")
// corresponds to the "Enable/Disable" button
: _("Off"),
productData[ "label" ]:generalData["type"]:_("Unknown"),
generalData[ "url" ]:""
return item;
* Handle Multiple source URLs (order/instorder)
boolean HandleMultipleSources( string url ) {
boolean metadir_used = false;
list<string> theSourceDirectories = [];
map<integer,integer> theSourceOrder = $[];
list theSources=[];
string tmpdir = (string) SCR::Read(.target.tmpdir );
string metadir = tmpdir + "/yast-install";
Pkg::SourceStartManager( false );
integer initial_source = Pkg::SourceScan(url, "")[0]:nil;
if (initial_source == nil)
y2error ("No source on '%1'", url);
return false;
return false;
* Create a textual summary and a list of unconfigured cards
* @return summary of the current configuration
global list Summary() {
string summary = "";
// summary header
summary = Summary::AddHeader(summary, _("Configured Catalogs"));
summary = Summary::OpenList(summary);
numSources = size( sourceStatesOut );
integer i = 0;
while ( i < numSources ) {
summary = Summary::AddListItem(summary,createItem(i, sourceStatesOut[ i ]:$[]));
i = i + 1;
summary = Summary::CloseList(summary);
list unconf = maplist(map s, slp_sources, ``{
string id = substring(s["srvurl"]:"", 21);
y2debug("source url : %1", id );
// part of item in summary
return(`item(`id(id), s["attr", "label"]:_("Unknown")
// part of item in summary meaning "switched on"
+ _(" On ") + s["pcHost"]:""));
return [summary, unconf ];
* Create an overview table with all configured cards
* @return table items
global list Overview() {
numSources = size( sourceStatesOut );
integer i = 0;
list source_overview = [];
while ( i < numSources ) {
source_overview = add(source_overview,
createOverviewItem(i, sourceStatesOut[ i ]:$[] ));
i = i + 1;
return source_overview;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// adding YaST installation source into the ZMD
global string SyncLabel () {
// yast is running a zenworks command (rug) to
// keep the repository references in sync
return _("Synchronizing with ZENworks");
* Runs a bash command with timeout.
* @struct Returns map $[
* "exit" : int_return_code,
* "stdout" : [ "script", "stdout", "lines" ],
* "stderr" : [ "script", "stderr", "lines" ],
* ]
* @param run_command what to run
* @param log_command what to log (passwords masked)
* @param script_time_out in sec.
* @return map with out, err and ret_code
global map RunCommandWithTimeout (string run_command, string log_command, integer script_time_out) {
y2milestone("Running command \"%1\" in background...", log_command);
boolean started = (boolean) SCR::Execute(.background.run_output_err, run_command);
if (!started) {
y2error("Cannot run '%1'", run_command);
return nil;
list<string> script_out = [];
list<string> script_err = [];
integer time_spent = 0;
integer return_code = nil;
boolean timed_out = false;
integer sleep_step = 200; // ms
script_time_out = script_time_out * 1000;
// while continuing is needed and while it is possible
while (! timed_out) {
boolean running = (boolean) SCR::Read(.background.isrunning);
// debugging #165821
if (time_spent % 100000 == 0) {
y2milestone ("running: %1", running);
string flag = "/tmp/SourceManagerTimeout";
if (SCR::Read (.target.size, flag) != -1) {
y2milestone ("Emergency exit");
SCR::Execute (.target.remove, flag);
if (! running) {
// at last, enable aborting the sync
if (Mode::commandline ()) {
sleep (sleep_step);
else {
