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1,898 lines
* Module: SlideShow.ycp
* Purpose: Slide show during package installation
* Author: Stefan Hundhammer <sh@suse.de>
module "SlideShow";
textdomain "packager";
import "Installation";
import "Label";
import "Language";
import "Stage";
import "String";
import "Wizard";
global list<list<integer> > total_sizes_per_cd_per_src = []; // total sizes per inst-src: [ [42, 43, 44], [12, 13, 14] ]
global list<list<integer> > remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src = []; // remaining sizes
global list<list<integer> > remaining_times_per_cd_per_src = []; // remaining times
global list<string> inst_src_names = []; // a list of strings identifying each installation source
global list<list<integer> > total_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src = []; // number of pkgs per inst-src: [ [7, 5, 3], [2, 3, 4] ]
global list<list<integer> > remaining_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src = []; // remaining number of pkgs
global map<integer,integer> srcid_to_current_src_no = $[];
global string media_type = "CD";
global integer total_size_installed = 0;
global integer total_size_to_install = 0;
global integer total_time_elapsed = 0;
global integer start_time = -1;
global integer initial_recalc_delay = 60; // const - seconds before initially calculating remaining times
global integer recalc_interval = 30; // const - seconds between "remaining time" recalculations
global integer min_time_per_cd = 10; // const - minimum time displayed per CD if there is something to install
global integer max_time_per_cd = 7200; // const - seconds to cut off predicted time (it's bogus anyway)
global integer size_column = 1; // const - column number for remaining size per CD
global integer pkg_count_column = 2; // const - column number for remaining number of packages per CD
global integer time_column = 3; // const - column number for remaining time per CD
global integer next_recalc_time = -1;
global integer current_src_no = -1; // 1..n
global integer current_cd_no = -1; // 1..n
global integer next_src_no = -1;
global integer next_cd_no = -1;
global boolean last_cd = false;
global integer total_cd_count = 0;
global boolean unit_is_seconds = false; // begin with package sizes
global integer bytes_per_second = 1;
global integer current_slide_no = 0;
global integer slide_start_time = 0;
global integer slide_min_interval = 30; // const - minimum seconds between slide changes
global integer slide_max_interval = 3*60; // const - maximum seconds between slide changes
global string slide_base_path = Installation::sourcedir + "/suse/setup/slide";
global string slide_txt_path = "";
global string slide_pic_path = "";
global integer slide_interval = slide_min_interval;
global list<string> slides = [];
global string language = Language::language;
global boolean init_pkg_data_complete = false;
global boolean widgets_created = false;
global boolean user_switched_to_details = false;
global boolean opened_own_wizard = false;
global string inst_log = "";
global boolean debug = false;
* Constructor
global void SlideShow()
y2milestone( "SlideShow constructor" );
next_recalc_time = time();
* Start the internal (global) timer.
global void StartTimer()
start_time = time();
* Reset the internal (global) timer.
global void ResetTimer()
start_time = time();
* Stop the internal (global) timer and account elapsed time.
global void StopTimer()
if ( start_time < 0 )
y2error( "StopTimer(): No timer running." );
integer elapsed = time() - start_time;
start_time = -1;
total_time_elapsed = total_time_elapsed + elapsed;
y2debug("StopTimer(): Elapsed this time: %1 sec; total: %2 sec (%3:%4)",
elapsed, total_time_elapsed,
total_time_elapsed / 60, // min
total_time_elapsed % 60 ); // sec
* Check if currently the "Details" page is shown
* @return true if showing details, false otherwise
boolean ShowingDetails()
return widgets_created && UI::WidgetExists(`detailsPage );
* Check if currently the "Slide Show" page is shown
* @return true if showing details, false otherwise
boolean ShowingSlide()
return widgets_created && UI::WidgetExists(`slidesPage );
* Sum up all list items
integer ListSum( list<integer> sizes )
integer sum = 0;
foreach( integer item, sizes, ``{
if ( item != -1 )
sum = sum + item;
return sum;
* Sum up all positive list items, but cut off individual items at a maximum value.
* Negative return values indicate overflow of any individual item at "max_cutoff".
* In this case, the real sum is the absolute value of the return value.
integer ListSumCutOff( list<integer> sizes, integer max_cutoff )
boolean overflow = false;
integer sum = 0;
foreach( integer item, sizes, ``{
if ( item > 0 )
if ( item > max_cutoff )
overflow = true;
sum = sum + max_cutoff;
sum = sum + item;
if ( overflow )
sum = -sum;
return sum;
integer TotalRemainingSize()
return ListSum( flatten( remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src ) );
integer TotalRemainingTime()
return ListSumCutOff( flatten( remaining_times_per_cd_per_src ),
max_time_per_cd );
integer TotalRemainingPkgCount()
return ListSum( flatten( remaining_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src ) );
integer TotalInstalledSize()
return total_size_to_install - TotalRemainingSize();
* Format an integer number as (at least) two digits; use leading zeroes if
* necessary.
