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* File: SourceDialogs.ycp
* Authors: Jiri Srain <jsrain@suse.cz>
* Klaus Kaempf <kkaempf@suse.de>
* Gabriele Strattner <gs@suse.de>
* Stefan Schubert <schubi@suse.de>
* Cornelius Schumacher <cschum@suse.de>
* Purpose:
* Displays possibilities to install from NFS, CD or partion
* $Id: inst_source_dialogs.ycp 31607 2006-06-22 07:02:01Z jsuchome $
textdomain "packager";
module "SourceDialogs";
import "Label";
import "URL";
import "Popup";
import "CWM";
import "SourceManager";
// common functions / data
* URL to work with
string _url = "";
* Allow HTTPS for next source dialog?
boolean _allow_https = true;
* Help text suffix for some types of the medias
string iso_help = _("<p>If the location is a file holding an ISO image
of the media, set <b>ISO Image</b>.</p>");
* Help text suffix for some types of the medias
string multi_cd_help = _("<p>If the catalog is on multiple medias,
set the location of the first media of the set.</p>");
* Set the URL to work with
* @param url string URL to run the dialogs with
global void SetURL (string url) {
_url = url;
* Return URL after the run of the dialog
* @return string the URL
global string GetURL () {
return _url;
* Postprocess URL of an ISO image
* @param url string URL in the original form
* @return string postprocessed URL
string PosprocessISOURL (string url) {
y2milestone ("Updating ISO URL %1", url);
integer last = findlastof (url, "/") + 1;
string onlydir = substring (url, 0, last);
url = "iso:/?iso=" + substring (url, last) + "&url=" + onlydir;
y2milestone ("Updated URL: %1", url);
return url;
* Check if URL is an ISO URL
* @param url string URL to check
* @return boolean true if URL is an ISO URL, false otherwise
boolean IsISOURL (string url) {
boolean ret = substring (url, 0, 5) == "iso:/" &&
issubstring (url, "&url=");
y2milestone ("URL %1 is ISO: %2", url, ret);
return ret;
* Preprocess the ISO URL to be used in the dialogs
* @param url string URL to preprocess
* @return string preprocessed URL
string PreprocessISOURL (string url) {
y2milestone ("Preprocessing ISO URL %1", url);
integer url_pt = search (url, "&url=");
string serverpart = substring (url, url_pt + 5);
string isopart = substring (url, 0, url_pt);
url = serverpart + substring (isopart, search (isopart, "iso=") + 4);
y2milestone ("Updated URL: %1", url);
return url;
* check if given path points to ISO file
* @param url string URL to check
* @return boolean true if URL is ISO image
boolean PathIsISO (string url) {
if (size (url) < 4) return false;
return substring (url, size (url) - 4, 4) == ".iso";
* Add a slash to the part of url, if it is not already present
* @param urlpart string a part of the URL
* @return string urlpart with leading slash
string Slashed (string urlpart) {
if ( substring( urlpart, 0, 1 ) == "/" )
return urlpart;
return "/" + urlpart;
* Remove leading and trailing (and inner) spaces from the host name
* @param host string original host name
* @return string host without leading and trailing spaces
string NormalizeHost (string host) {
host = deletechars (host, " \t");
return host;
* Return an HBox with ok and cancel buttons for use by other dialogs.
* @return An HBox term for use in a CreateDialog call.