any ui = UI::TimeoutUserInput (sleep_step);
if (ui == `abort) {
y2milestone ("aborted");
timed_out = true;
// time-out
if (time_spent >= script_time_out) {
y2error("Command timed out after %1 msec", time_spent);
timed_out = true;
time_spent = time_spent + sleep_step;
y2milestone("Time spent: %1 msec", time_spent);
// fetching the return code if not timed-out
if (! timed_out) {
y2milestone ("getting output");
script_out = (list<string>) SCR::Read(.background.newout);
y2milestone ("getting errors");
script_err = (list<string>) SCR::Read(.background.newerr);
y2milestone ("getting status");
return_code = (integer) SCR::Read(.background.status);
y2milestone ("killing");
SCR::Execute(.background.kill, "");
map command_ret = $[
"exit" : return_code,
"stdout" : script_out,
"stderr" : script_err,
if (timed_out)
command_ret["timed_out"] = time_spent;
return command_ret;
* Run
* - with a timeout
* - on dumb terminal to disable colors etc
* - using 'exit $?' because of buggy behavior '.background vs. ZMD'
* @param command a command
* @param log_command a command to log
* @param seconds timeout
* @return map with out, err and ret_code
global map RunDumbTimeout (string command, string log_command, integer seconds) {
string dumb_format = "export TERM=dumb; %1; exit $?";
string dumb_command = sformat (dumb_format, command);
string dumb_log_command = sformat (dumb_format, log_command);
// explicit export in case TERM was not in the environment
map ret = RunCommandWithTimeout (dumb_command, dumb_log_command, seconds);
if (ret == nil) ret = $[];
return ret;
* Run with a long timeout
* @param command a command
* @param log_command a command to log
* @return map with out, err and ret_code
map RunLongLog (string command, string log_command) {
return RunDumbTimeout (command, log_command, 1800);
* Run with a long timeout
* @param command a command
* @return map with out, err and ret_code
map RunLong (string command) {
return RunLongLog (command, command);
* path to ZMD CLI
const string rug = "/usr/bin/rug";
* Detect whether ZMD is running
boolean CheckZMDStatus () {
map zmd_status = RunLong (rug + " ping >/dev/null");
y2milestone("ZMD status: %1, err: %2", zmd_status["exit"]:nil, zmd_status["stderr"]:[]);
// Argh zis suks so mutch! #170549
return zmd_status["exit"]:nil == 0 || zmd_status["stderr"]:[] == [];
list<string> known_urls = nil;
* Force calling rug on next @ref IsUrlKnownToZMD
void ResetKnownServiceCache () {
known_urls = nil;
* Update the cache after a successful rug service-{add,delete} call
* @param adding add url or delete it
* @param url what
void UpdateKnownServiceCache (boolean adding, string url) {
if (adding) {
known_urls = add (known_urls, url);
} else {
known_urls = filter (string u, known_urls, ``( u != url ));
* Whether the URL is known to rug service-list.
* The known services are cached,
* the caller should use @ref ResetKnownServiceCache if appropriate
* (each time when coming from outside this module at least)
* @return boolean or nil if determining the status failed
boolean IsUrlKnownToZMD (string url) {
if (known_urls == nil)
//format: "3|Active|ZYPP|ServiceName|ftp://example.org/update/10.1"
// With empty lines and "Waking up ZMD...Done" as a distraction
map ret = RunLong (rug + " --no-abbrev --terse service-list | cut -d'|' -f5 --only-delimited");
if (ret["stdout"]:nil == nil) {
y2error("Listing of services failed, returned %1", ret);
return nil;
// really individual lines?