* @return number as two-digit string
string FormatTwoDigits( integer x )
return x < 10 && x >= 0 ?
sformat( "0%1", x ) :
sformat( "%1", x );
* Format an integer seconds value with min:sec or hours:min:sec
string FormatTime( integer seconds )
if ( seconds < 0 )
return "";
if ( seconds < 3600 ) // Less than one hour
return sformat( "%1:%2", FormatTwoDigits( seconds / 60 ), FormatTwoDigits( seconds % 60 ) );
else // More than one hour - we don't hope this will ever happen, but who knows?
integer hours = seconds / 3600;
seconds = seconds % 3600;
return sformat( "%1:%2:%3", hours, FormatTwoDigits( seconds / 60 ), FormatTwoDigits( seconds % 60 ) );
* Format an integer seconds value with min:sec or hours:min:sec
* Negative values are interpreted as overflow - ">" is prepended and the
* absolute value is used.
string FormatTimeShowOverflow( integer seconds )
string text = "";
if ( seconds < 0 ) // Overflow (indicated by negative value)
// When data throughput goes downhill (stalled network connection etc.),
// cut off the predicted time at a reasonable maximum.
// "%1" is a predefined maximum time.
text = sformat( _(">%1"), FormatTime( -seconds ) );
text = FormatTime( seconds );
return text;
* Format number of remaining bytes to be installed as string.
* @param remaining bytes remaining, -1 for 'done'
* @return string human readable remaining time or byte / kB/ MB size
string FormatRemainingSize( integer remaining )
if ( remaining < 0 )
// Nothing more to install from this CD (very concise - little space!!)
return _("Done.");
if ( remaining == 0 )
return "";
return String::FormatSize( remaining );
* Format number of remaining packages to be installed as string.
* @param remaining bytes remaining, -1 for 'done'
* @return string human readable remaining time or byte / kB/ MB size
string FormatRemainingCount( integer remaining )
if ( remaining < 0 )
// Nothing more to install from this CD (very concise - little space!!)
return _("Done.");
if ( remaining == 0 )
return "";
return sformat( "%1", remaining );
string FormatTotalRemaining()
// (Short!) headline for the total remaining time or MBs to install
return sformat( _("Remaining:\n%1"),
unit_is_seconds ?
FormatTimeShowOverflow( TotalRemainingTime() ) :
FormatRemainingSize( TotalRemainingSize() ) );
string FormatNextMedia()
string text = "";
if ( next_src_no >= 0 && next_cd_no >= 0 )
string next_media_name = sformat( "%1 %2 %3",
inst_src_names[ next_src_no ]:"",
media_type, next_cd_no+1 );
if ( unit_is_seconds )
// Status line informing about the next CD that will be used
// %1: Media type ("CD" / "DVD", ???)
// %2: Media name ("SuSE Linux Professional CD 2" )
// %3: Time remaining until this media will be needed
text = sformat( _("Next %1: %2 -- %3"), media_type, next_media_name,
FormatTime( remaining_times_per_cd_per_src[ current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1 ]: 1) );
// Status line informing about the next CD that will be used
// %1: Media type ("CD" / "DVD", ???)
// %2: Media name ("SuSE Linux Professional CD 2" )
text = sformat( _("Next %1: %2"), media_type, next_media_name );
return text;
* Normalize a CD size list like [ [ 111, 0, 333 ], [ 211, 222, 0 ] ]
* to a flat single list that doesn't contain any 0 items (but -1 if there are any)
* If the resulting list would be completely empty, use a simple fallback: [ 1 ]
list<integer> FlattenNoZeroes( list< list<integer> > sizesPerSourceList )
list <integer> normalizedList =
filter( integer item, flatten( sizesPerSourceList ),
``{ return item != 0; });
if ( size( normalizedList ) < 1 )
normalizedList = [ 1 ];
return normalizedList;
* Get a list of available slides (images) for the slide show.
* @return list slides
list<string> GetSlideList( string lang )
string txt_path = sformat( "%1/txt/%2", slide_base_path, lang );
list<string> slide_list = (list<string>) SCR::Read (.target.dir, txt_path );
if ( slide_list == nil )
y2debug( "Directory %1 does not exist", txt_path );
if ( size( lang ) > 2 )
lang = substring( lang, 0, 2 );
txt_path = sformat( "%1/txt/%2", slide_base_path, lang );
slide_list = (list<string>) SCR::Read (.target.dir, txt_path );
if ( slide_list == nil )
y2milestone( "Slideshow directory %1 does not exist", txt_path );
slide_list = sort( filter( string filename, slide_list, ``{
// Check for valid extensions - ignore editor save files and other leftover stuff
return regexpmatch( filename, ".*\.(rtf|RTF|html|HTML|htm|HTM)$" );
} ) );
y2debug( "GetSlideList(): Slides at %1: %2", txt_path, slide_list );
if ( slide_list != nil && size( slide_list ) > 0 ) // Slide texts found
slide_txt_path = txt_path;
slide_pic_path = slide_base_path + "/pic";
else // No slide texts found
y2debug( "No slides found at %1", txt_path );
if ( lang != "en" )
y2debug( "Trying to load slides from fallback: en" );
slide_list = GetSlideList( "en" );
return slide_list;
* Check if showing slides is supported.
* Not to be confused with HaveSlides() which checks if there are slides available.
boolean HaveSlideSupport()
map disp = UI::GetDisplayInfo();
if (disp != nil // This shouldn't happen, but who knows?
&& disp["HasImageSupport"]:false
&& disp["DefaultWidth"]:-1 >= 800
&& disp["DefaultHeight"]:-1 >= 600
&& disp["Depth"]:-1 >= 8 )
return true;
return false;
* Check if slides are available.