term PopupButtons() {
return `HBox(
`PushButton( `id( `ok ), `opt( `default ), Label::OKButton() ),
`PushButton( `id( `cancel ), Label::CancelButton() )
* Get scheme of a URL, also for ISO URL get scheme of the access protocol
* @param url string URL to get scheme for
* @return string URL scheme
string URLScheme (string url) {
string scheme = "";
if (IsISOURL (url))
string tmp_url = PreprocessISOURL (url);
map parsed = URL::Parse (tmp_url);
scheme = parsed["scheme"]:"";
map parsed = URL::Parse (url);
scheme = parsed["scheme"]:"";
if (scheme == "" || scheme == nil)
scheme = "url";
y2milestone ("URL scheme for URL %1: %2", url, scheme);
return scheme;
// raw URL editation widget
* Init function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
void PlainURLInit (string key) {
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`url), `Value, _url);
UI::SetFocus (`url);
* Store function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
* @param event map which caused settings being stored
void PlainURLStore (string key, map event) {
_url = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`url), `Value);
boolean PlainURLValidate (string key, map event) {
string url = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`url), `Value);
if (url == "")
UI::SetFocus (`id (`url));
// popup message
Popup::Message (_("URL cannot be empty."));
return false;
return true;
* Get widget description map
* @return widget description map
map<string,any> PlainURLWidget () {
return $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : `VBox (
// text entry
`TextEntry( `id( `url ), _("&URL") )
"init" : PlainURLInit,
"store" : PlainURLStore,
"validate_type" : `function,
"validate_function" : PlainURLValidate,
// help text
"help" : _("<p><big><b>Catalog URL</b></big><br>
Use <b>URL</b> to specify the URL of the catalog.<p>") + multi_cd_help,
// NFS editation widget
* Init function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
void NFSInit (string key) {
boolean iso = IsISOURL (_url);
if (iso)
_url = PreprocessISOURL (_url);
map parsed = URL::Parse (_url);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`server), `Value, parsed["host"]:"");
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`dir), `Value, parsed["path"]:"");
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`ch_iso), `Value, iso);
UI::SetFocus (`server);
* Store function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
* @param event map which caused settings being stored
void NFSStore (string key, map event) {
map parsed = $[
"scheme" : "nfs",
"host" : NormalizeHost (
(string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`server), `Value)),
"path" : (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`dir), `Value),
_url = URL::Build (parsed);
boolean iso = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`ch_iso), `Value);
if (iso)
_url = PosprocessISOURL (_url);
* Get widget description map
* @return widget description map
map<string,any> NFSWidget () {
return $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : `VBox (
// text entry
`TextEntry (`id (`server), _("&Server Name")),
// text entry
`TextEntry (`id (`dir), _("&Path to Directory or ISO Image")),
// checkbox label
`Left (`CheckBox ( `id (`ch_iso), _("ISO Image")))
"init" : NFSInit,
"store" : NFSStore,
// help text
"help" : _("<p><big><b>NFS Server</b></big><br>
Use <b>Server Name</b> and <b>Path to Directory or ISO Image</b>
to specify the NFS server host name and path on the server.<p>")
+ iso_help
+ multi_cd_help,
// CD/DVD source widget
* Init function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
void CDInit (string key) {
map parsed = URL::Parse (_url);
string scheme = parsed["scheme"]:"";
if (scheme == "dvd")
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`cd), `Value, true);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`dvd), `Value, true);
UI::SetFocus (`cd);
* Store function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
* @param event map which caused settings being stored
void CDStore (string key, map event) {
symbol device = (symbol)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`device), `CurrentButton);
if (device == `cd)
_url = "cd:///";
_url = "dvd:///";
* Get widget description map
* @return widget description map
map<string,any> CDWidget () {
return $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : `RadioButtonGroup (`id (`device), `VBox (
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`cd), _("&CD-ROM"))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`dvd ), _("&DVD-ROM")))
"init" : CDInit,
"store" : CDStore,
"help" : _("<p><big><b>CD or DVD Media</b></big><br>
Set <b>CD-ROM</b> or <b>DVD-ROM</b> to specify the type of media.</p>"),
// File / Directory source widget
* Init function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
void DirInit (string key) {
boolean iso = IsISOURL (_url);
if (iso)
_url = PreprocessISOURL (_url);
map parsed = URL::Parse (_url);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`dir), `Value, parsed["path"]:"");
UI::SetFocus (`dir);
* Store function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
* @param event map which caused settings being stored
void DirStore (string key, map event) {
map parsed = $[
"scheme" : "dir",
"path" : (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`dir), `Value),
_url = URL::Build (parsed);
if (UI::WidgetExists(`id(`ch_iso)))
boolean iso = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`ch_iso), `Value);
if (iso)
_url = PosprocessISOURL (_url);
* Handle function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
* @param event map which caused settings being stored
* @return always nil
symbol DirHandle (string key, map event) {
boolean iso = (UI::WidgetExists(`id(`ch_iso))) ?