known_urls = (list <string>) ret["stdout"]:[];
list<string> log_known_urls = maplist (string u, known_urls, ``(
y2milestone ("known %1", log_known_urls);
return contains (known_urls, url);
* Get a ZMD preference
* @param pref see "rug get-prefs"
string RugGetPref (string pref) {
// "pref|value"
map ret = RunLong (sformat ("%1 --terse get-prefs %2 | cut -d'|' -f2 --only-delimited", rug, pref));
if (ret["stdout"]:nil == nil) {
y2error("GetPref failed, returned %1", ret);
return nil;
string line = ret["stdout", 0]:"";
return deletechars (line, "\n");
* Set a ZMD preference
void RugSetPref (string pref, string value) {
map ret = RunLong (sformat ("%1 set-prefs %2 '%3'", rug, pref, value));
y2milestone ("ret %1", ret);
* Adds a ZYPP service into ZMD
* @param src_id installation source id
* @return success
boolean AddOrDeleteZYPPServiceIntoZMD (integer src_id, boolean adding) {
map gendata = Pkg::SourceGeneralData (src_id);
string stype = gendata["type"]:""; // metadata type
if (stype == "YaST") stype = "zypp"; /* 'rug' only accepts yum or zypp */
string url = gendata["url"]:"";
string log_url = InstURL::HidePassword (url);
// ZMD must have unique URIs, so we append the alias
string alias = gendata["alias"]:"";
y2milestone ("id: %1, type: %2, url: %3, alias: %4", src_id, stype, log_url, alias);
if (stype == "" || url == "" || alias == "") {
y2error ("Internal error: stype, url, or alias is empty ?!");
return false;
// yum sources do not need+understand the alias, #164083
// The above reason is obsolete but we keep compatibility with
// the service-delete zmd helper
if (stype == "zypp")
// URL (un)escapes for us
// maybe a bug with "="?
map parsed_url = URL::Parse (url);
string query = parsed_url["query"]:"";
if (query != "") query = query + "&";
parsed_url["query"] = query + "alias=" + alias;
string test_url = URL::Build (parsed_url);
y2milestone ("test zmd url: %1", InstURL::HidePassword(test_url));
string separator = (search (url, "?") == nil)? "?": "&";
url = url + separator + "alias=" + alias;
log_url = InstURL::HidePassword (url);
y2milestone ("zmd url: %1", log_url);
// we're done if known and adding or unknown and deleting.
// if the status is uncertain (error),
// we proceed to be able to report it
boolean done_already = adding == IsUrlKnownToZMD (url);
if (done_already) {
y2milestone ("already in sync");
return true;
string name = alias;
string owner = "zypp"; // not stype: #168739
string command = nil;
string log_command = nil;
// be quiet, #179080
if (adding) {
const string format = "%4 --quiet service-add --type='%3' '%1' '%2' && %4 subscribe '%1'";
command = sformat (format, url, name, owner, rug);
log_command = sformat (format, log_url, name, owner, rug);
else {
const string format = "%2 --quiet service-delete '%1'";
command = sformat (format, url, rug);
log_command = sformat (format, log_url, rug);
map ret = RunLongLog (command, log_command); // #165145
if (ret["exit"]:nil == 0) {
UpdateKnownServiceCache (adding, url);
return true;
} else {
string message = adding?
// rug is a command name
_("Your service was added successfully in YaST, but could not be synchronized with ZenWorks."):
_("Your service was deleted successfully in YaST, but could not be synchronized with ZenWorks.");
message = message + ":";
if (ret["stdout"]:[] != [])
message = message + "\n" + mergestring (ret["stdout"]:[], "\n");
if (ret["stderr"]:[] != [])
message = message + "\n" + mergestring (ret["stderr"]:[], "\n");
else if (haskey (ret, "timed_out"))
// error message
// FIXME "ms" or plural gettext
message = message + "\n" + sformat (_("Command timed out after %1 milliseconds."), ret["timed_out"]:1000);
Report::LongError (message);
return false;
/* ZMD service name - used for starting and stopping ZMD */