* Not to be confused with HaveSlideSupport() which checks
* if slides could be displayed if there are any.
boolean HaveSlides()
return size( slides ) > 0;
* Check if the dialog is currently set up so the user could switch to the slide page.
boolean HaveSlideWidget()
return UI::WidgetExists(`dumbTab);
* Check if the slide show is available. This must be called before trying
* to access any slides; some late initialization is done here.
global void CheckForSlides()
slides = [];
map tmp = (map) WFM::Read(.local.stat, slide_base_path);
if (! tmp["isdir"]:false)
slide_base_path = "/var/adm/YaST/InstSrcManager/tmp/CurrentMedia/suse/setup/slide";
if ( debug && false )
y2milestone( "Debug mode - using faster time recalc values" );
initial_recalc_delay = 7;
recalc_interval = 5;
slide_min_interval = 5;
if ( Stage::initial () || Stage::cont () )
if ( HaveSlideSupport() )
y2milestone( "Display OK for slide show" );
slides = GetSlideList( language );
y2warning( "Disabling slide show - insufficient display capabilities" );
* Set the slide show text.
* @param text
void SetSlideText( string text )
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`slideText ) )
// Fix <img src> tags: Replace image path with current slide_pic_path
while (true)
string replaced = regexpsub( text, "(.*)&imagedir;(.*)",
sformat("\\1%1\\2", slide_pic_path ) );
if ( replaced == nil ) break;
text = replaced;
UI::ChangeWidget(`slideText, `Value, text );
* Load one slide from files complete with image and textual description.
* @param text_file_name file name + path of the text file (rich text / HTML)
* @return true if OK, false if error
boolean LoadSlideFile( string text_file_name )
string text = (string) SCR::Read( .target.string, [text_file_name, ""] );
if ( text == "" )
return false;
y2debug( "Loading slide show text from %1", text_file_name);
SetSlideText( text );
return true;
* Get version info for a package (without build no.)
* @param pkg_name name of the package without path and ".rpm" extension
* @return version string
global string StripReleaseNo( string pkg_name )
integer build_no_pos = findlastof (pkg_name, "-" ); // find trailing build no.
if ( build_no_pos != nil && build_no_pos > 0 )
// cut off trailing build no.
pkg_name = substring( pkg_name , 0, build_no_pos );
return pkg_name;
* Get package file name from path
* @param pkg_name location of the package
* @return string package file name
global string StripPath(string pkg_name)
if (pkg_name == nil)
return nil;
integer file_pos = findlastof(pkg_name, "/");
if (file_pos != nil && file_pos > 0 )
// return just the file name
pkg_name = substring(pkg_name, file_pos + 1);
return pkg_name;
* set media type "CD" or "DVD"
global void SetMediaType (string new_media_type)
media_type = new_media_type;
* Set the slide show directory
global void SetSlideDir( string dir )
slide_base_path = dir;
map tmp = (map) WFM::Read (.local.stat, slide_base_path);
if ( ! tmp["isdir"]:false )
slide_base_path = "/var/adm/YaST/InstSrcManager/tmp/CurrentMedia/suse/setup/slide";
y2milestone( "SetSlideDir: %1", slide_base_path );
* Perform sanity check for correct initialzation etc.
* @param silent don't complain in log file
* @return true if OK, false if any error
boolean SanityCheck( boolean silent )
if ( ! init_pkg_data_complete )
if ( ! silent )
y2error( "SlideShow::SanityCheck(): Slide show not correctly initialized: " +
"SlideShow::InitPkgData() never called!" );
return false;
if ( current_src_no < 1 || current_cd_no < 1 )
y2error( "SlideShow::SanityCheck(): Illegal values for current_src (%1) or current_cd (%2)",
current_src_no, current_cd_no );
y2milestone( "total sizes: %1", total_sizes_per_cd_per_src );
return false;
return true;
global void SlideGenericProvideStart (string pkg_name, integer sz,
string pattern, boolean remote)
if ( ! SanityCheck( false ) ) return;
if ( ! ShowingDetails() ) return;
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`progressCurrentPackage) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`progressCurrentPackage, `Label, pkg_name);
UI::ChangeWidget(`progressCurrentPackage, `Value, 0);
// Update (user visible) installation log
// for remote download only
if( ! remote ) return;
y2milestone( "Package '%1' is remote", pkg_name );
string strsize = String::FormatSize (sz);
// message in the installatino log, %1 is package name,
// %2 is package size
string msg = sformat (pattern, pkg_name, strsize);
string log_line = "\n" + msg;
inst_log = inst_log + log_line;
if ( ShowingDetails() )
if ( UI::WidgetExists( `instLog ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`instLog, `LastLine, log_line );
global void SlideDeltaApplyStart (string pkg_name) {
if ( ! SanityCheck( false ) ) return;
if ( ! ShowingDetails() ) return;
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`progressCurrentPackage) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`progressCurrentPackage, `Label, pkg_name);
UI::ChangeWidget(`progressCurrentPackage, `Value, 0);
string msg = sformat (_("Applying delta RPM: %1"), pkg_name);
string log_line = "\n" + msg;
inst_log = inst_log + log_line;
if ( ShowingDetails() )
if ( UI::WidgetExists( `instLog ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`instLog, `LastLine, log_line );
* Package providal start
global void SlideProvideStart (string pkg_name, integer sz, boolean remote)
// message in the installatino log, %1 is package name,
// %2 is package size
SlideGenericProvideStart (pkg_name, sz, _("Downloading %1 (download size %2)"),
* Set the curent language. Must be called once during initialization.