(boolean)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`ch_iso), `Value)
: false;
string dir = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`dir), `Value);
string result = iso
// dialog caption
? UI::AskForExistingFile (dir, "*", _("ISO Image File"))
// dialog caption
: UI::AskForExistingDirectory (dir, _("Local Directory"));
if ( result != nil )
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`dir), `Value, result);
return nil;
* Get widget description map
* @return widget description map
map<string,any> DirWidget () {
return $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : `VBox(
// text entry
`TextEntry (`id (`dir), _("&Path to Directory or ISO Image")),
`VBox (
`Label (""),
// push button
`PushButton (`id (`browse), _("&Browse..."))
// checkbox label
`Left (`CheckBox (`id (`ch_iso), _("ISO Image")))
"init" : DirInit,
"store" : DirStore,
"handle" : DirHandle,
"handle_events" : [ `browse ],
"help" : _("<p><big><b>Local Directory or ISO</b></big><br>
Ise <b>Path to Directory or ISO Image</b> to specify the path to the
directory or the file holding the ISO image of the installation media.</p>")
+ iso_help
+ multi_cd_help,
* Store function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
* @param event map which caused settings being stored
void PlainDirStore (string key, map event) {
map parsed = $[
"scheme" : "pkg",
"path" : (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`dir), `Value),
_url = URL::Build (parsed);
* Get widget description map
* @return widget description map
map<string,any> PlainDirWidget () {
return $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : `VBox(
// text entry
`TextEntry (`id (`dir), _("&Path to Directory")),
`VBox (
`Label (""),
// push button
`PushButton (`id (`browse), _("&Browse..."))
"init" : DirInit,
"store" : PlainDirStore,
"handle" : DirHandle,
"handle_events" : [ `browse ],
"help" : _("<p><big><b>Local Directory</b></big><br>
Use <b>Path to Directory</b> to specify the path to the
directory holding RPM packages.</p>")
// HTTP(s)/FTP/SMB/CIFS source widget
* Handle function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
* @param event map which caused settings being stored
* @return always nil
symbol ServerHandle (string key, map event) {
y2debug("ServerHandle: %1, %2", key, event);
any id = event["ID"]:nil;
if (is (id, symbol)
&& contains ([`http, `https, `ftp, `samba, `rb_type], (symbol)id))
symbol type = (symbol)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`rb_type), `CurrentButton);
string server = UI::WidgetExists (`id (`server))
? (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`server), `Value)
: "";
string dir = UI::WidgetExists (`id (`dir))
? (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`dir), `Value)
: "";
boolean anonymous = UI::WidgetExists (`id (`anonymous))
? (boolean)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`anonymous), `Value)
: false;
string username = UI::WidgetExists (`id (`username))
? (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`username), `Value)
: "";
string password = UI::WidgetExists (`id (`password))
? (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`password), `Value)
: "";
term widget = `VBox (
// text entry
`TextEntry (`id (`server), _("Server &Name"), server),
type == `samba
// text entry
? `TextEntry (`id (`share), _("&Share"))
: `Empty (),
type == `samba
? `VBox (
`TextEntry (`id (`dir),
// text entry
_("&Path to Directory or ISO Image"), dir),
// checkbox label
`Left (`CheckBox (`id (`ch_iso), _("ISO Image")))
// text entry
: `TextEntry( `id( `dir ), _("&Directory on Server"), dir),
`HBox (
`HSpacing (0.5),
// frame
`Frame (_("Au&thentication"), `VBox (
`Left (`CheckBox (`id (`anonymous), `opt (`notify),
// check box
_("&Anonymous"), anonymous)),
type == `samba
// text entry
? `TextEntry (`id (`workgroup),
_("Workgroup or Domain"))
: `Empty (),
// text entry
`TextEntry (`id (`username), _("&User Name"), username),
// password entry
`Password (`id (`password), _("&Password"), password)
`HSpacing (0.5)
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id (`server_rp), widget);
// update widget status
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`username), `Enabled, !anonymous);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`password), `Enabled, !anonymous);