string zmd_service_name = "/etc/init.d/novell-zmd";
* Start ZMD if it was not running
* Report::Error on failure
* @return an opaque handle
map ZMDStart () {
map zmd_handle = $[];
// #214588: don't complain if it is not installed
boolean installed = (integer) SCR::Read (.target.size, zmd_service_name) > 0;
if (! installed) {
y2milestone ("ZMD is not installed");
return $[ "was_running": false, "is_running": false ];
boolean running = CheckZMDStatus ();
zmd_handle ["was_running"] = running;
if (! running) {
// Starting the service
map zmd_start = RunLong (zmd_service_name + " start");
y2milestone("ZMD start: %1", zmd_start);
// Checking the status after start
running = CheckZMDStatus ();
zmd_handle ["is_running"] = running;
if (! running) {
return zmd_handle;
* @param zmd_handle what ZMDStart returned
* @return can we work with ZMD now
boolean ZMDWorking (map zmd_handle) {
return zmd_handle["is_running"]:false;
* Restore the status before ZMDStart
* Report::Error on failure
* @param zmd_handle what ZMDStart returned
void ZMDRestore (map zmd_handle) {
// It was running, nothing to change
if (zmd_handle["was_running"]:false)
if (zmd_handle["is_running"]:false)
y2milestone("Stopping service ZMD %1", zmd_service_name);
map zmd_stop = RunLong (zmd_service_name + " stop");
y2milestone("ZMD stop: %1", zmd_stop);
// #166900, if stop fails it means it is still busy and
// will stop later
if (false && zmd_stop["exit"]:nil != 0) {
y2milestone("ZMD stopped");
integer source_locked = 0;
const string source_lock_flag = "/var/lib/zypp/sources-being-processed-by-yast";
* Start a section where other processes (such as ZMD helpers) should not
* access the source database. #170113
* The calls may be nested.
global void Lock () {
if (source_locked == 0)
SCR::Write (.target.string, source_lock_flag, "bug 170113");
source_locked = source_locked + 1;
y2milestone ("lock: %1", source_locked);
* Other processes may access the source database again
global void Unlock () {
source_locked = source_locked - 1;
if (source_locked < 0)
y2internal ("Too many unlocks!");
source_locked = 0;
if (source_locked == 0)
SCR::Execute (.target.remove, source_lock_flag);
y2milestone ("unlock: %1", source_locked);
* Checks whether ZMD is running, starts it when isn't. Checks whether a ZYPP source is listed
* in the ZMD services, adds one if it is missing.
* Everything is done via the .background agent with timeout (number in seconds).
* @return boolean whether the syncing succeeds
global boolean SyncYaSTInstSourceWithZMD () {
// Notes for maintainer:
// - using .background agent because of ZMD/rug call that can stuck
// - using 'exit $?' that work well with ZMD/rug and .background together
// - using TERM=dumb to suppress colors, progress bars etc. from ZMD/rug
// - when the function finishes, it must leave ZMD in the same status (running/stopped)
// as it was when the function started
// WARNIG: this function starts ZMD and expects that LIBZYPP has no lock over
// the RPM database. You can run it only when the RPM is not locked
// otherwise the ZMD will block itself!
UI::OpenDialog (`VBox (
// popup progress information
`Label(SyncLabel ()), // #221250
`PushButton (`id (`abort), Label::AbortButton ())
y2milestone("--- Syncing YaST inst source with ZMD ---");
Lock ();
boolean ret = false;
// Check the ZMD status and start if not running
// If the ZMD wasn't running, we will try to start it
// and then we will have to stop it at the end
map zmd_handle = ZMDStart ();
if (ZMDWorking (zmd_handle)) {
// now we can work
if (true) {
string zmd_security_level = RugGetPref ("security-level");
// The user has already decided to trust the inst sources
// otherwise we would not be here. Do not ask again.