global void SetLanguage( string new_language )
language = new_language;
* Append message to the installation log
global void AppendMessageToInstLog (string msg)
string log_line = "\n" + msg;
inst_log = inst_log + log_line;
if ( ShowingDetails() )
if ( UI::WidgetExists( `instLog ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`instLog, `LastLine, log_line );
* Update internal bookkeeping: subtract size of one package from the
* global list of remaining sizes per CD
void SubtractPackageSize( integer pkg_size )
integer remaining = remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src [ current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1 ]: 1;
remaining = remaining - pkg_size;
total_size_installed = total_size_installed + pkg_size;
if ( remaining <= 0 )
// -1 is the indicator for "done with this CD" - not to be
// confused with 0 for "nothing to install from this CD".
remaining = -1;
remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src [ current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1 ] = remaining;
remaining_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src [ current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1 ] =
remaining_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src [ current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1 ]:0 -1;
if ( unit_is_seconds )
integer seconds = 0;
if ( remaining > 0 && bytes_per_second > 0 )
seconds = remaining / bytes_per_second;
remaining_times_per_cd_per_src [ current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1 ] = seconds;
if ( debug )
y2milestone( "SubtractPackageSize( %1 ) -> %2", pkg_size, remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src);
* Return a CD's progress bar ID
* @param src_no number of the installation source (from 0 on)
* @param cd_no number of the CD within that installation source (from 0 on)
string CdProgressId( integer src_no, integer cd_no )
return sformat( "Src %1 CD %2", src_no, cd_no );
* Recalculate remaining times per CD based on package sizes remaining
* and data rate so far. Recalculation is only done each 'recalc_interval'
* seconds unless 'force_recalc' is set to 'true'.
* @param force_recalc force recalculation even if timeout not reached yet
* @return true if recalculated, false if not
boolean RecalcRemainingTimes( boolean force_recalc )
if ( ! force_recalc
&& time() < next_recalc_time )
// Nothing to do (yet) - simply return
return false;
// Actually do recalculation
integer elapsed = total_time_elapsed;
if ( start_time >= 0 )
elapsed = elapsed + time() - start_time;
if ( elapsed == 0 )
// Called too early - no calculation possible yet.
// This happens regularly during initialization, so an error
// message wouldn't be a good idea here.
return false;
// This is the real thing.
integer real_bytes_per_second = total_size_installed / elapsed;
// But this turns out to be way to optimistic - RPM gets slower and
// slower while installing. So let's add some safety margin to make
// sure initial estimates are on the pessimistic side - the
// installation being faster than initially estimated will be a
// pleasant surprise to the user. Most users don't like it the other
// way round.
// The "pessimistic factor" progressively decreases as the installation
// proceeds. It begins with about 1.7, i.e. the data transfer rate is
// halved to what it looks like initially. It decreases to 1.0 towards
// the end.
float pessimistic_factor = 1.0;
if ( total_size_to_install > 0 )
pessimistic_factor = 1.7 - tofloat( total_size_installed ) / tofloat( total_size_to_install );
bytes_per_second = tointeger( tofloat( real_bytes_per_second ) / pessimistic_factor + 0.5 );
if ( bytes_per_second < 1 )
bytes_per_second = 1;
remaining_times_per_cd_per_src = [];
// Recalculate remaining times for the individual CDs
foreach ( list<integer> remaining_sizes_list, remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src,
list<integer> remaining_times_list = [];
integer remaining_time = -1;
foreach ( integer remaining_size, remaining_sizes_list,
remaining_time = remaining_size;
if ( remaining_size > 0 )
remaining_time = remaining_size / bytes_per_second;
if ( remaining_time < min_time_per_cd )
// It takes at least this long for the CD drive to spin up and
// for RPM to do _anything_. Times below this values are
// ridiculously unrealistic.
remaining_time = min_time_per_cd;
else if ( remaining_time > max_time_per_cd ) // clip off at 2 hours
// When data throughput goes downhill (stalled network connection etc.),
// cut off the predicted time at a reasonable maximum.
remaining_time = max_time_per_cd;
remaining_times_list = add( remaining_times_list, remaining_time );
remaining_times_per_cd_per_src = add( remaining_times_per_cd_per_src, remaining_times_list );
// Recalculate slide interval
if ( size( slides ) > 0 )
integer slides_remaining = size( slides ) - current_slide_no - 1;
if ( slides_remaining > 0 )
// The remaining time for the rest of the slides depends on the
// remaining time for the current CD only: This is where the
// slide images and texts reside. Normally, only CD1 has slides
// at all, i.e. the slide show must be finished when CD1 is
// done.
// In addition to that, take elapsed time for current slide
// into account so all slides get about the same time.
integer time_remaining = remaining_times_per_cd_per_src[current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1]:1 + time() - slide_start_time;
slide_interval = time_remaining / slides_remaining;
y2debug( "New slide interval: %1 - slides remaining: %2 - remaining time: %3",
slide_interval, slides_remaining, time_remaining );
if ( slide_interval < slide_min_interval )
slide_interval = slide_min_interval;
y2debug( "Resetting slide interval to min slide interval: %1", slide_interval );
if ( slide_interval > slide_max_interval )
slide_interval = slide_max_interval;
y2debug( "Resetting slide interval to max slide interval: %1", slide_interval );
next_recalc_time = time() + recalc_interval;
return true;
* Create one single item for the CD statistics table
term TableItem( string id, string col1, string col2, string col3, string col4 )
return `item(`id( id ), col1, col2, col3, col4 );
* Returns a table widget item list for CD statistics
list<term> CdStatisticsTableItems()
list<term> itemList = [];
// Add "Total" item - at the top so it is visible by default even if there are many items
// List column header for total remaining MB and time to install
string caption = _("Total");
integer remaining = TotalRemainingSize();
string rem_size = FormatRemainingSize( remaining );
string rem_count = FormatRemainingCount( TotalRemainingPkgCount() );
string rem_time = "";
if ( unit_is_seconds && bytes_per_second > 0 )
rem_time = FormatTimeShowOverflow( TotalRemainingTime() );
itemList = add( itemList, TableItem( "total", caption, " " + rem_size, " " + rem_count, " " + rem_time ) );
// Now go through all installation sources
integer src_no = 0;
foreach ( list<integer> inst_src, remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src, ``{
y2milestone( "src #%1: %2", src_no, inst_src );
if ( ListSum( inst_src ) > 0 // Ignore sources from where there is nothing is to install
|| src_no+1 == current_src_no ) // or if this happens to be the current source
if ( size( total_sizes_per_cd_per_src ) > 1 ) // Multiple sources?