if (UI::WidgetExists (`id (`workgroup)))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`workgroup), `Enabled, !anonymous);
return nil;
if (event["ID"]:nil == `anonymous)
boolean anonymous = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`anonymous),
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`username), `Enabled, !anonymous);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`password), `Enabled, !anonymous);
if (UI::WidgetExists (`id (`workgroup)))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`workgroup), `Enabled, !anonymous);
return nil;
* Init function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
void ServerInit (string key) {
term protocol_box = `HBox (
`HStretch (),
// radio button
`RadioButton (`id (`ftp),`opt (`notify), _("&FTP")),
// radio button
`RadioButton (`id (`http),`opt (`notify), _("H&TTP")),
if (_allow_https)
protocol_box = add (protocol_box,
// radio button
`RadioButton (`id (`https), `opt (`notify), _("HTT&PS"))
protocol_box = add (protocol_box, `HStretch ());
protocol_box = add (protocol_box,
// radio button
`RadioButton (`id (`samba),`opt (`notify), _("&SMB/CIFS"))
protocol_box = add (protocol_box, `HStretch ());
protocol_box = `RadioButtonGroup (`id (`rb_type), `opt (`notify),
UI::ReplaceWidget (`id (`rb_type_rp), protocol_box);
boolean iso = IsISOURL (_url);
if (iso)
_url = PreprocessISOURL (_url);
map parsed = URL::Parse (_url);
symbol type = `ftp;
if ( parsed["scheme"]:"" == "http" )
type = `http;
else if ( parsed["scheme"]:"" == "https" )
type = `https;
else if ( parsed["scheme"]:"" == "smb" )
type = `samba;
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`rb_type), `CurrentButton, type);
ServerHandle (key, $[ "ID" : `rb_type ]);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`server), `Value, parsed["host"]:"");
string dir = parsed["path"]:"";
if (type == `samba)
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`ch_iso), `Value, iso);
list sharepath = regexptokenize (dir, "^/*([^/]+)(/.*)?$");
string share = sharepath[0]:"";
dir = sharepath[1]:"";
if (dir == nil)
dir = "/";
string workgroup = "";
if (regexpmatch (dir, "^.*;workgroup=[^;]+$"))
workgroup = regexpsub (dir,
"^.*;workgroup=([^;]+)$", "\\1");
dir = regexpsub (dir, "^(.*);workgroup=[^;]+$", "\\1");
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`workgroup), `Value, workgroup);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`share), `Value, share);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`dir), `Value, dir);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`username), `Value, parsed["user"]:"");
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`password), `Value, parsed["pass"]:"");
boolean anonymous = ! (parsed["user"]:"" != "" || parsed["pass"]:"" != "");
y2milestone ("Anonymous: %1", anonymous);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`anonymous), `Value, anonymous);
if (anonymous)
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`username), `Enabled, false);
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`password), `Enabled, false);
if (UI::WidgetExists (`id (`workgroup)))
UI::ChangeWidget (`id (`workgroup), `Enabled, !anonymous);
* Store function of a widget
* @param key string widget key
* @param event map which caused settings being stored
void ServerStore (string key, map event) {
y2debug("Server store: %1, %2", key, event);
symbol type = (symbol) UI::QueryWidget( `id( `rb_type), `CurrentButton );
map parsed = $[];
if ( type == `ftp )
parsed["scheme"] = "ftp";
else if ( type == `http )
parsed["scheme"] = "http";
else if ( type == `https )
parsed["scheme"] = "https";
else if ( type == `samba )
parsed["scheme"] = "smb";
boolean anonymous = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`anonymous), `Value);
if ( !anonymous ) {
string user = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`username), `Value);
string pass = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`password ), `Value);
if (size (user) != 0)
parsed["user"] = user;
if (size (pass) != 0)
parsed["pass"] = pass;
string host = NormalizeHost((string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`server), `Value));
string directory = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`dir), `Value);
// is / in the host name?