// #182747
RugSetPref ("security-level", "none");
list<integer> src_ids = Pkg::SourceGetCurrent (false /*also disabled*/);
ResetKnownServiceCache ();
boolean added_ok = true;
foreach (integer src_id, src_ids, {
map gendata = Pkg::SourceGeneralData (src_id);
// #219414, delete disabled ones (previous product version)
boolean add_or_del = gendata["enabled"]:true;
added_ok = AddOrDeleteZYPPServiceIntoZMD (src_id, add_or_del) && added_ok;
if (added_ok) {
y2milestone("Adding ZYPP service succeeded");
} else {
y2error("Adding ZYPP service failed");
ret = added_ok;
// restore
if (zmd_security_level != nil)
RugSetPref ("security-level", zmd_security_level);
ZMDRestore (zmd_handle);
Unlock ();
y2milestone("--- Syncing finished ---");
return ret;
* Sync the changed sources to ZenWorks
* @param added_src_ids ids of sources that were added
* @param deleted_src_ids ids of sources that were deleted
* @return success
global boolean SyncAddedAndDeleted (list<integer> added_src_ids,
list<integer> deleted_src_ids) {
boolean ret = false;
Lock ();
map zmd_handle = ZMDStart ();
if (ZMDWorking (zmd_handle)) {
ret = true;
ResetKnownServiceCache ();
string zmd_security_level = RugGetPref ("security-level");
RugSetPref ("security-level", "none"); // #190403
// first delete, then add,
// otherwise replacing a source with itself fails: #175159
foreach (integer id, deleted_src_ids, {
ret = AddOrDeleteZYPPServiceIntoZMD (id, false) && ret;
foreach (integer id, added_src_ids, {
ret = AddOrDeleteZYPPServiceIntoZMD (id, true) && ret;
if (zmd_security_level != nil)
RugSetPref ("security-level", zmd_security_level);
ZMDRestore (zmd_handle);
Unlock ();
return ret;
* Parse a URL query (already unescaped) to a map.
* If no equal sign, the value will be nil.
* @param query foo=bar&baz=qux
* @return $["foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"]
map<string, string> ParseUrlQuery (string query) {
list<string> q_items = splitstring (query, "&");
map<string, string> q_map = listmap (string q_item, q_items, {
integer eqpos = search (q_item, "=");
if (eqpos == nil)
return $[ q_item: nil ];
string key = substring (q_item, 0, eqpos);
string val = substring (q_item, eqpos + 1);
return $[ key: val ];
return q_map;
* @param attr SourceGeneralData item
* @return For existing sources, get a mapping from an attribute to the id
map<string,integer> get_attr_to_id (string attr) {
list<integer> src_ids = Pkg::SourceGetCurrent (false/*enabled only?*/);
map<string,integer> a2i = listmap (integer src_id, src_ids, {
map gendata = Pkg::SourceGeneralData (src_id);
string alias = gendata[attr]:"";
return $[ alias: src_id ];
return a2i;
* @return For existing sources, get a mapping from the alias to the id
map<string,integer> get_alias_to_id () {
return get_attr_to_id ("alias");
* @return For existing sources, get a mapping from the URL to the id
map<string,integer> get_url_to_id () {
return get_attr_to_id ("url");
* Extract an alias parameter from the URL and check whether we have
* such a source already.
* @param url a source with an alias parameter (actually optional)
* @param alias_to_id a premade mapping, @see get_alias_to_id
* @return the source id or -1
integer SourceByAliasOrUrl (string url,
map<string,integer> alias_to_id,
map<string,integer> url_to_id) {
// parse the URL
map parsed_url = URL::Parse (url);
y2milestone ("parsed: %1", parsed_url);
// (reassemble and warn if it differs)
string reassembled = URL::Build (parsed_url);
if (url != reassembled)
y2warning ("reassembled differs: %1", reassembled);
// get the alias
map<string, string> q_map = ParseUrlQuery (parsed_url["query"]:"");
y2milestone ("query: %1", q_map);
string alias = q_map["alias"]:"";
// (empty: box safeguard)
if (alias != "" && haskey (alias_to_id, alias))
return alias_to_id[alias]:-1;
// #188572: if no match by alias, try url
return url_to_id[url]:-1;
* Used by registration.