// Add heading for this installation source
itemList = add( itemList, TableItem( sformat( "src(%1)", src_no ),
inst_src_names[ src_no ]:"", "", "", "" ) );
integer cd_no = 0;
foreach ( integer remaining, inst_src, ``{
if ( remaining > 0
|| ( src_no+1 == current_src_no && cd_no+1 == current_cd_no ) ) // suppress current CD
string caption = sformat( "%1 %2", media_type, cd_no+1 ); // "CD 1" - column #0
string rem_size = FormatRemainingSize( remaining ); // column #1
string rem_count = FormatRemainingCount( remaining_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src[ src_no, cd_no ]:0 );
string rem_time = "";
if ( unit_is_seconds && bytes_per_second > 0 )
remaining = remaining / bytes_per_second;
rem_time = FormatTime( remaining ); // column #2
if ( remaining > max_time_per_cd ) // clip off at 2 hours
// When data throughput goes downhill (stalled network connection etc.),
// cut off the predicted time at a reasonable maximum.
// "%1" is a predefined maximum time.
rem_time = FormatTimeShowOverflow( -max_time_per_cd );
itemList = add( itemList,
TableItem( sformat("cd(%1,%2)", src_no, cd_no ), // ID
caption, " " + rem_size, " " + rem_count, " " + rem_time ) );
cd_no = cd_no + 1;
src_no = src_no + 1;
if ( debug )
y2milestone( "Remaining: %1", remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src );
y2milestone( "CD table item list:\n%1", itemList );
return itemList;
* Progress display update
* This is called via the packager's progress callbacks.
* @param pkg_percent package percentage
global void UpdateCurrentPackageProgress( integer pkg_percent )
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`progressCurrentPackage ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`progressCurrentPackage, `Value, pkg_percent);
* Update progress widgets for all CDs.
* Uses global statistics variables.
global void UpdateAllCdProgress()
if ( ! SanityCheck( true ) ) return;
if ( ! widgets_created ) return;
if ( unit_is_seconds )
RecalcRemainingTimes( true ); // force
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`cdStatisticsTable) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`cdStatisticsTable, `Items, CdStatisticsTableItems() );
* Update progress widgets for the current CD: Label and ProgressBar.
* Use global statistics variables for that.
global void UpdateCurrentCdProgress()
if ( ! SanityCheck( false ) ) return;
if ( ! UI::WidgetExists(`cdStatisticsTable) ) return;
// Update table entries for current CD
integer remaining = remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src [ current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1 ]:0;
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`cdStatisticsTable ),
`Item( sformat( "cd(%1,%2)", current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1), size_column ),
FormatRemainingSize( remaining ) );
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`cdStatisticsTable ),
`Item( sformat( "cd(%1,%2)", current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1), pkg_count_column ),
FormatRemainingCount( remaining_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src [ current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1 ]:0 ) );
if ( unit_is_seconds )
// Convert 'remaining' from size (bytes) to time (seconds)
remaining = remaining / bytes_per_second;
if ( remaining <= 0 )
remaining = 0;
if ( remaining > max_time_per_cd ) // clip off at 2 hours
// When data throughput goes downhill (stalled network connection etc.),
// cut off the predicted time at a reasonable maximum.
remaining = -max_time_per_cd;
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`cdStatisticsTable ),
`Item( sformat( "cd(%1,%2)", current_src_no-1, current_cd_no-1), time_column ),
FormatTimeShowOverflow( remaining ) );
// Update "total" table entries
UI::ChangeWidget(`id( `cdStatisticsTable ),
`Item( "total", size_column ),
FormatRemainingSize( TotalRemainingSize() ) );
UI::ChangeWidget(`id( `cdStatisticsTable ),
`Item( "total", pkg_count_column ),
FormatRemainingCount( TotalRemainingPkgCount() ) );
if ( unit_is_seconds )
UI::ChangeWidget(`id( `cdStatisticsTable ), `Item( "total", time_column ),
FormatTimeShowOverflow( TotalRemainingTime() ) );
* Update progress widgets
void UpdateTotalProgress()
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`multiProgressMeter ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`multiProgressMeter, `Values, FlattenNoZeroes( remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src ) );
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`progressTotal ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`progressTotal, `Value, TotalInstalledSize() );
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`nextMedia ) )
string nextMedia = FormatNextMedia();
if ( nextMedia != "" || last_cd )
UI::ChangeWidget(`nextMedia, `Value, nextMedia );
last_cd = false;
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`totalRemainingLabel ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`totalRemainingLabel, `Value, FormatTotalRemaining() );
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`multiProgressMeter ) ) // Avoid that in NCurses - too much flicker
* Switch unit to seconds if necessary and recalc everything accordingly.