integer pos = findfirstof(host, "/");
if (pos != nil)
// update the hostname and the directory,
// URL::Build return empty URL when the hostname is not valid
y2milestone("The hostname contains a path: %1", host);
string dir = substring(host, pos);
if (substring(dir, size(dir) - 1, 1) != "/" && substring(directory, 0, 1) != "/")
dir = dir + "/";
directory = dir + directory;
host = substring(host, 0, pos);
y2milestone("Updated hostname: %1, directory: %2", host, directory);
parsed["host"] = host;
if (type == `samba)
string share = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`share), `Value);
directory = Slashed (share) + Slashed (directory);
else if (type != `ftp)
// FTP needs to distinguish absolute and relative path
directory = Slashed (directory);
if (UI::WidgetExists (`id (`workgroup)))
string workgroup = (string)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`workgroup), `Value);
if (type == `samba && size (workgroup) > 0)
directory = directory + ";workgroup=" + workgroup;
parsed["path"] = directory;
y2milestone("Entered URL: %1", parsed);
_url = URL::Build (parsed);
y2milestone("URL::Build: %1", _url);
if (UI::WidgetExists (`id (`ch_iso)))
boolean iso = (boolean)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`ch_iso), `Value);
if (iso)
_url = PosprocessISOURL (_url);
* Get widget description map
* @return widget description map
map<string,any> ServerWidget () {
return $[
"widget" : `custom,
"custom_widget" : `VBox (
`HBox (
`HSpacing (0.5),
// frame
`Frame (_("P&rotocol"), `ReplacePoint (`id (`rb_type_rp),
`Empty ())
`HSpacing( 0.5 )
`ReplacePoint (`id (`server_rp), `Empty ())
"init" : ServerInit,
"store" : ServerStore,
"handle" : ServerHandle,
"help" : _("<p><big><b>Server and Directory</b></big><br>
Use <b>Server Name</b> and <b>Path to Directory or ISO Image</b>
to specify the NFS server host name and path on the server.
To enable authentication, uncheck <b>Anonymous</b> and specify the
<b>User Name</b> and the <b>Password</b>.<p>
For SMB/CIFS source, specify <b>Share</b> name and <b>Path to Directory
or ISO Image</b>.
If the location is a file holding an ISO image
of the media, set <b>ISO Image</b>.</p>")
+ multi_cd_help,
* Checks whether some network is available in the current moment,
* see the bug #170147 for more information.
boolean IsAnyNetworkAvailable () {
boolean ret = false;
string command = "TERM=dumb /sbin/ip -o address show | grep inet | grep -v scope.host";
y2milestone("Running %1", command);
map cmd_run = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, command);
y2milestone("Command returned: %1", cmd_run);
// command failed
if (cmd_run["exit"]:-1 != 0) {
// some errors were there, we don't know the status, rather return that it's available
// `grep` also returns non zero exit code when there is nothing to do...