* This is really hairy because we simultaneously add them to zypp and
* zenworks, but not if they are not signed. (thus being better than
* inst_source)
* @param urls update sources to add
* @return a list of added URLs
global list<string> AddUpdateSources (list<string> urls) {
list<string> ret = [];
// prepare for lookup of known aliases
map<string,integer> aliases = get_alias_to_id ();
y2milestone ("alias mapping: %1", aliases);
map<string,integer> by_url = get_url_to_id ();
y2milestone ("url mapping: %1", by_url);
Lock ();
map zmd_handle = ZMDStart ();
boolean zmd_working = ZMDWorking (zmd_handle);
ResetKnownServiceCache ();
// add the sources.
// but do not make duplicates (#168740)
// we detect them based on alias that suse_register gives us (#158850#c17)
/// (but only for SLE... :-/ )
/// Need to test what happens when we get two different update
/// servers for SL
/// Anyway that means only that #168740 remains unfixed for SL
foreach (string url, urls, {
// #180820
boolean is_nu = search (url, "$RCE") != nil;
y2milestone ("Should add an update source: %1", url);
// inst_addon_update_sources also calls Pkg::SourceCreate
// but it already skips duplicates
// check if alias already there
// if yes, delete the old one
integer todel = SourceByAliasOrUrl (url, aliases, by_url);
if (todel != -1)
y2milestone ("deleting the old copy, source %1", todel);
if (!is_nu && zmd_working)
AddOrDeleteZYPPServiceIntoZMD (todel, false);
Pkg::SourceDelete (todel);
// then add the new one
y2milestone ("adding source");
integer toadd = Pkg::SourceCreate (url, "/");
// and add to zenworks too, but only if it succeeded here (#180820)
if (toadd != -1 && toadd != nil)
ret = add (ret, url); // #180820#c26
if (!is_nu && zmd_working)
AddOrDeleteZYPPServiceIntoZMD (toadd, true);
ZMDRestore (zmd_handle);
Unlock ();
return ret;
// adding YaST installation source into the ZMD
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
global boolean AskForCD (string message) {
list<map<string,any> > cdroms = (list<map<string,any> >)
SCR::Read (.probe.cdrom);
boolean multiple_drives = size (cdroms) > 1;
term drives_sel = `Empty ();
list<string> devices = maplist (map<string,any> d, cdroms, {
return d["dev_name"]:"";
if (multiple_drives)
drives_sel = `SelectionBox (`id (`drives), _("&Drive to eject"),
term contents = `HBox (`HSpacing (1), `VBox (
`VSpacing (0.5),
`Label (message),
`VSpacing (0.5),
`VSpacing (0.5),
`HBox (
`HStretch (),
`HWeight (1, `PushButton (`id (`cont), Label::ContinueButton ())),
`HWeight (1, `PushButton (`id (`cancel), Label::CancelButton ())),
`HWeight (1, `PushButton (`id (`eject), _("&Eject"))),
`HStretch ()
`VSpacing (0.5)
), `HSpacing (1));
UI::OpenDialog (contents);
if (multiple_drives)
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`drives), `CurrentItem, devices[0]:"");
UI::SetFocus (`id (`cont));
symbol ret = nil;
while (true)
ret = (symbol)UI::UserInput ();
if (ret == `cont || ret == `cancel)
if (ret == `eject)
if (multiple_drives)
string device = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`drives), `Value);
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat ("/bin/eject %1", device));
SCR::Execute (.target.bash, sformat ("/bin/eject %1",
ret = nil;
UI::CloseDialog ();
return ret == `cont;
* Function returns the partiton name which is used as a source for the installation
* (IF any partition is used as a source for installation, of course).
* Otherwise it returns an empty string "". See bugzilla #208222 for more information.
* @return string partition name
global string InstallationSourceOnPartition () {
string install_mode = Linuxrc::InstallInf ("InstMode");
// Hard Disk is used for the installation
if (install_mode == "hd") {
string install_partition = Linuxrc::InstallInf ("Partition");
// No partiton is defined - error
if (install_partition == "" || install_partition == nil) {
y2error ("Despite the fact that the install-mode is '%1', install-partition is '%2'",
install_mode, install_partition
return "";
} else {
return install_partition;
} else {
return "";
/* EOF */