* @return true if just switched from sizes to seconds, false otherwise
boolean SwitchToSecondsIfNecessary()
if ( unit_is_seconds
|| time() < start_time + initial_recalc_delay )
return false; // no need to switch
RecalcRemainingTimes( true ); // force recalculation
unit_is_seconds = true;
return true; // just switched
* Load a slide image + text.
* @param slide_no number of slide to load
void LoadSlide( integer slide_no )
if ( slide_no > size( slides ) )
slide_no = 0;
current_slide_no = slide_no;
string slide_name = slides[slide_no]:"";
slide_start_time = time();
if ( LoadSlideFile( sformat ("%1/%2", slide_txt_path, slide_name ) ) ) return;
SetSlideText ("");
* Check if the current slide needs to be changed and do that if
* necessary.
void ChangeSlideIfNecessary()
if ( current_slide_no + 1 < size( slides )
&& time() > slide_start_time + slide_interval )
y2debug( "Loading slide #%1", current_slide_no + 2 );
LoadSlide( current_slide_no + 1 );
* package start display update
* - this is called at the beginning of a new package
* @param pkg_name package name
* @param pkg_summary package summary (short description)
* @param deleting Flag: deleting (true) or installing (false) package?
global void SlideDisplayStart( string pkg_name,
string pkg_summary,
integer pkg_size,
boolean deleting )
if ( ! SanityCheck( false ) ) return;
// remove path
pkg_name = StripPath(pkg_name);
// remove release and .rpm suffix
// pkg_name = StripReleaseNo( pkg_name ); // bug #154872
if ( deleting )
pkg_size = -1;
// This is a kind of misuse of insider knowledge: If there are packages to delete, this
// deletion comes first, and only then packages are installed. This, however, greatly
// distorts the estimated times based on data throughput so far: While packages are
// deleted, throughput is zero, and estimated times rise to infinity (they are cut off
// at max_time_per_cd to hide this). So we make sure the time spent deleting packages is
// not counted for estimating remaining times - reset the timer.
// Note: This will begin to fail when some day packages are deleted in the middle of the
// installaton process.
if ( pkg_summary == nil )
pkg_summary = "";
string msg = "";
if ( deleting )
// Heading for the progress bar for the current package
// while it is deleted. "%1" is the package name.
msg = sformat( _("Deleting %1"), pkg_name );
msg = sformat( "%1 (installed size %2)", pkg_name, String::FormatSize( pkg_size ) );
// Update package progress bar
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`progressCurrentPackage) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`progressCurrentPackage, `Label, msg );
UI::ChangeWidget(`progressCurrentPackage, `Value, 0);
// Update (user visible) installation log
string log_line = "\n" + msg;
if ( pkg_summary != "" )
log_line = log_line + " -- " + pkg_summary;
inst_log = inst_log + log_line;
if ( ShowingDetails() )
if ( UI::WidgetExists( `instLog ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`instLog, `LastLine, log_line );
if ( ! deleting )
// the actions are performed when package installation finishes
// SubtractPackageSize( pkg_size );
y2milestone( "Installing %1 -- %2", pkg_name, pkg_summary );
// if (SwitchToSecondsIfNecessary()
// || RecalcRemainingTimes( false ) ) // no forced recalculation
// {
// y2debug( "Updating progress for all CDs" );
// UpdateAllCdProgress();
// }
// else
// {
// UpdateCurrentCdProgress();
// }
// UpdateTotalProgress();
} // ! deleting
* package start display update
* - this is called at the end of a new package
* @param pkg_name package name
* @param deleting Flag: deleting (true) or installing (false) package?
global void SlideDisplayDone ( string pkg_name,
integer pkg_size,
boolean deleting )
if ( ! deleting )
SubtractPackageSize( pkg_size );
if (SwitchToSecondsIfNecessary()
|| RecalcRemainingTimes( false ) ) // no forced recalculation
y2debug( "Updating progress for all CDs" );
} // ! deleting
* Add widgets for progress bar etc. around a slide show page
* @param page_id ID to use for this page (for checking with UI::WidgetExists() )
* @param page_contents The inner widgets (the page contents)
* @return A term describing the widgets
term AddProgressWidgets( symbol page_id, term page_contents )
term widgets = `Empty();
if ( UI::HasSpecialWidget(`VMultiProgressMeter ) )
widgets =
`VBox(`id( page_id ),
`VWeight( 1, // lower layout priority so `Label(`nextMedia) gets its desired height
`HSpacing( 0.5 ),
`Label(`id(`totalRemainingLabel), FormatTotalRemaining() ),
`VWeight( 1, `VMultiProgressMeter(`id(`multiProgressMeter),
FlattenNoZeroes( total_sizes_per_cd_per_src ) ) )
`VSpacing( 0.3 ),
`Label(`id(`nextMedia ), `opt( `hstretch), FormatNextMedia() )
else // No VMultiProgressMeter - use a simpler version (mainly for NCurses UI)
widgets =
`HBox(`id( page_id ),
`HSpacing( 1 ),
`VSpacing( 0.4 ),
`VWeight( 1, // lower layout priority
page_contents ),
// Progress bar for overall progress of software package installation
`ProgressBar(`id(`progressTotal ), _("Total"),
total_size_to_install, TotalInstalledSize() )
// intentionally omitting `Label(`nextMedia) -
// too much flicker upon update (UI::RecalcLayout() ) on NCurses
`HSpacing( 0.5 )
y2debug( "widget term: \n%1", widgets );
return widgets;
* Construct widgets describing a page with the real slide show
* (the RichText / HTML page)
* @return A term describing the widgets
term SlidePageWidgets()
term widgets =
AddProgressWidgets( `slideShowPage,
`RichText(`id(`slideText), "" )
y2debug( "widget term: \n%1", widgets );
return widgets;
* Construct widgets for the "details" page
* @return A term describing the widgets
term DetailsPageWidgets()
term widgets =
AddProgressWidgets( `detailsPage,
`VWeight( 1,
`Table( `id(`cdStatisticsTable), `opt(`keepSorting),
// Table headings for CD statistics during installation
// Table headings for CD statistics during installation
`Right( _("Size") ),
// Table headings for CD statistics during installation
`Right( _("Packages") ),
// Table headings for CD statistics during installation
`Right( _("Time") )
`VWeight( 1,
`LogView(`id(`instLog ), "", 6, 0 )
`ProgressBar(`id(`progressCurrentPackage), " ", 100, 0 )
y2debug( "widget term: \n%1", widgets );
return widgets;
* Switch from the 'details' view to the 'slide show' view.