if (cmd_run["stdout"]:"" != "") {
y2error("Checking the network failed");
ret = true;
// some devices are listed
} else if (cmd_run["stdout"]:"" != nil && cmd_run["stdout"]:"" != "") {
ret = true;
return ret;
term SelectRadioWidget () {
term contents = `HBox (`HStretch (), `VBox (
`RadioButtonGroup (`id (`type), `VBox (
`VStretch (),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`slp), _("&Scan Using SLP..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`ftp), _("&FTP..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`http), _("&HTTP..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`https), _("HTT&PS..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`samba), _("&SMB/CIFS"))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`nfs), _("&NFS..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`cd), _("&CD..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`dvd), _("&DVD..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`local_dir), _("&Local Directory..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`pkg), _("&Package Directory..."))), // TODO: Proposal: move the functionality to "Local Directory", move ISO here
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`specify_url),_("Specify &URL..."))),
`VStretch ()
))), `HStretch ()
if (! IsAnyNetworkAvailable()) {
y2milestone ("Network is not available, skipping all Network-related options...");
contents = `HBox (`HStretch (), `VBox (
`RadioButtonGroup (`id (`type), `VBox (
`VStretch (),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`cd), _("&CD..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`dvd), _("&DVD..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`local_dir), _("&Local Directory..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton(`id(`pkg), _("&Package Directory..."))),
// radio button
`Left (`RadioButton (`id (`specify_url),_("Specify &URL..."))),
`VStretch ()
))), `HStretch ()
} else {
y2milestone("Network is available, allowing Network-related options...");
return contents;
string SelectWidgetHelp () {
// help text
string help_text = _("<p><big><b>Catalog Media</b></big><br>
The software catalog can be located on CD, on a network server,
or on the hard disk.</p>");
// help, continued
help_text = help_text + _("<p>
To add <b>CD</b> or <b>DVD</b>,
have the product CD set or the DVD available.</p>");
// help, continued
help_text = help_text + _("<p>
The product CDs can be copied to the hard disk.
Insert the path where the first
CD is located, for example, /data1/<b>CD1</b>.
Only the base path is required if all CDs are copied
into one directory.</p>
// help, continued
help_text = help_text + _("<p>
Network installation requires a working network connection.
Specify the directory where the packages from
the first CD are located, such as /data1/CD1.</p>
return help_text;
boolean SelectValidate (string key, map event) {
symbol selected = (symbol)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`type), `CurrentButton);
if (selected == nil)
// error popup
Popup::Message (_("Select the media type."));
return false;
if (selected == `cd || selected == `dvd)
string msg = selected == `cd
? _("Insert the add-on product CD")
: _("Insert the add-on product DVD");
if (! SourceManager::AskForCD (msg))
return false;
return true;
symbol SelectHandle (string key, map event) {
if (! (event["ID"]:nil == `next || event["ID"]:nil == `ok))
return nil;
symbol selected = (symbol)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`type), `CurrentButton);
if (selected == nil)
return nil;
if (selected == `slp || selected == `cd || selected == `dvd)
return `finish;
void SelectStore (string key, map event) {
_url = "";
symbol selected = (symbol)UI::QueryWidget (`id (`type), `CurrentButton);
if (contains ([`ftp, `http, `https, `samba, `nfs, `cd, `dvd,
`local_dir, `specify__url, `slp, `pkg], selected))
if ( selected == `ftp ) _url = "ftp://";
else if ( selected == `http ) _url = "http://";
else if ( selected == `https ) _url = "https://";
else if ( selected == `samba ) _url = "smb://";
else if ( selected == `nfs ) _url = "nfs://";
else if ( selected == `cd ) _url = "cd:///";
else if ( selected == `dvd ) _url = "dvd:///";
else if ( selected == `local_dir ) _url = "dir://";