global void SwitchToSlideView()
if ( ShowingSlide() )
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`tabContents ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`dumbTab, `CurrentItem, `showSlide );
UI::ReplaceWidget(`tabContents, SlidePageWidgets() );
* Switch from the 'slide show' view to the 'details' view.
global void SwitchToDetailsView()
if ( ShowingDetails() )
if ( UI::WidgetExists(`tabContents ) )
UI::ChangeWidget(`dumbTab, `CurrentItem, `showDetails );
UI::ReplaceWidget(`tabContents, DetailsPageWidgets() );
if ( UI::WidgetExists( `instLog ) && inst_log != "" )
UI::ChangeWidget(`instLog, `Value, inst_log );
string HelpText()
// Help text while software packages are being installed (displayed only in rare cases)
string help_text = _("<p>Please wait while packages are installed.</p>");
return help_text;
void RebuildDialog()
if ( ! SanityCheck( false ) ) return;
term contents = `Empty();
if ( UI::HasSpecialWidget(`DumbTab) && HaveSlideSupport()
&& HaveSlides() )
contents =
`DumbTab(`id(`dumbTab ),
// tab
`item(`id(`showSlide ), _("Slide Sho&w") ),
// tab
`item(`id(`showDetails ), _("&Details") )
`VSpacing( 0.4 ),
`VWeight( 1, // lower layout priority
`HSpacing( 1 ),
`ReplacePoint(`id(`tabContents), SlidePageWidgets() ),
`HSpacing( 0.5 )
`VSpacing( 0.4 )
contents = DetailsPageWidgets();
// Dialog heading while software packages are being installed
_("Package Installation"),
false, false ); // has_back, has_next
widgets_created = true;
if ( ! HaveSlides() && ShowingSlide() )
* Open the slide show base dialog with empty work area (placeholder for
* the image) and CD statistics.
void OpenSlideShowBaseDialog()
if ( ! Wizard::IsWizardDialog() ) // If there is no Wizard dialog open already, open one
opened_own_wizard = true;
UI::WizardCommand(`ProtectNextButton( false ) );
// Dialog heading while software packages are being installed
_("Package Installation"),
`Empty(), // Wait until InitPkgData() is called from outside
false, false ); // has_back, has_next
Wizard::SetTitleIcon( "software" );
* Initialize internal pacakge data, such as remaining package sizes and
* times. This may not be called before the pkginfo server is up and
* running, so this cannot be reliably done from the constructor in all
* cases.
* @param force true to force reinitialization
global void InitPkgData(boolean force)
if ( init_pkg_data_complete && ! force)
// Reinititalize some globals (in case this is a second run)
total_size_installed = 0;
total_time_elapsed = 0;
start_time = -1;
next_recalc_time = -1;
current_src_no = -1; // 1..n
current_cd_no = -1; // 1..n
next_src_no = -1;
next_cd_no = -1;
last_cd = false;
unit_is_seconds = false; // begin with package sizes
bytes_per_second = 1;
current_slide_no = 0;
slide_start_time = 0;
list< list > src_list = Pkg::PkgMediaNames();
inst_src_names = maplist( list src, src_list, ``(src[0]:"CD") );
y2milestone ("Media names: %1", inst_src_names);
integer index = 0;
srcid_to_current_src_no = listmap( list src, src_list, {
index = index + 1;
return $[src[1]:-1 : index];
y2milestone ("Source mapping information: %1", srcid_to_current_src_no );
total_sizes_per_cd_per_src = Pkg::PkgMediaSizes();
total_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src = Pkg::PkgMediaCount();
total_size_to_install = ListSum( flatten( total_sizes_per_cd_per_src ) );
remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src = (list<list <integer> >) eval (total_sizes_per_cd_per_src);
remaining_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src = (list<list <integer> >) eval (total_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src);
total_cd_count = size( flatten( total_sizes_per_cd_per_src ) );
init_pkg_data_complete = true;
y2milestone( "SlideShow::InitPkgData() done; total_sizes_per_cd_per_src: %1", total_sizes_per_cd_per_src );
y2milestone( "SlideShow::InitPkgData(): pkg: %1", total_pkg_count_per_cd_per_src );
* Try to figure out what media will be needed next
* and set next_src_no and next_cd_no accordingly.
void FindNextMedia()
// Normally we would have to use current_cd_no+1,
// but since this uses 1..n and we need 0..n-1
// for array subscripts anyway, use it as it is.
next_cd_no = current_cd_no;
next_src_no = current_src_no-1;
last_cd = false;
while ( next_src_no < size( remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src ) )
list<integer> remaining_sizes = remaining_sizes_per_cd_per_src[ next_src_no ]: [];
while ( next_cd_no < size( remaining_sizes ) )
if ( remaining_sizes[ next_cd_no ]:0 > 0 )
if ( debug )
y2milestone( "Next media: src: %1 CD: %2", next_src_no, next_cd_no );
next_cd_no = next_cd_no + 1;
next_src_no = next_src_no + 1;
if ( debug )
y2milestone( "No next media - all done" );
next_src_no = -1;
next_cd_no = -1;
last_cd = true;
* Set the current source and CD number. Must be called for each CD change.
* src_no: 1...n
* cd_no: 1...n
global void SetCurrentCdNo( integer src_no, integer cd_no )
if (cd_no == 0)
y2milestone("medium number 0, using medium number 1");
cd_no = 1;
y2milestone("SetCurrentCdNo() - src: %1 , CD: %2", src_no, cd_no);
current_src_no = srcid_to_current_src_no[src_no]:-1;
current_cd_no = cd_no;
if ( HaveSlides() && HaveSlideSupport() )
if ( ! HaveSlideWidget() )
if ( user_switched_to_details )
if ( ! user_switched_to_details ) // Don't override explicit user request!
if ( ! ShowingDetails() )
current_slide_no = 0;
* Process (slide show) input (button press).
global void HandleInput( any button )
if ( button == `showDetails && ! ShowingDetails() )
user_switched_to_details = true ;
else if ( button == `showSlide && ! ShowingSlide() )
if ( HaveSlides() )
user_switched_to_details = false;
LoadSlide( current_slide_no );
UI::ChangeWidget(`dumbTab, `CurrentItem, `showDetails );
else if ( button == `debugHotkey )
debug = ! debug;
y2milestone( "Debug mode: %1", debug );
* Install callbacks for slideshow. Should be in SlideShowCallbacks but
* that doesn't work at the moment.
global void InstallSlideShowCallbacks()
y2milestone( "InstallSlideShowCallbacks");
Pkg::CallbackStartPackage ("SlideShowCallbacks::StartPackage");
Pkg::CallbackProgressPackage ("SlideShowCallbacks::ProgressPackage");
Pkg::CallbackDonePackage ("SlideShowCallbacks::DonePackage");
Pkg::CallbackStartProvide ("SlideShowCallbacks::StartProvide");
Pkg::CallbackProgressProvide ("SlideShowCallbacks::ProgressProvide");
Pkg::CallbackDoneProvide ("SlideShowCallbacks::DoneProvide");
Pkg::CallbackSourceChange ("SlideShowCallbacks::CallbackSourceChange");
Pkg::CallbackStartDeltaDownload ("SlideShowCallbacks::StartDeltaProvide");
Pkg::CallbackProgressDeltaDownload ("SlideShowCallbacks::ProgressProvide");
Pkg::CallbackProblemDeltaDownload ("SlideShowCallbacks::ProblemDeltaDownload");
Pkg::CallbackFinishDeltaDownload ("SlideShowCallbacks::FinishPatchDeltaProvide");
Pkg::CallbackStartDeltaApply ("SlideShowCallbacks::StartDeltaApply");
Pkg::CallbackProgressDeltaApply ("SlideShowCallbacks::ProgressDeltaApply");
Pkg::CallbackProblemDeltaApply ("SlideShowCallbacks::ProblemDeltaApply");
Pkg::CallbackFinishDeltaApply ("SlideShowCallbacks::FinishPatchDeltaProvide");
Pkg::CallbackStartPatchDownload ("SlideShowCallbacks::StartPatchProvide");
Pkg::CallbackProgressPatchDownload ("SlideShowCallbacks::ProgressProvide");
Pkg::CallbackProblemPatchDownload ("SlideShowCallbacks::ProblemPatchDownload");
Pkg::CallbackFinishPatchDownload ("SlideShowCallbacks::FinishPatchDeltaProvide");
* Remove callbacks for slideshow. Should be in SlideShowCallbacks but
* that doesn't work at the moment.
global void RemoveSlideShowCallbacks()
y2milestone( "RemoveSlideShowCallbacks");
Pkg::CallbackStartPackage ("");
Pkg::CallbackProgressPackage ("");
Pkg::CallbackDonePackage ("");
Pkg::CallbackStartProvide ("");
Pkg::CallbackProgressProvide ("");
Pkg::CallbackDoneProvide ("");
Pkg::CallbackSourceChange ("");
Pkg::CallbackStartDeltaDownload ("");
Pkg::CallbackProgressDeltaDownload ("");
Pkg::CallbackProblemDeltaDownload ("");
Pkg::CallbackFinishDeltaDownload ("");
Pkg::CallbackStartDeltaApply ("");
Pkg::CallbackProgressDeltaApply ("");
Pkg::CallbackProblemDeltaApply ("");
Pkg::CallbackFinishDeltaApply ("");
Pkg::CallbackStartPatchDownload ("");
Pkg::CallbackProgressPatchDownload ("");
Pkg::CallbackProblemPatchDownload ("");
Pkg::CallbackFinishPatchDownload ("");
* Open the slide show dialog.
global void OpenSlideShowDialog()
if ( HaveSlides() )
* Close the slide show dialog.
global void CloseSlideShowDialog()
if ( opened_own_wizard )