else if ( selected == `pkg ) _url = "pkg://"; // hack for local PlainDir source
else if ( selected == `slp ) _url = "slp://";
map<string,any> SelectWidget () {
return $[
"widget" : `func,
"widget_func" : SelectRadioWidget,
"help" : SelectWidgetHelp (),
"validate_type" : `function,
"validate_function" : SelectValidate,
"store" : SelectStore,
"handle" : SelectHandle,
// general data
* Individual widgets
map<string,map<string,any> > _widgets = $[];
* Get individual widgets
* @return individual widgets
map<string,map<string,any> > Widgets () {
if (size (_widgets) == 0)
_widgets = $[
"url" : PlainURLWidget (),
"nfs" : NFSWidget (),
"cd" : CDWidget (),
"dvd" : CDWidget (),
"dir" : DirWidget (),
"file" : DirWidget (),
"pkg" : PlainDirWidget(),
"http" : ServerWidget (),
"https" : ServerWidget (),
"ftp" : ServerWidget (),
"smb" : ServerWidget (),
"cifs" : ServerWidget (),
"select" : SelectWidget (),
return _widgets;
* Captions for individual protocols
map<string,string> _caption = $[
// label / dialog caption
"url" : _("Catalog URL"),
// label / dialog caption
"nfs" : _("NFS Server"),
// label / dialog caption
"cd" : _("CD or DVD Media"),
// label / dialog caption
"dvd" : _("CD or DVD Media"),
// label / dialog caption
"dir" : _("Local Directory or ISO"),
// label / dialog caption
"file" : _("Local Directory or ISO"),
// label / dialog caption
"pkg" : _("Package Directory"),
// label / dialog caption
"http" : _("Server and Directory"),
// label / dialog caption
"https" : _("Server and Directory"),
// label / dialog caption
"ftp" : _("Server and Directory"),
// label / dialog caption
"smb" : _("Server and Directory"),
// label / dialog caption
"cifs" : _("Server and Directory"),
// general functions
* Get contents of a popup for specified protocol
* @param proto string protocol to display popup for
* @return term popup contents
term PopupContents (string proto) {
return `VBox (
`HSpacing (50),
// label
`Label (_caption[proto]:""),
PopupButtons ()
* URL editation popup with the HTTPS option
* @param url string url URL to edit
* @return string modified URL or empty string if canceled
global string EditPopup (string url) {
SetURL (url);
string proto = URLScheme (url);
y2milestone ("Displaying popup for protocol %1", proto);
list<map<string,any> > w = CWM::CreateWidgets ([proto], Widgets ());
term contents = PopupContents (proto);
contents = CWM::PrepareDialog (contents, w);
UI::OpenDialog (contents);
symbol ret = CWM::Run (w, $[]);
y2milestone ("Ret: %1", ret);
UI::CloseDialog ();
if (ret == `ok)
return GetURL ();
return "";
* URL editation popup without the HTTPS option
* @param url string url URL to edit
* @return string modified URL or empty string if canceled
global string EditPopupNoHTTPS (string url) {
_allow_https = false;
string ret = EditPopup (url);
_allow_https = true;
return ret;
* Sample implementation of URL selection dialog
* @return symbol for wizard sequencer
global symbol EditDialog () {
string proto = URLScheme (_url);
y2milestone ("Displaying dialog for protocol %1", proto);
string caption = _caption[proto]:"";
return CWM::ShowAndRun ($[
"widget_names" : [proto],
"widget_descr" : Widgets (),
"contents" : `HVCenter(`MinWidth( 65, proto ) ),
"caption" : caption,
"back_button" : Label::BackButton (),
"next_button" : Label::NextButton (),
"fallback_functions" : $[]
* URL editation popup with the HTTPS option
* @return string modified URL or empty string if canceled
global string TypePopup () {
list<map<string,any> > w = CWM::CreateWidgets (["select"], Widgets ());
term contents = PopupContents ("select");
contents = CWM::PrepareDialog (contents, w);
UI::OpenDialog (contents);
symbol ret = CWM::Run (w, $[]);
y2milestone ("Ret: %1", ret);
UI::CloseDialog ();
return "";
if (ret == `ok)
return GetURL ();
return "";
* Sample implementation of URL type selection dialog
* @return symbol for wizard sequencer
global symbol TypeDialog () {
y2milestone ("Running source type dialog");
// dialog caption
string caption = _("Media Type");
symbol ret = CWM::ShowAndRun ($[
"widget_names" : ["select"],
"widget_descr" : Widgets (),
"contents" : `VBox ( "select" ),
"caption" : caption,
"back_button" : Label::BackButton (),
"next_button" : Label::NextButton (),
"fallback_functions" : $[]
y2milestone ("Type dialog returned %1", ret);
return ret;
} // EOF